David Nolan- Strategic (h)
If someone had told you when you were younger that you would be spending Christmas in a literal winter wonderland, you would have told them to go and get their head checked.
You'd have thought the winter wonderland from the books only existed in books – but then you moved to Storybrooke.
It wasn't as such an intentional move, but more you driving to see where you'd end up and somehow stumbling upon a little lost town full of fairy tale characters who remembered both their lives.
Through being in Storybrooke, you had met David and he was the most genuine person you had met in a long while.
From the moment you met him it was so difficult for you to get him out of your head, not that you wanted to of course.
As cliché as it was, you fell for the fairy tale man in the most fairy tale way possible.
Only a matter of months later, the two of you were in Snow White's kingdom, hiding out in a log cabin, with snow absolutely everywhere.
You were sat on the sofa, a blanket over you with the fire roaring away in front of you.
David had been setting up the Christmas tree but struggling as he did so.
"Love, you're supposed to place the decorations strategically."
He turned to you. "And how exactly does one do it strategically?"
"Lighter ones at the top, and heavier ones toward the bottom but also get them resting on other branches," you explained whilst waving your arms around to gesture.
He sighed and rolled his eyes jokingly. "My dear, I love you, but I have no clue how to decorate a tree to your specifications."
His choice of words caused you to laugh but you got up anyway.
"You are so particular."
He wrapped his arm around your shoulder once you reached him. "I am not being particular. I am being strategic."
"I thought you decorated a tree just with somewhat managed chaos."
"You do that if you want the tree to fall over."
David chuckled and shook his head. "My dear, this is a six-foot tree, it is not going to fall over because
of a decoration in the wrong place."
"Tell that to my family as the exact same thing has happened to them the past two years."
"How big are your decorations?"
You laughed and reached to place something near the top of the tree. "Go big or go home."
David gently placed his hands on your waist, and lifted you up effortlessly so you could position your decoration.
"How about that for our first tree together?"
Your boyfriend smiled as he hugged you into his side. "Practically perfect in every way."
Written by Hannah.
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