[Valentines Special]
[Just a little note]
I just wanted to clarify that this is an alternate universe, it doesn't take place from the book's plot line. This is if they were to have met a year before this year's valentine's day, I hope that you will like it! Don't forget to vote and comment on the way, it'll help me have this book reach out to the people who are possibly interested in reading my book. And follow if you want to be notified of what else is to come!
[Sana's POV]
It's Valentine's day today, I wonder if Young Do will surprise me today? "That's if he decides to get up from bed" I thought as I looked over at him, "maybe I should wake him up? I don't want him to oversleep... but I don't want to be or sound desperate." I decided to wake him up anyways, I carefully shook him and said "Youngie get up, you don't want to sleep in again" he probably will be too busy with work today to even bother about Valentine's day.
Four days before....
[Young Do's POV]
I have been so busy lately that I haven't been able to spend time with Sana, I feel bad maybe I should take her out to go somewhere. I pull out my phone and looked through my calendar to see if I'll be free anytime soon, I looked at the calendar and tomorrow is the 10th and four days after that.... "IS THE 14TH! VALENTINE'S DAY!" I thought to myself how could I have nearly missed that?! She's probably going nuts about it while I sit here and be such a dumb ass, I should probably ask my boss for a day off on that day... I'm sure he'll understand.... he's like a father to me so I hope that he does, I raised enough courage to stand on my feet and nervously walk over to my boss' office.
I knock at his door that's cracked open and said "Mr. Baek you got a sec?" he was in the middle of something but heard me and waved his hand to come over "I thought I told you not to call me that, just call me Sung Il or hyung I've told you that so many times Young Do-ah." As I walked over I slightly bowed to him "I'll remember Mr. Baek," he looked at me and was about to say something till I noticed my mistake and corrected it by saying "I'm so sorry Sung Il... hyung-nim." I bowed again and chuckled "Don't say sorry for everything, it's good but it can be bad as well so avoid saying sorry for little things like this." He gave me a pat on my head "So what do you need?" he asked catching me off guard, I was a little startled by this and he noticed "Did you do something wrong again?" I looked at him and quickly denied it by shaking my head and saying "No it's not that it's just that..... I was wondering..." He looked at me anxiously and I eventually said "If I could take the day off on the 14th?" he jokingly jabbed my arm "Was that it?you didn't have to be so nervous I'm not going to bark at you for asking if you could take a day off. Heck why don't you take Monday off too?" I looked at him with a smile and bowed multiple times while saying thank you, "I promise to make it up to you!" I exclaimed and he started laughing hysterically "You are just like when I was your age, I wanted to take the missus out for Valentine's Day and I did." he clapped his hands and I bowed once again and left his office.
I got back to my desk and sat down, I started to search online for any good places to take her to. But then I suddenly remember that it's our monthsary on that day as well! I keep forgetting things that I feel bad that she has a boyfriend like me, regardless I cleared my mind from those thoughts and thought of the places that we went to on our first date. I want to cherish those memories with her on this day, I'll be taking her to CGV 여의도(Yeouido/Cinema) where we watched "Pure Love", then we'll go eat some Korean street food since she wanted to try them real bad that day which we did, and then go to the Starbucks nearby to drink white chocolate mocha. Jotting those down in my calendar I then went on the CGV app to get tickets to go see "Pure Love" for that day, thankfully there's still a couple of tickets for the time slot I want. And just like that it was set! my date with Sana will be memorable, at least I hope so I can't wait I'm so excited.
Valentine's Day
[Sana's POV]
I guess it was Young Do's day off yesterday, he didn't have to go to work so he spent the day with me looking at the photos we've taken over the year. He was so nice and sweet, he would usually tease me but he was really nice to me. I thought it was weird but he said "I just want to make it up to you, I've been busy with work lately and I haven't got the chance to spend time with you lately." I didn't want to doubt him so I decided to take his word for it, he said that he might be back a little later because he had to go somewhere after work.
[Young Do's POV]
Although I have the day off today as well, Sana thought I was headed for work. What I really am off to do is buy her roses, her favorite color is red so I'm getting her red roses not only because it's her favorite color but because the red rose represents true love. She still thinks that I've forgotten about today's special occasion both Valentine's Day and our monthsary, but she'll find out how much I've prepared for today and that I truly love her.
Reaching the flower shop that I was recommended by Sung Il Hyung-nim, Lily Macflower and Garden where he said he bought the best flowers to give his wife. I open the door and walk in and was greeted by a nice middle aged woman "eoseo oseyo, how may I help you?" I smiled at her and bowed "I'm here to pick up the red roses that I ordered earlier today please." She smiled and bowed slightly and walked over to the back to get the small bouquet of red roses "There's twenty as you ordered" she said before handing it over to me, "Thank you for choosing Lily Macflower and Garden, I wish you a happy valentine's day" she said before bowing again with the bright smile that screams "That's what I call great customer service" I thought myself I bowed and said my thanks before leaving.
[Sana's POV]
It was getting dark when Young Do finally came back, he came in and gave me a hug then he gave me a peck on the lips. "So how was your day?" I asked him wrapping myself in his arms, he ran his fingers through my hair "It was good the usual day at work, but I missed you a lot" he said embracing me in his arms. He let go of me and held my hands "I want you to get dressed, we'll eat out today" he said as he swung my arms around, I smiled and skipped my way to the bedroom and got dressed for the weather. I couldn't express how excited and happy I was that we were at least going out to eat, I got out of the bedroom and met him outside the house after locking the doors.
He opened the car door and I got in, "I'm closing it now okay? careful" the door closed and he ran over to the driver's side and got in. He suddenly reached for my seat belt and our face came close to each other, I could feel myself blush as he helped me put my seat belt on. He looked at me with a smile and me a boop on the nose, he then wore his seat belt and started the car and then driving off to wherever he decided for tonight.
[Young Do's POV]
I think she still hasn't caught on to what we're doing tonight, she might still be thinking that I forgot and that we're only going out for dinner. That'll change when we get to the cinema, I took a left and then kept on straight for the next two blocks and turned into the parking lot of the cinema. I put the car in park and took my seat belt off, I got out of the car and ran over to her side and opened the door "Here we are my Sanie~" reaching my hand out to her she looked puzzled but cute. She took the seat belt off and got out of the car, I close the door behind her and locked the car then asking for her hand. She held my hand and I intertwined our fingers, I wanted to keep her confused for a bit before telling her the truth.
"Why are we at the cinema? I thought we were going out for dinner" she asked whilst poking on my arm, I chuckled "I honestly didn't forget about Valentine's Day and our monthsary, I kind of almost did but I didn't. I wanted to surprise you so bad, so I asked my boss if I could take the day off today." She looked even more confused "But I thought you went to go to work?" I winked at her "Well it was just an excuse for me to buy you some gifts," she looked excited and happy now but mostly antsy. When we got to the doors of the movie theater a poster of the movie stood outside and I glanced over at her to see her surprised, I guess she knows now that I do remember. I lightly pulled on her arm to tell her to go in with me, we walked inside and sat down in the top middle where you could see the screen better and enjoy the movie.
She stayed frozen with her mouth opened a little, I gently pushed up her jaw "I have no food for you" I joked while turning around to get the popcorn I hid behind my back. I handed it over to her and now she was smiling, she gave me a kiss on the cheek "Thank you Youngie oppa~ I thought you forgot, I'm sorry I doubted you even just a little." I pat her head and gave her a kiss back on the cheek, "I'd never forget about our special day Sanie, you mean this much to me" the usual trailers and commercials stopped and the movie started. We got to one of the most unforgettable scenes in the movie, the umbrella scene I feel like a copycat cause I did it to her once. I have no way of confirming if she does remember, but it's embarrassing for me if she does. I looked over at her and she was teary eyed, I guess she does remember and confirms that this scene stills have a huge impact.
The movie ended and I could see that she bawled her eyes out when the lights turned on, I wiped her tears that were still coming like a waterfall. Good thing she didn't go hard on her makeup, she would've looked disastrous with her messy makeup unless she had waterproof makeup on. I reached for her hand and we held hands on our way out of the cinema "Do you want to go get something to eat now?" stepping outside it was lightly snowing, she nodded and we walked over to the closest food stands nearby where we ate before on this day. I'm happy that she's smiling again even after that movie, we bought two orders of a small tteokbokki and started to eat.
[Sana's POV]
We ate some fishcakes before heading back to the car with a full stomach, we got into the car and wore our seat belts. He started the car and drove off to the Starbucks nearby just three blocks down from the cinema, he parked on the side of the road and got out of the car to open the door for me. After getting off the car we headed inside Starbucks and ordered the usual white chocolate mocha, we sat down and started to drink our white chocolate mocha. "Did you enjoy our date?" he asked as I set my drink on the table, "I enjoyed it oppa, I still cannot believe that you were able to plan all of this." I said clasping my hands together out of joy. "I love you and will only be forever you, there's no one else like you" I blushed cupped my hands on my cheeks, "Awwe thank you~" I said due to embarrassment.
We finished our white chocolate mocha and got up, he looked at me as if he was about to laugh he moved closer to me and gave me a kiss. "It tastes better on your lips" he said I hit his arm "You're starting to tease me again, the day isn't even over yet," he let out a soft laugh and held my hand. We walked out of Starbucks and got into the car, he pulled a u-turn and drove straight down the road. We were only six blocks or so away from our apartment, he took a left and Yeouido Park was on the right "Are we going to take a walk?" I asked myself.
To answer that question as if he could read my mind he pulled over to the side of the road and parked the car, he looked at me with a smirk "This is the last stop to end our date, I'll give you your presents now." He reached into his jacket as if he was getting something, the next thing I know he pulls out his hand and forms a mini heart.... and then he pulled out a bouquet of roses from behind the seat as well....
Today is truly a memorable day for the both of us, not only this year but the upcoming ones as well. "My heart and the roses are your present, I got twenty roses because it shows that I'm sincere about my love towards you." My heart was racing it was as if it was a marriage proposal, but it wasn't but it's as special as a marriage proposal. I took the bouquet of flower and a tear from joy ran down on my cheek, I gave him a peck on the lips.
[Young Do's POV]
I shut the car off and unbuckled my seat belt, I got out of the car and opened the door for her once again. I offered my hand and she took it and I helped her get out of the car, I closed the door behind her and intertwined our hands. We started walking down into the park, I'm holding her hand and rubbing it warm before putting it inside my coat pocket. I look at her and cringed because of what I did, we walked down further into the park "Remember our first date, when I asked you to be my girlfriend?" she nodded while looking at the street lamps "And I told you how I felt the same way towards you" she said smiling at the memory.
We made it to the street lamp that's memorable to us because of a special reason, she looked at me as if she knew what was about to happen. I pushed her gently against the street lamp and slowly dove in for a peck, I gave her a couple of more pecks before we started to make out. I pulled away from the kiss and finally said "I love you so much Sana" she gave me a boop on the nose "I love you too Young Dae oppa"
------------------------------------Author's Note------------------------------------
And I'll leave it at that! I hope you enjoyed your valentine's day whether it was with your friends, significant other, husband, wife, or your family. If you feel like there should've been more to this I agree 100%, but here we are ending the special chapter with a note.
I hope you enjoyed this special chapter, don't forget to leave a vote and some comments!
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