Larry: You cheater!
Request made by InLoveWith_CASHEW! Thanks for requesting!
"Okay I'm leaving in twenty," Harry announced coming out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his wide waist.
"Are you sure you should go today?" Louis asked, a bit unsure about his heavily pregnant husband's decision.
"Yes because someone needs to support the family and it sure as hell isn't you so..." Harry trailed off.
"C'mon, Harry. Don't say that. You know the only reason I don't have a job is because I'm dedicating my time to you, the baby, and getting my master's degree so I can get a good job to support everyone."
"I know," Harry started. "I'm happy that you're doing that, but you can't get like a small job? Just to help a little bit?"
"Well, what should I do?"
"I don't know!" Harry laughed. "That's for you to figure out."
"Aw c'mon. One suggestion is all I ask."
"I don't know. Um, work at Starbucks or something."
"Okay I'll consider that. Now go. I bet by the end of the day, I'll have a job and you can take time off to care for our little munchkin," Louis said, rubbing Harry's swollen bump.
"Okay I'm counting on it."
"You can."
Louis walked Harry out to the car. "Be safe, today."
"Thanks, Lou. I should be back around five or six."
"Okay. I love you." Louis kissed Harry through the open car window.
"I love you too, Louis." Harry backed thaw car out do the drive way, driving off to his busy job as a child life specialist.
{A/N: A child life specialist is someone who works at a children's hospital and they walk around, giving kids that are having treatment or admitted toys to play with and they talk about all sorts of stuff.}
When he arrived, he signed in and headed back to his small office. He worked in the chemotherapy clinic so he went to all the little stations where the kids were getting treatment and hangs out with them.
He went to one of the kids' station who he's known for a long time. Her name was Abby and she was 3. "Good morning, Abby? How are you this morning?"
She laid on her mum's chest, her head in the crook of her neck. She slightly waved to Harry before cuddling back into her chest.
"Sorry, Harry. She's not feeling too well this morning," her mum said.
"Oh no! Do you want something to eat or drink, Abby?" She shook her head. "No? Okay well if you want anything, you can let me know or you can go in the kitchen. It's open for you."
"Thanks, Harry," her mum said.
"No problem."
After a few long hours of work, it was finally Harry's lunch break. He planned on going to the cafeteria, but he was cut off when his work pal, Ellie, told him someone was there to see him.
"Okay I'll be right there." Ellie went back to work and Harry headed out to the main lobby and check in area.
Standing there, with brown hair, blue eyes, Starbucks, and a couple brown paper bags, was Louis. "Lou, what are you doing here?"
Louis lifted the food. "I brought you food, silly." Louis met Harry halfway, their lips meeting.
"You didn't need to. I was just about to head to the cafeteria."
"Too late."
"Thanks, babe."
"You're welcome." They pulled apart. "Guess who got a job at Starbucks..."
"Um let's see," Harry joked. "Niall?"
"Uh no."
"Well then who?"
"Oh okay!" Harry joked some more.
"Oh c'mon that's not even a funny joke," Louis pouted.
"Yes it is." Harry chuckled. "Do you want to come back and eat with me?"
"Sure." On the way to Harry's small office, Louis told him everything he got. "I got you a s'mores frappe, no coffee because I know it's bad for the little one, and I got your favourite chicken from Nando's."
"Thanks, babe! It all looks so good," Harry said, pulling out the food.
"I'm glad." Louis sat in Harry's chair and tapped buttons on the keyboard.
"Don't touch that! It has very important work on it," Harry said. He pointed to another chair. "You can sit there though."
"I actually have to get back to work. My break is only so long."
"Okay well thanks for bringing me food and talking for a little while."
"Of course, baby." Louis and Harry shared a kiss as the baby kicked wildly inside Harry's big belly. Louis got on his knees, kissing Harry's stretched skin. "I'll see you two later tonight. Papa loves you."
Louis stood back up. "Bye, Lou."
"Bye, Hazza."
*~After work (5pm)~*
"Louis! I'm home!" Harry called through the house.
"In the kitchen!" Came a voice. Harry waddled into the kitchen to see Louis putting bowls and plates full of food on the table. Louis came up to Harry, planting a soft kiss on his lips. "Hi, babe. How was work?"
"It was fine." Harry looked over at the table. "What are you making?"
"I made tacos! Your favourite food!" (Reference: Adventurous Adventures of One Direction).
Harry rolled his eyes. "You watch one cartoon..."
"Oh c'mon, you know it's funny."
"Yeah haha really funny," Harry said sarcastically. "Anyways, can we eat? Baby's hungry."
"Of course, love."
*~After dinner~*
"Ugh," Harry groaned as he laid down in bed. "This is ridiculous. I feel huge, bloated, I can't sleep, I can't walk normally, I swear this is miserable. The only good part is feeling the little one kick."
"I think you look absolutely gorgeous. I honestly fall in love with you more every time I see you," Louis said, rubbing Harry's bump. "Plus you still have two more weeks before the baby's due."
"I know I just.... I'm tired. I haven't slept in like two months."
"Well once the baby comes, there will be no sleep."
"I'm aware. I just want to meet this little one already."
"All in good time, babe. All in good time."
*~The next day~*
"I'll be home around five. I have to ask my boss a quick question so I'll be home just a couple minutes late," Harry said, shrugging on his jacket.
"Okay I'll be here." They shared a quick kiss.
"Louis, did you use breath spray?" Harry said, making a face.
"Yes. What? You don't like it?"
"It's just the pregnancy. It makes everything super gross."
"Okay. I won't wear it anymore as long as you're pregnant."
"Thank you." Harry headed towards the door. "I'll see you tonight."
"See you. Love you." Harry drove to work to begin yet another long day.
*~At lunch~*
"Hey, Harry, can I talk with you for a minute?" Harry's boss, Nate, said, waving him into his office.
Harry waddled into the large office. "Is something wrong?"
"No everything is just fine..." He started. "But I wanted to ask you if you could go on maternity leave now?"
"You want me to?" Harry asked, confused.
"All of the workers have talked to me about it. We're worried about you, Harry. You've been working everyday of your pregnancy so far and we think you need a break."
"Yes. And on maternity leave, you still get paid."
"Um I guess I can leave for a little while."
"Good. You deserve it." Harry left his office, packed up a few things, said a big goodbye to everyone, and left.
When he arrive home, he noticed Zayn's car. He shrugged it off and went inside. "Louis! I'm home!"
No answer. He took off his shoes, heading up the stairs to his bedroom.
When he walked in the door, what he saw was definitely not a warm welcome home.
Louis and Zayn. On the bed. Clothes off. Having sex.
Harry was of course surprised, but more angry. He crossed his arms and stood there, waiting to see if they would notice. Nothing.
Harry cleared his throat. He watched Louis and Zayn freeze in their spots. Louis was the first to act.
He shoved Zayn off of him, him landing on the floor next to the bed. "Harry, y-you're home early."
He didn't say anything. He turned to walk out the door, Louis following. "Harry, this isn't what it looks like."
Harry turned to face Louis. "Really? Because it looks like I just walked in on you and Zayn having sex when you're a married man about to be a father."
"I don't want to hear it. You and Zayn go ahead and continue what you were doing. I'll just go raise your child on my own."
"No Harry don't-"
But he was cut off by the door slamming in his face. He was going to open it, but Zayn pulled him away. "He'll be fine, Louis. Now it's just you and me..."
Harry got in his car, driving as fast as he could, away from that house. Once he reached the main road, he felt something very painful in his stomach.
He was going to blow it off, but that's when water came out of him. "Oh shit."
He got another very painful squeeze in his stomach right after. "Okay, baby. Just stay in a little while longer. We're going to the hospital."
He sped up a little bit, trying to get there. But, he went over the speed limit, so he was pulled over.
He got a big contraction when the officer came up the the window. "I need your license and registration, sir."
Harry held up his pointed finger, shooing one second while he went through the contraction. The officer realised that he was in pain. "Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?"
"I was just on my way there," Harry managed.
"Are you okay to drive?" Harry nodded. "Alright follow me to the hospital, okay?"
Harry nodded again. The cop hopped in his car and pulled ahead, Harry following. He turned on his lights and sirens so people would stay out of the way.
When they arrived at the hospital, the officer brought Harry inside and to a room. He stayed for just a minute before leaving.
"So, Harry, your water broke how long ago?" The nurse asked.
"About ten minutes ago."
"Okay. I'm going to check you super quick and see where we're at." She checked his dilation. "Okay you're already at an eight so we're going to start bringing in some supplies and we'll check you again in a short while."
"Okay. Thanks."
Harry continued to have his contractions that got longer, more painful, and they came closer together.
When he was checked again, he was already at a 10. The nurses set up the supples and put his legs up.
"Okay on three, push right to your bum," the nurse instructed. "One, two, three."
She counted to 10 while Harry pushed. He laid back down, eyes closed, taking deep breaths when she was done. "Again, one, two, three."
They repeated this process several times.
Eventually, Harry laid back down, almost completely out of energy. "Good job, Harry. Your baby's head is delivered."
He sat up and pushed with all f the energy he had left. He cried in pain as he felt the baby slip out of him. He rested back on the bed, crying tears of joy.
The doctor that delivered the baby held up the crying baby. Harry cooed at the sight of his child. "It's a girl!"
The newborn was put on his chest. While he tried to situate the crying child in his arms, the nurses were helping take off his hospital gown.
"Hi, baby girl," Harry said, loving over the little baby. "You're so beautiful."
He was handed a towel and got some help cleaning her off. She cuddled up against Harry's soft, warm skin. "You're so little."
"Let's cut her cord so we can get her weighed and everything like that." Harry took the scissors. He got some help turning the baby in her side, which made her a little mad, and he cut her cord.
They finished cleaning her off and weighed her while Harry delivered the placenta. "She weighs six pounds five ounces."
"She's tiny..." Harry requested not to have her swaddled so he could just hold her.
Everyone cleaned up and left working 45 minutes. Harry just held her, skin-to-skin for hours while she slept. "Kara Anne Styles."
A few days later, they were released from the hospital. Harry had no home to go to, so he decided to discuss his situation with his best mates, Niall and Liam.
He left Kara in her car seat to keep her sleeping, and he walked up the door and knocked on it. He heard a few footsteps before the door opened to reveal Niall.
"Hi Harr-" Niall looked up and down at Harry's face and the car seat. "You had the baby?"
"Yes I did," Harry said.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Niall asked.
"I meant to but it came so sudden and I was having some troubles."
"Well, come in and tell me about it." Niall motioned inside. Harry put the car seat on top of the dinner table. "Do you want some tea, Harry?"
"No I'm okay, thanks." Niall came and sat across the table.
"So tell me everything. Don't leave anything out."
"Well, it was a couple days this happened. I went to work, but I was out on maternity leave for obvious reasons. I came home early, but when I got home, I found Louis and Zayn... You know..." Niall's eyes widened. "So then I left but this little one decided to come while I was driving. I ended up getting pulled over, but the cop brought me to the hospital, I delivered this little one, and here we are now. Louis hasn't called or texted me this whole time. I'm assuming he's having a great life with Zayn."
"Harry, I am so sorry," Niall said.
"I always thought Louis and I were good together but I guess Louis thought differently. You thought we worked pretty well, right?"
"Duh. I am the captain of the ship, remember?" Harry chuckled. "Can I hold the baby?"
"Of course." Harry took the blanket off her car seat and began unbuckling her.
"Boy or girl?"
"What's her name?"
"Kara Anne Styles." Harry took her out of her seat. He put her in Niall's arms.
"Harry, she's beautiful."
"Thanks." Kara started to squirm in Niall's arms. She then started whine which eventually turned into a full on scream.
Harry took her back and checked her nappy, which of course was the problem. Niall heated up some formula while Harry changed her. Harry allowed Niall to feed Kara, which she was fine with.
Eventually, it got a lot later and Niall offered for Harry to stay over. Liam was of course fine with it.
*~A few weeks later~*
Harry was now moved into his own apartment. He still hadn't heard a word from Louis, so he automatically assumed the worst.
He thought he was perfectly happy without Louis, until one very special day came.
Knock knock knock
Harry left the sleeping baby in the nursery and went to the door. What he saw at the door was a surprise, but in no ways a good one.
"Hi, Harry," Louis said, showing a smile at the end. "Wait... The- the baby..."
"Yeah... What about it?"
"It's not in your belly anymore..."
"I'm aware. What do you want Louis?" Harry asked firmly.
"I came to talk some sense into you."
"I don't want to hear it." Harry walked away, leaving the door open. Louis slipped through the door, closing it behind him.
When he walked in, he was overwhelmed by the amount of baby toys, noise makers, baby clothes, you name it. "It's all pink. We have a baby girl?"
"Yes," Harry said.
"Can I see her?"
"No. She's sleeping. I don't get any sleep and this is my only time to myself so don't bother her."
Louis walked into the kitchen to talk to Harry. "Harry, can I please explain?"
"I said I don't want to hear it."
"Just let me say, it wasn't my fault. So was forced into doing that."
"That's not possible, Louis. Unless you got raped, you couldn't have been forced."
"Well I was. Zayn threatened to hurt you and the baby if I didn't get in bed with him."
Harry put down his bottle he was warming up for Kara for when she woke up. "What the hell are talking about, Louis?"
"Harry, I know you don't want to believe me, but it's true. I loved you two so much and I would do anything to keep you safe. I would much rather have you be mad at me over something like this than have you hurt."
Harry put his hands on the edge of the counter, looking down at his feet. "Harry-"
"Leave please," Harry said, pointing to the door. "I can't do this right now. Just leave."
Louis turned to leave. As he was closing the door, he said, "I was just trying to protect you."
Harry just thought to himself before he was interrupted by Kara's cries.
*~Later that night (around 9pm)~*
"Goodnight, beautiful," Harry whispered to the sleeping baby as he put her in the Pack n' Play in his room. "I love you."
He lightly closed the door behind him and headed into the living room. He couldn't get Louis and what he said out of his mind.
Was it true what he said? Was Zayn really going to hurt them if Louis didn't do that?
Harry contemplated it in his brain for about and hour. It included lots of tears until eventually Harry couldn't take it anymore.
He pulled out his phone, tears streaming down his cheeks. He dialled Louis.
It rang a few times before there was a slight shuffling noise. "Harry?" Came a raspy voice.
"Louis, I need you to come here now. I can't do this anymore," he sobbed.
"Baby are you crying?"
"I-I just please come home."
"Okay I'm coming right now. Just take deep breaths. I'll be there soon." Harry hung up.
A few minutes later, Louis came in the door. "Harry!"
He dropped his keys on the floor "Harry?!"
He heard some footsteps in the dark before large arms and body wrap around him.
He felt a head on his shoulder. There was a slight sniffle and cry coming from it.
Louis wrapped his around around the big body. "I couldn't live without you anymore."
"I'm glad you're saying that." Their little moment was interrupted by cries from down the hall. "You know, I still haven't met her yet."
"Well then I believe I have someone to introduce to you..."
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