Voices of the Past
(A/N: man, that last journal entry had me in tears of laughter and sadness. Between Prism's reaction to Cory knowing French, Koushiro in a tutu, the argument with her inner wolf, to her squirrel chasing habits, finally Skylar asking her if she had more of that "stuff", and then Fauna trying to be Bear Grylls only to go berserk on the Bears just for tearing off a piece of her dress.
I swear, Prism is a precious cinnamon roll. I think I'll keep her habit of chasing squirrels and use it as a running gag. It's adorable xD
You guys better get comfy. This is going to be a loooong chapter, it's literally 6,000 words.)
"Well, what's on the agenda today?" Julia asked as she finished cleaning up the kitchen. It was the weekend now that classes finally let up except for hunting class because a certain spirit animal doesn't want to cooperate nicely.
Screw you.
See, if Fern hadn't held me back, that girl would have nearly lost an eye!
She stole OUR prey! We've been stalking it for an hour and you expect me to let some other she-wolf hold me back? As if.
"I don't know, we could go see if Nikki is sober-"
"After eating that muffin? Ha! She's going to be stuck like that for awhile," I replied. Luna slightly laughed as she remembered what happened......
As we were walking back to our rooms. We found Nikki on the floor with her hand on her forehead.
"Nikki, you okay?" Julia asked.
"*groans* I got hippo buying airplane!" (Translation: I got hit by an airplane)
I few laughs broke out from me as I tried to hold them back. "What? Nikki, can you hear me?"
Nikki turned her head to Luna and smiled. "Shiro-kun, is that you?"
I held my sides as I continued laughing, while Julia had this confused look on her face. Luna looked slightly irritated and offended by who Nikki had referred her to.
"I-I'm not Shi-"
"Fido, what the hell did that muffin do to her?!"
"I-ahahAhAhahaha! Don't know!"
Probably changed her personality. Note to self...write down side effects later.
Nikki crawled towards Luna and attached herself to her ankle. "Shiro-kun!~"
"This is getting weird. Now I know how Koushiro feels..."
"Shiro-kun, tell me something!"
"U-uh what is it?"
".......Fido, I swear to all the gods I know, that if she proposes to me then I'm getting rid of all the bacon we have in the fridge."
I just fell over laughing. I didn't even care, seeing Nikki's personality change made my day.
"Am I Christian or Catholic?"
"What the actual f-"
(Back to current time)
"I'll say one thing: I'm keeping my behind in here. Fuck you, Fido I went through torture of her calling me 'Shiro-kun' and hanging on to my ankle like some crazy fangirl,"
"If it makes you feel better, I didn't know about the shrooms' effects. This is my first time seeing it used on a Vampire," I replied. "Yeah? Well, it better be the last," Luna replied as Julia giggled at the scene.
"Now, now, Luna. It went to a good cause,"
"Now Skylar won't have to worry about her Love Rival today! Tomorrow is a different story..."
"Love Rival?" Luna and Julia asked in unison. "Well, yeah. A 'Love Rival' is another person who is in love with the same person as you are. Constant battles against two people of the same gender fighting for the person they both are attracted to,"
"So basically...if there was another girl that liked Savage as much or possibly more than you, then you two would be 'Love Rivals' right?"
Oh, I see where she's going with this...
"Well, yes it would, but I would lose in a heartbeat,"
"What?! Fido, you seem like the type who wouldn't give up. I thought you wolves were loyal to your mates,"
"We are, Luna, but Cory isn't my mate. I still care and respect him as a friend, but he doesn't want to love anyone. Which makes sense, I don't blame him...I like Cory...I like him a lot, but even I'm scared too,"
"What are you scared of?" Julia asked me. I whined as my ears folded over making me look like a sad puppy.
"I'm scared of him hating me and I'm scared of not being good enough. Guys, there's plenty girls out there who are way prettier and way better in a fight than I am. Heck, maybe there are better looking guys than me if he swung that way!"
"That's not true! You're helpful,"
I gave Luna a look. "Name the last fights we had where I didn't stand around or get knocked out,"
"My point exactly,"
"You didn't necessarily stand around. You helped us get back on our feet and back to beating up bad guys. Fido, you are our shield while Savage is like our sword. There's nothing wrong with that,"
"It feels wrong to me!"
I didn't want to stand around and have others do everything for me. I wanted to help, I wanted to FIGHT.
"Prism, if it weren't for you. We would've all been severely injured and Cory would've felt guilty,"
"He always feels guilty whenever we get our butts handed," I muttered under my breath. "Well, that's because some of us aren't experienced like he is, but that doesn't make us weak nor you worthless," Julia said as she sat down next to me.
"Julia's right Fido. You play an important part in this team just like the rest of us. We know what you're capable of..."
No, you don't. You really don't.
"You're strong in more ways than just strength and brains. You're compassionate and fiercely loyal to your friends. I bet if if a bad guy asks you to join them you would say no right in the middle of the question without hesitation. So, please Prism...stop putting yourself down like that, you're usually the upbeat one that keeps us upbeat,"
"Yeah, Fido. We love for who you are, so don't change just because you think you're not good enough okay?"
Luna began to pet me like I was a dog, which started to piss me off. "Besides, who could ever hate a 'cutesy-wutesy wittle doggy' like you?"
There's one person I know back in the day who hated my existence. Man, I feel bad leaving Ivy and....
Oh my gods.
I forgot about Crisetna! She's probably getting tormented by Vivian and her posse. Well, Ivy is there to look after her since, she isn't a believer that violence solves problems. Despite her species reputations...
"Luna, stop petting me before I bite your hand off. Also, I'm going to the park,"
Luna immediately stopped. "Why? Do you wanna play fetch or do want to chase some squirrels? Or...is it to write in that diary of yours?"
"Wipe that smirk off your face. For the reasons why I'm going...No way! I can't fetch a stick without tripping over something, maybe, and yes. Also, it's a JOURNAL there's a freaking difference!"
Grabbing my journal and a bag I placed the necessary things I needed, put on my jacket and strode to the door all cool like. "I'll be back later. I might go shopping before I come back also, I made some cookies for you guys-and yes, they're safe,"
They both released a sigh of relief. I wouldn't drug my roommates, Julia and Luna are like my best friends. Then again... I did make more than one batch of those cookies Koushiro ate...
"I think. Try not to eat them all at once,"
They both froze up right before they grabbed a cookie. I merely smiled and left.
As I was leaving I walked by some of friends. Especially Cory.
"Hey, Prism,"
"H-hi Cory,"
Keep it together Prism!
"Where you headed?"
"To the park. It's a nice day so, I figured why not get some fresh air while we're not fighting some crazy, evil, vengeful goddess that's trying to murder us all,"
Way to lighten the mood Prism...
Shut up! I'm telling the truth aren't I?
You're still an idiot.
Why do I even bother with you?
"Well, just be careful. We don't know when they'll strike next,"
I rolled my eyes playfully and began to walk off. "I'll be fine Savage, I'm not a Damsel in distress. I'm Mulan in wolf's clothing"
"Just come back before it gets late,"
"Fine, I promise. I won't go off chasing squirrels,"
Were you trying to sound cool?
I thought it was a great idea! Also, I don't want him to worry!
To be honest I would worry about your safety. After what happened with Lucius I'm scared for you to be around another male and yet, I'm YOU!
Just chill. Lucius isn't coming back.
At least not yet....
Don't jinx it. Aquarius didn't destroy her body for nothing.
I finally made it to the park and looked for a place to sit, but of course the benches were occupied.
By who? Couples. Couples everywhere! Even in the carriages, by the fountain, on the swings. Heck, even one guy was proposing near the slide as the girl slid down it screaming yes.
"As if this park didn't lower my self esteem enough," I muttered as my ears drooped. I made my way over to a tree and sat down, thankfully the leaves provided a decent amount of shade.
Love is a fickle and mysterious thing. People say it hurts, some say it's the most wonderful thing anyone could ever experience.
I've never felt like that with anyone, except for Cory. He has his reasons and so do I. I'm not sure about myself loving someone because, I'm scared. The only other people I know who has experienced the better quality of love are my parents, Ivy and Luca.
The negative qualities is what I've seen the most. Before I met the gang, there was someone who DID love me. Now, this is where I screwed up.
Werewolves only have ONE mate in their entire lives. They know who their destined mate is on instinct, like a metal detector and a timer. The second that metal detector goes *bing Bing bing* it's like telling you, that your destined mate is near and the closer you get, the louder the noise gets inside your head. Till then it's only a matter of time because, that mental timer is ticking down until you find them. Once it goes off, you're filled with so many emotions, but mainly immense joy because, you found that special someone in your life.
That's how my mom explained it. I'm just a teenage wolf going through life. 😒
But back to where I screwed up. The someone supposedly loved me and I was oblivious to it until it was too late. When I gave him a chance, he took me for granted and kidnapped me.
My inner wolf warned me. So did Aquarius and so did my mom, but I never listened. If Ivy hadn't found me then who knows what else he could've done to me. My mom told me he didn't love me, he was OBSESSED to the point his mind wasn't in stable condition. It was already bad enough too, with Zia controlling him like a dog on a leash.
He was like a yandere in a sense...and a freaking sadist. *shudders* 😖
I still have the bruises he left on me. I always dress like this to hide all the bruises and marks that he gave me. I was afraid of what people would think of me.
People like Vivian who take joy just to see me broken down in tears. Gods, I hate that Angel. She thinks she's SO perfect because she's an Angel and that everyone on earth who sin are disgusting. What really pisses me off about her is that she'll torment people who don't even do anything to her!
One of my other friends, who is like the precious Cinnamon Roll between me, Aquarius, and Ivy is Crisetna. She's a Centaurides or better known as a Centauress.
She's very shy and skittish. Like a horse, she's easily spooked by loud noises and anything that looks like a snake. Vivian will literally slam a door just to scare her into having a panic attack. She's not very graceful either, she sometimes trips over her own hooves and she wears glasses since she can't see very well.
That Angel enjoys picking on her, while she just loves to see me hurt physically and emotionally.
(Prism: age 10)
"Oh my gods, oh my gods, oh my gods!"
"Ivy, calm down will you?" I asked as we waited for class to start. It was our first day of junior high school and a Ivy was more excited than a Neko high off of catnip. After the whole Lucius(TRIGGERED)incident mom had me and the girls transferred to a special school for monsters. So, we only had school for Monday-Thursday, I was okay with it, but I still wondered when I'll ever see him again.
Hopefully never now that I'm with the gang.
"But Prism, we have the same class with Luca! As in Luca, as in THE Luca,"
"I get it! You like him, why don't you just tell him?" I asked like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Ivy blushed and started rubbing her arm "that's the thing. Whenever I'm near him, I just get so giddy that I can't make a single sentence. So, I really don't see that happening..."
"Do you want me to ask him?" I asked only to get grabbed by the collar of my sweater. "Listen here Lunaire, you're my best friend and a packmate I cherish with all my heart, but if you say ONE thing to him, I'll make you into a fur coat,"
"G-got it! I heard nothing!"
Our teacher walked through the door greeting everyone and smiling. Right as she was about to close the door....
Another figure ran into the room, tripped over something I didn't see and barrel rolled into the wall. Me and Ivy cringed at the impact as it made the classroom somewhat shake. The class erupted into a roar of laughter as the girl stood up on shaky, spindly legs.
"What a klutz! She'd make the perfect bowling ball!" A certain voice from a certain blonde yelled out.
Ugh. Vivian. Stop trying to sound cute with your valley girl, wannabe Barbie, discount bought outfit and-Oh, sorry I'm getting out of hand.
That's when I noticed how tall she was compared to the rest of us. She had limbs to that of a horse and even a tail! And ears! Like OMG! That's was the first Centaur I've ever met in my life.
She was a Centauress actually since females have different names. They just aren't spoked about in mythology.
"Are you alright dear?" My teacher asked as her cat ears folded back. "I-I'm alright. I'm sorry for disrupting class, I'm new here,"
"Oh, it's alright! Everyone has a rough first day, now why don't you introduce yourself?"
"T-to the class?...I don't know..."
"They won't bite. I promise-Natashka I'm looking at you," my teacher said as she watched the Vampire. "No worries. I don't like my blood bitter,"
"Tash!!" I yelled. "Easy Rover, I'll keep my word since you helped me out last year,"
What's with people giving me these stereotype dog names? There's Tash with calling me, Rover. Then Luna calling me Fido. -_-
"Ms. Lunaire and Ms. Ivanov. Our new classmate is trying to talk,"
Me and Tash quieted as the new girl spoke. "my name...my name is...*mumble mumble* "
Me, Ivy, Luca, and of course were the only ones who heard since we had enhanced hearing. The girl looked too scared to talk so, I stood up and spoke for her.
"She said, her name is Crisetna. Crisetna Anastas, did I pronounce it right? Sorry, if I didn't. I'm not familiar with the Greek language,"
"Y-you did, u-um t-thank you very much," Crisetna bowed in respect as our teacher decided to let her sit between me and Ivy in the back. As she was walking towards the back, someone tripped her and she fell. AGAIN.
Oh, my gods....everything was fine until-
"Oops. Sorry, My bad!~ Klutz..."
I growled and stood up until Ivy pulled me back down, along with Tash. "Rover, she's not worth it,"
"Gggrrrrrr...I swear I'll tear her in half,"
"Prism, you can't!"
"Yes, I can if I use the twisting motion!"
"Rover, I'm feeling your muscles right now. They're not strong enough!"
"Damn it!"
"Prism, watch your mouth!"
Crisetna sat down(I guess) and just stared at the floor in silence. "Hey, are you okay?" Ivy asked as Tash managed to calm me down. "I'm fine, she didn't mean to do it,"
Me and the others stared at her like she had three heads. Well, I do know someone with three heads, but that's another story. "I'm not sure if you're familiar with Vivian's antics, but yes. She DID mean to, that Angel thrives off the suffering of others," I explained.
"I'm surprised she hasn't become one of the Fallen, yet," Ivy added. "The Fallen? Who are they?" Crisetna asked. We all exchanged looks and looked at Vivian to make sure she wasn't listening as we explained about the Fallen.
"They're Angels, that have been punished or exiled from heaven," Tash said in a whisper. "Some can't fly because, they're so filled up with negative emotions that they fly by shape shifting into animals. They're even capable of turning an Angel into one of them," Ivy also added. "They say that whenever a Fallen is nearby an Angel cries black tears and animals hide in fear. We can't say this front of Vivian because she'll throw a BF-"
"What's a BF?"
No, not boyfriend or best friend.
"A bitch fit. Which is what little Ms. Perfect does when stuff doesn't go her way," Tash interjected before letting me go on. "Anywho, basically they're a group of Angels that you don't want to run into yet, I do feel bad for them..."
"Leave it to Rover to see the good in everything no matter how fucked up it is. That naïvety is going to get you hurt,"
Tash wasn't wrong about that. It did and yet, I still think there's good in everyone.
"Vivian is a different story, but yeah not everything is completely evil. Some people are just struggling and being destructive is how they cope with it."
"Anywho, it's nice to meet you Cris. I'm Natashka, but my friends call me Tash,"
Crisetna shook her hand. "You have a pretty name. I've never heard of it,"
Tash snickered "it's Russian that's why. The funny thing is that my name means 'Christmas Day' and I'm a Vampire,"
"Irony~ I'm Ivy and this is Prism. We're both Werewolves, but she's half human because her dad managed to bang the toughest she-wolf in existence,"
I punched Ivy in the arm. "OW! Prism, what the hell was that for?!"
"Baka! You didn't need to say it like that you Perv!"
"Tash, could've said a lot worse if I gave her the chance to talk," Ivy said in her defense which was true. Tash was that certain someone you have to have in every friend clique.
"I'm confused. You called me 'Cris'?"
"Oh! It's a nickname to shorten your name for the others," I replied. "The others?"
"Yeah, there's more than us. There's Aquarius-Prism's adoptive older sister, Gwen, Ali, Kyo, and Niles,"
"Aquarius, is in high school due to her IQ. That girl is this generation's Albert Einstein. So, it's just the seven of us," Ivy added in to clarify why Aquarius wasn't near me when she usually is.
"I see, but why are you telling me all of this?"
"Easy. We want you to be our friend if that'll okay with you,"
For that moment Crisetna smiled. She smiled a dazzling smile that could light up the world. She belonged with us.
A few classes later, we helped our new hoofed friend the way around school and of course the people not to fuck with if you had a death wish. Then came lunch with means....
"Aye! Where mah goons at?!"
"Calm down Tash," me and Ivy said with a sweatdrop. Tash skipped-yes, skipped to a table where a boy with navy blue hair and brown eyes was reading a book.
"Hey, Niles!"
Tash started laughing while me, Ivy, and Cris stared at Niles with a WTF expression.
Yeah, because I can't describe that with a fancy word! It was literally a WTF did I just hear moment! 😆
"Niles, are you okay?" I asked as I motioned Cris to come join us. "Yeah, it's just this crazy chic startled me. Like bloody hell Tash, are you drunk or something?"
"I'm drunk off yo love baby!"
I rose an eyebrow as Niles' left eye started twitch. "How's it feel to have a girl use a crappy pick up line on you?"
"It makes me question my sexuality coming from you, you crazy git,"
"By the gods, is Tash being weird again?" Another male voice spoke up. "Ali! Hey!"
"Sorry, I'm five minutes late. My mom called me in the middle of class and I had to stop a raging Genie from killing my teacher because she said the call wasn't important,"
"What was it about?"
"One of my Tigers got loose and ate my neighbor's chicken. Prism, I recommend keeping Miia inside tonight,"
"She's already the size of a Mastiff. Besides, she hates going outside, I think we made her into a house cat-house bird thing. All she wants to do is sleep on the couch nowadays and watch animal planet," I replied.
Gods, I miss her. I miss my flying kitty-bird.
"Oh, there they are! Kyo, I found them!"
The last of our group of friends showed up. Except they were both holding hands....
"Gwen, Kyo...are you two dating without the rest of our blessings?" I asked. "What? Oh gods no, I'm just pretending to be his girlfriend that way he can catch a break. His fangirls are relentless nowadays ever since we came back from Winter break. The poor boy doesn't know how to deal with all the attention,"
"Basically, what she said," Kyo replied as he scratched his head sheepishly. "Okay, then. Everyone sit! We have a someone joining this wacky family-"
"Rover, if we're family then doesn't that mean that having Gwen and Kyo is considered incest?"
"They're not dating for real you wanker! Have you even been paying attention?"
"Nope." Tash replied while popping the 'P'.
"Guys, this is Crisetna or Cris. She just moved here and as you can tell, she's a Centauress so, treat her nicely or I'm beating your ass,"
"H-hello, it's nice to meet all of you..."
"Awwww~ you're so cute! I'm Gwen Redthorn, I'm a Shinigami,"
"A what?"
"It means Grim Reaper. She just thinks Shinigami sounds better," I explained. "I'm Kyo Iwakura, I'm an Ōkami,"
"Yet, his parents remain neutral between pack business,"
"Hey, pack business is like politics. Too much drama," Kyo replied while crossing his arms. "Whatever you say cousin-"
"I'm not your cousin!"
"Aww~ you're blushing~ so kawaii!~"
"Prism, knock it off!"
"You're still blushing~"
"Knock it off you two! Anyway, I'm Niles Clawford, a Werecat. Nice to meet you Crisetna. Please pardon our unusual behavior it's been like this since childhood,"
"It's okay. I don't mind at all," Cris replied with a blush. "You already know me and the Wolves so, welcome to the gang Cris!"
"Thank you, Tash. Thank you, everyone,"
"It's nice to have a well mannered girl in the group. Compared to these four you're an absolute Saint,"
"What are you trying to say Niles?!" Me and the girls yelled. "Well, for starters: Ivy is too hyper and lovesick over Luca, not too mention she can't even fetch a ball correctly-"
"Hey, you know I can't jump high enough!"
"Gwen, is lacking in height as well as the patience and kindness to be a Grim Reaper-"
"I'm not short! I'm vertically challenged also, who's ever heard of a nice Shinigami?"
"Prism, is too trusting and naïve. As well as, irrational when it comes to thinking things through. At least she embraces her femininity, but not too the point she's considered a girly girl. Also, she has a terrible habit of chasing squirrels to the point she forgets what she was doing before,"
"Hey, no need to be mean. Also, Squirrels are just so...so...I can't explain it, but they just drive me crazy!"
"I feel so bad for whoever your mate is going to be. He might have to keep a leash on you," Tash giggled.
"I'm not even going to explain about Tash. She's....odd,"
After school had ended, I was walking home with Aquarius, Cris, and Ivy. We found out that Cris didn't live too far from Ivy and she had gotten along really well with Aquarius.
Probably because horses are the symbol of Poseidon, much like how Peacocks are for Hera.
As we walked I started to get dizzy. I didn't know why, but I remember hearing that same voice who called me the Child of the Moon again. Then I blacked out right as I heard Aquarius call out to me.
When I opened my eyes I was in some sort of room, with tapestries along the walls.
"Where am I?"
"Where it all began, where your story will be told,"
"Who are you? Why do you keep speaking to me?!"
The voice chuckled. "Do not be afraid. I too was frightened when it happened to me. All your questions are in here,"
"What? Hello?"
No answer.
I decided to at least look around. The tapestries showed pictures of many Werewolves glowing with some silver glow. I didn't recognized any of them until I looked down at the pedestal.
"Maelstrom the Wise. Wait. Grandma Maelstrom?"
Clear enough it was her in her human skin, defending a large tree from some monster. The silver glow emanating from her as it also appeared as wings on her back and a bow that she wielded in her hand with an emotionless expression.
"Born under the dark of the moon without the gift of tongues. Healed by the great tree that dwell in the earth's of above and below. A strategist, she fought and saved lives, but never took."
Wow. So Grandma fought with brains instead of fighting head on. I think someone could learn from her.
Then there was another sentence underneath the text. It was written in another language, but I seemed to know it.
"The Queen who made the entire world her chessboard, but lost her sister to the darkness,"
Sister? Grandma never had any sisters...she had brothers, she was born the runt of the litter. But why was grandma called a queen?"
I moved on to the next tapestry. This one was a Werewolf of pure white fur, she too had the silver glow. However, she had it form a a barrier around a city that was being sunk under the ocean.
Was that the city of Atlantis?
"Rain the Light. This queen of ancient times who gave her life for more to live. Born under the full light of the night, her spirit keeps the submerged city alive and unknown to all."
I'm going to have to ask Mema about this whenever I get home....
I walked by more tapestries, some dating back to the beginning of time.
Winter the Quick
Storm the Graceful
Violet the Voice
Acacia the Unshakable
Chroma the Quiet
Kestrel the Noble
Melantha the Stubborn
I felt like I was getting nowhere so, I walked back to grandma's tapestry and then I saw IT.
"Fauna the Brave..."
MEMA?! What the hell, even dad was in it too!
"The Queen born of the Wise and the Keeper, blessed by the Blue Night. A warrior queen renowned in this world and the one of Dreams. Mighty she was a path she forged on her own and took a human as her King."
"So, Mema went against traditions huh? Oohhhh bad girl~"
Like grandma's there was also another bit of text.
"Another legend that will soon be born. To assist the child of darkness and to slay the Queen who was overthrown. An unlikely pair the two will make when joined together with more than one, a miracle will catastrophe soon be made,"
Who the hell is the Child of Darkness? Ooohhhhhh wait a minute. I think I know who...now that I think about it...the gang were prophesied even before we met. Did Mema know about this? Is that why she was so agreeable on letting me leave?
I felt this strange feeling telling me to turn around and that's when I saw her.
Her tapestry was separated from the others and shrouded in shadows.
"Zia the Dark. A Queen born under a bleeding night, a sister she became to the one of the blue night. Together they fought and divided they became, when the Queen betrayed her sister and left the world to rot. The Queen of the Blue Night heartbroken she was, stripped her of her gift and title of Queen and banished her, to never be seen."
The voice. I could feel her presence.
"This is you isn't it? You're Zia,"
"You catch on fast. Queen of the Eclipse,"
"Where are you getting these names from? What do you want from me?!" I yelled out.
"First of all: look next to your mother's tapestry. Secondly, I think you should know..."
I growled, but did as she said. I walked back to Mema's tapestry and walked by it. I nearly collapsed when I saw what was in front of me.
"Is this...me?"
"Yes, but the tapestry isn't finished yet. You have yet, to unlock the powers that lying dormant within you,"
I hesitantly walked up to what was my pedestal.
"Prism the Kind. A Queen borne between the dark of night and the light of day. Blessed with the Moon's gift to perceive the light hidden in the darkest of hearts. A false goddess to be born if she is submerged in darkness or a guardian and an ally to the Child of Darkness to defend the earth if her heart is illuminated by..."
Illuminated by what?
"Now you know. This room is the legacy of every She-Wolf that was gifted with the power of the Moon Wolves. As you can tell, it's mainly YOUR family since you are a direct descendant. How does it feel knowing the things that your dear parents kept hidden from you? The lies they told you...Prism...you don't need them. You are the new Moon Queen, you don't answer to anyone you can have this entire world if you let me-"
"What? What do you mean 'NO'?!"
"This is what you want isn't it? It's not about me, it's about you! You're upset that you lost your chance at being Queen. Now, that I have its power you want to use me to get revenge. Well, forget it! This power belongs to me and next She-Wolf who inherits it. I don't understand it yet, but I promise you that you won't get it."
"HAHAHAHAHAHA! You really think you're in any position to deny me? It's true that I lost its power, but that doesn't mean I'm weak. Why, you don't even know how to use it where I can use it in ways you can never imagine. Even though I can't harm you because of that wretched charm doesn't mean that I can't get you. After all, I'm ALWAYS watching you and so, is little Lucius,"
"So, you ARE using him? How could you?!"
"How could I not? He's the only child of Lucifer's that I know of who hasn't defied me or ruined my plans. Can't say for the other one, but c'est la guerre he'll be useful for me down the line. In the past he may have been a thorn in my side, but him breaking your heart will just lead to the advancement of my plan,"
"You won't get away with this!"
"Why Prism, I already have. Tata!"
It was then I blacked out again and woke up in my bed. Miia was already at my side squawking in worry. I shushed her and looked around, Aquarius, Cris, and Ivy were fast asleep on the floor. The must've spent the night since they were so worried about me.
I quietly crept out of bed and tiptoed to the window. It was a full moon and all I could feel was the sound of my heart as a howl was heard in the distance.
I closed my book and let out a sigh. I wonder how secrets my mom has kept from me...
Looking up at the sky I noticed it was starting to get dark. "I better get up before Cory notices how dark it's getting..."
Crap. I didn't even stop at the store. Eh, I'll do it tomorrow...
As I left the park I noticed someone playing a guitar. It added a peaceful feeling to the park that was still filled with couples and food vendors. As I continued listening to the music I noticed a particular song playing.
"(I'm an angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun
An angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun)
Get out your guns, battles begun
Are you a saint, or a sinner?
If loves a fight, than I shall die
With my heart on a trigger
They say before you start a war
You better know what you're fighting for
Well baby, you are all that I adore
If love is what you need, a soldier I will be
I'm an angel with a shotgun
Fighting til' the wars won
I don't care if heaven won't take me back
I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe
Don't you know you're everything I have?
And I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight
Sometimes to win, you've got to sin
Don't mean I'm not a believer
And major Tom, will sing along
Yeah, they still say I'm a dreamer
They say before you start a war
You better know what you're fighting for
Well baby, you are all that I adore
If love is what you need, a soldier I will be
I'm an angel with a shotgun
Fighting til' the wars won
I don't care if heaven won't take me back
I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe
Don't you know you're everything I have?
And I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight
Oh, oh whoa whoa oh whoa
I'm an angel with a shotgun
Fighting til' the wars won
I don't care if heaven won't take me back
I'm an angel with a shotgun
Fighting til' the wars won
I don't care if heaven won't take me back
I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe
Don't you know you're everything I have?
(I'm an angel with a shotgun)
And I, want to live, not just survive, tonight
(Live, not just survive)
And I'm gonna hide, hide, hide my wings tonight
They say before you start a war
You better know what you're fighting for
Well baby, you are all that I adore
If love is what you need, a soldier I will be..."
*clap clap clap!*
I slightly jumped as I heard rounds of applauses coming from behind me. Turning around I saw a crowd behind me clapping and whistling.
"What a lovely voice!"
"Wish I had her digits!"
A blush had grew it's way on my cheeks as I bowed to the crowd. "Thank you!"
I'm sorry, Aquarius. I broke our promise.....
(A/N: you thought I wasn't going to update! I'm just planning more for our little pup. Coming soon to 2017: Cry for the Moon, the full story of Prism, everything that isn't told in her journal and beyond her eyes! Find out what broke her into the Wolf she is today! Anywho, if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go drink some coffee to get rid of this hangover of mine. I'm visiting my mom's family in her home country where the drinking age is 15 and I just turned 18 soooo you can guess what happened, but don't worry, apparently I'm really chill when I'm drunk xD
Never doing it again though 😐😒)
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