Being on top on a hill sent shivers down their spines, the air was cold, yet despite the temperature, they could only feel warm in each other's presence. Occasional tall grasses, bushes, and a decent-sized pond decorated the plain of the hill. The water was sitting in its place, undisturbed, but sparkling. It was inviting, pleasing to the eyes. The body of water was almost shaped like a heart, a symbol of love, Taehyung wondered if she noticed it like he did. As he thought about that, they had decided to take a seat by a shallow slope so that they could be safe sitting there.
"How do you think that this place would look like in 10 years?"
"I have no idea..."
Taehyung watched as her head tilted to the side, staring up at him curiously, he looked away, not wanting her to see his blushing cheeks, "uhm.."
Chuckling, she answered her own question, "I think this hill would look the same, except beautifuler.."
"You mean 'more beautiful'."
There was a pause when they stared at each other, conveying untold messages before they broke apart their eye contact. He broke the silence first, saying the first thing that came into his mind at that moment with no hesitation.
"I also think you will be beautifuler in 10 years."
He adored the taken aback expression she wore, he wondered if she thought he was only bluffing and saying it only to make her feel good, or he meant every word, and before he could make any assumption, she answered, "I guess we will see."
Ten years later when they return, the place is not so different from what they remember. They take a seat on their usual hang out spot like they never forgot about it. Taehyung remembers clearly the last conversation they had in the very same spot they are sitting in right now, "do you remember it?"
"Remember what?" her curious gaze melts him into a puddle of joy, making him want to just be one with the almost-heart-shaped pond.
"Our last conversation here."
"Oh.. I do," when the recollection fills her mind, she looks away, abashed.
"I'm right. You do look beautifuler, you always have been, but you've become much more that just 'beautiful'," his voice comes out as a murmur. It takes her breath away when he says it, she can only mouths a thank you.
The intensity of his gaze eventually leads her to closing her eyes and smiling giddily before she leans her head on Taehyung's shoulder. He gladly complies and positions himself so that she can lean on him more comfortably. The contact makes him heart picks up its pace and for a second, he is worried that she might be able to feel it, but on a second thought, he wants her to feel it, so that she believes him when he thinks that she is the most beautiful thing he has ever known.
Orange and blue hues decorate the sky and in the distance, the sun can be seen continuing to set, slowly letting the moon shine brighter when the night comes. Moment so peaceful and tranquil, they cannot imagine if a danger were to loom near. Taehyung's ear perks up when he hears a faint click sound, he is not sure if he is only imagining it and he is being paranoid, or it is the sound of future threat. However, when he looks down at his shoulder and sees the smile he loves with all his heart, the trepidation soon vanishes and he admires the sight instead, not wanting to ruin the moment.
Slowly, he takes her hand in his. She feels a squeeze and she returns it with the same amount of force, if not more. At this, she replaces her head with her chin so that their faces are only inches away when he faces her. Without a word, they speak to each other with only their eyes, knowing wherever they go, they bring their past selves with them with every step they take. Knowing that they will never be rid of them, knowing that it is worth it to do this.
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