Larry: I'm here
"Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey," Harry cooed to Louis, his official husband.
Louis kept his eyes closed, groaning.
"C'mon, babe. It's time to get up."
Louis hummed, opening his eyes. "Good morning."
"How did you sleep?" Harry asked in a teasing voice.
"I think you know the answer to that," Louis said, smirking.
"Yes I do," Harry said, leaning in for a kiss. "So, we're officially married."
"Yes we are. Last night was quite incredible."
"Which part?" Harry asked, smirking.
"You know which part, you pervert!" Louis said lightly slapping Harry's bare chest.
"That was my favourite part, too." He kissed Louis again. "Now let's go get some breakfast and pack for our honeymoon! We leave in a few hours!"
"Okay!" Louis hopped out of bed, the both of them running down the stairs. Louis got down a couple seconds after Harry.
What he saw was not expected. A full breakfast was made and set on the table. "Harry, did you-"
"Yes I did. I got up a few hours ago and made all this. What do you think?" Louis eyed all the delicious looking food.
There was a stack of buttermilk pancakes, crispy, brown bacon, scrambled eggs, and two cups of orange juice.
"Harry, this is incredible," Louis said, walking over to the food. "It looks delicious."
"I hope it's okay. It's been a few months since I've cooked."
"I'm sure it tastes like heaven," Louis said before placing a kiss on Harry's cheek.
Harry pulled out a chair for Louis, Louis taking a seat. Harry sat down in the chair across from him. "Bon appetite."
Louis tasted the pancakes, taste exploding in his mouth. "Oh my god! These are the best pancakes I've ever had in my life. Harry, you are amazing."
"Thanks, babe." Harry took a bite. "I'm glad you like it."
*~18 months later~*
"Lou, are you sure you'll be okay here by yourself?" Harry asked, tucking in Louis who was sick.
"Yes, Harry. I'll be fine," he assured. "I'm not going to try anything too difficult."
"Don't do anything, babe. You need to get better."
"I know. Now, go to work. I'll be okay."
"If you say so. I love you." Harry kissed Louis' temples.
"I love you too." Harry left the house. Louis laid in bed, wondering what he should do.
He looked around and realised he could go get something to eat. He went downstairs, searching through all the cupboards. No food.
"Fine. I'll go get some myself." Louis left the house, heading to get something to eat.
On the way to McDonald's, he saw a CVS. He decided to stop in and get something to ease his nausea.
As he walked pas the aisles, he walked past the condoms/pregnancy tests/feminine products aisle. He decided to pick out a few tests, just to see if that's what the nausea and everything else led to.
At the checkout, the man rung up his things. "For your girlfriend?"
Louis didn't know what to say, so he told a lie. "Uh yeah. It's a possibility."
"Good luck." He bagged up the tests, handing it to Louis.
"Thanks." Louis quickly left, running straight home.
He took the tests out of the bag, taking them.
5 minutes later, the timers went off. Let's just say that the result was not what he expected.
He had no idea what to do. He was most likely not pregnant, but just to be sure, he went to the doctor.
"Well, Mister Styles, you're pregnant. Three weeks to be exact," the doctor said, walking into the room.
"But I only had one positive on the tests I took," he argued.
"Then that was the one that was right. Congrats."
"O-okay thanks." Louis left the building feeling happy and disappointed at the same time. Happy because he was going to have a baby, but disappointed because Harry may not be so accepting of the fact.
He looked at the time when he got home and saw it almost noon. It was time to make Harry lunch and take it to him at work.
He made a sandwich, wrapping it in plastic wrap, and putting it in a lunch bag. He put a banana in the bag as well as a chocolate chip cookie. The entire time he thought about how he would tell Harry about the baby.
Then, an idea came to him. He went upstairs, grabbing the positive pregnancy test, running back downstairs, and put it in Harry's lunch bag. This was the perfect way to tell him.
He wrote a note and attached it to the test.
It read:
Hi babe. Here's just a little surprise for you. I found out this morning. I'll see you after work.
I love you
~Louis xoxo
He drove to Harry's workplace, taking his lunch inside. The nice receptionist greeted him. "Hello, Louis. How are you?"
"Good, Sam. How about yourself?" He asked.
"I'm good. Here to see Harry?"
"Yep. I have his lunch for him," he said, holding up the bag.
"Okay he's in his office."
"Thanks." Louis went into the back to Harry's office.
He looked in through his window to see if there was anybody with him. No one was there. Harry was incredibly focussed on his computer, typing a few things every once in a while.
Louis cracked open the door, lightly knocking on it. "Hello."
Harry turned around. His straight lips turned into a smile. He got out of his chair, going to greet Louis. "Hi, babe. How are you?"
"I'm good. I have to go but I brought your lunch." He handed Harry the bag. Harry took it, giving Louis a kiss.
"Thanks, babe. How are you feeling?"
"Much better. I just hung out and that helped a lot."
"That's good."
"I have to go. I love you." Louis kissed Harry.
"I love you too." Louis quickly left he building, driving straight home. The reason he rushed home is because he didn't want to deal with Harry and te pregnancy test in case he decided to eat it while Louis was there.
*~Back at Harry's office~*
Harry sat on his couch, opening his lunch bag. He pulled out every article in the bag. "A sandwich, a banana, oh Lou you know me so well, a cookie, and... a note?"
He pulled out the test and note, reading the note first.
He read it out loud.
"Hi babe. Here's just a little surprise for you. I found out this morning. I'll see you after work.
I love you
~Louis xoxo."
He pulled the piece off paper, coming face to face with the test. "Oh my gosh."
He stuffed everything back in the bag, running out of his office. "Sam, I'm taking the rest of the day off. Louis needs me."
"Okay! See you!" Harry rushed home.
Louis changed his clothes, looking to see if he had a bump.
Harry continued looking a the pregnancy test as he drove faster.
Louis went downstairs, getting some fruit.
Harry pulled up into the driveway, grabbing the test and running inside.
Louis chopped up an apple, taking a bite after every slice was cut.
Harry ran into the house, calling for Louis. "Louis!?"
"Harry? I'm in the kitchen," Louis said, confused. Harry went into the kitchen, going up to Louis, holding the test. Louis' face fell when he saw what Harry had.
"Louis, is it true?"
Louis nodded. He looked down at his feet. Without warning, he was swept off his feet, engulfed in a big hug by his husband. "Louis! This is great!"
"You really think so?"
"Of course! My baby's having a baby!"
*~6 months later~*
"Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey," Harry said, laying next to Louis.
"Mmmmm. Harry, I'm trying to sleep," Louis moaned.
"C'mon, Lou. I made you breakfast."
"Okay fine. I'll get up." Louis' eyes fluttered open. His lips met with Harry's.
"Good morning, daddy," Harry joked.
"Haha very funny. Why don't you say hi. The baby's kicking." Louis pulled his shirt and Harry situated himself in between Louis' legs.
Harry placed a sweet kiss on Louis' big bump. "Good morning, love." The baby kicked at Harry's words. Harry kissed Louis' belly again, Louis watching fondly.
Harry looked up from the kiss at his husband. Their eyes met. Harry moved carefully over Louis' bump, meeting his lips with Louis'. (Just like in the picture provided)
"I love you, Louis."
"I love you too, Harry."
"Now let's go get some breakfast!"
*~3 months later~*
"Yes, babe? Is it time to go to the hospital?"
"Yes. Get the stuff I'll meet you in the car."
*~23 hours later~*
"Ow. Why can I feel these contractions? I got the epidural," Louis said, cringing in pain.
"It's the baby beginning to move through the birth canal. We're getting all set up so you can push," the nurse said, getting everything ready.
Louis tried to contain himself while waiting, but he lost it. "Can't you people hurry up?!"
Harry tried to calm him down. "Soon, Louis. We'll be ready soon."
"SHUT UP, HAROLD!" He cried.
"Okay you can start pushing, Louis," the nurse said. Louis didn't waist any time at all. He immediately brought his chin to his chest, bearing down.
"Fuck," he groaned, falling back on the bed. He sat up again, yelling profanity. "Harry you bastard!"
"Here comes the baby's head," the nurse said.
"You shut up too!" Louis yelled.
"Lou, calm down," Harry said.
"I SAID SHUT UP!" He yelled.
Harry tried to say something, but was interrupted by one of the nurses. "Just leave it. He doesn't mean any of it."
"HELLO?! SOMEONE GIVING BIRTH HERE!" Louis yelled, pushing some more.
"There we go. We have a head!" The nurse said.
"Good job, love," Harry said.
Louis pushed again. "Good one. This is the one," the nurse said. Louis continued to push. He laid back on the bed when he was relieved of pain. "It's a boy!"
The baby boy was placed on Louis' chest. He wrapped his arms around him. "Hello. I love you."
"You did so amazing, honey," Harry said.
"I'm sorry I said all of that terrible stuff," Louis apologised.
"It's okay. I understand where you were coming from." Harry kissed Louis' forehead. "I love you both so much."
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