Niam: This way of living is terrible
Request by KaylahLovesHemmings! Thanks for your request! Sideways photo again sorry!
"Thanks for coming," a new sort of but not really friend called to Niall.
"Yeah," Niall said back. He shoved his hands in his pockets. He heard the big front door close. He began his short walk back home.
As soon as he got back to his house, he flopped down on his bed and began crying. He hated this way of living. Someone different every night. Usually not interested in him, just his sex.
Niall was a prostitute. He had been since he was 15. His parents were never supportive. (We all know they are ridiculously supportive but just go with it for this story). He was kicked out at 14 and wasn't able to get a real job. Prostitution was his only option. It was the worst it could get.
He got a call from someone a few minutes later from his best friend, Liam. "Hey, Liam."
"Hey, Niall. I was wondering if you wanted to get together tomorrow night? It's been a while since we've see each other," he said.
"Uh yeah sure. Pick me up?"
"Of course. I'll be there around eight."
"Okay see you."
"Bye, Niall."
"Bye, Liam." Niall was clearly nervous because the last time he saw Niall was when they were 13 and Niall wasn't a prostitute. He didn't want to tell Liam that but now he had to.
The following night, Liam picked him up around 8:00. "Thanks for picking me up."
"No problem. So, tell me about yourself. It's been almost ten years since we've seen each other," Liam said.
"Life is great," he lied. "I have a great job and a nice house and......"
He began sputtering and couldn't hold himself together. He put his face in his hands. Liam placed a hand on his back. "I can tell something's not right here. You can tell me the truth, Niall."
"Okay fine! I have the worst possible job! I'm just whore. I can't seem to get any other job so I'm a prostitute," he cried.
"Niall, why didn't you tell me? I could've helped you," Liam said. "How about you move in with me until we can get you a real job."
"You don't have to do that." Niall wiped his tears.
"Yes I do. I need to make sure you're not living a shit life. I'm your best friend for God sakes. You're staying with me until you get a real job," he stated firmly.
"I really don't want you to have to deal with me."
"Oh please. You're the least of my problems."
"How about we go get something to drink?"
"Sounds great."
That night, they both got super drunk, not even understanding what the hell was going on. They ended up having sex together.
A few weeks later, Niall laid on the couch, feeling like shit. He threw up every 5 minutes and every bone and joint ached terribly.
"You ready for your doctor's appointment, Niall?" Liam asked, brining in a to-go mug for the ride.
"Yeah," he croaked. His voice was raspy from the throwing up so often.
They pulled up to the doctor's office. Niall for a bit of assistance in walking in because of the pain throughout his body.
"Horan?" Someone called a few minutes later. Niall and Liam stood up from their spot. Niall was checked and assigned to a hospital room.
They took several tests. "Mister Horan? We have your test results." She handed him a glider that held a paper with test results. It read:
Name: Niall Horan
DOB: 9/13/93
Sex: Male
Test results:
Cancer: Negative
Liver: Negative
Brain: Negative
Kidney: Negative
Stomach: Negative
Female Tests results
Reproductive system failure: Negative
Pregnancy: Positive
Paternity test:
Father #1: Niall Horan
Father #2: Liam Payne
Niall's eyes widened when he saw the last result. "That can't be right..."
"Well, it is. You have the full female reproductive system. Congrats, boys."
"What am I missing?" Liam asked suspiciously.
"This is." Niall handed him the folder. "And look who the father is."
"Are you serious? I'm gonna be a dad?" He looked up from the folder at Niall.
"Yep. It happened a few weeks ago when we kinda did it and we were drunk," Niall said, stuttering a bit.
"Well, thanks so much, Doctor Peterson."
"No problem!" Niall was discharged and they made ultrasound appointments as well as the due date.
As soon as they got outside, Liam engulfed Niall in a hug. "What are you doing?" Niall asked, a bit taken back.
"Trying to make you feel better." He pulled himself off of Niall and stood next to him as they walked to the car. "I know you're probably not in the best mood along with not feeling so well, but I want you to know, I'm here and as long as this kid is with you, it's with me."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Niall asked. Sometimes Liam would say something that made little to no sense to him.
"It means, I want you to permanently move in with me. I don't want you to go through anything by yourself or have to balance yours and the baby's life with the money you do make. I have a great paying job, a nice house, and you need to be a part of that. For your sake and the baby's sake."
Niall didn't say anything the whole way home. He had no idea how to react to that mini speech. When they got to the house, Liam said, "look, I don't want you to be uncomfortable here. Will you move in? Please?"
"I guess I really have no choice." Niall slumped on the couch. "How am I going to do this for nine months?"
"I'll be here to help." Liam say next to Niall. "I won't let anything happen to you two."
9 months later, Niall laid in bed watching the telly with his boyfriend, Liam, rubbing his belly. A few months earlier, Liam asked if Niall wanted to be his boyfriend. He agreed because he really had no other way to go, plus he secretly loved Liam anyways.
Niall grunted when the baby did a somersault. "You alright, babe?" Liam asked in a concerned way.
"Yeah. She's just doing flips and kicking me a lot. Quite painful." He shifted in discomfort. "You have no idea how ready I am for her to come out. This is getting really tiring."
"I know, love. It'll be over soon though." Liam continued to run Niall's belly.
"Ouch," Niall hissed. He grabbed the bottom of his stomach.
"You okay, Niall? Do we need to go to the hospital?" Liam rushed.
"I think so," Niall whispered. He felt another pain. "Okay yep it's time."
"Alright let me grab the bag." Liam shot tour of bed and started rushing Al around, trying to grab everything. He brought everything to the car before running back inside to help Niall. "C'mon babe. Let's go."
He helped Niall to the car. He ran to his side of the car before driving off.
Half way through the drive, Niall got an even worse pain and water gush out of him. "Oh shit."
"What? What just happened?" Liam asked, frantic.
"My water just broke. I am so sorry I just ruined your car seat."
"Babe, don't worry about the seat. That's the least of our problems right now."
"Uh oh. I think she's crowning. Can you please hurry," Niall cried.
"I'm going as fast as I can. I can see the hospital from here."
"Thank god."
As soon as they pulled up, Liam helped Niall out of the car and into the ward. Niall was brought to a room.
"I can see the baby's head so I'm gonna need you to give me a push," the nurse instructed. Niall gave a push when he felt a contraction. "Here she comes. Keep going."
Sure enough, her little head popped out. Niall rested back on the bed. He took many deep breaths. He brought his chin to his chest and pushed again. "Her shoulders are out. Just one more push, Niall."
"Please just get her out!" He cried.
"You're almost there, babe. You're doing great," Liam encouraged.
Niall pushed yet again. He felt a release as she slipped out. The nurse put a small towel on her before handing her to Niall.
She squirmed before crying. "Hello baby girl."
"You did it, Ni. You delivered her. All by yourself." Liam put a hand on Niall's shoulder. "Great job."
"Thanks, Liam. I'm so glad she's here."
"So am I." They shared a kiss. "Baby Leah."
"Leah Jocelyn Payne."
Leah Jocelyn Payne
April 17, 2015
4:21 pm
6lbs, 14oz
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