Lilo: Not giving up
Request made by lolzperson2015! Thank you for requesting!!
"Ugh!" Liam huffed, slamming his fist on the table, making his baby kick.
"What's wrong, Liam?" Louis wondered, looking at his heavily pregnant husband in worry.
"They messed this up!" He yelled, pointing to his food.
"Lower your voice, babe," Louis said, trying to calm Liam.
"Don't tell me to lower my voice, Louis," Liam said, pointing a finger at Louis.
"Now, Liam-" Louis started, but was instantly cut off.
"No! Don't say anything! We're done here." He pushed his chair back, stomping off.
Louis huffed before grabbing his wallet and putting 12p on the table.
He walked out of the restaurant, hoping that Liam hadn't tried anything too risky.
When he got to the car, he saw a small dent in the side of the hood, making Louis angry. He hopped in the car next to Liam.
"Liam, did you punch the car?" Liam kept silent. "Liam. Did you punch the car?"
He still kept silent. "Why did you do that?" Still nothing. "Look, Liam. I know you're upset but this is bullshit. You have to talk to me."
"Alright fine I punched the car!" He confessed.
"Because I was so mad at myself for freaking out back there that I couldn't just live with a little mistake. I would've punched myself, but I don't want to hurt the baby. I'm sorry." A few tears started forming in his eyes. "I can't control these stupid fucking mood swings."
"I know it's not you're fault for these things, but we have to figure out a way to work through them together. We can do it. Okay?"
"I love you.
"I love you too."
That night, Liam had a terrible mood swing randomly. He woke up with anger in his system for no reason.
However, he couldn't stop it. He went into the kitchen. He opened the cabinets and began smashing any glass he saw into the floor.
Soon enough, the noise woke Louis up. He ran down the stairs and turned on the light to see Liam standing in the middle of piles of glass, anger in his face.
"Liam!" He yelled, catching Liam's attention. Liam turned around and realised what was going on.
"Louis I-"
"No Liam. Don't."
"But I-"
"I said don't!"
"Sorry, Lou," Liam whispered, looking down at his bump.
"I can't."
"Can't what?"
"I can't do this anymore!"
"Do what?"
"Your mood swings! They're just so annoying and it's taking over the sweet and kind Liam I married. I'm not doing this anymore!"
"So are you leaving me?" Liam asked, his eyes wide with realisation.
"Until you can get it together and relax, yes." He slipped on some shoes and grabbed his car keys. "Bye, Liam."
The door closed, leaving Liam alone in piles of glass. "Why am I such a fucking idiot?!"
He carefully stepped over the glass to walk over to the couch. He collapsed in a pool of tears. "Why?! Liam you little fuck up!"
His stomach all of a sudden tightened, making his sit up. "Now?!" His stomach tightened tighter, making him groan. "No. We're waiting until papa comes back home."
He sat up on the couch, rubbing his big bump. "It's okay, baby. Please stay in there a little longer."
*~1 hour later~*
Liam sat on the couch, panting through a contraction. "Please come home soon, Louis!"
There was a noise outside the door, making Liam get defensive. A knock came from the other side.
Liam carefully got up, walking to the door. He put his hand on the knob and carefully turned it. What he saw on the other side was not to be expected.
Zayn was a good friend of Liam and Louis. They had all been friends since freshman year in high school.
"Z-Zayn. What are you doing here?" Liam asked.
"I- whoa," he said, pointing to Liam's stomach. "What is that?"
"My baby," Liam said in a 'duh' tone.
"Yeah I know that I just didn't know you guys were expecting. That shows us how long it's been since we've-" Liam cut Zayn off with a groan.
"Ugh!" He doubled over in pain, making Zayn's eyes widen and go over to him.
"Liam? Are you okay? What just happened?" He asked, worry clear in his voice.
"It's a contraction. It'll pass," he assured. He groaned again. "Just give it a minute."
"Liam, we need to go to the hospital. You're in labour!"
"No shit, Sherlock," Liam sassed. "Sorry."
"It's okay. But we need to get to the hospital. Where's Louis?"
Liam stood up. "He's not here. He left."
"What do you mean he left?"
"I had a freak attack and he is really sick of it so he walked out."
"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. But let's go!"
"I'm not leaving without Louis! He is my husband and he wants to be there for the baby's birth."
"I understand. I'll call him on the way there."
A contraction ripped through for Liam's abdomen, making him cry out. "Alright."
Zayn helped Liam to his car. He jumped into the drivers seat, quickly driving away. He dialled Louis. "Damn it. He's not answering."
"Just leave it. He'll call back." Liam looked out the window, running his hand over his belly. "So what's up with you and Niall?"
"Uh well, we're expecting. Twin girls to be exact."
"Are you serious?" Zayn nodded. "Zayn, that's great!"
"Thanks. We're really excited and-"
"Oh my god."
"I know. We really can't wait-"
"No. Not that. My water broke."
"Oh. Oh my god. Okay I'm speeding up."
When they arrived to the hospital, Liam was out in a room. He was checked and already ten centimetres, ready to push.
"One... two... three... four... five... six... seven... eight... nine... ten..."
*~1 hour later~*
"Last push here, Liam," Zayn said, taking Liam's hand. Liam took a deep breath but he stayed laying down when the door flew open.
"Liam!" Louis yelled.
"Louis," Liam said, out of breath and reaching a hand out for Louis. Louis quickly came stumbling over, grabbing Liam's hand.
"It's okay, babe. I'm here now," he cooed, looking at his tired husband. "Just breathe."
Liam took a breath and brought his chin to his chest. "There you go, babe. There's our baby!"
Liam laid back as their baby was held up. "It's a girl!"
"Oh my gosh. She's beautiful, Liam." The baby girl was placed on Liam's chest carefully. He wrapped his arms around her body, cradling her.
"Hi little one. Baby Alexandria Tomlinson."
"She's so cute," Zayn said, looking at her.
"And you get two of them soon."
"Yeah. Thanks for letting me experience this, Liam. Now I know how it'll run down when it's our turn."
"You're welcome. Thanks for helping me."
"It's no problem."
"Welcome to the world Alexandria Tomlinson."
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