Part 2: A New Journey
Disclaimer: I do not own Undertale or any of its characters. All rights go to Toby, the creator of the game. However, the fanfiction is mine, so I do hope you enjoy it. This is part two, so I hope you like it!
[First person]
As I step out onto the cold floor, I hear someone giggle and say: "I do hope you guys like our new family member!"
The steam/mist from the machine I stepped out from is still rolling out as I stand there in front of everybody in the room, an awkward silence as I look at them, and they look back. A child in a green shirt with a bright yellow-green stripe taking up part of the upper shirt and arms comes up, their red-brown eyes fixated on me intently.
Their mouth opens as if to say something, but quickly shuts it and storm's out. "I don't want him in the family!" I hear the child say angrily.
"Oh... oh dear..." the female goat says, a look of worry on her features.
"Don't worry, Tori. I'll go see what the kid is 'hot and bothered about," says a short skeleton in a blue jacket, shorts, and slippers on. Before anyone can protest, he vanishes into thin air to wherever the strange child went.
Another kid comes up to me, smiling widely. This child has the same concept as the other one, but they appear to have a blue shirt with two light purple stripes on the body and arms. "Don't worry about Chara," they say happy(ish?) tone. "They tend to overreact about lots of things. Especially if it's something new. Or in this case, he!" The child puts a hand out. "I'm sure your memory is a little 'fuzzy' at the moment, but let me introduce myself. My name is Frisk. The one that ran out is Chara, my brother. And now, you're going to be my brother too!" They grin, giggling.
I slowly shake their hand, not knowing what to say. "U-um... nice to meet you Frisk. My name is...." I pause, thinking. "I... actually don't know what my name is."
"L-like Frisk said, y-your memory is a bit fuzzy," says a yellow.... dinosaur? Lizard?
'What is she even supposed to be?' I think to myself
"M-my name is Doctor Alphys. Alphys w-would be preferable, though, she says, stuttering.
"I'm Undyne, head of the Royal Guard!" says a blue fish.
"I'm Toriel, and this is Asgore," says the female goat, gesturing to herself and the male beside her. "We welcome you with open arms, and are glad to have you as a new addition to our family." She smiles softly.
"Thank you, everyone. I'm glad to be accepted into your family," I smile widely.
"Um, not to sound weird or anything, but he is naked," Asgore points out, blushing lightly.
"Ah!" I blush deep and cover my private parts, clearly embarrassed.
'I can't believe this. I've already made a fool of myself in front of everyone!' I say to myself.
"Oh! That's right!" Frisk goes to a corner and gets some clothes, skipping back over to me as they hand them to me. "It's.... best if you put them on. The others and I will go outside while you get dressed so you can get some privacy."
"O-okay," I stutter, quickly taking the clothes with one hand and covering myself again, this time with the help of the clothes. "Thank you."
"No problem!" Frisk giggles as they all go out. "Just come out when you're done getting dressed. Okay?"
I nod and start to dress myself.
[Third person]
As soon as Sans teleported out of the room, he walked over to where Frisk and Chara's room was. He knocks on the door and is greeted with silence.
"Kid? I don't know if you're in there or not, but I'm coming in." He grabs the handle and turns it, walking in.
Chara glares at him with one eye, the rest of their face buried into the body pillow they're holding tightly. "What do you want, smiling trash bag?" He grumbles irritably.
"Tori wanted me to see why you're upset," he explains, going over to the bedside.
"It's not your concern" Chara growls, facing the wall.
"It is now." He sits down on the side of the bed. "Look, I know you may be upset about having a new family member. It's something new, and I know you don't like new things. It's not going to be hard on just you, Chara. Hell, it's going to be weird for all of us having a new family member, even for Frisk. They're already busy with being the ambassador of all monster kind and going to school."
Chara shifts in their bed, slowly sitting up and bringing their knees to their face. "But everything is just how I want it. I don't want him to join the family just because he's "new". He'll ruin everything I worked so hard to get."
"You and me both, kid," Sans sighs. "You aren't the only one who sacrificed everything to get where you are. Everyone sacrificed a lot to get to where we all are. Just... give the new guy a chance, will ya? If not for me, then maybe do it for Frisk, Tori, and everyone else?" Sans looks at Chara.
They sigh and grumble, "Fine. But I'm only doing it for Frisk and Mom."
The short skeleton nods and gets up. "Whelp, kid. Should we go see what the others are doing with our "new" family member?"
"You go on ahead. I'll catch up with you in a few." Sans walks out, leaving Chara to themself. They can't help but feel helpless on what to do with their new brother, pondering on how they can make his life a living hell. Chara feels a smirk crawling upon their lips, giggling softly.
What does Chara have in store for this new person? O_O Well, we'll find out in part 3! Hopefully Chara doesn't do anything drastic to lose the trust of everyone close to them. Until next time... toodles!
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