Narry: Military dad
"We miss you. So much," Harry said to his computer screen.
"I miss you, too. How are you feeling?" Niall asked.
"Not very good. I'm exhausted and being in bed rest is like the hardest thing ever. I wish the baby would come already," he said, putting a hand on his belly.
"Oh I gotta go but I promise I'll call you later. Bye, babe. Bye baby."
"We love you."
"I love you, too." Harry pressed 'end' and put his computer on the nightstand. There was a knock at his door.
"Come in," he said. In walked Liam, Louis, and Zayn.
"Hi, Harry. Need anything?" Liam asked.
"Yes. Help me stand up so I can go for a walk," he demanded.
"Oh sorry can't. You have to stay in bed."
"Oh come on! You can't just let me stand?! Fine, I'll do it myself then." He swung his legs over the side of the bed.
"Harry don't you dare get up," Louis warned.
"I can't do whatever I want!" He shouted.
"No you can't! Now, lay back down or we'll have to call your mum to come set you straight," Zayn threatened. Harry huffed and sat back down. "Good boy."
The next day, Harry woke up super excited. Why? Because it's the day that Niall comes home. Also, the day the he was being induced.
His phone rang. He looked and saw it was Liam. "Hi, Liam. Are you on your way over?"
"Yes. Will you be ready at the door by the time we get there?"
"Of course."
"Alright see you in a bit.
"Bye Liam." He threw on a fresh pair of clothes, grabbed his hospital bag, his phone and a few more essentials.
As he was heading down the stairs, he lost his balance and fell straight down the stairs.
He landed on the floor, right on his bum. He thought he would be fine, but he thought wrong. He tried standing but once he had one leg out from under him, a large gush of water exited his body.
"Oh no..." He attempted standing again but only sat back down because of a contraction. He called out for someone to help. "LIAM! LOUIS! NIALL! ZAYN! Help.."
He sat on the floor, holding his belly, hoping someone would be there soon. All of a sudden, the door opened. "Hi Harry let's-" Liam was cut off by the sight in front of him.
He rushed over to where Harry was sitting and kneeled down. "Liam! Thank god you're here!"
"I know. What happened?" He asked.
"I was coming down the stairs and I fell. I was trying to stand back up but then my water broke. And now the baby is right in between my hips and it hurts really really bad," Harry whined.
"Okay let's get to the hospital then!"
"No I can't make it. Please help me!" He cried as a contraction hit.
"Okay we'll just do this here then. LOUIS! ZAYN! GET IN HERE NOW!" He yelled. In ran the two boys. "Go upstairs and get some towels, string, and scissors. We're delivering the baby here."
"On it!" They said in unison. They ran upstairs, leaving Liam to help Harry through his contractions.
"Liam! I can feel it's head!" He cried. Liam instantly pulled off Harry's trousers and was astonished by what he saw. The baby's head was already almost out.
"Okay, Harry just keep pushing. The baby's almost here," Liam encouraged. Harry pushed again. A small shoulder exited his body. "There you go. Just a few more."
"Ow ow ow!" He yelled. He pushed again, releasing the other shoulder.
"One more, Harry! You've got this!" He gave one more huge push, releasing the baby into Liam's arms. "It's a boy."
"Hi baby." Harry sat up and Liam handed him to Harry. The baby let out his first cry, trying to catch some air.
Louis and Zayn came running down the stairs a few seconds later with all the supplies. "Here you go."
Harry wrapped him in the towel and Liam tied the string around his cord. Harry cut it.
"Oh god. Louis, take him please! There's something coming out of me!" He cried. Louis took the baby while Liam checked out what was causing Harry so much pain.
"Oh my god, Harry. There's another baby!"
"Please get it out!" He yelled .
"Just push, Harry. It's coming pretty quick. It shouldn't take long."
Harry pushed with all his power, letting the baby's head free. He kept pushing, letting the baby's shoulders come out. He gave one more push which let the baby fall into Liam's arms again.
"It's another little boy!" He announced. He handed him to Harry as they repeated the process of cleaning and cord cutting.
An ambulance pulled up a few minutes later. Harry and the babies were rushed to the hospital.
Harry laid on the bed, cradling the two little boys and talking to them. Then, the door opened. It was Niall.
"Ni! You're home! I missed you," Harry called.
"Yes. I came here as soon as I found out you were here. I can't believe you delivered two! You're such an amazing boy. I love you so so much," he said. He kissed Harry multiple times. "What are their names?"
"I haven't named them because I wanted to wait until you were here."
"Aww you're so sweet. I've been thinking about names and I could only come up with a boy's name which is now coming in handy."
"What is it?"
"Richard Adam Horan. It's just an idea," he said, looking at the ground.
"Niall, I love it." Harry gave Niall a sweet smile. "And I have a name picked out as well. Adrian Edward Horan."
"That's perfect. Little Richard and Adrian."
Richard Adam Horan
January 24, 2015
9:34 am
6lbs, 9oz
Adrian Edward Horan
January 25, 2015
9:37 am
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