Narry: Let me teach you
Request by Priceisrightrusher! Thanks for requesting and I hope it's okay!
"The next move is to do a wave like thing," Niall instructed, showing his dance class the next move. "So touch fingertips with the people next to you."
He came over to the boy and girl that of course didn't want to do it. He grabbed their wrists and connected there fingertips. She squirmed uncomfortably and he had a disgusted face.
"I know that was absolutely impossible, but if you want to learn the dance, do it," he said sarcastically. They scoffed. He went back to the front of the dance room to teach. "So the wave will start on the left side....."
*~After class~*
"Remember to bring your costume, something to drink, and something to eat on Tuesday night," he instructed to the students. "The entire performance will be about two to three hours."
"Okay, Mr. Styles," the class said in unison.
"Thank you for dancing."
"Thank you for teaching us." The students stood up, grabbed their stuff, then left.
Niall finished cleaning around the studio a little before grabbing his stuff and leaving. He threw his bag in the back of the car before driving off.
When he got home, he put his bag in the mudroom along with his shoes before heading to the kitchen.
He grabbed a snack and a bottle of water and headed to his dance studio. He put his food and drink on the little table and stared at himself in the mirror. "You've gotten so big, baby. I can't dance like I used to."
The baby kicked. He shrugged before flipping on Forever by Chris Brown. He began running through the dance to the song that one of his classes would be performing to.
He got to a part where he had to do a difficult move for him. He attempted to do it, even with his massive stomach, which totally backfired.
He doubled over as his stomach tightened. "Niall!" Came a voice. Niall looked over to see his husband, Harry.
"Harry," he said weakly. Harry came running over, worry clear on his face.
"What happened? Are you in labour?" He asked, frantic.
"No. I just tried to do a move that I shouldn't have. It just made the baby angry." He chuckled.
"Don't do that anymore. I need you two safe until it's really time," Harry said, running his hands over Niall's big belly. He got on his knees in front of Niall. "Hi baby. It's papa. I just wanted to say I love you so much and I can't wait to see you. But daddy needs to dance so don't get too upset."
Niall chuckled, placing his hands on his back. "I wonder what it's gonna look like when all the birthing stuff is in here."
"It'll look the same, it'll just have more stuff in it. But, it'll be all gone when our baby's here," he said excitedly. All of a sudden, The Boxer by Jerry Douglas came on Niall's stereo. "Care to dance?"
"I'd love to," Niall answered, taking Harry's hand. They danced around the room, laughing when the other did something funny and just enjoying each other's company.
"I love having a dance teacher as a husband," Harry said. "I've always loved dancing with you and sharing these special moments."
"Me too. They mean the world to me." They kissed passionately. "And if I recall correctly, it was a moment like this that began the creation of our baby."
"You recall quite correctly." Harry chuckled, kissing Niall again.
"Oh my gosh! Did you feel that?"
"Yeah! My goodness we have a strong baby."
"So I forgot to ask, how was your trip?" Niall asked, running his hand down Harry's shoulder. "We missed you."
"It was good. I was only gone two weeks, babe."
"So is it so wrong to miss my husband?" Niall asked, raising an eyebrow.
Harry all of a sudden dipped Niall (like one of those dance dips you know). "It's far from wrong, love. I missed you, too."
*~Tuesday night (dance performance)~*
"Niall, I really don't want you to go," Harry said, sounding as kind as possible. "You're about to pop and I don't want anything to happen to either of you."
"Harry, I've been doing this since before I was pregnant and all through my pregnancy. I can survive one more day," he snapped, his hormones and mood swings raging.
"I know but it's for you to be safe," Harry reasoned. "Not because I think you can't do it."
"It's too late now, Harold. It starts in two hours. I'm supposed to be there already." He straightened his tux, making sure it looked well enough.
"Okay but if you feel anything, any thing at all, we are leaving," Harry stated firmly.
"Okay. Now let's go." He pushed Harry oh the door.
When they arrived, lots of girls and boys in costumes were running around. They were getting make up, water, snacks, costumes on, and much more.
"Okay everyone! Listen please!" Niall called through the crowded hallway. "The show will start in about an hour! Please get on costumes and make up! I ask that you stop running around because the audience can hear EVERYTHING that goes on back here. Also, please stretch if you haven't already! Let's have a great show!"
Cheers went off in the hallway before quieting. "Impressive," Harry said.
"In what way?" He asked.
"Just how easily you can get their attention."
"Harry, I've been doing this for years. I know a few things about getting attention from these kids." He walked in front of Harry to backstage where there was a sound technician. "Hey what's going on back here?"
"There seems to be a small problem with the music," one of the helpers said.
"Oh for fuck's sake," he cursed quietly. He walked over to where everyone was gathered. He inspected the sound board. "Oh I see the problem."
He pointed to a little button. "See how this says on and off?" Everyone nodded. "It's off. Just turn it on," he said sarcastically, flipping it on.
They all looked at each other with shame. "Jesus I swear it's like they hire these people when I still end up doing all the work."
"That's not fair," Harry said agreeably.
"I know. It's like as if I don't have enough to work to do. Plus my feet are all swollen so they hurt and I have to walk around to everyone to fix their problems."
He sat in a chair that was sitting backstage. "This is what I was afraid of, babe. You're being worked too hard. You're nine months pregnant!"
"I know that, Harry. But, these are my dancers and I can't let them down."
A man came up a minute later. "Curtain's in five minutes, sir."
"Thank you, Liam. And I told you, you can just call me Niall. Not sir. I hate being called that."
"Right. Sorry sir- shit- I meant Niall." He rushed off, his head down.
"Wow. Freak out much?" Harry asked, chuckling a little.
"Yeah he stresses. Really bad. I get worried for him sometimes, Niall said, fixing his suit and tie. "Do I look alright? I want to make a good impression on parents."
"Babe, you look as beautiful as a ripe banana."
"Thanks," Niall said sarcastically.
"You'll knock 'em dead, love. You'll do great."
"Okay here I go." The music quieted as Niall walked on stage. "Thank you all for coming to our spring performance. I'm Niall, the choreographer. Every single one of my students have been absolutely INCREDIBLE these past six months working on the dances. They're very excited to show you everything they've learned. So let's go! Enjoy!"
He hurried off the stage as quickly as he could, catching his breath when he got off. Harry came over to his. "Babe, that was great."
"Thanks. I don't think it was my best introduction though."
"It was amazing. The audience loved it." He helped Niall stand up straight. "Let's go sit."
They went to a couple seats set up backstage for a great view of the dancers.
A few minutes into the performance, Niall couldn't help but notice a little pain in his stomach. "I'm going to go to the loo."
"Are you okay? Should I come?" Harry asked.
"No. I'm fine. You know it's just being nine months pregnant and having to pee all the time," he rushed, going into a bathroom as quick as possible.
He went into a stall, leaning against the door. "Please don't come yet, baby."
When it passed, he went out like nothing happened. "Are you okay?" Harry asked.
"Yeah I'm fine." He sat down, continuing to watch the show.
Throughout the show, he kept having contractions, but didn't tell Harry. However, that ended.
He unexpectedly got a contraction while sitting next to Harry, making his hand squeeze.
"Ow Niall, what are you do-" he cut himself off, looking at Niall's pained face and seeing that it was a contraction. "Oh my god. C'mon we need to go home. I'll call my mum to start making up the pool and everything."
"N-no. I'm not leaving, Harry," Niall argued.
"Yes you are, Niall! You're in labour!"
"Okay. Can you tell Liam that were leaving. He'll take care of it- ugh!"
"Alright. Stay here. I'll be right back." He rushed off to tell Liam they were leaving. He came back, helping Niall to the car with Liam's help. "Thank you, Liam."
"No problem. I'll take care of everything," he said, watching the car back out. "Good luck!"
Harry quickly called his mum to set everything up. "Hi, mum. No time to discuss anything. Niall went into labour. Can you please call the midwife and help set everything up? We're on our way home."
"Of course, Harry."
"Thanks, mum. Bye." He put his phone down, grabbing Niall's hand. "It's okay, babe. We'll be home soon."
When they got home, Harry brought Niall upstairs to change out of his tux and into pyjamas. "Agh Harry!"
"It's okay, babe. I'm here. It's just a contraction." He rushed around, trying to get Niall changed as well as help him through contractions. "Okay let's go downstairs."
When they were in the studio where everything was being set up, Niall requested to be on the mattress.
He laid on the bed, trying to find a comfortable position. "Ugh."
"That's it, love. Just keep breathing," Harry encouraged, rubbing a hand over Niall's bump.
"Ow ow OW!" He cried, burying his face in his pillow. When it ended, he laid back, sweat running down his face. "Please just get this kid out."
"Soon enough, babe."
"You can push as soon as your water breaks," the midwife said.
*~3 hours later~*
"Just watch the movie, babe. It'll help calm you down," Harry said, rubbing his husband's arm.
A few minutes into the movie, a very loud and startling part came up, scaring the hell out of Niall, who was beginning to doze off.
"Ah-" he screamed, cutting himself off. "Oh my god."
"What? Are you okay?" Harry asked, suddenly getting worried.
"M-my water broke," he muttered. Harry's eyes widened.
"Do you need to push?"
"Yes! Please help me to the tub. I need to push!" Everyone came over, helping him off the bed and to the birthing tub.
"Just push when you're ready," the midwife said. Niall couldn't take the pain, so he pushed.
"Agh!" He cried, feeling his baby's head get closer.
"Good job, baby. You're doing it."
*~5 minutes later~*
"There's your baby!" The midwife said, making everyone look down. "Reach down and grab your baby!"
Niall reached down while pushing, finally letting his baby slip out. Everyone cheered as Niall brought his newborn up onto his chest.
"Oh my god. Hi, baby," he said, tears in his eyes.
"Is it a boy or girl?" Everyone wondered. Niall and Harry decided to make it a surprise so they didn't find out its gender.
"It's a boy," he said, looking down at him.
"Oh my god," Harry said, covering his mouth. "We have a son."
"Yeah. We do." They met their lips together, both crying tears of joy.
"Baby James."
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