Killian Jones- Ghastly Thing (h)
Given the fact that you weren't exactly the biggest fan of the sea and boats, it probably wasn't the most sensible idea to get into a relationship with a pirate.
However, you had some logic in the matter and figured due to you being in Storybrooke, your boyfriend wouldn't have the need to go out on his ship and therefore there would be no reason for you to go anywhere near the ghastly thing.
Unfortunately, you had spoken too soon.
Due to the Jolly Roger not having been used in such a while, Killian had decided to take it out for a small journey because he did not want his beloved ship to become a relic rather than a voyager.
Of course, Killian was well aware of the fact that you were somewhat terrified of ships and the sea and pretty much everything to do with that.
He found it utterly amusing. The fact that the girlfriend of a pirate was afraid of the sea.
You had promptly slapped him upside the head when he voiced this amusement, but he still snickered whenever it was mentioned.
Even though he was aware of your dislike towards the whole idea of going on a boat, for some reason he had managed to convince you to go with him on the journey.
The two of you were walking down to the docks, your arm interlaced with his.
You had no problem with the docks, you would happily sit on the benches or on the wall and look out over the sea, and you could stand on a boat as long as it wasn't going anywhere.
The fear lied in the fact that there was no reassurance with what could happen whilst out at sea, there would be no help nor would there be any way for you to swim anywhere.
Killian turned his head and pressed a kiss to your hair "Love, you need to stop worrying" he told you as he carried your bags in his free hand.
You rolled your eyes, jokingly glaring at him afterwards, "You're a twat for making me do this" you stated in mock annoyance.
He chuckled and then dragged you aboard the Jolly Roger, placing your bags on the deck.
"Actually...this is a bad idea" you stated, "Have fun Honey, don't miss me too much" you rushed out as you tried to get off of the boat.
Killian reached out to grab your arm "Love, will you listen to me?" he questioned, pulling you into his arms, "I would never to ask you to do something that would put you in danger. You know that I love you, and you are my entire world" he reassured you whilst he held you tight "I promise you that this journey will be entirely safe" he stated before pulling away slightly, looking down at you and into your eyes "And when I promise something, I never ever break that promise. Ever" he spoke with a stern tone.
You laughed at him "How am I supposed to refuse when you say sweet things like that?" you quizzed as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
He smirked, his arms encircling your waist, "A pirate is never sweet"
Written by Hannah.
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