Chapter 16: Follow-Ups and Advice
I stood in the field for a good ten minutes, watching the parking lot empty as students made their way home. The sun warmed my back, and I took a seat, the grass tickling the part of my legs not covered by a skirt.
I pulled out my phone with every intention of calling my uncle, but something stopped me. Nick had shifted. That was the mission I was assigned. If I left now, I wouldn't be able to make sure he was okay or catch the person or persons behind the attacks. I could tell my uncle at The Gathering.
Rather than put away my phone, I called Kiri. "What happened?" Her voice hissed. "The last time we talked, you expected Nick to turn. Is everything okay?"
"He's fine. He started shifting in the middle of school, but I got him out in time, and I think I made a new ally."
"Did you get away before he shifted?"
"I left him in a safe spot. I hope Anya made it in time to find him. I wasn't reckless if that's what you're thinking."
"I wasn't thinking that. You're always reckless."
"That's why you love me." I chuckled, curling my knees to my chest.
This is what I wanted. I wanted to help a kid, make friends with a good human, call my girlfriend after a mission, and enjoy it. I could do it. I needed this mission to teach me that. Uncle was right.
"Are you still down for talking to the witness tomorrow?"
"About that..." I paused, scratching the back of my neck even though Kiri couldn't see.
"You're not going back on our deal. You promised to include me. Let me help. I won't let you take that back."
"I'm not going to." I hurried to fill in the blank, the screech in her voice a warning. "I was going to tell you I can get the report online. I was going to ask you on a work date. We could get something to eat in town, a normal one."
"And talk about murder?"
"It's a good topic, isn't it?"
"Let's keep our voices down at dinner, maybe leave work for after we eat?"
"It sounds perfect. I have to check on the kid so I'm going to let you go, but meet tomorrow at four-thirty at the main square."
"I'll be there." Kiri hung up the phone. Everything seemed to be going smoothly. Now I had to make sure Nick was doing okay.
I knew calling them wouldn't work and going into the woods was too dangerous, so I began the trek back to my dorm where I would quarantine myself, watching for their return. It could take all night, it probably would.
I didn't have anything else to do, so I packed a small bag of things I would need for the manor. I could catch a ride with Alpha Daniel, and with the witness testimony online, I had a free day tomorrow. I could join Nick and Anya after school and spend the evening relaxing.
It wasn't until the early hours of the day that Nick finally texted me, waking me up to tell me he was back in the dorm and safe. Knowing it was a bad idea, I snuck out of my room and made my way to his.
"So, how did it feel?" I closed the door behind me, careful to keep my voice soft. "Was it wonderful?"
Nick was sitting on his bed, eyes trained on the full moon. His face was lit by the dim rays, the rest of his body covered in shadow to create a dreamy picture.
"I didn't know it would be like that. It was scary at first, the wolf in control, but it shared control with me after a while. It still does." He turned his head to me, revealing a thin trail of dried tears on his cheeks. "I was human before, but I know I'm not now. You must know what that's like, being a witch, I mean."
"I don't know what it's like to be a wolf." I took a seat on the futon. "For what it's worth, I'm happy for you. I heard you have a connection with the pack. Is it true?"
"I could feel Anya approach, it was like a part of my heart was coming closer. Is it true that wolves have mates?"
The question surprised me. It wasn't common, but the higher a wolf was in the pack, the more likely they were to have a mate. "I suppose you could have one, your father being a Beta, but wolves don't often find mates."
Wolves were one of the few species that imprinted, mates being the nice word for it. Other species mated for life, but wolves could have many mates. It was like falling in love, but instinctual.
"I think Anya might be my mate," his voice was barely a whisper.
"Why do you think that?"
"It was easier with her there. I was drawn to her before, but I thought that was because she was a wolf. It got stronger after the shift and hasn't gone away. It's like a warm blanket mixed with calm." He looked too me. "You know?"
I did, that's how Kiri made me feel.
"I do. This isn't overly serious. It's more of a suggestion, your wolf telling you who you're compatible with."
"So, I should ask her out?"
How did I, a well-trained specialist, end up in a room talking to a wolf about his girl problems? If only my uncle could see me now.
"Might as well, you've got nothing to lose." I wouldn't know the terror of asking someone out. I hadn't dated anyone before Kiri, and she had made the first move. "Not to pressure you, but you have the option to tell your mom what you are. You don't have to, but that option is open."
"Would you? Tell her, I mean? Would you tell your parents that you were a Coth, even if they wouldn't like it?"
"My mom died when I was a kid, so I'm not sure there. I don't know who my dad is, but if he was like your mom, I would still tell him, I think. I would want him to know me, good or bad." I looked at my clenched hands. "It's your decision, that's what matters."
"I just needed to know what you would do. I want to tell her, but I didn't want you to think I was crazy."
"You're not crazy, Nick."
"When should I do it? Is there a rule or something? Do I have to sign a contract?"
"We're not that strict. I would wait until I'm back from The Gathering with your Alpha, just so we can be there to help. So, Thursday?"
"She's supposed to be back Wednesday night. We shouldn't wait too long, or I might chicken out."
"You don't have to do this. No one would judge you."
"I want to though. She never understood why I was so interested in the Coth. Maybe this will help her understand? She might accept it, and if she doesn't, then I won't wonder."
"That's surprisingly mature of you, Nick."
"You don't need to be surprised. I'm not a complete idiot."
"Well, I think my work here is done. If you have any more questions or need anything before you tell your mom, let me know. I'll be here until Tuesday night."
"I will. I don't think I'll be able to sleep, but I'll see you later for school?"
"I'll see you for breakfast and Comparative History. Try to at least get some rest, you scared everyone with your performance yesterday, and we don't need you coming to class looking like hell."
I closed the door to his room but waited until I heard the bed shift as Nick laid down before heading back. I knew just how he felt. There was no way I would be able to go back to sleep now. I still had a few hours before breakfast, but it felt like a lifetime.
A lifetime to think about how complicated life had gotten. But wasn't this what I wanted?
I laughed at myself in the darkness. "Alexis, you really are odd."
I wanted friends, and I had them. I wanted a case and here it was neatly wrapped with a bow. Even my relationship was looking up and Kiri was closer than ever. Maybe this case was the best thing that could have happened to me.
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