"Y/N?" he calls out, his voice warm, a puff of white air follows the word he speaks, "hey."
A wave of deja vu washes all over her with just how familiar this interaction is. Eyes taking each other in with the snow falling above their figures. There would always be a dramatic pause before they hug and whisper the sentence "I missed you" to each other. She has a feeling that tonight will be different. Longingness is evident in his eyes, but the situation forbids him from freely reaching out to her like he always would. Today is different, and so the days following after.
It is different. Whenever something like this would happen. He would never wait for longer than 30 seconds to walk up to her and encase her in a warm hug of his. Now, he cannot do that. Even with him dressing to disguise himself from the public eye, he cannot afford being caught by the paparazzi and cause a sudden uproar of scandal. She wants to call out his name, but she understands the consequences if she did. He walks up to her, "what are you doing here?"
What she thought would be a picturesque reunion is replaced by the same fast-pace beating hearts without the anticipation of warm contact. Only bewilderment and panic fills both of their bodies in the middle of people flooding in and out of the station. He comes from inside the station, so he can only assume that she is heading to some other place, still, he cannot help but ask again, "where are you going?"
His expression is hidden underneath the mask he wears to protect his identity from the public that surrounds him. He has gone today without any company at all, all he wanted was some fresh air. All the burden being an idol weighed him down and he felt suffocated, he wanted nothing more than a quick escape. He dreaded coming back to Seoul, but the sight of his lover erases his bad thoughts as all he wants to do now is to kiss her, yet he cannot. Not in front of everybody. It aches how badly he wants to hold her, but he cannot.
"I'm going to.. actually, I don't know, I'm going with the flow.." she lies. She has her itinerary planned out, written down, details and she had planned to follow through it if she did not bump into Taehyung in any way. Yet, she did. She does not know whether to feel ecstatic or to feel sad that all her plans being thrown away. She hopes that he will take her somewhere, she knows he will.
"Come on, follow me," he speaks, voice loud enough for only her to hear. She is right. He would take her somewhere, she does not know where, but she anticipates it more than the landscapes she could have enjoyed if she did not cancel her trip.
Taehyung takes her hand and she follows his steps, grabbing onto his hand just as tight as he does. They get inside a taxi and an awkward silence falls upon them as they utter no word along the ride to wherever he is taking her. She watches the familiar road she already passed through just a few moments ago on her destination to the station. They eventually arrived at a tall building which she assumes to be his apartment building where he lives.
In the elevator to his floor, she starts feeling like a jelly, to say this situation is nerve-wracking would be quite the understatement. She keeps following him until they finally arrive in his room. When the door clicks close behind them, he turns around, his mask already removed, and he finally does what she has been waiting for.
The warmth of his body feels all too familiar, she buries herself in his chest as he presses a kiss against the side of her temple, this time, she is the one who breaks the silence, telling him, "I missed you, Tae."
Pulling away, she can see the expression on his face, his eyes widens and his mouth a little agape, before it melts into something of an adoration, he whispers, "I missed you more."
"Come on, let's settle in," Taehyung breaks away, much to his dismay. He grins, "have you eaten yet?"
Following him like she has been doing for the entire time he is with her, she shakes her head when he looks at her again waiting for her response, "no, I haven't- hey, Tae?"
"Where are we right now? I thought you lived with the other members?" she inquires, letting her curiosity get the best of her, he does not mind, though, he answers, "this is where I live when staying together as a whole group is not mandatory, you know, no activities, no promotion, no nothing."
There are millions of questions that they both want to ask to each other, but she does not want to bombard him with them right away, neither does he, so she asks, "are you guys on a break?"
Taehyung nods, "I have two weeks before I have to go somewhere for work.. sorry I cannot tell, it's confidential." Her chest aches at what he said, she thought that she would be the person he would disclose everything to, she thought he trusted her--
"Screw it, I have two weeks left until we have to go LA, for a lot of stuff, I will get really, really busy, I have just been enjoying my time off, work has been really tough, and I went for escapes to here and there but I felt like nothing can get rid of this emptiness in me, until I saw you at the station," it was not his intention to rain her down with information, but he cannot help let the dam of frustration breaks, "I was so, so happy that I saw you, but I was worried that it would only be short-lived before you have to go, that's why I snatched you away before you could go anywhere else, I'm glad you're just 'going with the flow' because I really needed you here."
"Oh, Tae.. I.. I don't know what to say," she looks at him, he is smiling tearfully as he responds, "you don't have to say anything, you just have to stay, please?"
With no hesitation, she nods, "of course, I'll stay."
It is selfish, knowing that he will eventually have to go somewhere far, yet demanding her promise of staying when he knows all too well that he cannot, and he will break her heart once more. None of that matters. Neither of the two cares. All they want to do is to prolong this reunion, enjoy each other's company, and love each other because for a few years back, they could never have the chance to. What waits in the future will stay in the future, they will cross that bridge when they get to it.
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