Three days had passed. The funeral of Nejire Hado had passed as well. Almost every person who was a regular attended. So basically the entire town. Ryuko was only able to attend because Chitose was actually nice. Even if she wasn't she would've snuck out in one of Jin's suits or Himiko's dresses. She may not have been either's exact size, in bust or height, but she would wear it.
Ryuko felt bad for leaving Shinya without a proper goodbye. He was very sweet to help her, perhaps a bit nosey, but he was very nice. She had thanked him, but she believed she would never see him again. She made a pretty bad impression as well. Bumping into him, dropping everything, Jesus, she looked stupid.
It had been three days since she last saw him, why the hell was she cringing at something she did?
"How was it? How many people were crying?!" Himiko gasped. Ryuko was disgusted by the question. Nejire was such an amazing soul, of course everyone was crying!
The sound of heels hitting the marble floors was sickening. She knew who everyone was by the way that they walked. Whether it be Himiko's running, Jin's small skips, or Chitose's horrifying walk. What made it so traumatizing was because of what came afterwards. Usually, Himiko would be summoned to Chitose's side. After that, Chitose had a number of punishments for whatever made her precious brat scream, usually never Ryuko's fault.
When the clicking got closer, Himiko's question got worse. Just to make Ryuko cry. It was working as well. Ryuko's tears were welling up the more she talked about Nejire like she was a sinner.
Himiko begun her next question. Ryuko remained calm and tried not to cry anymore than she already did, she could see the demonic grin on Himiko's face as well. She knew it would be bad. Worse than all the other horrific questions. And she was right.
She didn't want to be right.
"Maybe she killed herself. She magically died in her sleep. Maybe she just decided to end it-"
Chitose snapped her fingers. Something she only did to Ryuko when she was sick of her sassy remarks. Everyone knew that meant to shut up.
"Himiko. Stop."
Himiko, stop? Yeah, what kind of games was she playing?
Ryuko's eyes had already started pouring tears. She only got a quick glance at Chitose's light purple hair, brown skin, and green eyes before she ran out the room.
(Ok, new people. People with unnatural skin tones, Blue or Pink, like Mina, Bubble Girl, and Chitose, are all brown skinned In my modern aus.)
(The first time with both povs! Oh and, this is more of a 'wtf is hunting, why tf are they using horses, and why is Cinderella not on Disney Plus. Truth be told, I have no idea why tf they were chasing a stag, but :/...)
It was an activity Shinya hadn't done in several years. Keigo suggested it. Keigo suggested a lot of things.
They dragged four guards along with them. Yes, as if Keigo needed any more company. Oboro Shirakumo, Shota Aizawa, Nemuri Kayama, and Hizashi Yamada. Each of them held guns, Shinya less experienced in using one.
At the moment, they were chasing after a stag. The antlers on the animal made it obvious where it was, but they blended in with the trees. The horses trotted through a field, separating the trees from the deer. The damned animal was quick though.
"Woah! Easy! Easy!" He heard someone call out. In the wooded part of the field, the perimeter, he could see a black horse running. It was incredibly fast and had a rider.
"Wait just a moment." Shinya shouted out to Keigo. The rest of the guards were free to continue chasing the stag. Shinya took a turn and followed the black horse.
"Miss? Are you alright?"
"I'm alright! Thank you!" She shouted back as he was right next to her. He grabbed the rope used to steer the animal. Finally, the horse became steady. "Sorry to trouble you." She apologized.
"It's really ok, are you alright?"
"I'm alright but what about him?" She asked, a bit out of breath now. Her voice went kind of high.
"The stag! You scared the poor thing!" She playfully shouted. It wasn't threatening, more like a mother's worried shout.
"I'm sorry, are you two friends?" He asked. He thought she was a bit crazy now. Grief did this to people?
"Acquainted. He's nice and he has a family."
"I apologize" he chuckled at her. He didn't know if she meant this as a joke or if she was sincere.
The two horses circled around each other. One was black, the other was white. They were the same type, Andalusian.
"What's his name?"
"I'm not sure, he isn't mine." She said, her eyes widening at what she just said.
"Oh? Then who's is he?" He expected it to be a error with her words. She seemed too kind to be a thief. Well, she was crazy, dressed in black, and going quite fast. Perhaps?
"My sister's. She and I got into an argument so I ran off. Took her horse." She said. He looked at her outfit again. Why was she- oh right.
"I assume today was..." he gestured to her black dress.
"Yes. It was Nejire's funeral." She said. "She'll just be smiling down at us. A star in the night."
"Ah. You believe in stars as well?"
"Yes! My family calls me insane when I ramble on to stars. Do you do that?" She asked, her eyes wide. She was smiling as well.
"No, I haven't lost anyone yet. My friend Keigo does that though."
"Ah. I'm glad that we could redo our meeting though."
"You remember me?"
"Mhm! Mr.Shinya!" She said, addressing him with the wrong title. Not that he minded it, he loved not being called 'prince Shinya."
"And your name?" He asked. She giggled and made.
"Um... you can call me Princess." She quipped. Shinya took it a bit too seriously.
"Alright your highness."
"Your Hig-" Keigo shouted out.
"Shinya! Shinya! It's Shinya." He yelled back. Ryuko raised an eyebrow and watched him rise off.
"Alright Shinya." Keigo said, smirking.
"It's been nice to see you again. I hope to see you once more." He said before leaving. He looked back a few times and smiled at her.
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