Lilo/Narry: Easter kids!
Request made by Anime1Dlover1396! Thanks for your request!
Sorry it's taking me so long to do the other requests I've just been really really busy but I'm trying to get them done!
"C'mon, Harry! Get up! It's Easter!" Niall shouted. "Liam and Louis have already started searching for eggs!"
"I don't want to get up," Harry pouted. He put a pillow over his face. "The twins kept me up all night long."
"How about we just look for eggs and then we can all take a nap?" Niall suggested. "I know you want to."
"Oh fine. Help me up?"
"Course." Niall helped pull heavily pregnant Harry out of bed. They made it out to the living room where Liam and Louis sat proudly with all the eggs in baskets in front of them. "Did you find them all without us?"
"No. We found the ones inside but not outside," Louis said.
"Okay so let's go get dressed then head outside," Niall said. They all went into their bedrooms to get dressed. Harry wore loose clothing. He wore a Green Bay Packers shirt with some sweatpants. Niall wore his 5SOS shirt with some jeans.
They all headed out to the garden to hunt for eggs. "Look how much everything has grown out here," Harry said. "Maybe later we should pick some of the food."
"Sounds fun!" Louis squealed. "I'm gonna go get the scissors and other stuff."
As soon as he was inside, Liam said, "Does he realise that we have to get the eggs first?"
"I don't think so. Just let him do his thing. Maybe he'll catch on later," Niall said.
"Ouch," Harry whispered.
"Woah you alright, Hazzy?" Niall asked.
"Yeah they're just kicking a lot and it hurts."
"Okay but let me know if we need to go to the hospital."
"Hey guys! I got the stuff!" Louis yelled from the house.
"Just bring it out here, babe!" Liam called back. Louis came running up with all the stuff.
"Ta da!"
"Good job. Now help us find eggs."
An hour later, and a the eggs hadn't been found yet. Let's just say that someone *couch cough Louis* was being a distraction so no one could do anything.
Harry sat in a little beach chair they found in their shed. He was just getting too tired to stand anymore. That is, until he had to get up and use the loo.
As soon as he stood, a gush of water left his body. "Oh no..."
Liam happened to be watching so he rushed over. "Are you alright, Harry?"
"No! My water just broke and I'm pretty sure one of them is crowning at this point!" He yelled. Now, Niall and Louis can over to help.
"We should get going to the hospital," Louis suggested.
"I can't make it. I have to push! Like right now!" Harry yelled.
"Uh okay. Louis, go get a towel from the bathroom. Niall, go get some scissors and call the ambulance," Liam instructed. They nodded before rushing inside.
"Liam, please. I can feel the baby!" He yelled. Liam pulled down Harry's trousers to see the baby's head already half way out. "Liam!"
"Okay I've got the baby. Just push, Harry," Liam said. Louis and Niall came running out a few seconds later.
"Oh wow. This is going faster than I thought," Louis commented.
"Hand me the towel, Lou." Louis handed Liam the towel. He wrapped it around the baby's head which was all the way out. "There you go, Harry. Push again for me."
Harry pushed again. The baby's body slipped out of Harry's, right into Liam's arms. "It's a boy. Great job, Harry."
Liam wrapped the crying boy in the towel and handed him to Harry. "Hi baby."
"Our little boy," Niall said. He leaned down and kissed Harry. The baby let out a loud cry. "Someone doesn't want to be here."
"Yeah but I'm glad he is."
"Me too." Niall took the scissors and cut his cord making him cry louder.
"Hey Ni, will you take him? I think the second one wants out, too."
"Of course." Niall took the little boy from Harry's arms.
"Okay, Harry. Just do the exact same thing you did last time," Liam instructed. Harry nodded before pushing. "Louis, can I have a towel?"
"I don't have any more," he said.
"What?! So you went to get a towel, knowing there was twins and you only brought o-" he cut himself off. "I'll just go get one. Louis, help Harry."
"I don't know how to deliver a baby!" He argued.
"Just do what I did! It's not that difficult. I'll be right back." He ran off into the house, leaving Louis to deliver the baby.
"Louis, please," Harry begged.
"Uh uh okay okay. Um just push," Louis stuttered. Harry ignored the confusions going on in Louis' head and just pushed.
"Good job, Harry. You're doing fantastic," Niall encouraged, still cradling the baby boy.
"Ah! Get this kid out!" Harry yelled.
"Just keep going," Louis encouraged. "It's head is almost out."
Harry push one more time, and the baby's head slipped out. Louis was hesitant, but eventually took a hold of its head. "Good job, Harry. Do that again."
Liam came running outside with a few towels. He ran over to where everyone was gathered and set down the towels. "I'll take over here. Thanks, Lou."
"You're welcome." Liam took Louis' place in from of Harry. He quickly took the band head in his hands.
"Push, Harry!" Harry pushed as hard as he could. The baby's shoulders slipped into his arms. He took a small hand towel and began wiping off the baby. "Now you're going to pant the baby out. Just pant and push a little every once in a while. It'll be over shortly."
Harry began panting as he felt the baby slip out with every exhale. Eventually, Harry felt a release and Liam held up a baby. "It's a girl. Here you go."
Harry took the little girl in his arms. "Hi baby girl. Thank goodness you're here."
Niall came over with the boy in his arms. "Great job, babe. You are so amazing."
That put their noses together before sharing a passionate kiss. Liam and Louis watched. "Liam, Louis, we had a question to ask you."
"What's up?"
"Will you be the kids' godfathers?" Harry asked.
"Of course!" Louis yelled. He got up and started jumping around. "We're godfathers!"
"Calm down, Louis, you're scaring the babies," Liam said.
"Oh sorry."
"No worries," Niall said.
A few hours later, Harry sat in the hospital bed, holding the baby boy, Niall holding the baby girl.
They decided on the namesRyan Edward Styles and Avery Rose Styles.
Ryan Edward Styles
April 5th, 2015
11 am
6lbs, 14oz
Avery Rose Styles
April 5th, 2015
11:05 am
6lbs, 7oz
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