Sparks Fly
(THIS CHAPTER HAS WHAT WE CALL "ALMOST SMUT". I have never done this before and I'm really just trying to follow the song. I don't really wanna write smut so that's why we call it "almost smut".)
Two days later, the palace was quite busy and bustling. Ryuko and Shinya's bachelor/bachelorette party.
The couple wore matching clothing. Ryuko wore a pale purple dress with off the shoulder sleeves. The train was long and the dress made her figure stand out, but it was still very puffy. She wore a silver tiara on her head, but it draped onto her forehead with an amethyst in the middle. A veil trained behind her, just like her dress did.
Shinya wore a white blazer and white pants. He had a light purple sash over his shoulder that wrapped to his hip, and black boots. He had a few medals decorating his shirt, and wore a purple cape with Dalmatian lining.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" Shinya asked from his throne. Ryuko sat in a matching one for the first time. It was a red cushion, which was one of her favorite colors. Shinya's was a royal blue color. She rubbed her hands on the arm rests, feeling all of the designs carved into the golden color.
"I am. Are you?"
"Of course, I'm here with you." He whispered, running his ringed finger over her knuckles. "Would you like to dance?"
"I would love to." She said. She was no skilled dancer, she just did what she wanted the last time they danced, and he just played along, leading when he felt it was necessary. "It's been a while since we've danced, hasn't it?" She said, taking Shinya's hands.
Shinya was always nervous whenever he grabbed her hands, they felt so delicate, which is always why he always gave her gloves. He felt like if he applied to much of his strength, he would snap her wrists in half. Though, she was really strong, she probably could snap his in half as well, no lie.
The song choice was a classical song, very elegant. Ryuko pressed her forehead to Shinya's. Two hands away from them, two directly next to them. "I'm so happy we're getting married tomorrow."
She forgot about that! It wasn't that she didn't wanna get married, more that she didn't want to get married the way it had been planned. It was nerve racking. Nothing was according to her plan, all by tradition.
Tradition was to also have sex after marriage...
Was she that mad that she couldn't have her dream wedding? No, not really. But she could wait two days before asking Shinya to sleep with her. He wasn't religious, but he was a tradition follower. If he wasn't, that Xenia stuff that he was forced to follow wouldn't matter. But, she wanted to break a tradition before getting married, especially since she would have to do that when queen. Unless they decided to destroy traditions.
"Are you open to the idea of... getting intimate?" She whispered, extremely quiet.
"What?" Shinya whispered back.
"Do you want to get intimate? It's a genuine question. You can say no, obviously." She asked.
"You can't wait two more days?" He laughed. She frowned at him. "I'm just playing with you Ryuko. Sure."
She was totally taken aback by this. She didn't expect him to say yes. "Alright." She almost forgot to bring up the events with Keigo a few days ago . "Did Keigo tell you that he had been questioning me?"
"Oh? No. About what?"
"Witchcraft and being a spy."
Shinya just sighed. "I'll speak with him tomorrow. I'll have a conversation with all of my staff to stop this. You're not a witch and I'm sick of these rumors." He said.
"Thank you, Shinya."
The night slowly went on. It might've been taking forever because Ryuko had started to plan the rest of the night. Or because people kept going up to them to see what their new queen would be like, which Ryuko didn't exactly mind.
Ryuko sat down and he placed a hand on her leg. "We only have an hour left." He whispered.
The party ended and lights were out.
Some weren't.
The room was filled with quiet whispers as Ryuko and Shinya got aggressive with their "usual" intimacy. Usually it was just a few kisses before going to sleep. Today? No.
Shinya sat on their bed and pulled her onto him, pulling her tiara from her forehead and tossing it to the floor. He kissed at her neck slowly, biting down on one spot.
"Fu-" she trailed off, throwing her head back. Shinya slowly began to take her dress off, starting by unbuttoning her dress and sliding it off her shoulder.
The candles that lit the room were dim, setting the mood for the night. The large window behind them let the stars and moon slide into the little room filled to the brim with passion.
"Your Majesty? I need you to hear something, it's extremely urgent." The door was slowly pushed open as both of them looked at the door. Ryuko slid her dress up to cover her chest and put a hand on her shoulder, where a large mark was left behind. "I-I- oh my god- umm..."
"Yes? We're quite busy."
The Grand Duke stood there shaken. "I shall give you a moment to fix yourselves, then I will need you to come with me."
(STOP WHY WAS THAT SO FUNNY- just "h-hey Yall?")
"What did you need?" Shinya asked, tying his hair into a ponytail to fix the mess Ryuko had made when she pulled it.
"We need to speak about, that woman you were about to... copulate with." He choked. Keigo turned his head at this statement.
(Ok but the synonyms for sex are so funny. "Nooky" "bonking" "make whoopee", "boff")
"No- you did not- you did not!" Keigo gasped, starting to laugh. "Ok but, it's literally two days before the wedding. Why not wait?"
"We aren't talking about my non political life in this conversation right now, are we?" Shinya asked, tired of this conversation already. "Can we please start the actual conversation?"
"Of course! Please! Yes!" Yotsubashi shouted at both of them.
"I think you should break off the engagement." Keigo said. "Look, I'm not trying to get you upset, but, there is so many things pointing towards her using witchcraft." He said, placing his feet on the table.
"Such as?"
"Her siblings say she spoke to rats and animals, and that's why she was late to the ball." The Grand Duke mentioned, trying to ruin the woman as best as he could. "And we literally have seen her pull jewelry and gold out of her dresses."
"I- you do know she literally has pockets in all of her dresses? The rats thing is a bit odd though, I can't defend that. But that's not enough for witchcraft." Shinya glared. "That reminds me, Ryuko said you questioned her. I should've told both of you this a long time ago, but I want you both to drop this. Stop antagonizing her, and you Keigo? I'm shocked. She's been close to you and now you decide to question her, once we get are engaged?" Shinya grumbled, pressing a hand to his temple.
"Your majesty, I promise I'm just looking out for our kingdom." Rikiya said, gaining a glare.
"You know what, great. Until Ryuko does something incriminating that I can't forgive, both of you should just try to see the good things shes done. Like get our people to trust us more?" He rolled his eyes. "Ryuko is a good person."
Rikiya couldn't help but smirk.
When Shinya returned to his room an hour later, Ryuko was asleep in their bed. He snickered and took off his shirt and shoes.
"Good night Ryuko." He whispered and kissed her forehead.
Ryuko and Shinya: Mmmm yes rebellious sex
Rikiya: N o.
Ok but there was a bear called Pablo Escabear and it ate thousands of pounds of cocaine and it was the strongest animal on earth for five minutes. Idk why it's so funny to know a coked out bear was the strongest animal alive.
Cokey the bear.
But anyways, I got a large part out of the song so far. But uhhh... um....
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