Chapter 14: Atrocious Assembly
The gym was packed when we arrived for the emergency assembly, although most of the students didn't even know what that meant. I didn't know what it meant, but the sinking feeling in my stomach seemed to.
"What do you think this is?" Nick asked, sitting against the back wall.
"If I had to guess, I'd say it's probably about what we drove by last night."
"You think?"
"The cop I talked to last night thought it was something the school couldn't hide," I admitted. "Frankly, I'm surprised they've managed to keep the attacks on the down-low."
"You never told me what happened last night," Nick pointed out. He was right, I hadn't even thought about it.
"Someone died. I forgot to mention it."
Nick's eye bulged. "You forgot to mention it!"
"It slipped my mind. I was preoccupied with finding out who the witness is."
"Are you going to talk to them? Can I come? It'll be like Men in Black."
Nick's Labrador Retriever reaction was the exact reason he would not be joining me. Besides, that role was reserved for Kiri.
"You'll be tired tomorrow after your shift. I don't need a sick kid trailing me."
"You know you're mean, right?"
I shrugged, my lips ticking up as Nick grumbled in my peripherals. I was beginning to enjoy his animated reactions.
My attention was drawn to the stage as Mrs. Harris climbed the platform leading to the microphone. Her usual tight bun hung limp, and her eyes drooped with large bags. She looked more tired than I felt.
"Good afternoon students. I was asked by the city's police force and concerned parents to talk about some recent events that have been kept quiet so as not to start a panic. As some of you may know, there have been a series of attacks near Shroder Park that have resulted in injuries. I am sad to report, we had our first death last night."
A gasp rose in the crowd, students turning to each other as the volume increased. So many emotions filled the gymnasium: panic, fear, shock, curiosity. My heart began to race as a result.
"Quiet everyone!" Hrs. Harris's voice broke through the drone, the microphone deafening. "We have a guest here to help us understand how to stay safe while the culprit is still at large."
My lungs closed and my vision went crooked as Officer Reese left the shadows and stepped onto the platform. He looked just like he did last night, but more put together. He had no clue I had betrayed his kindness.
"Hello students of Twin Trees, I'm Officer Reese and I want to talk to you about some rather unpleasant things. Recently there have been attacks, as your principal has said, however, I urge you all to remain calm. There is no need to panic or fear, as long as you exercise caution and stay safe."
The projector at the end of the room came to life, running through a slideshow on basic safety measures: obeying curfew, walking in groups, carrying pepper spray if out at night, staying in lit areas. All common sense, and nothing that would prevent someone from being attacked, not if the attacker meant them harm.
"There is no reason to think anyone is in immediate danger, and the police are handling the situation."
"Was it a werewolf?" A student shouted, their face buried in the masses.
"Or a vampire?" another one cried.
Next to me, Nick curled in on himself. I leaned forward, blocking him from view.
"There is no evidence at the moment of a supernatural threat, so I'm going to ask you all not to spread rumors." Officer Reese raised his arms, a glimmer of sweat on his brows. "We will release information to the public when it becomes relevant."
"Thank you, Officer Reese. I'll take over now." Mrs. Harris appeared eager to chase him off stage, while the kids whispered about a Coth stalking the park.
Nick groaned, his eyes squeezed shut.
"Are you okay?" I asked him as the reality of the situation came back to me.
"I'm fine," he grunted through a clenched jaw. "Just the whole thing makes me sick. How do you stand it?"
"I'm fuming on the inside. This happened at the last place I went to. You'll learn to bite your tongue."
"Why should we have to bite our tongues?" Nick growled. "It's unfair."
Yeah, well life wasn't fair. Nick was stuck with a mom who didn't like Coth in a city that would despise him. Kiri was stuck with a family that wanted her to be someone else. I was stuck as a broken legacy. Nothing was fair.
"Alright, students. Under the instruction of the school board, we are putting more measures in place to ensure your security. On your way out of the gymnasium, please take a handout by the door. It is a list of new policies and rules that will go into effect immediately."
The PowerPoint shifted again to a list of items even more infuriating than the last.
1. Students will leave school directly following classes, and those living in the dorms will stay in the school after hours. No visitors.
2. The school will no longer allow off-campus privileges, and during school hours students are confined to the building.
3. All students will be required to sign a new form dictating they are not Coth.
4. All students will be required to sign a new form dictating they do not have relations with Coth.
5. All students who are suspected of being Coth will be suspended until a thorough investigation has been conducted.
6. Students who are found to be Coth or have relations with a Coth will be temporarily suspended from school pending an investigation.
"These policies are only in place for a short time and are the direct result of the school board's concern for the well-being of the students."
Mrs. Harris's reassuring tone made me nauseous. She was happy to isolate the supernatural students because that's what her bosses told her to do. It didn't matter how we felt, how unfair it was, or if it was right. It's what I hated about humans, most were content to segregate us as long as their lives were perfect, and they were quick to blame us when things went wrong. It was unbelievable there weren't more attacks.
"Lexi." Nick's voice wavered, and his hand found mine.
I squeezed it, glad for the fraction of comfort. "Just breathe, Nick. It's unfair, I know, but we can't do anything about it now. Just don't draw attention to yourself."
A rasping sound came next, and I turned to find Nick shaking, his shoulders hunched as his body rocked back and forth.
Shit! He was shifting. And it was happening in front of the whole school.
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