Larry: Foxes
Request made by Janielol11! Thanks for requesting!
*This chapter contains: hybrid, sub! Louis. Dom! Harry.*
*this picture is just omg* *dies*
Louis had been "saved" by Harry. He used to live with an abusive master. That was back when he was 13 though.
When he got to age 17, that's when Harry shows up. He came and took Louis from the awful man and took the fox hybrid boy in. Louis was a little skittish at first...
But now, 5 years later, the 22 year old, soft fox loved his tall, tough, Mafia fighter Harry. Harry was about 21 when he got Louis. And now at age 26, absolutely adored the little one. He had intentions in marrying him one day.
Louis was currently pulling lightly at Harry's blanket on the bed. Louis was also almost 9 months pregnant with Harry's babies. Yes, they're having twins. They both were ecstatic and Harry had guards all around the house so he could keep their babies protected.
He stayed with Louis the final month to protect him and make sure he was okay. They had the nursery all finished as well. The house was fixed, all it was missing was a couple little babies.
But, Harry woke up at three in the morning to his boy pulling his blanket away. Louis had already made a nest on the other side, his side of the bed.
It was a little oval like circle of blankets and pillows. And he just wanted to cuddle into Harry's soft blanket.
Harry helped him untangle the blanket and watched the pregnant hybrid climb back into the the nest area. Harry chuckled some as he sat up, stretching his tattoo covered arms.
"What are you doing, Lou?" He asked curiously.
"I'm making a nest for our babies..." He replied quietly.
Harry smiled lovingly at his heavily pregnant boyfriend. "Are they awake right now?"
"Yeah. They're both kicking." Harry snuggled deep into the nest-like blanket. "They're not letting papa sleep so I'm making a nest so they can sleep."
"Do you want me to help?" Harry offered, sitting up all the way.
"No that's okay, Hazza. You go back to sleep. I want you to sleep as much as you can."
"Louis, when my babies are awake, there's no way I'm going to sleep."
Louis instantly felt bad. "Oh I'm sorry, Harry. I'll go into the nursery instead."
"No no no no no," Harry rushed. "I didn't mean it like that. I meant that I love you three so much so I'm going to stay up with you. Not because I have to but because I want to."
"Thanks, Hazzy." Harry cuddled closer to Louis, getting as close as possible. It was kind of difficult, considering Louis was huge.
They began kissing each other, just taking in each other's presence. It was interrupted by a big movement in Louis' full belly. "Oh my god! Did you feel that?!"
Harry laughed along with Louis. "Yeah I did. That was quite a kick!"
"I'm telling you, they are running out of room in there. Well, they're actually out of room already." He huffed. "I'm just way too big."
"I think you're absolutely gorgeous, baby." Harry ran his hand through Louis' hair and rubbed behind his little fox ears which was Louis' weak spot. "I think you're glowing."
Louis hummed. "No I'm not. I look like I swallowed a... I don't know.... watermelon. I'm fat, I'm slow, I have gross stretch marks, and I just look awful."
"No you don't! You look absolutely beautiful. You're not fat, you're carrying out beautiful little babies in there all safely." Harry rubbed Louis' belly. "I still can't get over how quickly you go from excitement that the babies are kicking, to that you thinking you're fat and ugly."
"It's the hormones and mood swings, Harry! I can't control them!" Louis cried, making Harry feel bad.
"Baby, I didn't mean it like that. Pretend I didn't say anything, okay. I love you and you know that." He embraced Louis in a hug.
"Yes I know. And I love you too."
"Let's try and sleep some more," Harry suggested.
"M'kay." Harry kept his arms around Louis, watching his little fox tail move about the bed. Eventfully it stopped and both boys slid into slumber.
Well, only one stayed asleep before a couple little creatures began to make a commotion inside. "Okay okay I'm up."
Louis slid out of Harry's embrace, and slid his lags over the bed. He grabbed the side of the bed, gently pulling himself up. When he was sitting, he stood up, a bit dizzy at first, but okay afterwards.
He waddled down the hall and into the living room where his yoga ball sat. "Okay let's work on getting you two out."
He looked up online that bouncing on yoga balls is a great, natural way to to induce labour.
He put both hands on his big belly and began slightly bouncing. He felt the babies move and kick a little, but no contraction-like feelings.
A few moments later, he decided it was no use. So, he used the other natural labour inducer. Spicy food.
He decided to make a nice Mexican dinner for Harry and him. He threw some avocados and salsa in a bowl and mixed it.
He folded some tortillas, put sauce on it, and put it in the oven.
About an hour later, Harry finally woke up. He reached over, expecting to feel Louis' body, but it wasn't there.
He took his head off the pillow, looking around. "Lou?"
The only thing he got in response was a cry in pain. "Louis!" There was still no answer. "Fuck."
He grabbed his pocket knife out of his night stand drawer. Harry was very protective of his Loubear and if anyone hurt him, he would kill in a heartbeat. He was still very loving with Louis though.
He ran down the stairs, he knife in his right hand. "Louis?"
He walked into the kitchen area and saw Louis clutching his hand while water ran on it in the sink. Louis saw that Harry had his knife and flinched. "I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me."
Harry retracted his knife. "Baby I would never hurt you..." He went over to Louis and looked at his hand. It had a big red mark on his palm. "What happened?"
"Well, I was pulling the food out of the oven and I burned myself. I'm sorry I woke you up." Harry took Louis' hand in his, earning a hiss from Louis.
"Oh I'm sorry, baby." He went to the freezer, pulling out a kid ice pack that they bought for the twins. He put a towel around it and put it on Louis' burn. "Is that better?"
"Yeah. Thanks, Hazz."
"You're welcome, boobear." Harry embraced Louis. "What are you making?"
"Mexican. I made some guacamole and I made enchiladas and that's what I burned myself on."
"Why such a special dinner?"
"Because I made it kind of spicy. I'm in "natural labour inducer mode" right now."
"Ah." Harry looked at the fresh guacamole on the counter. "Can I try some?"
"Of course."
Harry grabbed a chip, dipped it, and stuck it in his mouth. "Oh my god."
"Oh it's disgusting isn't it? Ugh I knew I put too much salsa in there."
"No, Lou. This is the best guac I have ever had in my life!"
"You're just saying that..."
"No I'm not. I'm serious. This is delicious!"
"Thanks." Louis checked the enchiladas. "Oh food's ready."
"I'll set the table." Harry went to go get table mats.
"That's already done," Louis said, cutting him off. Harry looked at the table. It was made up beautifully.
"Wow, Louis. That's beautiful."
"I'm glad it looks okay."
Harry brought the enchiladas to the table and Louis brought the chips and guac.
Louis watched as Harry tried the enchilada. "Lou, this is amazing! You are such a fantastic chef!"
"No I'm not. I just thought I would make a little treat."
"This is the best treat I've ever had." Harry watched in amusement as Louis poured a ton of hot sauce on his food. "Don't you think that's a little... much?"
"I need a lot of I'm gonna have these babies soon," Louis said, putting the sauce down.
Harry shrugged and continued eating while Louis did the same.
*~That night~*
Louis waddled ever so slowly over to the bed, lifting up his covers. He groaned, knowing he was too big to get in by himself. "Harry?"
Harry, who was already asleep, silently shook awake. He realised that his husband stood at the side of the bed with puppy dog eyes.
He smirked. "Need help?"
"Don't make fun of me. It's not funny." Harry jumped out of bed, going over to Louis. He picked up Louis bridal style, with a little trouble, and set him in bed.
He went over to his side of the bed. He hopped in, spooning Louis. He rubbed the bump. "Thanks for helping me, Hazz."
"You're welcome, baby."
*~The next day~*
"Okay that's it. I'm done," Louis said, plopping down on the couch. "I want to go get induced."
Harry came and sat on the couch next to Louis with a bowl of grapes. Louis grabbed a few, popping them in his mouth. "Well, unfortunately we can't do that today because we need at least a day in advance to get induced but we can make an appointment for tomorrow."
"Sure whatever I just want them out as soon as possible."
"I'll go call the office." Harry stood and called the doctor. When he finished, he sat back down with Lou. "Appointment is scheduled for tomorrow at eight am."
"Do you want to go out to that Thai food place for dinner? I hear their food is delicious."
"Uh sure."
*~That evening~*
"Good evening, guys! Welcome to Bangkok Thai. My name is Bethany. Can I start you guys off with some drinks?" The friendly waitress asked.
"I'll have a coke please," Harry said. "What about you, Louis?"
"I'll have the red raspberry leaf tea please," Louis answered.
Bethany wrote the orders down. "Okay I'll be right back with that!"
"Wow babe, red raspberry leaf tea,0 Harry said.
"I read online that that's a natural way to induce labour."
"Yeah. I'm doing everything I can."
*~Minutes later~*
"So are you boys ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?" Bethany asked.
"I'm ready, what about you, Lou?" Harry asked.
"Uh yeah sure I'm ready."
"Okay what can I get you?"
"I'll have the Pad Thai and have it like a two spice wise," Harry said, handing Bethany the menu.
"I actually was wondering... what's the spiciest thing you have?"
"Um well, we have a spicy grilled chicken," Bethany said, pointing to it on the menu. "We also have a really spicy soup. It has tofu and lots of delicious spices and vegetables."
"Oh I'll try the soup then," Louis said, handing Bethany the menu.
"Okay I'll be right back with those!"
About 20 minutes later, she came back with their food and they instantly dug in.
Another 15 minutes into their meal, Harry checked in on his husband. "How is it?"
"It's good. I'm really hoping it works. Or will work soon," Louis said, taking another spoonful and gulping it.
"That's not too spicy, right?"
"Harry, I can handle spicy food. Especially if it means we get our babies here sooner."
"Well, it's just that I know we've had a few spicy food incidents before the babies and I don't want to go through another one. Especially since you're mine months pregnant. I'm your husband and these babies' father and it's my job to make sure you are safe and-"
"Oh my god," Louis interrupted. He had a sound of distress in his voice.
"What?" Harry asked, suddenly worried.
"Get the check. My water broke..."
"Oh shit. Okay, babe. Stay here, I'll be right back."
"Yep I definitely won't be moving right now." He shifted slightly, showing discomfort. "Oh dear god."
Harry ran to the back of the restaurant to Bethany. "Can I please get our check? Like right now."
"Yeah what's the rush?" She asked, starting to print it out.
"My husband went into labour. We're kind of in a rush now."
"Oh just go. It's on me."
"You don't have to do that."
"No I want to. Just go. We don't want any babies born in any cars or anything."
"Thank so much. I owe you." Harry ran back to the place they were sitting. But Louis wasn't there. "Louis!"
Harry didn't care who heard him. His husband, the person about to birth his twins, was missing.
"I'm right here, Harry," Louis said from the front of the restaurant. Harry sighed in relief and ran to Louis. He helped Louis to the car before speeding off to the hospital.
"Why were you at the front of the restaurant, Louis?" Harry asked in the car.
"Because. I felt the babies dropping so I was attempting to walk to the car. I just wanted to speed things along."
When they arrived a the hospital, Louis was brought into the ward. He was dilated to a full 10 because it turned out, he had been in labour for 16 hours already.
Louis yelped as he felt his little fox tail being messed with. "Hey what are you doing!"
"Louis, we have to wrap your tail so it doesn't get blood and amniotic fluid on it," a nurse said.
Louis looked to Harry in a panicky way. Louis had always been very self conscious about his tail and ears, being the only hybrid in his family.
Harry knew this of course, so Louis was hoping Harry could help the situation. "Baby, let them do it. We don't want your tail getting too dirty."
"Ugh fine. Do whatever you have to do."
"Thank you, Louis." The nurse calmly wrapped Louis' furry, little tail in linen.
When she was finished, a few other nurses joined her. They prepped Louis for the birth. His legs were put in stirrups and a blanket was laid across Louis' open legs for a bit of security.
"On three give me a good push. Push right to your bum," one nurse instructed. Another sat at Louis' bum, the one who delivered the babies. "One two three push!"
She counted to 10 as Louis pushed. Harry stood at the side of Louis' bed, holding his hand. "There you go. The head is coming."
Louis pushed for another 10 seconds. He felt loads of pressure in his lower region as the baby got closer. He continued pushing once it got to the point of excruciating pain.
"Good boy, Louis. Baby number one's head is out," the nurse announced. Louis pushed again. "Here it comes. Keep going."
Louis sighed in relief as cries echoed in the room. The nurse lifted up a crying, bloody baby in her arms from behind the blanket. "It's a boy!"
"Oh baby boy!" Louis cooed. The nurse clamped the baby's cord and handed him to Louis. "Hello."
"Welcome to the world, number one," Harry cooed.
"Harry, do you want to cut the cord?" The nurse asked. Harry nodded and he was handed the scissors. He carefully cut the tough material. "Baby number two is crowning!"
"Oh I don't want to let go of you," Louis said to the baby.
"We're going to clean and weigh him then you can have him back, okay Louis?" Another nurse said.
"Okay." He handed the newborn to one of the nurses who took him to be cared for.
"Alright same as last time, Louis. On three. One two three..."
*~5 minutes later~*
"There we go. We're almost there."
"Get it out please," Louis pleaded.
"You're doing so good, boo. Our last baby's almost here," Harry said, swiping the sweaty hair from Louis' forehead.
Harry looked down when he heard more shrill cries. "It's a girl!"
She was put on Louis' chest. He wrapped his arms around the crying baby. "And welcome, number two."
A few minutes later, she was taken to where her brother was. "They're here, love."
"I can't believe they're here..." Louis felt tears in his eyes but he quickly wiped them away. "Finally."
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