Narry: We've missed you Pt. 2
"Wait, Zayn," Niall said before Zayn walked out the door. He caught up to Zayn. "Don't go. I'm sorry."
"It's alright. Sorry for insulting you." They shared a hug before Niall offered for him to stay.
"Y'know... I'm gonna need some help for the next nine months. Do you want to stay in my guest bedroom?"
"Ummm. I don't know. Is that a good idea?" He closed the door and continued to look at Niall.
"Yeah. Please, Zayn? We have some catching up to do anyways." He took Zayn's hand and pulled him upstairs. "C'mon. It'll be fun."
He opened the door to the guest bedroom. Inside was a nice cherrywood bed frame that held up a memory foam mattress. The blankets covered the bed beautifully.
There was a dresser on the far wall and huge window that looked out on beautiful Ireland. "What do you think?"
"This is really nice. But, won't you make this the nursery? I don't want to be in the way."
"I'm going back when the baby is like two or three months old. Until we go back, it'll be staying in my room. I insist you stay here." He subconsciously put a hand on his flat stomach.
"Are you sure? I don't want to bother you."
"Oh shut up. You're not bothering anyone." Niall gestures for them to go back downstairs. "And you don't have to stay here twenty four/seven. I just mean you're more than welcome to stay here."
"Well, thanks." They sat down on the couch together. "What time is it?"
Niall looked at his phone. "Six fifteen. Want dinner?"
"I could eat. But you're the pregnant one. Are you hungry?"
"Like you just said, I'm pregnant. Of course I'm hungry."
"Great. Pizza sound good?"
"Perfect." Zayn orders a pizza for the both of them. They stayed up late eating pizza and watching movies.
The next morning, Niall woke up only to rush to the bathroom to throw up everything he consumed the previous night.
Zayn and Niall repeated the same process every night and morning. They eventually go used to it.
A few days later, they sat on the couch talking about the baby when Zayn got a call from Perrie. "Hi babe."
"Zayn Malik! Where the hell are you?! I've been waiting here at home for days!" Zayn cringed.
"I've been hanging out with a.... friend," he hesitated.
"Oh fantastic. Who's that stupid slut you're cheating on me with?"
"Well I wouldn't consider Niall a slut, Perrie."
"You're hanging out with Niall?! What the fuck?" She cursed. "When did you become gay? What kind of things have you two been doing?"
"Perrie, I'm hanging out with him. In what world do you think I would cheat on you with him. He's my best mate."
"I don't trust that."
"Okay you do whatever you want. Bye, Perrie." He hung up before she had a chance to say anything else.
"She called me a slut?" Niall asked with a bit of a sad tone.
"She thought in hanging out with another girl. She wouldn't call you a slut." He out a hand on Niall's shoulder. "So it looks like I'm staying longer than expected."
"That's fine. That bedroom is all yours."
"Thanks, man."
"No problem."
*~Weeks later (23 weeks pregnant)~*
"Should I find out the gender today?"
Niall asked, his hand on his ever-growing bump. "If kinda like to find out. For name's and toy's sake."
"Yeah whatever you want, Niall. Do you want to make a bet on it?" Niall chuckled at Zayn's idea.
"Okay. So, I think it's a boy," Niall started.
"Perfect because I KNOW it's a girl," Zayn argued.
"You're on."
They pulled up to the office where Niall's ultrasound would take place. He signed himself in before sitting down.
He rubbed his hands over his bump as the baby did flips.
"Niall Horan?" Heads turned when his name was called. He awkwardly stood up with Zayn and they walked into the back. "So I understand you are twenty three weeks?"
"Yes. I was sick so I had to cancel and reschedule my twenty week appointment." He got onto the table before pulling his shirt over his bump.
"Well that's just fine because we can do all of that stuff today." She smiled. "Are you going to find out the gender today as well?"
"Yes," Zayn answered before Niall. "We made a bet on it. I said a girl and Niall says a boy."
"Okay well, we'll just have to find out who wins then." She put a machine on the bottom on Niall's stomach. A thumping noise came on the machine. "Your baby has a very nice heartbeat."
"Good," Niall said. She smiled before putting the machine away and bringing out the cold gel.
"Remember this part?"
"Yes. It's freezing." Niall did a fake shiver. She laughed.
"Alright here it goes." She squirted a little onto his belly. She put the wand on top of the glob and moved it around.
She came to a point where the baby was clear on the screen. "There's the baby. There's the head." She pointed to a part of the baby. "And here's it's legs, arms and its belly."
"Is it sucking it's thumb?" Zayn asked.
"Yeah it looks as though it is." She took a picture of the baby. "Are you ready for the gender?"
"Very," Niall answered. She went to a different part of the baby.
"Alright. Here's the two legs." She outlined two little parts. "And see how there's a little thing between the legs?"
"Yeah," Zayn and Niall said together.
"Any guesses?" She smiled as the boys did the same.
"Boy?" Niall asked.
"You got it. Congrats you're having a boy."
"Yes!" Niall did a little fist pump into the air.
"Darn it!" Zayn said.
"Very much so." They finished up the ultrasound and Niall got pictures.
Zayn and Niall went to ice cream to celebrate. "How did you win this? I was sure it was a girl."
"Well, I am carrying him so I know a few things. Father's instinct." Niall shrugged and ate a bite of his ice cream.
"What are you going to name him?" Zayn licked a bit of his ice cream
"I don't know. I really love the name Greyson." He rubbed his hand over his bump. "It's kinda unique."
"Yeah that's a cool name. What about a middle name?"
"I might go with Harry's middle name. Edward." He ran a hand through his hair. "Grayson Edward Styles. How does that sound?"
"Like Harry's kid. He'll love it." He tapped the steering wheel a few times. "Want some music?"
"Sure." Zayn flipped on the radio. On was Want to Want Me by Jason Derulo. Zayn turned it up louder as both sang at the top of their lungs.
"Girl! You the one! I want to want me!" They sang together.
Niall felt a little jolt in his belly. "Zayn, turn it down." Zayn quickly turned the knob down.
"What is it?"
"He kicked." Niall smiled. "Greyson kicked."
"That's great! Is he still kicking?"
"Yeah." He put his hand on one part of his belly. "Feel right here."
Zayn kept one hand on the wheel while the other went to Niall's tummy. "Oh my goodness. He likes music."
"Darn right. Turn it back on." Zayn happily turned up the music as they jammed out to Uptown Funk.
*~9 months pregnant~*
Niall carefully pulled his guitar out of its case. He rested it on his lap, looking as though he was about to play, but he couldn't. His bump almost pushed it off his lap.
"Dammit," he cursed. "Grey, you're not going to let me play, are you?"
Greyson happily kicked at his ribs. "Guess not." He put his guitar back its case. "Okay. Bedtime."
He checked the clock, which read 9:59pm. He brushed his teeth, changed clothes, and went to bed.
Later that night, he noticed he was tossing and turning, trying to release some of the pressure. No luck.
He swung his legs over the side of the bed. He used his arms to boost himself out of bed.
As soon as he was standing, he felt a warm sensation dripping down his legs. He felt Greyson drop lower than he was.
"Oh no."
Oh how I love a good cliffhanger :)
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