Heels clicked and echoed down the hall, followed by the crash of the oak door that slammed closed behind her. Destiny clutched a plastic bag in one hand and used to other one to finger-comb her wavy, auburn hair.
Rain dripped from her coat and into a small puddle on the stone floor. She walked through the cold halls and into a large living room. The ceiling went up for what felt like ages, twenty feet of built in bookshelves and a warm, crackling fireplace.
There was a second floor, half floor at least. At the top of the swirling stairs was a desk with papers scattered all over it. A simple lamp sat on the corner of it, which had been left on for a few hours. In the seat, two cats were curled up, sleeping contently.
She made her way up the steps, and three cats followed closely behind her. They meowed out and she smiled.
"Hello there my precious demon children. How were you when I was gone?" She asked aloud she made her way back down. They followed, and meowed again. "Aw, you poor things are probably are hungry. Come on" She left her bag near the door of the living room and kicked off her heels.
She followed her cats, they knew all too well the way to the kitchen. When she entered the room, she flicked the light switch on headed straight for the cupburt. She pulled out a large bag of dry cat food and poured it into several of the dozens of cat bowls pressed up against the wall.
She didn't even notice the dark figure digging through her cupboards until they slammed close. She froze in her spot and narrowed her hazel eyes. She slowly turned towards the noise with her scariest glare on her face.
"Hey, you're out of pop tarts," The figure commented as it examined the empty box in her hand.
"I just got a whole- WHAT THE EVER LOVING HECK? How did you even get in here!?" Destiny questioned. If questioned was even the right word. More like demanded with a fierce glare that would cause a full grown man to wet his pants and run crying to his mom.
The brunette shrugged as she finally turned her gaze to the angry cat lady. She didn't seem surprised by the glare, or the least bit fazed by it.
"Through the door, of course. I never even left from our 'last visit'. Oh and I'm not the only one here-" Brooklyn was cut off as another girl their same age's head peeked around the door.
Her light brown hair was poofy as it curled weirdly around her thick black glasses frame. A baggy white t-shirt hung off her shoulders and pink reindeer pajama pants covered most of her feet which would cause anybody else the step and fall on it.
"What's taking so long for the pop tarts, Brooklyn?" She pondered as she took in the scene of the room. It took her a few moments to notice Destiny, but when she did, she gave a shy smile and a small wave.
"Ohh, she's out of them. We'll need to add them to the list of things to buy when we go shopping, Lily." Brooklyn informed her as she opened the fridge. "Until then we could make pizza rolls or chicken nuggets or something"
"HOW DID YOU GUYS GET INTO MY CASTLE?!" Destiny demanded. She was a bit shocked to say the least. You'd think she would have noticed two teenage girls- one who was very loud and the other who couldn't walk straight if her life depended on it- stumbling around the castle.
Brooklyn and Lily took in Destiny's state for a moment. Drenched head to toe from the pouring rain just outside the stone walls of the castle. She didn't have shoes on, but they could already assume she wore heels. She shifted her balance from one foot to another and lifted her leg up and kneaded the bottom of her foot. And she was never happy when she had to wear heels. Black pants and a simple, red blouse clung to her figure from the pouring rain outside and her hair was pulled back into a ponytail that had at one point been sleek, but was now limp, drenched, bedraggled.
"Ummmmm, we came through the door. We're your friends, I thought we were allowed to visit you anyway." Lily mumbled nervously. She was actually a bit scared of her friend, in some ways more than others.
"I already know you came through the door! The only other way in would be if you climbed through the windows! That, might I add, are thirty feet above the lake that surrounds this place!" Destiny growled as she put the cat food back up. She dusted her hands off on her legs and turned back to her friends. There was silence for a moment as they looked at her quietly.
Then from another room,"WHY DON'T THEY SEE THAT THEY ARE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER" was screamed. It was a piercing scream that momentarily rendered all who heard it dead.
Everyone rushed to the room of its origin, Destiny, angrier than she was when she first walked into the kitchen, and Brooklyn and Lily completely unfazed.
Within, they saw a blonde girl with hunter green eyes with glasses that were emerald green and black as night, wearing a pair of sweatpants, and a baggy t-shirt that said "Bughead is endgame" on the front and "so is Olicity" on the back, sitting on the bed, watching Miraculous Ladybug. She was sitting criss-crossed as she threw popcorn at the television.
"Eliza is here too?" Destiny groaned, wondering how all of her friends got past her security system and into her castle. How she at least didn't catch them on the cameras.
"Yah. Hi Destiny" Eliza offered through tears. Elizabeth was her real name, but usually everybody was to lazy to pronounce the whole thing, so they either called her Eliza or Betty.
"Ok. How did you get in my house?" Destiny questioned, after taking in a deep breath and sighing. At least she knew she taught them something right. If she couldn't notice them in the amount of time they've been here, then no one else would notice.
"Oh, You let me in remember?" Eliza reminded the cat lady, sparing her a glance.
"That was three days ago!" Destiny exclaimed with exasperated sigh. She didn't even have to pause and try to remember what day of the week that happened. She remembered all to well. Long story short, Eliza needed to borrow three pounds of catnip to see if racoons liked it.
"Yah I never left," Eliza replied nonchalantly turning her attention back on the tv. Just then an adorable little puppy jumped on the bed. Or tied to. She slid back down the side, not really having a good stance or grip the first time. She jumped back on again and yapped happily.
"Hey Peggy" Brooklyn greeted her puppy and she moved to sit next to it on the bed.
"Wait! Eliza, your dog's here too? You know my cats hate her. Nope she has to leave." Destiny shook her head as she carefully watched the dog. She heard her cats hiss behind her and scurry off somewhere into the castle.
"Oh come on Destiny, look how cute she is. Your cats will learn to like her. Plus, she is named after a Schuyler Sister." Lily stated, but also a hint of begging in her voice.
She clapped her hands together and gave Destiny puppy eyes. The other two joined Lilly until they either annoyed the angry castle owner into it or caused her to cave.
"Fine! The mutt can stay!" cried Destiny, throwing her hands up in the air in defeat. She turned her head away from them so she didn't have to see their ridiculous expressions.
The three gave a chorus of "yays" and "yeses"
The cats proceeded to hiss somewhere in the castle and Lily, Eliza, and Brooklyn laughed. Lily walked over to Peggy and patted her head. Destiny looked on in disgust with her lip curled in fire burning in her eyes.
"You can keep it, but keep the scoundrel away from me" The auburn haired girl growled.
Lily nodded her head as she walked out of the room planning on grabbing some food, but of course she tripped on the way there. She tried to grab onto the nearest thing, which happened to be Destiny. Not only did she fall, but she brought the unhappy owner of the castle down with her.
"GODS FUDGING DARN IT!" Destiny screeched in outrage. "I'LL HEX YOU ALL TO TARTARUS AND BACK!"
Destiny glared at the others as she rested her weight on her elbows so she wouldn't fall back. Lilly scrambled back from being on top of Destiny, blushing furiously.
"Sorry." Lily mumbled under her breath shyly, "Please don't send us to Tartarus, it seems like no fun." She pouted a bit, and her cheeks were still dusted with a blush that showed no hope of going away anytime soon.
Destiny rolled her eyes as she pushed herself up. She dusted the imaginary dirt off her clothes before looking down at the clumsy girl. She scoffed, but helped her friend up.
"Nooo, I don't want to see Hades again." Brooklyn complained as she curled her legs up onto the bed and leaned back into the pillows.
Eliza just glanced up at her before going back to watching her show, she didn't really care what the others around her were doing, as long as they didn't turn the t.v off or mess with the wifi.
Lilly continued to make her way towards the kitchen, stumbling only a little bit instead of face planting again. Peggy barked happily while Brooklyn went back to petting her. Destiny hissed quietly at the offending hound, in her opinion.
Lily came back a few minutes later with big fluffy waffles that gave off the most delicious sent. It was only a matter of second before the scent filled the whole room and the girls looked at her hungrily.
. "I made waffles as a peace offering." She joked and sat down on a chair in the room while proceeding to eat her waffles. "So are you ok if we lived here with you?" Lily asked quietly as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
Before Destiny could open her mouth or tear her eyes away from the food, Brooklyn cut her off. "We're not taking no as an answer either way." Brooklyn told her. Eliza and Lily nodded in agreement.
Destiny sighed as she turned her eyes to her friends. She looked back at the food as she thought. "You can stay-"
"Yay!" Lilly exclaimed followed by Brooklyn's mumbling of "We weren't going anywhere". Eliza offered a smile as she kept her eyes glued to the television.
"But ONLY if, you help with litter boxes. They do not clean themselves. I refuse to waste magic on inanimate objects that can be cleaned easily by hand," Destiny finished, giving a small glare at the people who cut her off.
"Darn it!!!" Brooklyn screamed, throwing her head back in anger.
"Ha you guys have fun with that. Mermaids can't clean litter boxes or they um die yah that sounds right" Eliza tried attempting to throw popcorn in her mouth and failing miserably.
"But there's like a million litter boxes." Lily complained as she adjusted her grip on the hot plate in her hands.
"Suck it up. If you want to stay, you have to help. We'll set up an arrangement so that all of you can help. And I do mean ALL of you," Destiny stated, looking pointedly at Eliza.
" But I'll die if I clean them out!" Eliza complained, finally looking away from her show.
"I can get a job to help out with money, and I'm writing a book. Would that work instead.....?" Lily pondered, thinking of several ways to get out of doing kitty litter.
"No, you have to help around the castle. You've got your wolf form. You can help. And I will use magic for that, Eliza. If you stay, you have to help. I will not be the only one cleaning litter boxes." Destiny stated, cocking her hip out and gave them a look that said "there is no other option do it".
"What would I even use my wolf for to help clean?' Lily asked, scrunching up her nose. Being a wolf would only increase the scent, and she gagged thinking about it.
"Ugh Fine." Eliza shrugged in defeat. She went back to being on the verge of tears.
Brooklyn wasn't commenting on anything, because somehow she had fallen asleep on the bed with Peggy while everyone else was talking.
"Why are you guys even in my room?" questioned Eliza, realizing her friends were all either sitting down in it or throwing fire with their eyes.
"Because you screamed something about someone not being with someone else, and that's when I discovered that you hadn't left in three days," Destiny replied simply. She felt her anger seeping away to be replaced with tiredness.
"I just followed everyone." Explained Lily as she stood up from the rocking chair in the corner.
"Oh right , But why AREN'T they together?" Eliza said choking back tears. The others glanced at the T.V to see which show she was obsessing over this time.
"I made waffles earlier as a peace offering if you want some to maybe cheer you up a little." Lily offered Eliza, while making her way back to the kitchen to put her dishes in the sink.
"What fandom was it again?" Destiny asked after a yawn forced its way threw her lips.
" Well, all of them, but this specific time i'm talking about Miraculous Ladybug," Eliza explained to her friend.
Lily peeked her head around the door and asked, "Who wants waffles and how many? I'll get them for you guys."
Brooklyn just buried her head in the pillow, still asleep.
"I'll take 4 with Nutella on them," Eliza informed, wanting to hide her feelings in food.
"I had swim earlier. You know I'm starving. Honestly, it's like you don't even know me," Destiny replied, giving Lily an exasperated look.
"Ok, and I'll get you five of them then Destiny." Lily told them and went back into the kitchen to get the waffles.
She then came out later with the waffles and gave them the plates full of food. She then sat down on the chair she sat on earlier with another plate full of waffles and started eating them. She looked at Destiny and Eliza and said, "Don't judge me I only grabbed two waffles at first, this is going to make it four waffles in total that I ate. And shape shifting is so exhausting"
Destiny shrugged as she started to chow down on her food. The room was silent for a moment, except for the "Lucky Charm!" That came from the T.V.
"Can I make a pun?" Lily asked aloud, breaking the comfortable silence. "It just entered my mind. Never mind, I can't think STRAIGHT." Then Lily laughed at her own pun.
"Great StarClan, Lily, you use that pun way to much," Destiny sighed, running her hand through her hair again. It was still drying from the rain, and it was wavy now.
"What's wrong with the pun though?" Lily pouted, "How can you use such a great pun too much?" She demanded with her arms crossed like a little girl. She was all but sticking her tounge out.
"There's this thing called 'overuse'. Have you ever heard of it, Lily?" Destiny asked sarcastically after swallowing a huge bite she took.
"HEY!" Lilly exclaimed and scowled at Destiny.
"JUST LET ME EAT MY WAFFLES IN PEACE!" Destiny cried, stroking a cat with one hand, flipping Lily of with the other, and causing her fork to float with waffles on it to eat.
"Hey! No flipping people off!" Lily ordered at Destiny while scowled.
Destiny, in retaliation, stopped petting the cat, and flipped Lily off with both hands. Lily scowled and ran over to Destiny. She stole her waffles, since she wasn't holding them, and ran off.
"Lilly Ella! I know you did not just steal my Waffles!! Do you want to die???" screamed Destiny in a rage. Lily just laughed from where she had run off to in the castle and transformed into a wolf. Of course, only after she hid the waffles. Then, she trotted back into Eliza's room, where everyone was still eating, sleeping, or working up a raging curse.
Lily continued to eat, while Destiny searched for her waffles. Little did she know, that they were behind the kitchen door. Destiny muttered curses under her breath, and planning revenge on Lily. While looking for her waffles. Eventually she decided to just grab more from the kitchen while grumbling about stupid mutts.
She opened the oak door to the kitchen and heard a splat. She closed the door behind her and looked to see what the noise came from. There, behind the door was squished golden waffles. "SIRIUSLY!" Destiny screamed in outrage. She stomped over to the waffles, picked them up, threw them into a trash can, walked over to where the plate of waffles were, looked down, then saw there were no waffles left.
She furiously stomped back to Eliza's room and shouted, "WHO WANTS ROASTED MUTT FOR LUNCH TODAY?"
Peggy whined, Eliza laughed, Brooklyn shot up into a sitting position on Eliza's bed, and Lily looked alarmed. Lily got up as fast as she could and started to run as fast as she could away from Destiny. Brooklyn blinked still trying to get her brain to fully wake up, while Eliza went back to watching MLB knowing there was nothing she could do.
Destiny ran after Lily so as to exact her furious revenge upon the poor wolf-shifter, while Lily was still running for her life. Lily swerved around another corner that she saw, she threw open the door in front of her and went into the room. The room ended up going to outside into what looked like a garden.
"Destiny has a garden?" Lily asked herself under her breath. She found a couple of trees and a few plants around them, to hide behind while Destiny searched for her.
After a few minutes of hiding from Destiny, Lily pulled her phone out of her pocket, pulled up a group chat with Brooklyn and Eliza, then texted them if it was ok to come out of hiding.
Brooklyn: Maybe, I don't know. She's not in my room at least.
Eliza: I think so, she's in my room. Although she is pacing back and forth muttering things under her breath. Sounds a bit like a curse. Magical kind, not the cussing kind
Lily decided she would finally come out of hiding, but go to her room to make sure she was safer for now.
Heyyyyy! Pulse here! Hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter. Sorry it was so long, I didn't feel like shortening it. The song in the media is called If I Die Young by The Band Perry, video by Nightcore Lab. avA wanted to put the clip from Glee where she breaks down crying, but I said no. Anyways, see y'all later!
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