Chrys found himself uncomfortably surrounded with a Rhiinehorn brute to either side.
"Boys, boys I don't know what kinky shit you are into, and BELIEVE ME I've done some kinky shit. Please trust me, I am NOT interested" Chrys tried to slide off the stool and back away, but met the resistance of a meaty hand.
"Oi little peacock I've got five thousand reasons for you to enjoy our company" the brute replied with a menacing tone that resembled the thunder of an impending storm.
"You are far too kind friend, I mean I am skilled lover but not worth that much." Chrys responded with an awkward chuckle.
From inside the kitchen, "you boys play nice, I don't want any fighting in my bar!" She was hard at work preparing meals.
"You heard the lady play nice", Chrys reached up to test the sharpness of the horn of the one on his left. "Aren't this things supposed to be aphrodisiacs? Tell me why is it then that you're a limp dick?" Chrys asked with an innocent smile.
"You're pushing your luck friend, my dick is not limp" replied the brute with a hint of insecurity in his voice.
Chrys sensed a soft spot and stabbed, "That's not what Myrheana told me"
The other Rhiinehorn spit out his drink onto the bar in a fit of laughter.
"NOT! TRUE!!!", a big fist came thundering down onto the bar smashing it into splinters.
The girl was just emerging from the kitchen holding three plates of food. "Oh boshing hell!! I said no fighting!!!"
Chrys used the distraction to his advantage leaping over the remnants of the bar and drawing is sword in a flourish. While grabbing a bun off one of the plates and stuffing it quickly in his mouth.
"Boshing hell!! you didn't pay for that!" Protested the girl as Chrys leapt onto the side of the bar which was still intact.
The enraged brute charged at Chrys horn first, in an attempt to impaled him. The other Rhiinehorn was still doubled over in laughter muttering limp dick.
In his rage the brute careened into the girl knocking the tray of food flying.
Chrys deftly somersaulted over the charging behemoth grabbing a leg of meat in the process. He came down feet first on the laughing one with enough force to knock him sprawling to the floor.
A loud crash erupted behind as the momentum of the charge not only destroyed the other half of the bar but also sent him through the outer wall. The Waaspern was just about to unleash the coup de gras on the second rhino. When he heard the crack of a whip from behind and his sword was ripped from his grasp.
He turned and gave the girl an incredulous stare, she responded "no fighting!!"
"Tell that to these two assholes!", an astonished Chrys shouted
Chrys jumped instinctively when he heard a growl from behind and avoided a strike that would certainly have crippled him.
What followed was the sound of two cracks: the first the breaking of a thick forearm; the second the ominous sound of the main support beam of the saloon being sundered.
The whole building let out a mournful groan, then came crashing down on top of them.
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