Tinkerbell- Liar (h)
For a long time, the only friend you had on Neverland was Tinkerbell.
She was there when you appeared on the island and had been the one person in your life ever since.
You didn't remember how exactly you had gotten to Neverland, but it had become your home.
It may not have been the most conventional place to live but you wouldn't have changed it.
Even though Tinkerbell didn't talk to the lost boys, you had become close with Felix but you had not told Tinkerbell because you knew how she would react.
You were sat in the small hut that you and Tinkerbell shared.
Felix had convinced you to meet up with him later that evening but it was growing difficult to make up an excuse to Tinkerbell.
Tinkerbell came inside and smiled at you. "I found dinner."
"Actually, I think I'm going to head out for a walk later."
"A walk?"
Tinkerbell sat down opposite you, a confused look on her face.
"Can't you just stay here? You keep disappearing."
"I don't disappear Tink."
"You do," she stated. "I don't have a clue where you could go, we're on an island for god's sake."
You sighed, running a hand through your hair. "I just go to the beach, sometimes into the woods."
"Pan's camp? Why do you go to his camp? You hate Pan."
"I don't hate Pan," you told her as you shook your head. "Tink, you hate Pan."
"My hatred of Pan is warranted. You always hated him though."
You shook your head again. "Tink, you hate Pan and you always have. I never once said that I hated him, you just assumed."
"So, you've been sneaking off to meet with Pan then?"
"Not exactly, no."
"Then be exact Y/N."
Sighing, you answered her. "I have been seeing Felix. He helped me a few months ago and we get on okay? I didn't want to tell you because you hate every other being on this island, except me."
"Oh, don't speak too soon."
"You're going to hate me now then?"
"You lied to me."
"I didn't lie, I just didn't tell you something."
She rolled her eyes. "Same difference," she had annoyance in her tone whilst she spoke. "You not telling me why you were disappearing is the same as lying to me. You know why I hate Pan and yet you still decide to go and be all buddy buddy with his right-hand man."
"It's not like that Tink."
"What is it like then? Because it seems as if you have made your choice."
"Choice? I haven't made a choice about anything. Don't put words in my mouth."
She sighed, crossing her arms. "You made a choice to not tell me about Felix. You made a choice to sneak out when you could've been honest about it. You made a choice to become a part of the group of people that I despise."
You didn't think that Tink would take what you were saying that badly – you understood it but you most definitely didn't think it would go that way.
"Perhaps you should go and talk to your little boyfriend Y/N, because I don't want a liar in my life."
Written by Hannah.
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