Reiko's Garden
(Classically Abby or Abigail Shapiro is so annoying omg-)
(Oh and~ sorry for not updating! Schools been keeping me busy! Anyways! I've actually been working on this for five days but couldn't get it out! Sorry! School is really important to me :). Oh, I wanna write a little mermaid Au for them now ;-;. )
Following the stars for a few hours became tiresome. She knew it was leading her in the right direction, but her neck was straining. She had arrived in the market place an hour after running away.
She knocked on the door lightly. She was In front of the grocery store. Yuu and her family lived a few minutes away from it. It was obvious no one was in the store...
Committing crimes. Nice.
Ryuko walked in. It was a Sunday so no one would be going to work the next day. She wasn't stealing. She wouldn't do that to the Takeyamas. She loved them as if they were her family, and with the 'family' she did have, she wished she was part of theirs.
She was walking quietly as if she still weren't safe from her family. She was right. She wasn't safe until she got to the palace or she got to the Takeyama's house. One or the other, they could always hunt her down. She didn't know why they would since they obviously hated her and only used her to clean up her house. Either way, she felt like she was in dangers
Ryuko didn't know where she would sleep. There weren't any blankets or things like that. She would have to sleep on the floor if anything.
It was actually a bit better than the attic...
It was the middle of the night. Neither Shinya or Reiko should've been up at the moment. It was entirely too late and they should've gone to bed a while ago.
Reiko wasn't able to sleep. She hadn't slept the night prior and it was showing. She had eye bags and she was much more grouchy. She had snapped at Keigo, and almost hit the grand duke. Maybe it was from the grief, maybe it was from the lack of sleep? Either way, she was being very rude and unpleasant.
Meanwhile, Shinya's mind was racing as he lied in bed. Perhaps they had missed a girl. Or the duke was right and the woman was foreign. Even a witch? He doubted the witch part though. He wasn't stupid, someone should've fit the shoe. Maybe the damn duke was lying. He seemed too happy about that bloody heel girl "fitting".
Jesus Christ he was having one of those moments where he went over all the cringy things he had done or seen. He was remembering the bloody heel that one girl had...
He needed to take a walk.
He walked out of his bedroom and down to the garden. He was clearing his head of the memories of that day. A bloody heel wasn't something he needed in his mind at the moment.
Shinya sighed and walked throughout Reiko's garden. She had always been nice about letting him into her garden. The garden was quiet and it was where he and his mystery princess had talked for hours.
(Me forgetting the plot of this book for the fifth time-)
He kneeled down to face the roses. They were all black and dark blue because of Reiko's preferences. She loved the cold colors and many other dark colors.
"What're you doing?"
"Hello Reiko." Shinya sighed. She was acting much different than she usually did. She wasn't sleeping, their dad had died a few days ago, and multiple other things were going on in her life. It sucked.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm admiring the roses."
"Why? They're roses and you've seen them a thousand times now."
"They're calming, and what are you doing up? It's late." Shinya whispered, pointing up at the clock. It was quite late as it was twelve thirty five.
"I couldn't sleep. I thought it was obvious?" She rolled her eyes. "What are you doing up?" She repeated his question. He stood up and looked at her, laughing a bit.
"I'm an adult and, don't you want to sleep? You've been acting awfully weird lately."
"I don't wanna sleep."
"And why's that Reiko?"
"The duke scares me... and I think he went into my room a few days ago..."
"Excuse me?" Reiko nodded at his shocked response, "are you absolutely sure?"
"Of course I am! There was a noise and I woke up to see him!" She cried. She looked so scared, it broke his heart.
"I'll have a word with him in the morning then."
"Thank you."
"It isn't a problem at all Reiko." He said, giving her a hug. She never seemed to like the grand duke after that incident in her library. Shinya always found him creepy, like that weird uncle or cousin everyone has, but he had to deal with him because of his political status. He never did anything to make him very suspicious, now? Shinya would have the chance to confront him on his odd behavior after all of these years.
"We should go back inside." He gave a simple laugh out. She nodded and gave him a hug. She was adorable.
(Cancelling Shigaraki.)
Only that next morning, Shinya was in his office, waiting for Keigo to get Yotsubashi. He had asked for him to grab the balding man ten minutes ago... Keigo always walked through the palace with Shinya, someone who lived in it for his whole life, maybe he didn't know it as well as him...
"Your highness~" Keigo laughed, "sorry for taking a while, couldn't find him!" He laughed.
"It's alright. It's definitely alright. But, you can leave now." Shinya sighed.
"Yes your majesty?" There was obvious mockery in his voice. He still went by highness.
"Highness," Shinya corrected him, "the princess says you've gone into her room?"
"Excuse me? I would never do such a thing."
"I dou-" Shinya was interrupted.
"Your highness! Your grace..." A guard said, looking at the two royals.
"Yes?" Shinya grumbled, a bit irritated by this. He was about to confront him. Goddamn it.
"It's another girl."
(It sucks~ ik~, but it's been a week, I needed to get one out.)
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