He opens up about the tension - Harry
Harry and you were currently in a complicated relationship, you both loved each other, but there were some tensions going on between you two.
He left for his tour, its been 4 months.
Niall, Louis, Liam and zayn are pretty close with you and you all are really good friends, last month you went to visit 'em during their UK tour and you and harry didn't talk much.
It was always fun to hang out with all the boys and their girls.
(A/N-didn't mention any name, it makes it more complicated )
But last month it was different, you felt there was something going on between 'em and they didn't hang out much together.
And Room fights became a daily part of their life.
And things weren't pretty okay between you and harry.
And all this things were making you upset.
Its been almost 5 months you and harry didn't talk properly, except that one time in the concert.
You miss him terribly, but it was both of your decision to take a break.
And as for harry, he tries his best to show everything is fine, but whom is he fooling?
And the boys knew you miss harry and so does harry , they used to make sure you both were informed about each other (what are friends for ;))
You knew Harry's returning tomorrow, he called you saying that he'll be back.
He sounded really different, and upset.
Not only the tension between you, but there was something wrong between the lads too.
As Yesterday Perrie called you telling about how upset zayn was.
(A/N- Lets consider perrie as zayn's gf for this part)
*It was 11 pm, Your phone started to ring*
*It was Niall*
"Hey, Nialler, You okay?" You asked
Well, that Irish silence was enough to tell you that nothing is fine.
"Niall, oi" You Said in a high voice.
"(Y/N) Sup mate!" he replied
"Bruh, Will you people tell me, what's going on?" You said in a demanding note.
"I don't know, nothing feels okay" he sighed.
"Btw,harry is coming tomorrow"
He added
"I know" you sighed
"That's good, i guess I'll ttyl ,Good night , (Y/N)"
"Good night, Irish lad" you said
(You and Niall are best friends, and he always share everything with you without any hesitation)
"Will some one tell me, how much this Irish can confse me"
*You whisper to yourself*
You could feel, that something's wrong between 'em.
On the other hand, Harry's coming tomorrow!
The feeling was bitter sweet, you will be seeing him after so many days, again what his reaction will be, what he wanted to say, so many thoughts were running through your head.
*phone started to vibrate*
*Message from harry*
"Go to sleep, (Y/N), I'll be there tomorrow, Good night baby" he texted.
"Ugh, how and why he always does this to me, damn i miss him"
* you whispered to yourself*
"Can't sleep?" You replied.
"Nopes, I miss you" He texted back.
"The feeling is mutual, Mr.Styles" you teased.
"Ugh, Fine, Good night" He replied
"Night" you texted back.
After a while you fell asleep.
(Not to forget, You have meetings to attend tomorrow, For your real estate business)
***Next Morning***
"Ugh, i hate mornings" you sighed
And looked at the clock
"Fuck, i'll be late, damnit" You said, as you were checking out your phone.
*4 missed calls from Ellie*
(Ellie is your assistant)
You ran to take a shower and complete your morning routine.
Put your casual business clothes.
Tied up your hair into a messy bun
And ran downstairs.
"(Y/N), breakfast" Lara screamed.
(Lara is almost like your family member, she has been working for you from past 4 years)
"Sorry Lara, not today" you said
As you closed the door.
And ran towards Ellie who was waiting for you in your car.
"Sorry Ellie, i am late" you sighed.
"Its fine ma'am" She said.
"Only (Y/N)" You smiled.
"Okay, (Y/N), she smiled back"
You both and your coworkers reached the conference hall.
*After two hours of a successful meeting*
Client and his team left the room.
"Guys, its already lunch time, It'll be good if you guys go and take a break and meet me at my office" you said to your workers.
"Okay ma'am" They replied and left.
"(Y/N), you should take a break too" Ellie said.
"Thanks, Ellie, I will be fine and i need to take one interview , so later maybe" You sighed while opening your laptop to check out the work
"You sure (Y/N)?" She sighed
"Don't worry, I'll be fine " you smiled
*she smiled back and left*
*You check out your phone, if there was any call from harry*
*No calls*
*You decided to call Lara, to check if harry was home*
"Hey, Lara" you called.
"Did you eat anything?" Lara replied
(She was always a mother figure for you, she used to Care for you like your mum)
"Umm, Y-Ye" you sighed
"Go and eat now" She demands
"Yes, mum" you giggled
"Well, No harry isn't home yet" she teased you
"What" you sighed
"You don't have to pretend, honey" she teased again.
"Fine, I have work to do" you sighed.
"See you soon" She replied.
*And rest of the day you were pretty busy*
*It was already 6 pm by then*
You decided to head home.
As you left your office, you noticed a bunch of paps standing outside.
It was nothing new, not only cause you were dating harry, but you are one of the most well reputed business woman in the town. But it was pretty casual , its been a long time that you faced this situation.
Probably, because Harry's coming back after a long time, and of course by now they knows.
"Not again" you sighed.
Your security guards were waiting for you near your car.
Ellie walks towards you
"Hey, you okay?" she asked
"I'll be fine" and waved at her and walked out.
*A bunch of paps surrounded you*
"(Y/N), we heard you are back with your ex"
"Is harry styles looking for someone else"
"Did he cheat on you"
"Hey, Answer"
"You will move on girl"
The crowd started chasing you.
All these words were breaking your heart.
You wanted to scream.
You could already feel, that your eyes were filled up with tears.
*Suddenly, two strong arms wrapped you in a warm hug*
That tight grip around your waist.
That similar smell.
You let yourself melt in his warm hug and hid your face on his chest, knew you were safe now.
"Harry" you sighed in a teary voice.
He holds you tight and took you in the car.
you break down completely.
"(Y/N), you Okay"
"Hey, look at me" he said in a husky voice while wiping away your tears.
You didn't say a word.
He hugged you tightly.
You both walked in your home
Harry was holding you tight.
*You pushed him away and ran towards your bed room.*
"(Y/N)" he screamed and walked behind you.
"You slammed the door"
*You were crying hard, you never felt like this ever before, you were doubting every moment, you were breaking down*
"If he loved me, why did he leave me"
( you both know it was a mutual decision to take a break)
you covered your face with both your hands.
"Its all my fault,i am not enough"
You screamed.
"Its not" harry said as he comes closer to you.
(The door wasn't lock, so he came inside)
"You start to walk away"
"He pulled you towards him and hugged you tightly"
"I am sorry (Y/N), I am really sorry"
He sighed holding you more tight
You could feel the tears falling on your back..
You couldn't say anything, whom are you trying to be mad with, with the person whom you love the most and for whom you mean the world .
"I missed you terribly" you replied in a teary voice and hug him tightly.
"I'll never, ever go away babe,never" he said with a teary deep voice.
You look in his green eyes which were filled with tears.
"I love you" You sighed
"I love you too (Y/N)" he replied and holds you closer.
"I am sorry harry, i am sorry" you said.
"Don't be, it was both of our decision"
He sighed.
You wiped away his tears.
So did he.
And hugged you tight.
After a little while.
You both decided to take a walk down in your garden.
"(Y/N), I missed you" He said pulling you closer towards his chest.
"I missed you too, harry" you smiled.
"Kids, Dinner is ready" Lara screamed from the kitchen.
"Lets go" harry said.
"I am not hungry" you sighed.
"Well, i didn't have lunch" he sighed
"how many times i said you not to skip lunch" you said.
"Sorry, sorry mum" he teased you While tickling you.
"Says who ?" Lara interfered.
"Well for your record, miss (Y/N), you didn't eat anything the whole day and when was the last time you had proper meal, tell me" She teased you.
"(Y/N), harry said with a deep voice and a over protective nature.
"Catch me if you can" you said and ran inside the house.
"Girl, you better get ready for the punishment for skipping meals" harry screamed while running to catch you.
*At the dining table*
"It was delicious, Thanks Lara" harry said.
"Yeah it was" thanks Lara
You added.
"I am glad you liked it, kids" Lara smiled.
"Lara, i was thinking if you want to take some days off, you can" you sighed.
"It will be great (Y/N), she replied"
"I would love the home and the girl alone to myself" harry smirked
"Dork" you sighed.
"Take care of my girl" Lara said in a demanding voice.
"Of course I'll" Harry smiled at you.
After a while
Harry went back to the bedroom you both shared.
While you were helping Lara packing her stuff.
"(Y/N), you go to sleep, don't keep that man waiting " Lara Smiled
"Its okay , Lara" you smiled back.
"Everything okay now?" She asked
"We are working on it, i love him" You sighed
"You both are meant for each other" she said while giving you a hug.
"Thanks Lara" you smiled .
"Go to sleep now, (Y/N), you look tired" She said
"I am , good night" you smiled.
And walk towards the bedroom.
Well, you could see after this rough day your boy friend was pretty tired and fell asleep.
"(Y/N),C'mre" he mumbled
"Here,babe" you said and laid down next to him, hugging him tight.
He pressed a kiss on your lips, and you kissed him back.
"I missed this" he said.
"I missed it too" you replied
"Cuddles, please!?" He asked with the cutest voice ever.
"You put your head on his chest"
His strong arms wrapped around you, while removing your hair which fell on your face.
"Good night, beautiful" he whispered with his deep, husky voice.
"Good night, haz" you smiled.
"I missed waking up next to him"
You whispered to yourself.
*You both fell asleep while cuddling*
*Next morning*
you woke up, he was still sleeping
you looked at him, how adorable he always looks while sleeping, you smiled a put a kiss on his forehead.
"I missed this" he mumbled in his deep, sleepy , morning voice.
"Shhhh! I missed it more" you teased.
He pulled you closer to his chest.
"Damn, 9:30, i am getting late" you screamed.
he gives you a confused irritating look.
you could look at his face and see how pissed off he was, and how bad he wanted you to stay.
"I have to go babe" you said and get out of the bed.
"Sure" he whispered
After completing your daily morning routine, you decided to put your clothes on, put a light makeup.
Harry was still on the bed, giving you some grumpy stares.
You go towards him and hug him tight.
"Sorry, baby" you whispered
"I promise I'll be back ASAP" you said.
"Fine" he mumbled
You pressed a kiss on his lips.
He smiled at you.
As you walked out of the room.
"(Y/N), what about breakfast!" Harry screamed from behind.
"I will get something, you make sure you eat something too" you replied.
And walked into your car.
*After a meeting*
"Mr.styles is here to meet you" Ellie reported you.
"May i come in, ma'am" harry opens your office door.
"Of course, Mr. Styles" you smirked
"Thanks Mrs.styles" he teased.
As he walked in, Ellie greeted him and she left your office.
"So, what brings you here?" You smiled.
"Do i need reasons, to see my girl" he smirked.
He walks toward you and you both shared a kiss.
"Will you do the honour of going for a lunch with me, Ma'am" he smiled.
"Sure sir, i would love to" you smiled back .
"Thank god" he laughed
"sush, i am hungry, lets go"
You both enjoy a lunch by the beach.
Thanks for reading
All the love,
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