Niam: Now's not a great time
"And here's the last one," Liam said, grabbing a gift from behind him. "Happy birthday, Ni."
"Thanks Li. I love you." Niall kissed Liam's lips.
"I love you, too. Now open it. I think you'll like it," Liam urged.
"Okay then." Niall tore off the paper to see a little box. (A/N: they're already married so it's not a ring). He took off the top to reveal to plane tickets to Boston. The date was for the Boston Marathon. "Liam! This so so sweet! Thank you so much!"
"I know you've always wanted to go to the Boston Marathon but we were always so busy. I also know it's not the best timing with the baby and all but I knew that as soon as he or she comes, there's really no going." Liam put one hand in Niall's flat stomach. "I just thought it might be fun."
"Liam, of course it'll be fun! Even if I am nine months then. Which I will be but, as long as you're there, I don't care." He put his head on Liam's shoulder. Liam put his head on top of Niall's.
"I can't believe that we're having a baby," Liam blurted.
"Me either. I can't wait," Niall answered.
*~9 months later(April 13th, 2013)~*
"C'mon, Liam! I don't want to miss the flight!" Niall yelled from downstairs.
"I'm coming!" Liam yelled back. He ran downstairs. "I'm here. Let's get going."
"Finally." Liam and Niall got in the car on their way to the airport.
When they pulled up, Liam grabbed all the bags and checked them in. Niall held the tickets and carry-on bags. They went through security and waited for their flight to be called.
"Flight 283 to Boston, Massachusetts, USA is now boarding. Flight 283 to Boston, Massachusetts, USA is now boarding," the intercom said. Niall took the tickets while Liam held the bags. The tickets were checked and they boarded.
Once everyone was boarded, the pilot made the announcement. "Good morning everyone! Welcome aboard British Airways and I'm your captain. We will be traveling to Boston Massachusetts. It will be a fourteen hour flight so sit back and enjoy the flight."
The flight attendants went over all the safety procedures, but being pregnant and getting bored very easily, Niall fell asleep.
Half way through the trip, he jolted awake which woke Liam up. "You okay, Ni?"
"Yeah. Was that turbulence we hit?"
"Yup. Why?"
"Because she kicked me. She must've felt it."
"Oh okay. Do you want to got back to sleep?" Niall nodded. He put his head on Liam's lap. Liam rubbed his hand over whatever parts of Niall he could. Mainly his belly.
Liam woke up right as the plane was landing. It was a very rough landing and Liam couldn't believe that Niall didn't wake up. When they finally stopped moving and the ding noise went off, Liam woke Niall up.
"Babe wake up. We're here," he whispered in Niall's ear. Niall twitched his legs then his arms. He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Good morning sleepy head."
"What time is it?"
"Midnight. We're taking a taxi to the hotel," Liam answered.
"Okay." Liam and Niall slowly made it through the airport to a cab. Liam gave the address of the hotel.
It took 15 minutes to get to the hotel and get all settled in. Liam changed out of his clothes and brushed his teeth first. Niall finished a few minutes later because he had more to do.
Liam sat on the bed, watching tv. Niall waddled out of the bathroom. He plopped down on the bed next to Liam. "What are you watching?"
"The news. It's supposed to be super warm tomorrow. That'll make the marathon super nice."
"Good. I'm gonna hit it. I am exhausted." Niall pulled the covers over his body. Liam shut off the tv and got under the covers with Niall. He spooned Niall from behind.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
The next day, Niall was awoken by Liam. "Niall, it's time to get up. We need to get to the marathon on time if we want to get there for the start." Niall groaned but sat up anyways.
He got dressed while Liam got everything else ready. When Niall was done and everything was ready, they left.
They got a spot right next to the track. Not 2 seconds after the gunshot for starting, the baby kicked. "Wow perfect timing, baby."
"Did she kick?" Liam asked. Niall nodded. "She's probably excited."
"Most likely." Both of them turned their attention back to the marathon.
When people started crossing the finish line, tension was starting to grow. Niall could feel it. It was all the excitement of the people crossing the finish line and getting to see loved ones crossing it.
That was until.. BOOM! An explosion. Across the street from where Niall and Liam stood. Niall jumped back and Liam put his arms around Niall.
Tons of people were running around, screaming and crying. The Boston police were prying open the gates to get to the people on the other side.
Then BOOM! Another explosion farther down the road from where they stood.
Niall caught glances of all the people laying on the ground, bleeding out. It made him want to cry. He couldn't hear anything. The explosion was so loud he could only hear ringing.
Liam was yelling things at him but he couldn't hear. He eventually got his hearing back but was standing in shock.
"NIALL!" Liam yelled. He didn't move. He stood, taking in everything going on around him.
He was interrupted by a pain in his abdomen followed by water soaking his pants. "NIALL!"
He didn't answer. He doubled over in pain. He groaned. Liam didn't want to keep his pregnant husband in danger so he picked Niall up bridal style and carried him all the way to their rental car.
"Niall, what's going on?" He asked.
"My water broke." Liam froze. He shook himself out of it and drove.
"We're going to the hospital." Niall sat in the passenger seat, panting. Hard.
About 10 minutes later, they ended up in Watertown, a small town right outside of Boston. Liam carried Niall inside the emergency room. "Can someone please help me!"
Out came a nurse. "Let's get him to a room." The nurse led them to a room. Liam set Niall in he bed. He shifted uncomfortably before moaning in pain.
"Please just get her out!" He yelled.
"You're at 10 centimeters so let's get your baby out. Push on your next contraction, okay?" Niall nodded in agreement.
He pushed down when he felt a contraction. "Ow ow ow ow!"
"Give us anther just like that," the nurse instructed. Niall pushed down again. The baby's head slipped out. Niall took a ton of breaths before pushing again.
A minute later, the baby's shoulders were out. "One more. You're almost there." Niall pushed down once more. The baby slipped out and the nurse caught her. Niall leaned back on the bed.
The nurses clamped her cord as she cried. They put a cloth around her body then handed her to Niall. He held her close. "Let's put her inside your shirt because it's cold in here." Niall opened up his shirt and the nurse placed her inside. "Wipe her off with this."
The nurse handed him another towel to wipe her off. He cleaned her off while inside his shirt. She slowly stopped crying and just stared at Niall. "Look babe. She's looking at you." Niall looked down at her to see her eyes wide open, staring at him.
"Look at you. Already opening your eyes and checking things out," Niall commented.
Later that night, Liam held baby Cadence Piper Payne. Niall laid in bed, watching the telly. He watched the news which was all on the Boston bombings earlier that day. "Boston has been devastated earlier this morning when two bombs went off. They are said to be pressure cooker bombs that claimed three victims. These terrorists are still on the run. Please be aware of these people. The FBI are currently working on the case of the now called 'Boston Bombers'. Call in for any suspicious activity."
Niall shut the telly off. "I can't believe this."
"Neither can I. I feel terrible that I brought you into this situation. I'm sorry," Liam apologized.
"Liam, don't apologize. No one knew anything like this would happen." Cadence started whining so Niall grabbed a bottle and took her from Liam. He stuck the bottle in her mouth. She instantly stopped crying. "It's amazing what a little food can do."
The next day, Niall watched the news and all it was, was the Boston thing. "The FBI still has not identified the subjects of the Boston Bombing. They continue to run around the streets. Everyone be careful and be conscious of what goes on."
"I hope this ends soon," Niall said.
"Me too."
That night, the big story was that the Boston bombers had shot and killed an officer. Everyone was devastated. "After the killing of the police, the two men carjacked a car at gunpoint. The police are currently searching for the men."
There was all of a sudden, a gunshot outside. Cadence shook awake and starting crying. Niall stuck a pacifier in her mouth to calm her down. Liam got up and looked out the window. He saw 3 police surrounding a tall, lean man, shooting a gun. The other police were shooting back. "Oh shit."
"What? What was that?" Niall asked.
"It's the terrorists. They're right outside," Liam said. He turned around to see Niall's face in pure shock. "It's a shootout."
"Oh my god." There were countless shots outside. There was a short pause before the building shook and a bang from outside erupted. "What the hell?"
"A bomb. These men are still armed," Liam said, staring out the window. Then there was another bang. "Oh my god these guys are ridiculous."
"I don't like this. Cadence should not be here for this. Poor thing's only two days old," Niall said in a worried tone.
"I don't like it either. Oh god. A police was just on top of the guy and he got hit by the carjacked car. Not the officer. The man. He looks dead," Liam informed as the sequence of events occurred. "They got him. But the other guy is still out there."
"Oh no. This is not good. He could easily come in here," Niall worried.
"No he's long gone. He's not even in the street anymore." Liam came and sat next to Niall on the bed. "I promise to protect you two with my life."
"I love you." Niall leaned over and kissed Liam.
"I love you too."
The next day, Niall and Liam continued to watch the news. "Last night, one of the suspects was in a shootout with the cops. He was killed when his brother ran him over with the carjacked car. The car was later found. The suspect has been identified as Tamerlan Tsarnaev. The other suspect was linked to this. He is identified as Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. They are brothers from Kyrgyzstan. Dzhokhar is still on the run. The town of Watertown is on, by president's orders, under lock down. Do not leave your houses. Do not go outside. There is a dangerous individual out there. Stay safe and be aware of your surroundings."
"So much for leaving today," Niall said sarcastically.
"Dammit. This guy is a bastard who has no f-"
"Liam! There's a baby in the room," Niall said, covering Cadence's ears.
"Sorry. I'm just mad. I promise to keep you safe though."
"Thanks, Li."
"It's my job." They shared a sweet kiss.
The following day, the suspect was captured. It was all over the news. The lock down request was lifted not long before he was found so Liam and Niall found out as they were packing up. "The suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has been captured. He is in custody. The request for lock down is now lifted. Thank you for your cooperation through this time."
Niall was signed out of the hospital and sent home. They caught the first flight home. The next day, Niall lay in the couch, Cadence fast asleep on his chest. Liam was in the kitchen, making lunch. There was a knock at the door. Liam answered it. It was Maura.
"Oh my goodness! Thank god you're okay!" She hugged Liam.
"Thanks, Maura."
"Where's my son?" Liam pointed to the couch were Niall and Cadence slept. "Oh my goodness! She is so perfect! When was she born?"
"The day of the bombings," Liam answered. "It was terrible."
Niall shook awake, making Cadence whine. "Okay baby. Let's eat." He sat up and grabbed the bottle sitting in the table next to the couch. He stuck it in her mouth, which instantly quieted her. "Hi mum."
"Hi Niall. I'm so glad you guys are okay. I knew you were at he marathon and when I heard about it on the news, I almost had a heart attack," she explained.
"Well, we're perfectly fine. It was very startling and scary for those three or four days but when we were let go, we instantly came home."
"I'm glad you're okay. Mind if I hold her?"
"Of course. Why don't you feed her, too?" She nodded. He handed Cadence to Maura. She cried when the nipple was pulled out of her mouth but was perfectly content when it was back in her mouth.
"Congrats, baby."
"Thanks mum."
Cadence Piper Payne
April 15th, 2013
2:45 pm
7lbs, 2oz
By the way, the Boston Bombing was a real thing. It was devastating. 3 people died including an 8 year old boy and his mother. More than 200 people were hospitalized and lost many limbs. The shootout was real too. All info in this story is real. A police was shot dead, a car was carjacked, one suspect is dead while one is in jail. The second suspect was found in a boat in someone's backyard. It's not a joke, it is in fact very sad.
For more info and pictures, you can DM me on Instagram at stypaytomhoranlik. You can message me on Wattpad as well. I reply to all massages. Tysm. Ilysm.
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