Chapter 29
Lobo's mouth watered as he leaned closer against Brandon, inhaling soothing sandalwood.
Honestly, the Lycan had no idea why the young Alpha hadn't been snatched up by someone else yet. When he had first encountered the young man, he had expected him to be like the Corrupted he briefly met.
Egotistical. Vicious. Condescending. Domineering.
Lobo had only interacted with those damned Corrupted for a few minutes but his body and surroundings painted a picture he'd never forget.
Plus he doubted he'd ever be able to forget the scent of Sean's distress. It had been so strong, so putrid as it tangled with Jamie's disgust and despair, that Lobo had acted without remorse.
Imagine the Lycan's surprise when Brandon had acted so unlike what Lobo had come to expect. Each interaction, each moment where Lobo's precious family has opened up to the young Alpha, Brandon had accepted them with open arms.
Had protected them on each turn, being a safe haven for Sean and Jamie and treated them with nothing but respect.
Even to him, Brandon had submitted with not a single hint of protest. And with the way the young Alpha was shivering against Lobo, the lycan had a feeling he might like being dominated...
His tongue lapped a path over Brandon's pulse, a smirk pulling at Lobo's lips when he heard the man's breathing hitch.
None of their little community had ever dreamed of being able to mark someone. But if there was anyone in this cruel and vindictive world that deserved their mark, it would have to be Brandon.
A low growl rumbled through Lobo's chest as he angled Brandon's face just right. Giving him access to the supple flesh that would bear his mark.
"Are you sure?" Lobo asked, needing to know that Brandon was certain of his decision. It might be a temporary mark but Lobo was serious about his intentions.
If, no, when Lobo and the others felt more comfortable about what it entailed to make the mark permanent... he would do so.
The response was breathy but clear. There was not a hint of doubt within Brandon's voice, making Lobo's fangs lengthen as he nuzzled against the Alpha's flesh.
"How deep do I need to bite?" The Lycan questioned, not denying his inexperience at all. He wanted to do this right without unnecessary harm to Brandon.
If that meant stepping on his ego by asking questions, he would.
Shakily, Brandon took Lobo's hand and guided it towards the scent glands hidden underneath the skin. "For a mark to settle, you need to bite until you reach one of these glands." Brandon murmured, shivering harder when Lobo gently pressed down until he could feel the small bulb, pulsing against his fingertips.
"There will be some bleeding and pain." Brandon admitted before swallowing. Lobo's eyes followed the gesture with interest before he was once again drawn to Brandon's eyes. "But it'll pass soon."
Lobo responded by licking the spot once more and couldn't help but chuckle when Brandon jumped underneath him. "Relax." He drawled, seeking out the patch of skin that called out to him like a beacon in the dark.
"I am re-fuck!" Brandon's voice hissed in Lobo's ear as the lycan figured he might as well get it over with quickly and bit down.
A low growl rumbled through Lobo's chest when Brandon's fingers subconsciously sank in his hair but he didn't pay the gesture any mind. It was clear the Alpha didn't mean to do it and judging from the hisses and panting breaths, Lobo was causing quite a bit more pain than Brandon with his feasible tugging on Lobo's hair.
Instinct took over at that point as one of Lobo's arms wrapped around Brandon's waist, tugging him closer on reflex. Holding him closer as Lobo's pheromones swept through the mark and mingled with Brandon's own pheromones.
His beast could smell the young Alpha's scent altering slightly as their pheromones intertwined. It made Lobo inhale deeply at the potent sandalwood that flooded his nostrils with a fraction of his own ozone scent.
I wonder what his scent will be when all of us have marked him...
It was an interesting idea, one that made Lobo's beast huff curiously. Jaw tightening a fraction on reflex before loosening when Brandon whined in response.
As the fingers in Lobo's hair relaxed, simply sifting through the long strands, a soft purr started to rumble through the Lycan's throat.
The sensation was new and different... But he couldn't say he hated it, which was a surprise in itself. Both Lobo and his beast hated to be touched.
Which is why Jamie had warned Brandon to never grab their nape, a place Brandon actively avoided. Another thing Lobo appreciated from Brandon, raising his respect of the young Alpha even more.
Even now, when the Alpha clearly was experiencing pain, he still thought of the others first. Placed Lobo's family above his own needs.
And now he's ours.
Soon enough Lobo's instincts relented, allowing him to relax his jaws. Lapping at the wound he left behind as an odd burst of satisfaction flooded through his system.
And more surprisingly, he could feel Brandon. Could sense his presence within the system his family shared as his own, unique place was created for him.
There were bursts of curiosity from multiple sources at the new arrival, Sean and Jamie instantly recognizing it as Brandon and sharing Lobo's shock.
If new Alters arrived, they would find themselves in their shared inner world in the shape of a gorgeous grassy field, with multiple cabins scattered across.
Each Alter had their own cabin and could choose to seclude themselves or gather within the larger cabin at the center of the field.
When the others had become aware of Lobo, he had instantly been given his own cabin that had appeared at the same time Lobo became aware of their surroundings.
To the entire system's shock, another cabin had formed the second Lobo marked Brandon. This one smaller than the others, almost as if it was a temporary shelter until it could be improved.
This is... interesting.
Licking the blood off his teeth, Lobo looked down at Brandon, who offered him a weak and dazed smile. The lycan tilted his head curiously, noticing Brandon's pallor and sweat beading on his forehead.
While Lobo was completely new to marking someone, he would be a fool to not realize something was wrong with Brandon.
"Brandon?" His voice sounded stiff, a growl mixing through as the hairs in his nape prickled. The young Alpha barely responded with a sluggish blink and a weak pat against Lobo's hand.
"m'kay...."The young Alpha slurred, obviously struggling to form a sentence. "Forgot..." He trailed off and Lobo watched as Brandon passed out in his arms.
Even with their new connection, he could feel the moment of panic when Sean and Jamie had to catch Brandon as the Alpha passed out mentally as well.
Yet before they could decide to bring him to Brandon's designated cabin, the wolf disappeared from their grasp.
What the hell is going on?!
Lobo shifted instantly, yanking Brandon to his chest before vaulting out the room. He didn't care about the few surprised yelps as he ran past people in the hallway, ignoring everything else until he shouldered past Alpha Ryker's office door.
Said Alpha jumped as the door slammed open, cracking against the wall with such force the metallic knob made a permanent indentation.
"What the-"
The lycan snarled, closing the distance between them as he motioned with his arms full of Brandon. "He passed out after I marked him!"
Alpha Ryker's frown deepened with worry as he hurried over, examining his son before he questioned "Did he say anything before he passed out?"
Lobo scowled as he repeated "He barely managed to slur he was okay and he forgot." Ignoring Ryker's gesture towards the couch, Lobo kept holding Brandon, his huge Lycan form towering over Ryker.
Shockingly, Alpha Ryker snorted with amusement before slapping a hand over his mouth. "Ah, forgive me. Brandon was just... well, an idiot, for lack of better terms."
"Explain." The lycan barked, hackles still raised but slowly lowering as the Pack Alpha chuckled and motioned towards the fresh mark.
"When Lycans mark another, especially those of higher rank, a change happens. Similar to what happens if an Alpha marks anyone but an Omega, dormant scent glands are being triggered by your potent pheromones circulating through his body."
Lobo blinked, looking down at the Alpha peacefully snoozing in his arms. "So he's alright?"
Alpha Ryker nodded, brushing some of Brandon's sweaty hair out of his son's face. "He'll be right as rain after a good rest, though he might feel a bit... flu like for the next few days. And before I forget, please have patience with my son during this transition. There might be some awkward moments for him."
Bergamot filtered through the room, softening with understanding when Lobo didn't understand. Ryker sighed softly before motioning towards his son.
"With powerful pheromones in his system and awakening glands that have laid dormant, anyone marked by an Alpha or Lycan will be able to produce slick."
Lobo's ears flicked forward before he looked back down at Brandon. He was in awe at the young man, respect raising even more after that revelation.
Even though he knew the other Alters for a short time, he had interacted with them on their shared headspace from time to time. And Lobo had heard Sean's complaints about slick.
A natural fluid created by an Omega's body, filled with pheromones to capture the interest of their partner. And as Sean had shyly explained to Lobo, the poor Omega had no control over his slick production.
If he was scared or influenced by his Omega, Sean's body would produce slick instinctively.
To now learn that Brandon accepted Lobo's mark, knowing this would be the result. An Alpha producing slick was unheard of!
Alpha Ryker rustled to Brandon's hair lovingly before smiling up at the Lycan without a hint of fear. "I'm glad you've deemed my son worthy of your mark. And I may sound presumptuous but please protect him like you do the others."
The Pack Alpha's gaze squinted and softened, wrinkles appearing at the corners of his eyes at the citrusy bergamot scent soothingly flowed through the room.
"He's always been worried about doing his best for the pack, being the best Alpha he can be. With all that attention and focus on others, he often neglects to care for himself. I know that he'll take great care of anyone else in your family but..."
Ryker's smile brightened as he looked at Lobo with gratitude and pride. "It's relieving to think that there's someone else my son can rely on. Someone where he can be as weak as he wants to be, knowing they have his back."
At that, the Lycan awkwardly shuffled on his legs, claws tapping on the floor. Lobo was surprised that he didn't detect a hint of deceit on Ryker, nor on Brandon when the young Alpha had accepted his mark.
"This is... a lot." He remarked softly, ears flicking before looking behind him with a sigh. "And I think I may have created quite a commotion."
Ryker barked out a laugh at that and motioned toward his temples as he agreed. "Talk about an understatement. I've been warned by several pack members that my son was kidnapped by an unknown Lycan."
Lobo couldn't help his snort of amusement as the pack Alpha continued, "I've already soothed everyone, though I'm guessing by your presence here, it is time to announce who you all are?"
The white lycan pondered the question only for a moment before nodding. As a Protector, he was going to make sure that his family was safe from harm and since he was the one who revealed what they are, Lobo was going to make sure he protected his family.
A family that now included a certain unconscious Alpha.
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