Niam: YouTube
"..... So, Niall Horan, will you marry me?" Liam asked. Niall was speechless. He put a hand over his mouth before nodding. "Yay."
Liam stood up and put the ring on Niall's finger. "I love you, Liam."
"I love you too, Niall."
"So, do you, Liam Payne, take Niall Horan to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"And do you, Niall Horan, take Liam Payne to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"You may now kiss." Liam put his hands on Niall's cheeks before bringing his lips to Niall's. Their lips moved in sync as the crowd cheered.
The ran down the aisle, hand in hand. They met with the limo outside, soon to be brought to the reception venue.
*~ 1 year later~*
"Today's our one year anniversary!" Liam said to the camera.
"I can't believe we've been married for a year," Niall said. "It's been a crazy ride."
"That's for sure." Liam placed a sweet kiss in Niall's lips.
*~2 months later~*
"Wait look," Liam said, pointing to the stick. "It got blue-er throughout the day."
"No it stayed the same. It's always been that blue!" Niall giggled, showing the camera the stick. It showed 2 blue lines, meaning Niall was pregnant.
Liam put the camera on himself. "I'm so excited!!"
"Me too!"
*~4 months later~*
"We're on our way to our scan!" Niall said to the camera. "Today we find out the gender!"
"I know it's a girl," Liam said.
"I'm fairly sure it's a girl so we're hoping, but we'll be equally excited for a boy!"
"Show them your belly, babe," Liam said, rubbing his hand down its curve. Niall put the camera on his belly.
"So far it hasn't kicked or punched, but it does a lot of somersaults and flips." His belly did a big movement for the camera. "Oh it's moving now!"
*~At the ultrasound~*
"Lift your shirt for me. I'm just going to put this gel on it," the nurse said. Niall lifted his shirt and she put the gel on. "Your baby is looking great. Are you finding out the gender today?"
"Yeah." He looked to the camera and did a thumbs up. "I can't wait!"
"Okay well it looks make you are having a.... Girl!"
Niall's mouth fell open and he smiled. So did Liam. "A girl! I can't believe it!"
"I can. We were both certain it was." Niall was handed a towel to wipe off the gel. She handed them the scan pictures and they left.
*~3 months later~*
"Hi everyone!" Liam introduced. "So today is Niall's eight month mark! We're only four weeks from our due date so we've been doing lots of preparing and setting up. Our house is covered in baby clothes."
Niall waddled in, a hand on his huge belly, and the other supporting his back. "Say hi to everyone, babe!"
"Hi." He flopped down on the couch, tossing his head back.
"In pain?" (Ha get it;))
"Yes. Lots." He rubbed his belly, soothing a little bit of the pain.
"Do you have something to tell everyone?" Liam hinted.
"Oh yeah. We're going to be doing a birth video when it comes time and we'll tell you via Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook when it's posted on YouTube."
"We're excited!" Niall groaned in pain. "We'll keep you posted! Bye everyone!" Liam turned the camera off before scooting closer to Niall.
He rubbed his hand over Niall's belly. He placed a kiss on his belly button. "Hi baby girl."
She kicked right where Liam's lips connected to Niall's skin. "Mmm. She likes it when you talk to her."
"I love talking to her." He placed another kiss on Niall's belly, earning another kick.
"Well, those baby clothes aren't going to go through themselves."
*~1 month later~*
Niall turned on the camera. "Hi everyone! It's about three am on Friday June eleventh, two-thousand-fifteen and where are we headed, Liam?"
He faced the camera towards Liam. "We're on our way to the hospital!"
Niall put it back on himself. "Yay! So, my contractions started about midnight, but they weren't consistent, so we just waited. But, since about one thirty this morning, I've noticed a bit of a pattern. They don't really hurt, but they're definitely there and noticeable."
"We've decided to head to the hospital to just make sure we're all set," Liam said. "We want to make sure it's not Braxton Hicks."
"There is a possibility that it's not the real deal yet so we might end up going home, but we just want to make sure."
"So, we'll keep you all posted!" They waved to the camera. "Bye guys!"
*~15 minutes later~*
"So we've been at the hospital for about five minutes now and they just told us I'm really having the contractions, so that's exciting," Niall said.
"We'll probably be here for a while because his water hasn't broken yet and he's only dilated to..." He put the camera on Niall. "What was it?"
"I'm dilated to about a one and a half. I still have quite a way to go." He rubbed his hand over his bump. "The doctors said that walking around a lot can help speed up the process, so we'll be waking around quite a bit, too."
"We'll keep you posted!"
*~4 hours later~*
Liam turned on the camera and put it on himself. "So now it's about seven forty five in the morning and we just ordered some breakfast." He flipped the camera so it was on Niall. "Do you want to give us an update, Niall?"
"Sure." He turned a little so he was facing the camera. "So, we've been here for about four and a half hours and neither of us have gotten any sleep. I was checked about a minute ago and they said I'm dilated to a four, so that's exciting. They also said that they're going to break my water which will make it go faster. We should be doing that soon."
"We're going to do it now," the nurse said. Liam kept the camera on Niall's upper half as she went to his lower half.
"Is this going to hurt?" Niall asked, chuckling a little.
"No it'll just be a very warm sensation." She smiled. Niall closed his eyes and started breathing as a contraction started. "Okay here we go."
Niall's eyes opened. "That's warm."
"That's all there is to it. We're all done."
"Seriously? That didn't hurt at all."
"It usually doesn't. We'll be back in about two hours to check you again."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome."
*~2 hours later~*
"So they broke my water about two hours ago and they just checked me a minute ago. They said I'm at a six so it's definitely started going quicker since it broke."
"I really hope it continues to go this quick. I can't wait to hold our little baby is here."
*~19 hours later~*
"So know it's about four forty-five am on June twelfth two-thousand-fifteen and we're still at the hospital," Liam whispered. "Poor Niall hasn't gotten any sleep up until about ten minutes ago."
"They said Niall's dilated to a nine so it shouldn't be too long until our baby girl is here." He moved the camera to Niall who was fast asleep. "He's so peaceful."
"Also, my parents have arrived for the baby's birth." He put the camera on two sleeping figures on the couch. "They're fast asleep as well."
"So, we'll make our next update when it's time to push. Bye." He turned off the camera and fell asleep.
*~1 hour later~*
"So now it's about five thirty am and...." Liam put the camera on Niall who was laying in the bed.
"We're about to start pushing!" He said happily. "The doctors and nurses have been setting up so we'll be starting soon."
"I'm excited to meet our baby."
"Me too."
"Let's have a baby."
Liam filmed the entire thing, from start to finish. It was a total of 3 hours of pushing.
"C'mon, Niall. Last push. Then we're going to have our baby in our arms," Liam encouraged. Niall used the last of his energy to push his baby out.
Their daughter was held up before being placed on Niall's chest. "She's so precious," Liam said. Niall cradled her as best he could.
Their daughter's cord was cut by Liam before she was taken to be weighed.
Niall was put on pain medication that made him very woozy, but he managed to fight it to spend all the time with his daughter and husband.
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