A World Apart- Chapter 5
A World Apart
Chapter 5
Light flooded through from somewhere as Draco Malfoy slowly woke up, realizing Elizabeth’s warm body was no longer next to him; this made him wake up quickly and he began to smell the wonderful scents coming from the small kitchen area. He could smell bacon and coffee and his stomach began to growl. He slowly sat up and there was his beautiful girl in the kitchen wearing just the long t-shirt from the night before cooking something at the stove. She turned with the pan and her eyes met his, “Good morning sleepyhead,” she said sweetly, “I hope you are hungry.”
“I am starving,” and he was, not just for breakfast but for the seductive little cook in her skimpy little t-shirt that showed off her long, lovely legs. Her hair was tumbling all around her face and down her back; with that sexy just woke up look. Draco climbed out of the bed and went to the bathroom to slip on his pants that he had left on the floor in his rush to join Elizabeth in her bath. He could feel Elizabeth’s eyes following him as he went to dress. He took a seat at the bar and she already had a plate ready for him with a cup of coffee and juice. There was French toast with syrup and fried bacon and scrambled eggs. Elizabeth came around and sat beside him at the bar.
“This is really delicious,” Draco said his mouth full of food. He watched her as she ate daintily. She never failed to amaze him and he was touched that she had gone out of her way to cook breakfast for him. He tried hard to imagine his wife doing anything like this for him, but failed. Astoria would never consider lowering herself to do anything like this for him and if the servants did not do it then it didn’t get done.
“You seem amazed that I can cook,” Elizabeth laughed.
“No, but you do amaze me. You are so good at so many things it makes me feel a little intimidated and in awe,” he looked into her sea blue eyes. He could get lost in them. Draco started dreaming of what it could be like to wake every morning like this, with Elizabeth beside him. Elizabeth made him feel needed and wanted. And he wanted that so bad in his life. With her he did not feel trapped and helpless and she made him want to belong in her world.
“Quit that,” she laughed, leaning her shoulder into his and bumping him.
“Quit what?”
“Looking at me like that. It makes me wonder what you are thinking, because you look so serious” she said earnestly, “I hope it’s something good.”
Draco leaned over and took her chin gently in his hand, his face right near hers, “Trust me, it is something good,” his silver blue eyes looking into her deep blue ones, he softly kissed her lips and felt like he might melt when she brought her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss, and ran her fingers up through his hair. Draco broke the kiss off, “You had better quit that or we will not leave this flat and then you will miss out on your first trip to Diagon Alley,” with that said Elizabeth released him reluctantly.
“That might not be so bad,” she whispered wickedly, as she got up from the stool to go get dressed. And Draco watched her as she rifled through her closet for something to wear, not believing he was going to give up spending the day here with her, all alone, to go to Diagon Alley. But he knew she was looking forward to this trip.
After they both had cleaned up and gotten dressed, Draco led Elizabeth through the streets of London, her hand in his. Elizabeth pointed out different landmarks and places she had been and told Draco that she would really love to take him on a tour of the city sometime in the future. He agreed to do it with her and it amazed him that he really wanted to see this muggle world. He didn’t know if it was for her or for all the things she was awakening in him but he truly wanted to know more about this world outside Hogwarts and the entire wizarding world. After all, if Elizabeth, who obviously had magical ability could adapt and love it, why couldn’t he? All his life he had been brought up to see muggles and anyone without pureblood as inferior, but he had changed since the dark lord’s defeat and now Elizabeth was opening his eyes to the world as a whole.
“Okay, here we are,” they had arrived at The Leaky Cauldron.
“You know I have seen this place several times and was tempted to go in, but I never dreamed it was something different than a tavern,” she said surprised.
“Well, that is just more proof that you have magical blood because if you were what we call a muggle it would have looked like a boarded up and abandon building.”
Draco opened the door and let Elizabeth in, following behind her. Draco explained that the Leaky Cauldron was a tavern and a place with rooms for rent for wizards. Elizabeth looked on in amazement at the assortment of wizards and witches in the place. Some were dressed like her in muggle clothing, while others wore an assortment of odd garments, including the long robes and pointed hats like in old stories. He led her to the back of the place through a back door and a dead end alley.
“Is this it?” she asked, sounding disappointed.
“Not quite,’ he laughed, “Watch this.” And Draco went up to the wall and Elizabeth watched closely as he pressed on several bricks in a certain order, memorizing it. Suddenly a doorway opened and she could see that there was a path leading out onto cobblestone streets. This was Diagon Alley and Elizabeth was amazed. This was a whole different world all to itself. It was so old and quaint. Draco watched the look of awe and pleasure play on Elizabeth as he took her down the cobble streets, pointing out the different shops and landmarks. He stayed clear of Knockturn Alley. It wasn’t the same since the dark lord’s defeat at the hands of Harry Potter, but there were still dark wizards who frequented the place and it was a not somewhere he ever wanted to be around again. He took her into a book store and bought Elizabeth a bunch of books so she could learn more about their world.
Draco only hoped they did not run into anyone he knew because he was going to find it hard to explain what he was doing with Elizabeth and where his wife might be. Then there was the chance that his wife might run into them on one of her many shopping trips. He had not really considered that when he had decided to bring Elizabeth to Diagon Alley.
As they were getting ready to head back to the muggle world Elizabeth reached over and took his hand, “Thank you, Draco. This has been lovely,” she was looking at him with those big beautiful eyes that he just wanted to drown in.
“We have one more stop to make,” he smiled, and squeezed her hand, leading her into a shop, “This is Olivander’s. It is a wand shop and if you had attended Hogwarts as a first year you would have come here for your wand before starting school.” Draco was remembering his first trip to Olivander’s and he could see the same look of longing and anticipation on Elizabeth’s face.
“Well, I never got to attend Hogwarts, so I guess I don’t need a wand,” she said sadly.
“You’re wrong, every wizard needs a wand, no matter how old they may be,” he took both her hands in his and looked at her sweetly, “I want you to get your wand, and I am paying for it.”
“Draco, I can’t accept that. You have already done enough getting me these books,” she said sincerely, her fingers entwined in his.
“I insist and I will not say it again, I want to do this Elizabeth,” he said strongly, giving her a small taste of his arrogance.
“Okay,” she said quietly.
Draco led her over to the counter where a very old, small man hobbled to the counter. When he saw Draco he hesitated, “Mr. Malfoy, what brings you here?” the man acted a little strangely, almost afraid. Then the man looked at Elizabeth and she smiled kindly at him.
“We are here for a wand,” Draco said, “but not for me.”
The old gentleman came over to stand in front of Elizabeth, “So the wand is for you child? Well, first I need your name.”
“Elizabeth Thorne, sir,” she said softly, afraid to speak to loudly or she might frighten him because he had a look of a skittish animal. He looked at her intensely and then proceeded to get some boxes off of different shelves and brought them over to Elizabeth. Olivander soon warmed up to Elizabeth as he talked with her and explained how a wand chooses the wizard. After several near disastrous episodes which left her in shock, her wand picked her. It was a ten inch willow with unicorn hair. And it was lovely.
Then Olivander told her how much it was and Elizabeth was in shock, “I will take care of Miss Thorne’s wand,” Draco said matter of fact, and handed Olivander what looked to be quite a few gold galleons.
“Thank you, sir,” the old man stammered in disbelief, “and you too Miss Thorne. I hope you enjoy your new wand.”
“Thank you, Mr. Olivander, I know that I will. And thank you for your kindness,” Elizabeth said sweetly and Olivander blushed.
Draco took her hand in his and they left the wand shop, “I better get you out of here or you are going to have all of Diagon Alley in love with you. Poor Olivander wouldn’t stand a chance,” he laughed at the look she gave him. He watched as she held her wand in her other hand, inspecting it closely, “Do you like it?”
“It is lovely and it is so amazing how it feels so right in my hand,” she said lovingly.
“Just be careful how and what you do with it. A wand is a very powerful thing and you have to learn how to use it.”
“But I don’t know how,” she said giving him a look of longing.
“That’s where I come in,” he said with a laugh at the look on her face.
“You will teach me to use it?” she looked up at him, excited.
“Nothing would please me more,” he said deeply, except maybe making love to you again, he thought to himself. He was getting turned on again just looking at Elizabeth, and it was astonishing how much he wanted her, which was all the time.
When they arrived back at Elizabeth’s flat in London, Draco told her he had to be going back, and the look of dismay on her face nearly did him in and he almost caved in and stayed the night with her again. But he knew he could not do that, not yet anyway. Not until he could get out of his prison of a marriage. He would have to be careful, and while he knew he should be honest with Elizabeth; he was afraid of losing her. “I will see you soon, love. I promise,” he whispered in her hair as they embraced. He could feel her hands on him and he felt helpless as she ran her hands up under his coat and around his waist. Draco kissed her face, her nose and then her lips, finally he broke away, “Goodnight, Liza. Sweet dreams,” and he walked away, his hands clenched into fists in his pockets. It was one of the hardest things he’d ever done, walking away from her.
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