Part 1: A New Start for an Old Friend
Disclaimer: I do not own Undertale or any characters in it. All rights go to Toby, the creator of the game. However, the fanfiction is mine. Here is part one of my fanfiction, so I hope you enjoy!
[The scene takes place in an open area. A mansion is set in the middle of the field, obviously home to someone. Or some people....]
[Third person]
Someone runs down the stairs, obviously excited about something as they have something to show people.
"Hey, guys! I have something to show you!" Frisk calls out, smiling widely.
"What is it now, Frisk?" Chara asked, playing a video game on the television in the living room. Sans, Undyne, and Papyrus are with Chara.
"You have to come and see for yourself!" they say, jumping up and down in the doorway.
"Alright, kid. You got me curious on what's got you so excited," Sans says, walking up to Frisk.
Undyne gets up. "I've been wondering where you've been, Frisk. I was just about to send Papyrus here looking for you."
"You have to go to come and see for yourselves if you want to come see, silly!" Frisk says, giggling. "You too, Chara. I don't want you to blow it off like everything else. It will be a really big surprise for you, Mom and Dad."
"Speaking of Tori and King Asgore, where are they?" Sans asks.
"Yeah, I've been wondering where Alphys has been too," Undyne says.
"Oh, they're all upstairs in front of the lab door. I asked Alphys to go get Mom and Dad and wait for me there while I come get you guys," Frisk explains. "That means you too, Chara." They look over at Chara, obviously a bit upset that they haven't stopped playing their video game.
Chara stops and gets up, clearly disinterested in what Frisk has in store. To them, it's just something that's not really new since Frisk has something 'new' to show everyone about every other minute or two.
"If it satisfies you, then I'll come see whatever you want to show us, Frisk," they say, clearly not wanting to but doing so just to please their younger sibling.
Frisk hops up in joy and runs up the stairs. "Follow me!"
Everyone is soon upstairs and in front of Alphys's lab door.
"Okay, nerd. We came up here to see whatever Frisk is clearly excited for. Now will you show us what it is?" Chara says impatiently. "I would like to go back to my game back downstairs." Frisk hits Chara's arm, frowning in discontent.
"Be patient, my child," Toriel says. "We are all intrigued by what Frisk and Alphys has to show us, but rushing them won't help." She looks at the duo. "Now what would you like to show us?"
"R-right. Well, F-Frisk and I have b-b-been working on something as Y-you all know. S-so we want to show you."
"I'm so totally pumped about this!" Undyne says, smiling widely.
They go into the lab. It looks like the lab underground, but a bit more fancier and not as messy or run-down. There are two big human-like pods that take up most of one wall, and a keyboard with lots of computers on another wall.
Alphys goes to the desk and punches a few of the keys. "I-I've been working on trying t-to get monsters to their former s-selves. And with Frisk's help, I th-think that it's worked."
"Well, hurry up and show us already!" Undyne says. "I'm getting pumped by just thinking about it."
Alphys nods and pushes a few more buttons. One of the pods' door opens and mist rolls out. A figure steps from the pod slowly, not sure how to react to the "new body".
Frisk smiles and giggles. "I think that you guys will love our new family member."
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