Chapter 23: Claims and Content
I woke up the next morning with the sun streaming through the windows, shining on my face as bright as my mood. With a quick cup of coffee and a smile on my face, I was out the door and ready to submit my withdrawal from school. I was sure Nick's would follow.
The door stood ajar when I reached it, unusual for the uptight school where I had never seen a room without a teacher or item out of place.
"Mrs. Harris?" I nudged the door open with my toe, poking my head in. "Are you here?"
She wasn't there, but a startled gasp from my right drew my attention to the wide eyes of Officer Reese. "Lexi, I didn't think the principal would find you that fast. Are you alright?" He stood, his eyes scanning my face before looking behind me, jaw tight.
"I don't understand, was Mrs. Harris out looking for me?" I closed the door, my limbs were heavier than before. I had enjoyed the positive mood while it lasted.
"Then you came here alone?" Officer Reese's shoulders dropped, a thin whisp of air breaking through his lips.
"What's the problem? Did something happen?" I took a second to think about it before the answer hit me like a bolt. I started laughing, my side aching. "She wants to expel me, doesn't she?"
I saw Officer Reese's concerned look through my tears. It must have seemed strange, me laughing over an expulsion. I supposed it was something that meant more to him, but I had been absorbed with getting out as soon as possible. "You're happy to leave?"
"I figured it wouldn't be long before someone took advantage of the new rules to expel me. I've done everything I need to here." I took a seat, leaning back in the plush chair.
"Then you expected this?"
"The rules were clear before, I couldn't be expelled without proof. After our display the other day, I knew Nick would be under watch, and my eyes give me away."
"I guess you're right, kid. Still, I didn't think they would actually do it."
It was easy to think I would never lose if I looked for the best in people. I learned early on to hope for the best but expect the worst. I could hope for humans like Officer Reese who tried to be fair, but I would have to expect actions like these.
"Do you know when Mrs. Harris will be back?" The bowl of snacks on Mrs. Harris's desk looked tempting. Hunger pains had my stomach acting up. It was irritating.
"She was going to call you and Nick down quietly, save you the embarrassment."
I pursed my lips, shifting in my seat. Nick wasn't in his room. That would be a reason for expulsion on its own. His secret would be safe if the school signed the expulsion letter with his absence as the reason. I clenched my fists. I would have to appeal to Mrs. Harris's better nature to help him. I needed to go looking for her, plead while we walked. I wasn't above begging if it would help Nick.
I jumped as the door opened and Mrs. Harris walked in. "I couldn't find Alexandra. Nick's bed looks unslept in. We'll have to call them down over the intercom."
"Excuse me, Mrs. Harris." The older woman visibly flinched at my words. "I planned to meet with you, and Officer Reese explained that you wanted to see me as well."
Her shoulders rose and fell, and she forced a smile that stretched to her ears. "Mrs. Smith, do you happen to know where Nick is?"
"He's not at school today," I said coolly.
"Do you know why?"
"He is going through some stuff. I can relay any message you have for him. Why did you want to talk to us? Is it about the assembly? I already explained that Nick wasn't feeling well, and Officer Reese can confirm this."
"It's not about Nick being sick." Mrs. Harris pulled her eyes away from me, glancing at Officer Reese. "The school district thinks there is reason to believe you might be Coth. I have to ask you to step away from school or go through an extensive investigation to prove otherwise."
"And Nick?"
"There was an anonymous video submitted of him with a wolf near the woods two nights ago. That and the fact he left school grounds does not bode well for him. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done in that regard. But as for you, we are ready to call your uncle and decide your course of action."
"We don't need to involve my uncle. He is busy. Officer Reese doesn't need to be here either." I turned to him. "Thank you for being here, but I have it covered."
"Mrs. Harris?"
She looked between me and the man, her jaw tight. She couldn't honestly think I was going to make a scene.
"You may go Officer Reese." He gave me a curt nod before leaving, the door swinging behind him. "As I was saying, I'll have to call your uncle."
"We really don't need to."
"I'm afraid we need to. You are a student, and no legal suit can be filed until he is included." She drew closer to her desk, fingers resting on the telephone.
"Then call him and tell him I am withdrawing from the school. Nick is as well, formally transferring that is." I straightened my back, imagining the lecture I would receive later. "Uncle is well aware of my situation here and will give you no problems."
"Are you saying Nick will be transferring on his own?" Her hand tightened, lifting the phone to her ear as her fingers hovered over the ivory keys. "And I take it you are as well?"
"I've done everything I needed to here. I have made arrangements to leave anyway." I pulled the chair closer to the desk so my knees rested snuggly against the warm wood. "If you are able, I would like to finalize my leave now."
"I'll have to make a few calls to confirm." Mrs. Harris dialed a number, probably my uncle's, biting her pink lip. "Do you have a way to contact Nick?"
"I do, but I would not include his mother in this matter. She has elected to cut herself from his life." Mrs. Harris's eyes went wide, her brow pulled down as her mouth fell open. "He will be eighteen in a few days anyway."
"I will still need a parents signature." I bristled. The picture of Nick broken in the hall and silent in his new room flooded in front of me and I clenched the chair's arms. She did that to him.
"Then wait until he's eighteen," I challenged, my cheeks warming. "There is no need to include that woman."
"I'll do my best." Mrs. Harris turned her back as the scattered voice of my uncle rang through the other line. .
While I waited, I pulled out my phone, sending a long text to Nick that I then copied and sent to Alpha Daniel. I figured they should know what was going on, although this was grunt work, nothing I needed to concern myself with now that the supernatural side was less.
I tucked my phone away. "What did he say?"
"Not much." She hesitated, her hands curling together. "He said the paperwork would not be a problem?"
It took me a minute, but the realization hit me like a bucket of cold water: Alexandra Smith.
"He's right," I snorted. "The best thing to do would be to get rid of the paperwork, all of it that identifies an Alexandra Smith as a student at Twin Trees. Make it as though she doesn't exist." Because she doesn't.
"I'm sure you know why I can't do that." Mrs. Harris's tone was quiet despite the attempted weight of the words.
"Then have it ready for pick up. A representative will be by in the next few days to collect it." I stood, brushing off my pleated blue skirt. "After that happens, pretend I was never here."
"Then you are one? You're a Coth?" Her words stopped me; my hand froze on the fabric. Through my curtain of hair, I stared at her with as much fire human eyes could kindle.
"No," I hissed. "In the scope of powers and species, I am human."
My footsteps were heavy as I crossed the room. It was harder to tell a human that we were similar than to tell a Coth we were different. My eyes pricked, but I forced the self-pity away.
"Wait." Mrs. Harris reached out as though it could stop me, and I glanced over my shoulder. "You know Coth, don't you? You're..." she stuttered, "...involved?"
"I have the need for an alias for the protection of you and others. If I wasn't involved with Coth, there would be no need to hide." With those final words, I closed the door, leaving the puzzled woman behind, hopefully for good.
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