Lilo/Niam: Meet the Paynes
This one shot contains: Lilo, Niam, Narry and Larry.
"C'mon, Louis. You can do it. Our baby's almost here," Liam said, holding his husband's hand.
"Agh I can't," Louis said, breathless.
"Yes you can. Just one more." Louis brought his chin to his chest for the final time, bringing his baby into the world. "Oh my goodness."
"It's a boy!" The nurse announced. He was placed on Louis' chest.
"Hi baby boy." He softly rubbed the towel over his little body as he squirmed and the nurse suctioned his nose and mouth.
"Little James," Liam said, running a finger down his cheek.
*~A few weeks later~*
"Louis, c'mon. Don't be like this," Liam begged, watching his husband become red with anger.
"Don't tell me how to act, Liam," he huffed.
"Louis, this behaviour is ridiculous! I thought it was just because of your pregnancy, but you're still acting like it and James is almost a month old. What is going on?" Liam asked, putting his hands on Louis' shoulders.
Louis quickly removed them. "Don't touch me. I want a divorce-" He immediately covered his mouth.
"W-what?" Liam asked, tears forming.
"I want a divorce. I can't do this. You're so demanding and I can't take it. I'm tired, stressed, and the last thing you want to do is help me."
"Please. Take it back, Louis. You don't really want one do you?"
"I do."
"Well, if you're so tired and stressed, then why do you want me gone? I help you so much."
"That's why I'm tired, Liam! I don't get any sleep! James doesn't sleep and you never take the night shift. Ever!"
"Louis I-" A cry came from upstairs, meaning James was awake.
"Just get out, Liam," Louis said, pointing to the door. "We'll file the divorce papers later but just get out."
"I said get out!" He yelled. Liam looked to the floor and walked out.
"I'm sorry, Lou," was the last thing he whispered before shutting the door.
He get in his car, driving to the closest bar. He sat in a barstool, waiting to be waited on. Eventually a person came out to wait on him.
"Hello. What can I get for you?" He asked, his accent thick.
"A beer. Whatever kind you think is best," he said, not taking his hand away from his face.
"Well, I'll go get that then." He walked into the back room. Liam ran a hand through his hair. The waiter came back out with his finest beer. "Here you go. This is my favourite."
Liam sipped it, instantly enjoying it. "Wow this is really good."
"Yeah it's brewed in the room back there," he said, pointing to the back room.
"That's cool. I've always wondered, what's it like working in a bar?"
"It's cool. You get a drink whenever you want but it is what it is." Those words made Liam lose it. That's what Louis always used to say. "Whoa are you alright, man?"
"I'm sorry. I just divorced my husband. He always used to say 'It is what it is'."
"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I didn't know."
"It's alright."
The waiter looked at his watch. "Ooh break time!" He grabbed a drink and sat next to Liam. "If you'd like to talk about it, I'd love to hear."
"Um sure." Liam moved his seat so he was facing the waiter. "So my husband and I got married two years ago. Just a few weeks ago, we had a baby. His attitude was really bad and I don't understand why. I didn't want to divorce him, but he forced me out of the house."
"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. What was his name? Your husband's and baby's."
"My husband was Louis and my son is James."
"Oh okay." The waiter looked at his drink. "I went through something similar about a year ago. My boyfriend broke up with me because he wanted me to marry him and he wanted to have kids. I said I wasn't ready and he freaked out. I never saw him after that. I cried forever. He was the best thing that had happened to me."
"I'm really sorry. He sounds really cool."
"He was. Now I wish I would have said yes."
"Yeah. Well, maybe luck will be on your side with him."
"Oh I've gotta go find a hotel but I've really enjoyed talking with you. It made me feel a lot better." He stood up, leaving some money in the table and put out his hand. "I'm Liam."
The waiter shook his hand. "I'm Niall."
*~8 months later~*
"I'm all moved out, the papers are filed, I have a new apartment, and life is good," Liam said cheerfully to his boyfriend of exactly six months, Niall.
"That's great, babe." Niall smiled, wiping down the bar. "Where do you live now?"
"Here's the exciting part. I live in the same apartment building as you!"
"What?! Are you serious?! Why didn't you just ask to move in with me?"
"Because of the nights I have James. I want you to have sleep, too. Plus, I have so many toys and things for him that it takes up so much space. There's not enough room for all of that in your place. Also, I didn't want to invite myself over."
"That's so exiting! What apartment are you in?"
"Two- fourteen."
"No way! I'm right down the hall!"
"I know! Anyways, I have to go meet the moving truck but I just wanted to let you know."
"Thanks so much. I'll be home tonight. Maybe I'll catch you before too late."
"Of course." Liam reached over the bar, kissing Niall. "Love you."
"I love you, too." Liam went out the door, hurrying to his new apartment.
*~6 months later~*
"Do you, Liam Payne, take Niall Horan to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"And do you, Niall Horan, take Liam Payne to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"You may now kiss." Cheers erupted as Liam and Niall became a married couple.
"No, James. You can't eat any crayons," Louis scolded, taking a blue crayon out of James' mouth. "It's icky."
He whined. "Here play with this." Louis handed James a teething toy. He stuck it in his mouth, squealing at the good feeling on his gums.
"You're so good with him," Louis' boyfriend, Harry said.
"Ha well, I know I have so much fun with him but to be honest, I haven't gotten a full night of sleep in eight months."
"Are you serious? Why don't you move in with me? If be happy to help, babe."
"Of course! I'll help you move!"
*~3 years later~* (I know huge time jump)
"Liam! Liam! Liam!" Niall called, coming down the hall, something in his grasp.
"What? Are you okay?" Liam asked, putting his knife and carrots down.
"I'm fine. Look." He handed Liam a stick.
"Wait you're-"
"Pregnant! Isn't it exciting!"
"Babe this is..." Liam started, staring at the stick. "The best news ever!"
He picked Niall up, spinning him around. "I'm glad you're happy."
"Happy? Niall, I'm ecstatic!"
"I'm nervous," Louis said, pacing back and forth.
"Don't be. You're just going to see your ex husband and his husband. Just act cool and you'll be fine," Harry said, putting a plate of pasta in front of James who immediately dug in.
"I know but James hasn't seen his father in three years! I don't know what it's going to be like!" He cried, sitting in a chair next to James.
"Louis, worst case scenario, he's a smoker and drug addict. He's not so you're fine. If we're lucky, maybe they'll have a step brother or sister for James. They've been married for three years."
"I know that. Will you come with me?"
"You want me to come?"
"Yeah! I'm sure he'd love to meet you."
"Okay I'd love to."
*~A few hours later~*
"Let's meet your step brother, baby," Liam said, placing a hand on Niall's flat stomach.
"Do you think Louis will be okay with me?" Niall asked, a bit worried.
"Of course he'll be fine. He'll love you." Liam kissed Niall's lips. "Oh here he comes."
Liam helped Niall stood up before standing up himself. He walked to the door of the cafe to meet with Louis and his son he hadn't seen in three years.
When he saw James, he broke down in tears. "J-James?"
He kneeled on the ground, holding out his arms. James was a bit hesitant, but Louis reassured him it was okay and that Liam was his dad.
"Daddy?" He asked, waking towards Liam.
"Yeah, buddy. I'm your daddy," Liam said, tears beginning to fall. James finally realised who Liam was so he ran into his arms. "I love you, James."
"I love you too, daddy."
Louis and Niall watched as their moment was shared. When they finally came out of their hug, Liam ruffled his son's hair. "I missed you, buddy."
"I missed you too, daddy!" James began bouncing around, stopping at Louis. "Daddy, can I show daddy what I made with Harry?"
"Of course! Harry's bringing it when he comes in a few minutes."
"Yay!" James jumped around again, stopping at Niall. "Hello!"
"Hey buddy," Niall said. "I'm Niall."
"Cool! Can we play?"
"Of course!" James and Niall took off, going to play, leaving Liam and Louis to talk.
"So who's Harry?" Liam asked, rudeness not intended.
"He's my boyfriend," Louis answered a by awkwardly.
"Cool. Is he good with James?" Liam asked. "How long have you been together?"
"Three years."
"Wow. Ever consider getting married?"
"Not really. I mean it would be nice, but I think we're good at this point."
"That's good." Niall and James came over minute later, laughing.
"Come sit, guys!" Liam said, motioning to the seats next to him. James sat in a seat in between Liam and Niall.
Louis looked at James before tuning around. "Oh here he comes."
Louis got up, going to meet his boyfriend. Harry didn't show his face at all, making Liam and Niall curious. They stood up, Liam giving James his phone to play on.
Louis and Harry met Liam and Niall half way. Harry still hadn't shown his face.
Louis begins introducing people. "Liam, Niall, this is Harry."
Harry showed his face. Niall's face fell when he saw Harry's.
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