Larry: Shopping
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"C'mon, Harry. Don't argue with me on this," Louis said.
"But I want to go, Louis."
"Harry, you are about to give birth to two babies. I'm not letting you come to the store with me. It's too risky and I'm sorry but I don't feel like delivering twins in a shopping centre loo or parking lot."
"They're not coming, Louis. My due date is like a week away."
"I don't care. I'm not risking it."
"It's not a risk, Louis. I need to cod with you because there is stuff that I need that I can't send you to find." Louis was not amused. "Okay I'll make a deal with you. If you let me come to the store with you, I promise to lay low, not go anywhere or do anything until the babies are born."
Louis wanted I say no, but he couldn't. He caved right in for his husband. "Okay fine but I swear if anything happens...."
"Nothing's going to happen."
*~At the store~*
"Harry, you need to stay with me," Louis said as Harry started walking away.
"I'm just going to look at the baby clothes. Chill out, Louis."
"I just need to keep a close eye on you." Harry rolled his eyes and continued walking. Louis followed close behind.
A while later, Harry had to go to the bathroom, but Louis refused to leave his side.
"Louis, go away. I can go to the bathroom by myself. I'm not two."
"I know I just want to make sure you're okay."
"I am. Now keep shopping and I'll catch up. Just please leave me alone for little while. I can do this."
"Okay okay. I'm leaving. Just ext me when you're done, and I'll tell you which store I'm in."
Louis walked away and Harry went in the bathroom. He locked the door behind him and quickly went.
While he was washing his hands, he couldn't start to feel more pressure in his lower stomach. He ignored it, thinking it was just because the babies are getting ready to be born soon.
Little did he know, they were going to be born sooner than imagined. He felt a very warm sensation down low, but he didn't know what it was. He looked down and realised that it was his water.
"Oh no..." He was about to go walk to find Louis, but he felt massive pain and pressure. "No no no no no no."
He felt a head begin to slip out so had no choice but to lay on the floor and deliver the babies. He pulled down his trousers and the first thing he saw was the first baby's head.
He reached down and felt the little head. He got another contraction so he pushed. "Louis why did you have to be right?!"
All of a sudden, the baby slipped out all the way. Harry scrambled to grab her and brought her to his chest. "Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god."
She cried out a gurgled cry. "I'm here baby. It's okay. Daddy's here." He was going to try to figure something out to deliver the second baby, but she came just as quick.
Minutes later, Harry had delivered both babies. "Your papa's going to be so mad at daddy."
He took his phone out with one hand and held the babies with the other hand. He sent a text to Louis.
Louis searched through the numerous pink onesies, picking out a couple as went through them.
That's when his phone buzzed. He picked it out of his pocket. What he read in his messages was not expected.
Meet me at the bathroom. The babies were just born.
"Oh god..." He took off towards the bathroom. When he arrived, he knocked on the door. "Harry, it's me. Please open the door."
The door opened and Harry stood on the doorway, a baby on each arm , covered in blood, umbilical cords still attached.
"Go back in. We'll get this figured out." Louis pushed Harry back inside. He sat Harry on the floor. "I'm going to call an ambulance."
He dialled the number. He told the EMT the location and what happened and what he could do to help until the paramedics got there.
"Okay they're on their way."
"I'm sorry, Louis," Harry said.
"For what, babe?" Louis asked as he tried his hardest to clean the babies.
"For not listening to you. You were right. It was not a good idea for me to come here."
"Oh baby, it's okay. We had no idea this was going to happen."
"Yeah but you said not to come and now I realise you were trying to prevent this from happening. Then thanks to my stubbornness, I got us into this."
"It's not your fault, love. Neither of us knew this was going to happen. Babies are going to come when babies want to come. That's just how it works and this is how it worked out for us."
"So you're not mad?"
"Of course not."
Then the paramedics came. They helped deliver the placenta, take car e of the babies, cut cords, and everything else.
They were all rushed to the hospital. The babies were taken care of just right. Neither of them had any problems and they were both at a healthy weight of about 7 1/2 pounds.
A few days later, they were allowed to get home. "Hey babe."
"Yes, Harry?" Louis said, putting down the bottles he was warming up.
"Do you know what today is?" Harry asked quizzically, putting the babies in their bouncy seats.
"What's today? Your birthday? My birthday? Your mum's birthday? Christmas? One of the lad's birthdays? What?!"
"Lower your voice, Lou. The girls are asleep."
"Oh sorry. What's today?"
"It's the day the girls were supposed to be born."
"You don't care, do you?"
"What no of course I care."
"I don't you just don't seem very into it."
"Babe, it's just because I'm tired. I'm working on the staying up all night with the girls and stuff. My miss isn't working with me right now. I'm sorry, babe. It does matter. In not making as of a deal as it should be."
"It's okay, Louis. I get it. I'm tired too."
"Earlier, I forgot how to warm up a bottle even though I've been doing it for a few days now."
Harry laughed. Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's waist. "I love you. You know that right?"
"Yes. You tell me everyday. I love you too." They went in for a sweet kiss, but were interrupted by shrill cries of hungry babies.
Okay so I know this is really short and probably pretty shitty too. I wrote it at 4am on a Sunday night so I'm exhausted from a busy weekend. I just wanted to publish these and make you happy :)
Love ya!
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