Wendell was in darkness, little by little his senses returned to him. When he breathed in the air had a fresh, humid salty feel to it.
He felt the cool mist of ocean spray on his skin, and the warmth of a bright sun.
He felt undulations as if he was caught up in a perpetual rolling conveyance.
He opened his eyes to find that he was at the prow of a ship. Endless blue in front of him, the ship was rising and falling continuously.
Close by he heard the sound of a child crying, Wendell looked around but saw nothing. I was strange it felt like it was coming from right beside him.
He dared to ask, "hey kid! Where are you?"
A still sobbing voice replied timidly, "I'm right here mister" confused Wendell looked down at his hands. But they weren't his hands, but a child's hands. Something strange is going on here.
"Why you crying kid?" Wendell asked, trying to make sense of things.
"I miss my mom" the boy whimpered in reply.
Wendell felt the wetness on his cheeks from the boys tears." What happened to your mom?"
"Some bad people killed her" spoken with a gravity that belied his age.
"Oh, I just lost someone dear to me, bad people took her from me too. Seems like we have a lot in common, nice to meet you my name is Wendell. I would shake your hand, but I don't know how to do that in our situation" Wendell chuckled reassuringly.
{sniff sniff} "Hi Wendell, nice to meet you my name is Mestophalese. But everyone here just calls me Mesto."
Wendell laughed ," that's a mouthful, looks like we're going to be stuck with each other until I can figure out what the heck is going on"
"Yeah, my sister Serapheena used to enter my head all the time, even as far back as when I was in my mama's belly" his sadness slowly being forgotten. "But I haven't felt her in there for a long time."
"What is your sister like? And the rest of your family Mesto?" Wendell inquired
Mesto thought about it for a while, " I never actually seen my sister, or my dad is name is Maurice. We were all separated before I was born, all I have is my Auntie Neesha now. " his voice was shaky like he was about to cry again.
"Well kid, you got me now, let's go find your family together. Whatya got for snacks on this boat I'm kinda hungry..."
BOOK FOUR of the NINE REALMS saga Mestophalese the Star Sailor
Coming soon
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