Chapter 12
The pack was abuzz with chatter for the remainder of the day. Everyone was on high alert, unnerved by the fact that one of their own, an Alpha born and raised within the pack, had started to feed into their Beast's instincts.
Even though the meeting was over, multiple people were still hanging around. Seeking reassurance from their pack.
Unconsciously, the pack wanted, needed to reaffirm the bonds between one another. Alphas mingled with the rest of the pack, showing they weren't a threat, that they would never lash out.
The humans, Omegas and Deltas in return soothed the anxiety of the Alpha simply by engaging in an open conversation. Subtle actions like a gentle smile, a nudge of the hip or a brief touch. Reassuring both person and wolf that they were loved and accepted.
Meanwhile, the Betas were doing their best to provide damage control. They needed to feel useful and also felt personally driven to make sure none of the current Alphas would fall victim to their own instincts again.
Brandon sighed, feeling both torn and proud of the situation. Of course he never wanted to have the pack suffer any emotional turmoil like they were experiencing now. But he also felt extremely proud how everyone in the pack rushed to mend the wounds.
How every single individual banded together to strengthen the pack, mend any bonds that were slowly breaking. Unify as one.
The pack was only going to come out stronger out of this ordeal. And for a while, the reminder of how fragile one's control could be, would be on the forefront of their memories.
A noise from the forest to his left drew Brandon's attention before he choked on thin air. His heart, which had been relatively calm before, went into full overdrive.
Several of the pack were already starting to look in his direction with slight worry before Brandon's legs rapidly devoured the distance between him, his brother and a trembling Sean.
"What happened?" Brandon fought back a snarl, wanting to pull the quivering Omega in his arms, sooth the fear that was barely held back.
Gabriel sighed, brushing some loose twigs and leaves from his hair. "Dad briefed us on what happened with Marisha. Jamie and Sean made the combined decision that it would be better to mingle with the pack now than be ambushed somewhere later."
Brandon didn't need to hear the unspoken message. With the pack on such a high state of alert, Sean would be instantly protected by the rest of the pack, even more so than with a normal introduction.
Even if he had remained in his room, an unknown scent would trigger a lot of instincts if it was encountered by the pack.
Leaving his introduction for a later date was not an option. The chances that someone would be triggered against an unknown scent, especially that of a Beta, were mounting.
Settling his eyes on the fearful Omega and softening his voice, Brandon crouched slightly so he was closer to Sean. "Are you sure? You don't have to force yourself, you know?"
The poor boy couldn't respond verbally, eyes flitting around to the crowd, to the eyes already on their small group, bottom lip quivering as if he was seconds away from sobbing.
The young Alpha already know how the pack would react to the fearful Omega that was shaking apart and looking around with wet eyelashes, desperately holding back tears that threatened to spill at a moment's notice.
Luckily, so did his brother and father.
The mind link was instantly triggered, where the entire pack could hear their Alpha directly.
"As some of you have noticed, we have new members to our family. Sean and Jamie, an Omega and Beta respectively, have been among us for a while but yet to be officially introduced."
Brandon could see a look of recognition and realization on the faces of those within their vicinity. Assuming they knew the reason why the pair hadn't been introduced yet.
Everyone with eyes could see how nervous Sean was, how the smaller Omega was slightly curling in on himself. Brandon felt his wolf purr when the Omega chose to shuffle closer to him, hiding from view behind his larger bulk.
Brandon focused to let his own scent become soft and soothing. Allowing Sean a semblance of peace as the Omega inhaled the soft sandalwood and shivered.
"I want you all to be calm around them, especially Sean. Don't rush them and don't press them if they feel uncomfortable." Alpha Ryker sighed audibly on the link before he added, "We want them to feel at home and not cornered like a hunted animal."
Soft caramel apple wafted around them and Brandon sent a silent prayer of thanks as his mother emerged from the crowd.
"Sean, sweetie." She murmured, allowing her soothing pheromones to wrap around the stressed Omega. "Take a few deep breaths. In....there you go, and out."
A few of the nearby Omegas and mated humans approached, compassion flooding over the link as the humans helped guide Sean through the breathing exercise while the Omegas added their own soothing pheromones to the mix.
Brandon flexed his muscles, nearly staggering from the combined scent but he could see it take effect on Sean.
Inhaling through his nose, allowing the pheromones to soften the tremors that coursed through his body before pursing his lips on an exhale.
Soft words of encouragement echoed through the group as Sean slowly relaxed. Tears clinging to his eyelashes and a flush settled on his pale cheeks, uttering a soft whine as the others coed softly.
Brandon's heart melted as all the lower ranks soothed the Omega, making sure not to overwhelm Sean. Meanwhile the Alphas and Betas wisely kept their distance.
Even if it went against their instincts to not go towards an Omega in distress. All of them wanted to help Sean, provide warmth, comfort and guidance.
But with Alpha Ryker's warning fresh in their minds, they all wrangled their beasts back. Prevented it from running to Sean's side to sooth the Omega's distress and in turn only succeed on amplifying it.
"You feel better now? The Alphas and Betas know better than to approach, so don't you worry about those brutes." Sophie smiled as the Delta looked over her shoulder at the others.
Tom snickered as he pointed a thumb over to his Alpha mate. "You don't need to worry about those big goofs. They're all bark and no bite. Big ol' softies is what they are." The human winked at his mate from across the room, causing the Alpha female to sigh and shake her head.
There were murmurs of agreement among the group, all of them providing examples of their own mates, allowing Sean to calm down a bit.
"Don't mind the others. Omegas are rather rare to come across. Thanks to the wonderful leadership of this pack and excellent health care, we're lucky to have as many Omegas as we do." Sophie explained before gently extending her hand.
Brandon smiled encouragingly when Sean's gaze flitted up to the young Alpha. He swallowed audibly, extending a shaking hand, giving Sophie a brief handshake.
She smiled warmly, motioning with her head to the Alphas and Beta's keeping their distance. "If you want, a few of us can mingle with the others and spread your scent out. That way they don't need to be all up in your business, and you can take your time introducing yourself when you're ready for it."
Sean blinked, understanding what she meant when she gave his hand a gentle squeeze. Wrists pressed together, where Omegas had their own unique scent glands.
As Sean shakily nodded his head, giving Sophie a wobbling but grateful smile, she gently pressed their wrists together, rubbing only for a moment before she smiled and skipped off to the gathering of Alphas and Betas.
Several of the other Deltas, Omegas and humans followed her example, all with Sean's consent of course. Introducing themselves with soft voices and gentle touches before mingling with the remainder of the pack.
Brandon's smile softened when he watched Sean blink with confusion, eying the small group that was carrying his scent from one Alpha to another.
While it was a stressful moment, Brandon was grateful for the pack's reactions. The way they gently cradled the offered wrist, softly inhaling the scent of a new Omega while kindly conversing with Sophie, Tom, Justin, Klara or whoever presented Sean's scent.
Without intending to, they were showing that they didn't see the Deltas, Omegas and humans as beings beneath them. Their actions proved they saw the albeit weaker pack members as valued, treasured assets to the pack.
Individuals that all had their part to play, no matter how big or small it was.
And it was painfully clear from Sean's utter confusion, that the poor Omega had never encountered this before. Where ever he came from, whatever pack he had been a part of before, did not treat their pack members in the same way.
It made Brandon's wolf snarl with fury, gritting his teeth against the growing rage of the beast. To see the barely hidden shock in Sean's face as the other Omegas, Deltas and humans teased the Alphas and Betas, nudging them out of the way or playfully pinching their noses when they got a bit too interested in Sean's scent...
Brandon tasted blood in his mouth while he took a few deep, calming breaths. Because he realized this meant Sean had experienced the worst kind of Alphas an Omega can encounter.
Alphas who were belligerent, egomaniacs that roamed the world with the skewed view that packs were meant to be dominated, to bow down to the whims of the higher ranking wolves.
Sadly enough, there were still packs that thought that way. Where Alphas and Betas ruled the ranks and kept a tight hold of those underneath them. Saw the countless of Deltas, humans and the rare few Omegas as nothing more but pawns.
Means to release their anger and frustration.
The mere thought that anyone laid their hands on Sean or Jamie in that manner, made Brandon's blood boil.
But he was also grateful for his pack. For showing Sean a new side of pack life, of how the higher ranking wolves should act.
Sean's fear was still present but underneath those thick, clinging pheromones, a new scent started to develop. One that made Brandon's eyes and throat burn in unison.
An instinctual yearning for closer contact. As Sean's gaze followed one of the Deltas, Brandon could see Sean cringe when one of the Alphas reached out to Sophie and she playfully swatted her hand off of her hair.
Sean didn't know the Alpha in question was Sophie's older sister, nor that they would never harm a single hair on the Delta's head.
In that one split moment, where Sophie batted away Mia's hand, Sean had flinched, a thick scent of fear confirming one of Brandon's suspicions.
Sean had been abused. By Alphas. Had been taught to expect physical retaliation if he so much as stepped a single toe out of line.
Instinct was hard to ignore. For a long while, Sean would naturally show this reaction and seeing how ingrained it was to the Omega's subconsciousness, made Brandon nearly lose control of his beast.
For Sean to react this violently, whatever happened in his past wasn't just one single incident.
It was more than once. For how many days, months or god forbid, years, Sean had learned to be fearful of Alphas or risk getting punished.
It made Brandon silently vow to show Sean that not all Alphas were like that. To give the Omega anything and everything his heart desired.
But slowly. Step by step. First and foremost, Sean, Jamie and any other Alter needed to heal from their past. But Brandon vowed that he would be there, every step of the way.
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