Niam: We're too young
"No. This can't be happening," Niall whispered to himself. "How is this even possible?"
Niall is 13 and just found out something disturbing. He was too young and unprepared. It was clearly an accident that occurred a month before with his boyfriend, Liam.
He obviously didn't want to tell his parents, Harry and Louis. Or his big brother, Zayn. He had to tell Liam first.
He grabbed his phone and dialled Liam. "Hi, Niall. What's up?"
"Hey, c-can you come over now?" He stuttered. "I really need to tell you something."
"Of course. Are you okay?"
"Not really. Just please hurry. It's super important."
"I'll be there in a few minutes."
"Okay. Love you."
"I love you, too."
Liam showed up at the door 10 minutes later. Zayn answered the door. "Hi, Liam. Here to see Niall?"
"Yeah he-" Louis cut Liam off.
"Who is it, Zayn?!"
"Liam!" He called back. Louis came running in a few seconds later. "He's come to see Niall."
"Oh okay. He's just upstairs in his room. He hasn't come down all day. I don't think he's feeling great," Louis explained.
"Ok well, I won't stay long but I just wanted to see him. I can call my mum to be here earlier."
"Whatever works for you."
"Thanks." Liam ran upstairs, right to Niall's room. He knocked on the hollow wooden door. "Niall? You in there?"
"Yeah. Come on in," came from the other side. Liam turned the knob. He saw Niall sitting on his bed, holding something. He closed the door behind him and sat next to the crying boy.
"What's wrong, babe?" Liam asked, flinging an arm around Niall's shoulders.
"Everything's wrong, Liam. I don't know what I'm going to do," he sobbed. Liam pulled him in for a hug. Niall sobbed harder into his shoulder.
"There you go. Just let it out," Liam comforted. "Do you want to tell me what's wrong?"
"This is what's wrong," he cried. He handed Liam the thing that was in his hand. 4 positive tests. Pregnancy tests.
"You-you're pregnant?" Liam choked.
"Yeah. Remember that night a month ago?" Liam nodded. "That's the outcome. My parents are going to kill me. So is Zayn."
"Wow so we're going to be daddies. And you're four weeks already?" Niall nodded. "Where did you get these tests?"
"I snatched them from my dads' bathroom cabinet. They always have a huge stash."
"Are we going to tell them?"
"I don't want to but, it's killing me not to. I can't hold onto it forever. Eventually I'm going to be huge and there's no hiding a nine moth baby bump from them." Liam ran a hand around Niall's back. "Will you stay over tonight so we can keep talking?"
"Of course! I don't want you to stress about telling your parents and brother. We'll keep talking then come to a final solution. I'll be with you the whole time."
"Thanks so much, Li. I love you." Niall jumped into Liam's arms and wrapped his arms around him. Liam did the same. "I'll probably have to give it up for adoption."
"Not necessarily. We'll wait and see what happens," Liam assured.
That night, Liam and Niall talked and talked till they came to a conclusion. Tell Harry, Louis, and Zayn.
The following morning, they dropped the news. "Guys, I found out yesterday that I'm..." Liam placed a hand on his back. "Pregnant."
"Wait. Did you just say pregnant?" Harry asked. Niall nodded. Everyone's jaws fell open. "What?!"
"Look I'm sorry! It was a mistake! We used protection but it broke!" Niall confessed.
"Why are you two even doing that at this age anyways?" Harry questioned.
Liam then butted in. "We thought that we were at a good point in our relationship to try it for the first time."
"Well, we are very disappointed in you two."
"I know. I'm sorry." Niall attempted to hold back his tears. But he couldn't any longer. He began crying harder than he ever had done before. He bolted up the stairs, into his room, and slammed the door.
Liam followed. He knocked on the door. "Who is it?"
"Liam. Can I come in?"
"Yeah." Liam slowly opened the door. Niall was sprawled out on his bed, a pillow on top of his face.
Liam sat next to Niall and began running his tummy that had the smallest pudge. "It's okay, Ni. They're just startled by it. I promise they'll be fine with it within the next few days."
"No they won't! They hate me!" He cried. Then, there was another knock at the door. "Who is it?"
"It's your father. Please let me in," Harry said from the other side of the door.
"I don't want to talk to you!" Niall yelled back.
"Niall, maybe he's come to say sorry. Just let him come in and talk to you," Liam said convincingly.
"Fine. Come in!" In walked Harry. He came and sat next to Liam.
"I'll leave you two alone," Liam said, standing up. He walked out the door. Harry scooted closer to Niall.
"Look, Niall. You know I love you so so much. I don't think our responses to this was right. We're a little upset at the fact that you're so young but, that doesn't make us hate you or love you any less. So, your dad and I have come to a solution. You can stay and raise the baby until you're ready to move out in five years."
"I love you so much!" Niall sat up and hugged Harry as hard as he could. "Thank you, dad."
"You're welcome, Niall."
8 months later, Niall and Zayn sat on the couch, talking about having a new baby in the house. The baby GIRL moved around so much, it was clearly painful for Niall.
"C'mon, Savannah. Stop. You're hurting me," Niall whined while rubbing his belly.
"Is she being a pain? Haha get it cuz her last name is Payne and her dad is Liam Payne," Zayn joked. Niall gave him 'the look' which immediately shut him up. "Sorry..."
"It's fine." He leaned back and groaned before sitting up quickly and grabbing his stomach. "Ow.."
"Woah, Ni. You alright?" Zayn asked.
"I don't know. My stomach just hurts like really bad..." He groaned again. "Oh god."
Zayn felt Niall's belly. "I think she might be coming. Your stomach is rock hard."
"Yeah she-" he was cut off by a gush of water come out of him. "Zayn!"
"Um alright. Let's get our dads down here. Use my phone to call Liam," Zayn instructed. Niall took Zayn's phone while Zayn ran upstairs to get Harry and Louis.
"Hello this is Liam," Liam said through the phone.
"Hey, Liam. It's Niall. Do you think you could meet us at the hospital. Savannah has decided to make an appearance." Niall moaned in pain. "Please hurry!"
"Okay I'll meet you there."
"Bye." Niall set the phone down. He felt the baby drop like crazy. "Zayn! Dad!"
"We're here we're here. Good boy. Let's go," Louis comforted. Zayn ran out to the car and started it. Harry and Louis helped Niall to the car.
"Dad! Please help! It hurts so bad!" Niall cried as soon as they got in the car.
"I know, Niall. But you're doing great. Just keep doing what you're doing," Harry instructed. "I know exactly how you feel. I had to do it twice."
They pulled up the the hospital. Louis didn't waste any time before grabbing his son and carried him inside. "Can we get a room please!"
"Of course," a nurse answered. They were brought into a delivery room that was ready. "We'll start setting up."
Niall got a gown on and was put in the bed. "Ow! Dad! I feel like I have to push!"
"Here let me just check you real quick." The nurse checked him while Niall screamed and cried in pain. "The baby is crowning so, on your next contraction, you need to push. Let us know if it gets to be too much."
"O-okay," Niall stuttered. All of a sudden, the door flew open. In came Liam. "Liam!"
"Hi, Niall. I'm here. Just think, in a few minutes, we'll be holding our little girl," Liam encouraged.
"Yeah but I have to do this first!" Niall screamed.
"It's okay. We're all here an we'll help you," Harry said.
"Okay I'm gonna need you to push," the nurse interrupted.
Liam took one hand, Louis took his other, Zayn held a wet washcloth to Niall's forehead, and Harry just comforted and massaged Niall's shoulders.
Niall pushed. His screams echoed in the room. "GET HER OUT!"
"You're doing fantastic. Here comes her head," the nurse said.
"Ow!" He screamed one last time before her head slipped out. "Oh god."
"You're almost there, Niall," Liam said.
"Shut up!" He cried. He pushed again. A shoulder came out. "Please get her out!"
"Just one more push and her shoulders will be out," the nurse said.
He pushed as hard as he could. Her whole body slipped out. The nurse held her up. "Little girl's here!"
She handed the squealing baby to Niall who was completely out of breath. He took her carefully in his arms. "She's so tiny."
"You did fantastic, babe. You did it!" Liam acknowledged. Niall was handed a towel to clean her off. He carefully wiped the gunk off her little body.
Liam cut her cord making her cry louder. The nurse took her to get her weighed and everything.
"See, it's all worth it, isn't it?" Harry said.
"Yeah. I'm so happy she's here," Niall said, still breathing really hard.
"We are too," everyone said together.
"I love all of you so much."
"We love you too, Niall."
Savannah Amber Payne
July 22nd, 2014
2:58 pm
5lbs, 13oz
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