Day off || Harry Styles
Y/N: (your name)
You groaned sitting up the bed as you felt a sharp pain in your head strikes again, your migraine was killing you and it was getting in the way of spending the day with your boyfriend, Harry. Who had miraculously taken the day off, on the exact day you couldn't spend it with him, because of tour stupid migraine. Typically when you felt like this, you would just spend the day in bed, waiting for Harry to come home and just cuddle, but it looks like, with Harry around now, it would say and look otherwise.
You eyed the bathroom as you stand up, but before you could even step another foot forward, you were pulled back down by Harry as he buries his face in your neck. You tried getting out of his grip but he was too strong and aside for your migraine, you didn't have the strength to fight back. So you decided to loosen your grip on his arms and just melted in his touch, but the thing was, you could feel you're burning up and Harry did feel that too, he sat up looking at you and touching your forehead lightly.
But you were quick enough to swat his hand away and you let out a nervous chuckle.
"Kitten, you're burning up" Harry says, as he placed his hands on your neck this time.
"No I'm not" you removed his hand, he gave you a concerned look.
"No seriously, you are"
"I'm fine, Haz. Anyways what do you want for breakfast" you asked trying to drop the topic about you burning up, which he did.
He beamed up when you said breakfast, he loved your cooking, quickly standing up as he dragged you out of bed, taking you to the kitchen immediately. You felt dizzy, holding your head as you went down the stairs, Harry was constantly glancing at you but you would flash a smile and give him a thumbs up. He took out the ingredients for pancakes and some fresh fruits, this was his favourite morning breakfast.
You chuckled as you grabbed the bowl to mix everything together, Harry sat down in a stool across you, his hands in each side of his face watching you.
"Stop it, you're being too cute" you playfully rolled your eyes as he just made the face even more, but this time his bottom lip was jutted out, making a pouty face. "Harry, stop"
"What?" He whined, throwing his hands up and making a questionable face as he shrugged. "Why can't I admire my pretty girlfriend whilst she makes me breakfast- Ooh someone's blushing"
You weren't actually blushing, you had a fever and it was rising, literally to your cheeks. You stick your tongue out to him, wanting to stop the conversation so you can finish the breakfast and possibly get some rest again. The batter was done and you started pouring small amounts into the pan, you did this for the next five minutes until you finished, you handed Harry a plateful of pancakes as he thanked you by kissing your cheek. You sat across him with you stared blankly at the counter.
"Babe" Harry said, making you snap out. You gave him a confused look as he chuckled. "I asked you if you want some"
"It's okay Haz, I'm good" he nodded looking at you, he noticed you were actually strange lately, he was still sure about you burning up, but your physical appearance said otherwise.
You tried not to look ill in front of him, knowing he would go to instant protective mode and it was his day off, you didn't want to ruin it just because of your fever. You still continued to stare at the counter blankly, you're stomach was grumbling but you didn't have the appetite to eat, you wanted to sleep but also you didn't want to. You we're so lost in thought that you didn't even pay any attention to anything that Harry was asking you, he kept waving his hand you still didn't notice, until he snapped his fingers in your ear.
"What Harry?" You asked annoyed, furrowing your eyebrows as you look at him.
"I uh- the boys are coming over to watch football, is it alright?" Ah fuck, you thought, now more people to notice that you aren't feeling great but on the bright side, it gave you a little distance from Harry, maybe some time to rest.
"Yeah, yeah of course" you smiled, getting off the stool. "I'll be out bedroom in you need me"
He nodded finishing his breakfast, you made your way back to the bedroom and quickly got some paracetamol to drink. Your vision was blurry and everything was spinning, you sat at the edge of the bed, holding your head in your hands and rubbing your temple in circles. A few minutes later Harry came up, announcing that he was going to shower, he spotted you but you faked being okay as he shrugged. The doorbell rang, indicating the boys are here.
"Babe?! Could you get the door please?" You sighed standing up and heading down to open the door and you were greeted by four cheering boys.
"Hey Y/N- oh my god, are you okay? You look pale" Louis rushed to your side and holding your arms.
"Yeah Lou, m'kay. Just tired I guess" you let them in as they smiled at you, they brought a lot of junk foods for them to pig out on whilst they watch football and a lot of beer which they might pass out on.
You told them that you were going to rest in your bedroom and could they keep it down, they assured you they will, heading back up, bumping in to Harry as he was going down. He wanted to give you a kiss but you dodged it, his lips landing on your cheek instead. You didn't want him to also be infected by your fever, he pouted as he continued his way down. You laid on your back wrapping the duvet around you as you felt cold, the fever was really getting you and you were burning up. You stayed like that for a few hours before you wanted another glass of water.
So going back down, again. You were already dizzy, everything was spinning around you and the headache was pounding so much, you were on the last staircase before you heard someone call your name.
"Y/N? You alright?" And it was the last thing you heard before passing out. Harry jumped out of his chair and heading straight to you, he picked you up.
"She's burning, like literally. What should I do?" he rambles.
"You mindless little shit. Bring her to bed!" Louis instructs him to make you some soup. In which he did, he told the boys he would stay with you for a while, whilst they continued watching.
Keeping his promise as he just stayed by you, watching how you would scrunched your nose up constantly, he smiled at you little feature. You stirred, opening your eyes to see Harry started panicking, you sat up giggling at him before you realised he had brought you some soup. You gave him a sad smile, ruining his day off.
"I'm sorry Haz, this was supposed to be your day off and I-"
"Hey, hey. Shhh no it's okay, you didn't ruin my day off, I'd rather take care of you during it plus I get cuddles" he placed the bowl down and snuggled closer to you. He leaned over trying to give you a kiss but you moved away.
"You'll catch my sickness"
"Nah it's good" he kissed you. "I guess the four are gonna be our slaves foe the rest of the week"
You giggled pulling him closer.
A/N: this is crap, well hope you enjoy!
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