Family Tree History?
-FabFangedMamaRussia is online-
-BetaWolfGirl is online-
-CrystalMoonWolf is online-
CrystalMoonWolf: Oh Fenrir help us all we're stuck with her...😒😅
FabFangedMamaRussia: HAPPY FRIDAY THE 13th!! 😄
BetaWolfGirl: Seriously?! You're celebrating the day that both our kinds got our asses handed to us by a Moon Queen back in 1313 in the 13th day of the new year and you're smiling about that? 😓
CrystalMoonWolf: It's not even Friday tho....
FabFangedMamaRussia: Well, yeah otherwise it's in another parallel world....anyway, us Vamps and you Wolves would still be at each other's necks. Meaning I wouldn't have you guys as great friends with beautiful necks if it weren't for that.
CrystalMoonWolf: Okay, it started to sound to sound sweet until you mentioned about our necks. 😓
FabFangedMamaRussia: Just a taste please?
CrystalMoonWolf: NO!
BetaWolfGirl: I don't know about Prism, but my neck is off limits.
CrystalMoonWolf: What the hell Ivy?! My neck is off limits too!
CrystalMoonWolf: NO!
BetaWolfGirl: You don't have a mate, so you're fine!
CrystalMoonWolf: I don't want to get my blood stolen! I have valuable blood you know!
BetaWolfGirl: Oh, yeah I forgot....
FabFangedMamaRussia: Ladies, ladies please....
CrystalMoonWolf: Oh Mon Dieu...
FabFangedMamaRussia: I promise you both that you'll like the way it feels. 😉😏
CrystalMoonWolf: FCK THIS SHIT I'M OUT!
FabFangedMamaRussia: NNUUUUUUUUU!!!!!
-DeathScytheQueen is online-
-ŌkamiKyoKun is online-
CrystalMoonWolf: Aloha cousin!! 😆
ŌkamiKyoKun: I'm not your fucking cousin!! And since when did you speak Hawaiian?!
CrystalMoonWolf: Bruh, your voice! Did your balls finally drop?! 😆
BetaWolfGirl: He finally went through puberty last week.
FabFangedMamaRussia: Kyo!! 😍😚
ŌkamiKyoKun: Hi, Tash. 😚
CrystalMoonWolf: Please keep it PG-13 in the chat room...
DeathScytheQueen: Seriously, please. We really don't want to see anything sinful happen in here.
FabFangedMamaRussia: The only thing sinful is probably all them fantasies in Rover's little head....😏
CrystalMoonWolf: Keep me out of your bullshit. I'm innocent.
-BeautifulAngel is online-
BeautifulAngel: Innocent? Please, you lost that a long time ago you dirty mutt.
CrystalMoonWolf: WHO INVITED HER??!!! 😡
BetaWolfGirl: Seriously, who invited the Queen Bitch of Paris? 😡😒
FabFangedMamaRussia: Uuuhhhhhh....😅
CrystalMoonWolf: NATASHKA!!! 😡
ŌkamiKyoKun: Tash, why'd you do it?
FabFangedMamaRussia: She was bored! Also, I thought her and Prism could try to work their differences out.
DeathScytheQueen: WORK IT OUT?! Look, Prism always says "an enemy is just a friend you haven't made yet" but this chic--if Prism was trapped in a room with her plus Zia and you know who with three bullets loaded in a gun--she'd shoot herself. SCRATCH THAT--Nebula would've done it for her!
CrystalMoonWolf: True.
FabFangedMamaRussia: Look, it's been two years. Can't you two just try?
BeautifulAngel: I'm sorry, but my kind don't befriend flea bitten animals like Lunaire.
CrystalMoonWolf: I'm not even going to reply to that. Because, I take excellent care of my fur.
DeathScytheQueen: Hold up. Vivian are you in a ice cream cone costume?
BeautifulAngel: Yes, is there a problem? I'm just trying to entertain the children at my sister's birthday party...which is starting in two hours.
BetaWolfGirl: I expected something a bit more glitzy, but it's nice you're trying to make the kids happy. I'm surprised you took the time to dress up...
BeautifulAngel: Goodness, no! I absolutely HATE children! I'm just doing this to get a boost in my allowance to teach the little brats the importance of having a job at an early age.
CrystalMoonWolf: Yeah and make them so dependent on money and their looks that they'll do whatever it takes to get it huh? 😒
BeautifulAngel: Are you trying to call me a prostitute? 😡
CrystalMoonWolf: Hey, I'm not judging! I'm sure all the guys love your two scoops of vanilla ice cream 😏
ŌkamiKyoKun: ooohhhhhhhh....😮
FabFangedMamaRussia: Holy crap....😆
BetaWolfGirl: Ooh! It's getting spicy in here!
BeautifulAngel: Lunaire....😡
CrystalMoonWolf: Wait, wait, wait--do they cover them in whip cream too? 😏
(A/N: Shoutout to my sassy lil sister for this inspiration xD)
FabFangedMamaRussia: Oh no no no--*laughing* 😂😂😂
ŌkamiKyoKun: Gods--forgive me, but--*falls off chair laughing*😂😂😂😂😂
BetaWolfGirl: Someone give this girl the freaking ThugLyfe glasses! 😎 Oh my gods! Prism FINALLY bit back! *laughing* I can't breathe!! 😂😂😂😂😂
FabFangedMamaRussia: And she's says--*laughing* she's innocent!
DeathScytheQueen: This is supposed to be the day to mourn the losses of the Lycan Clans and the Vampire courts, but *laughs* I guess the only thing I can mourn is the loss of innocent Prism! 😂😂😂
BeautifulAngel: Tch! Whatevs I'm out of here! I didn't want to be friends with some mangy fucking dog anyway!
CrystalMoonWolf: Bye, Felicia!
BetaWolfGirl: Bye--*laughs* Felicia?!
-BeautifulAngel has logged off-
-MajinBoyAlij is online-
MajinBoyAlij: WHAT.DID.I.JUST.MISS?! 😱
CrystalMoonWolf: Oh, hey Ali! 😄
MajinBoyAlij: What did you do this time? 🙄
CrystalMoonWolf: Nothing~
MajinBoyAlij: With you it's never nothing.
CrystalMoonWolf: Oh, come on~ you and Niles know that I would never hurt a fly~ 😇
-ClassyCatNiles is online-
ClassyCatNiles: As much as I know that is true, I know you are far too energetic to say you did "nothing".
CrystalMoonWolf: Niles Nii-sama!! 😃
DeathScytheQueen: Hey, Niles.
BetaWolfGirl: Glad to see our main cat back in the fray.
FabFangedMamaRussia: Hey pretty kitty!
ŌkamiKyoKun: Welcome to the party, I guess. 😆
MajinBoyAlij: I knew you would show up eventually.
ClassyCatNiles: Well, I've been busy. I've had some Werecat things to sort out.
CrystalMoonWolf: Niles-Nii I miss youuuuu! 😫
ClassyCatNiles: I miss you too. Have you been behaving yourself? Are you making friends? Are you eating properly?
MajinBoyAlij: You really should be her brother. 😆
BetaWolfGirl: She's been doing some of all the above, but she's got the hots for a boy~ 😏😆
ClassyCatNiles: Oh really? Do tell little sister....
FabFangedMamaRussia: And humans say cats and dogs are enemies. 😆
CrystalMoonWolf: *blushing* I-it's not really a big deal...
ClassyCatNiles: I know that's a lie from your eyes going to the left and your left ear turning exactly 30 degrees back. Also, you blushed.
DeathScytheQueen: How can he tell?! 😧
BetaWolfGirl: Aquarius, Niles, and myself are like the only ones who knows that she does that when she's lying.
CrystalMoonWolf: Nii-Sama, I'm serious!
ClassyCatNiles: Hi, Serious. I'm Niles.
CrystalMoonWolf: *whining* NII-SAMMMMAAAAA stop teasing mmeeeeee.
FabFangedMamaRussia: Okay, if she calls Niles "Nii-Sama" then who's big sister?
ŌkamiKyoKun: Aquarius. She used to call her Onee-Sama because she had more deeper bond and respect for her than she does with any of us. Niles is an older brother figure to her like he is to all of us.
MajinBoyAlij: Prism, just tell him.
FabFangedMamaRussia: We don't want big brother to get overprotective now~ 😏
ClassyCatNiles: Why would I get overprotective? First of all: I don't even know the boy. Secondly: Prism is a grown woman who can handle herself--and don't say she can't because I've seen what she's capable of when she's angry. Thirdly: I have no importance in her love affairs as long as he doesn't hurt her then there's no need for any malice towards the boy or for any of us to get involved.
BetaWolfGirl: Except, Aquarius.
ClassyCatNiles: Yes, except for her which is an exception since she is Prism's now biological adoptive sister and has every right to either approve or disapprove. Aquarius has always been....too protective of Prism...
DeathScytheQueen: She doesn't even let the girl go anywhere unless it's with her.
CrystalMoonWolf: I never understood that to be honest. She's always been a worry wart. You think she would be different now?
MajinBoyAlij: To be honest, if she was alive right now and didn't know where you were. She would probably track you down and then probably dog nap you which will scare the absolute crap out of everyone and either take you home or gods know where. Knowing her she would do it in an....
ClassyCatNiles: Extravagant fashion. Like that time she stole Mediterranean Sea's water.
FabFangedMamaRussia: Or that time where we are on lockdown when that giant bug monster attacked, she left everyone in her class to basically get killed or injured just to get to you.
CrystalMoonWolf: So, that's a no?
ClassyCatNiles: Most definitely. I can't honestly blame her, you do have an uncanny ability that causes you to get in a variety of difficult predicaments.
FabFangedMamaRussia: Or either Aquarius has a Sister Complex.
CrystalMoonWolf: Okay, I get that she loves to the point she seems like a 2.0 version of Yuno Gasai, but she does not love me like THAT.
BetaWolfGirl: Yeah, I'm putting my paw down on that--HOLY SHIT LUCA GET OUT!!
*frantic yelling in the background*
CrystalMoonWolf: Everything okay Ivy?
BetaWolfGirl: *blushing* yeah...totally, totally...it's just Luca.....😳
MajinBoyAlij: What happened?
BetaWolfGirl: *sighs* he just got back from working out with my dad and my older brother....
CrystalMoonWolf: And?.....
BetaWolfGirl: He stood in front of me, behind my laptop and started taking his shirt off slowly...AND HE KNEW I WAS WATCHING HIM.
DeathScytheQueen: So, he was basically stripteasing you?
BetaWolfGirl: Yes!
CrystalMoonWolf: Aren't you used to him without his shirt off? 😒
BetaWolfGirl: Prism, you don't understand! I'm used to him doing it, but sometimes I forget how well built he is from training. Like damnnnnnn he has the freaking chest of a god *howls* 😍😍😛
CrystalMoonWolf: Keep it together girl, and keep it PG!
FabFangedMamaRussia: Says the She-Wolf with the sinful fantasies. 😏
CrystalMoonWolf: My conscience is pure!
FabFangedMamaRussia: That's what Frollo said in The Hunchback of Notre Dame and next thing you know he's singing about Esmeralda while having a bo--
ŌkamiKyoKun: Really? Sweet!
MajinBoyAlij: Until I'm 21 it's only one wish per person, but since Prism is the birthday girl she gets two wishes!
BetaWolfGirl: Well, at least he's not going to screw us over like the rest of his mother's people.
CrystalMoonWolf: There's always a catch with Genies so, what are the rules?
MajinBoyAlij: Well, I can't make anyone fall in love with you--
CrystalMoonWolf: I'm not even going down that path of cheating. You know I hate it. Vivian did that one too many times on Valentine's Day....
MajinBoyAlij: I can't kill anyone, give you enormous wealth, absolute power, more wishes--
FabFangedMamaRussia: FUCK!!
MajinBoyAlij: Or make you immortal. Well, that rule applies to humans only, but you get the gist.
CrystalMoonWolf: Can I wish Vivian never existed?
MajinBoyAlij: That still qualifies as as killing her.
CrystalMoonWolf: *sigh* I'll deal with it.
FabFangedMamaRussia: Can I wish for my dad to approve of Kyo?
ŌkamiKyoKun: Yeah, her dad scares me...
MajinBoyAlij: Done. You'll see results in about 30 minutes.
FabFangedMamaRussia: Why not now?
MajinBoyAlij: This shit takes time! I just learned, jeeeezzzz!!!
CrystalMoonWolf: Hey, can you bring back someone from the dead?
MajinBoyAlij: Temporarily, yes. I can only revive them for exactly 24 hours once a year. It's like that so, our masters don't try to get carried away or disrupt the balance.
ClassyCatNiles: It's about your father isn't it?
CrystalMoonWolf: How do you know?! It could be grandma or Ojīchan!
ClassyCatNiles: Because you're a Daddy's girl, every little girl is going to miss her father.
CrystalMoonWolf: I'm sorry, it's just--he left so suddenly and I never told me that secret...
ClassyCatNiles: *sighs* Prism, some things people hide are better left carried to the grave. I'm sure all the secrets your family is hiding from you is better left unknown.
MajinBoyAlij: If it'll help I can get you a phone that'll allow you to call your family....
BetaWolfGirl: That might be better. Besides, Prism already has the power to communicate with the dead.
CrystalMoonWolf: I do?!
ClassyCatNiles: How else do you think Zia can summon them? As of now you have the skills of every Moon Queen in your veins. Didn't your Inner Wolf tell you?
CrystalMoonWolf: Nebs has told me that she can remember events from long ago even when she wasn't born yet. I guess it has something to do with how she said every Queen shares the same memories once one dies and a new one is born or passed down.
ClassyCatNiles: Correct. They also happen to pass down one special skill which makes up the spells you are able to use. Your special skill is your Future Vision--
CrystalMoonWolf: OMG I've seen Nebs use that! She told me she can't see the future like most people would expect it to be, but different paths to a certain result, or sometimes see different future events through another person's eyes, but mainly she says it just shows her an image or she hears a phrase and she has to decipher what it means.
ClassyCatNiles: I'm glad she's making my job easy...😌
FabFangedMamaRussia: Hey, Rover....would you be mad if something stupid happened to your siblings?....😅
BetaWolfGirl: What the hell kind of question is that?! Of course she wouldn't! Did you not see how she acts when she's babysitting them?! Hold up--I actually have a video....
(Prism: age 15 [Before the Summertown incident] August 7)
"Okay, Ash, Rowan, you two can go play, but don't be rude to the other kids. Mom says you need to socialize more with the kids from school,"
"But sis, they're so....happy," Rowan whined. Prism raised an eyebrow in confusion "and? What's wrong with that? Last I checked my little siblings weren't emos....yet...Holly hanged her Barbie doll which is a bit concerning...."
Holly tugged on the end of Prism's jacket. Prism looked down at her, to which she pointed at the sand castle.
'Go ahead, but don't get any sand in your hair okay?' Prism said in sign language. Holly nodded and skipped off to go play, with Ash right behind her.
"Rowan, at least try to make some friends. You guys never want to interact with anyone,"
"It's not the same! I want ONEE-SAMA!!"
"I miss her too, but sometimes the people we love have to sacrifice themselves in order to protect what they love. Just like how I promised mom I would look after you guys,"
"Big sister?" Briar Rose asked worriedly as her ears twitched. "What's wrong Bri?"
"I hear Ash getting angry over.....there," Briar Rose replied as she focused her hearing on where it came from. Prism looked to see Ash pushing another kid away from Holly.
"Rowan, watch your sister....I'll be back," Prism muttered darkly as she walked over.
"Ash, chill out!" Prism commanded as she got in between the two bickering boys.
"I didn't do anything though!"
"Cool it out!"
"I didn't do anything!"
"I said COOL. IT. OUT! Now go stand over there with your siblings until I get back!" Prism yelled as she lightly shoved him away from the incident. Ash merely growled in response.
Oh, gods here comes that male wolf stubbornness....
"Ash, if I repeat myself then no more bacon wrapped filet mignonettes for dessert for TWO WEEKS,"
(A/N: This is legit how I get my dog to listen xD)
Ash whined, but marched back to his siblings. "Hey, kid. I'm gonna have to ask you nicely to play somewhere else until my sister moves. Can you do that?"
The kid nodded as he picked up his soccer ball and walked away. Prism turned to Holly who had tear stains on her cheeks.
"Oh, Holly..." Prism said out loud even though she knows that her sister couldn't hear her. Pulling out a handkerchief she wiped her sister's face off.
'Sweetie, what happened?'
'Holly Maelstrom Lunaire. Don't get stubborn with me like your brothers, tell me,'
'TELL. ME before we learn about it again at dinner.'
'...One of the other kids were playing too close and I tried to tell them to stop, but they didn't see me. Then Ash got mad when the ball ruined my sand castle and started yelling.'
'So, it was an accident?'
The kids shuddered in fear, but nodded. Prism also sent a glare to the parents who quickly got the memo, but one didn't....
"Psh. Says who?"
Prism grabbed the guy by the collar of his shirt and snarled ferociously in his face with her now enlarged canines.
"TRY. ME."
The poor guy whimpered in fright and ran back to hide behind his wife. "ANYONE ELSE?!"
Everyone shook their heads, not eager to provoke her any further. Prism huffed in satisfaction as she turned back to her sister.
'Is there anything else?'
'No, thank you, but couldn't you ask them nicely?'
Prism laughed out loud and replied. 'Sweetie, that WAS asking nicely. Unless...you actually got hurt, because then there would be a problem...'
'No, no! I'm fine!'
'Alright, then. Let me know if you need anything' Prism got back up and walked back to where she sat at.
"Big sister, can Bri play on the slides?" Rowan asked. "Of course, just look after her and please don't catch an attitude with anyone,"
"Got it,"
"Can I go play?" Ash asked. "You promise to behave?" Prism asked as she stared her little brother down. "I swear on bacon!"
"Alright, then after that we can have lunch because....I GOT PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES!"
'Holly, big sister has peanut butter cookies!'
FabFangedMamaRussia: You're your mother's daughter alright. Don't take shit from anyone. 😂😂
BetaWolfGirl: What Prism did was totally normal for us She-Wolves. When it comes to our pups--siblings or our own--our mindset constantly makes everyone seem like the enemy. It's like we're preparing for war the second our pup is in danger.
ClassyCatNiles: The same rules applies to my kind as well.
CrystalMoonWolf: Besides that! I have two disabled siblings, if Holly had gotten seriously hurt that kid would be having serious nightmares just by seeing my face. I know my brothers can handle themselves, but I don't play around when it comes to Bri and Holly. That's where the good dog act goes...
DeathScytheQueen: And the junkyard dog comes out!
CrystalMoonWolf: Weird analogy, but in a way I guess?
FabFangedMamaRussia: Okay, I know we talked about the freaking sexist society of Werewolves, but what about the mate? What if they hurt any of the pups?
BetaWolfGirl: *laughing hysterically*
CrystalMoonWolf: *rolling on the floor laughing*
ClassyCatNiles: Tash, that question is self explanatory.
ŌkamiKyoKun: Very, even I know the answer to that.
CrystalMoonWolf: Tash, even they know not to do that! The only time they're actually afraid of us is when we have pups! It's just the Alphas who don't give a damn because they outrank us. Even then, Alpha at least keeps his distance from his mate.
BetaWolfGirl: Yeah, like I love Luca with my entire existence, but I would seriously beat his ass just for even coming near my siblings without permission.
MajinBoyAlij: What's up with that anyway?!
CrystalMoonWolf: Since females are extremely protective of their pups from the second they're born, it's best to ask the female for permission to come near them that way you don't get attacked. Because, we will jump someone the second they're in range.
BetaWolfGirl: Regardless of who you are. Hell, my dad lost an eye after my mom clawed it out for letting me play outside without her knowing and I was 13!
FabFangedMamaRussia: He grew it back right? 😅
BetaWolfGirl: Well, duh. Werewolves can grow back any missing limb or body part as long as it wasn't removed by a silver object.
ClassyCatNiles: You can't really blame them, pups sometimes get the short end of the stick like the females in the society. Also, it's extremely dangerous for any pup to be away from their mother since roaming males sometimes attacks them.
MajinBoyAlij: I don't see the point.
FabFangedMamaRussia: Same.
ClassyCatNiles: let me put this in a way you idiots will understand. If the males strive to get the more rare and good looking females, but they have pups. The first thing they have to do to steal her is to get rid of the pups, then her mate, and then done. She's yours.
FabFangedMamaRussia: Oh, that's just fucked up.
ClassyCatNiles: The Werecat rule may be every feline for themselves, but even us guys do it as well.
CrystalMoonWolf: Nii-Sama.......
ClassyCatNiles: That doesn't mean I do it, Prism. I'm not a complete barbaric animal.
CrystalMoonWolf: Just checking.....
FabFangedMamaRussia: Hey, Prism if you ever have any pups can I be their aunt?
CrystalMoonWolf: I am NOT letting my pups have a Vampire vodka aunt! Besides, two people already called dibs for being the main aunts...
FabFangedMamaRussia: Can I be the housepet?
CrystalMoonWolf: No Foxes or Vamps are going to be a housepet when I
already have one.
ŌkamiKyoKun: Oh, yeah I forgot about Miia.
DeathScytheQueen: Sorry, Ivy I beat you to the punchbowl of honorary auntship. 😅
BetaWolfGirl: DAMN IT GWEN! 😡
CrystalMoonWolf: Also, someone in Summertown did.
FabFangedMamaRussia: Then who's walking you down the aisle?!
CrystalMoonWolf: I don't know! My dad is dead, HELLO?!!
ClassyCatNiles: Don't worry, Fauna already asked me too. I am the oldest in the group after all. To
MajinBoyAlij: You're only 19.....😑
ClassyCatNiles: In cat years I'm quite young. ^_^
FabFangedMamaRussia: Hey, Rover? Would you be mad if something stupid happened to your siblings? 😅
CrystalMoonWolf: HELLO?! Of course I would! What happened to them?!
FabFangedMamaRussia: I gave them these strange cookies and it kinda aged them...
CrystalMoonWolf: I feel a sense of Deja vu....HOW OLD ARE THEY NOW?!!
FabFangedMamaRussia:....13 years old now....are you mad?!
FabFangedMamaRussia: On the bright side! Holly is old enough to get a hearing aid...
BetaWolfGirl: Okay, let me set something straight...the Werewolf packs in America are more used to manmade medicine like pills or cough drops and they're very lax on the system. The pack where me and Prism come from in France, we use natural herbs because we still have some distrust with humans and we're somewhat lax on the system.
CrystalMoonWolf: That's why if I take pills or something then I'm most likely going to high from it because my body isn't used to it. I'm used to eating plants and herbal tea when I'm sick.
FabFangedMamaRussia: Does that mean you also eat weed? 😂
CrystalMoonWolf: No, but your face is gonna eat my foot when I shove it down your throat if you don't shut up.
FabFangedMamaRussia: I surrender! Don't hurt me! 😰
DeathScytheQueen: Oh, yeah Prism. I also heard that Holly is also moving out.
CrystalMoonWolf: Where?!
DeathScytheQueen: I don't know, I saw her in her Wolf form yesterday when I was at work....
DeathScytheQueen: Black fur, ice blue eyes like your mom why?
CrystalMoonWolf: Man, they transformed early! I had to go through shit for that! Freaking early bloomers....wait if they're leaving then there's one last thing I want to do for them as a sister....
ClassyCatNiles: What is it?
CrystalMoonWolf: Alij.
MajinBoyAlij: Yes?
CrystalMoonWolf: I want to use my two wishes.
MajinBoyAlij: For?.....
BetaWolfGirl: Prism, think about this....it's your one chance at seeing your dad to get the truth.
CrystalMoonWolf: I know, but him and mom sacrificed a lot of things for my happiness. If that secret is better left a secret then, it's best I sacrifice something too for my family.
ŌkamiKyoKun: Prism, are you sure?
CrystalMoonWolf: I've never had a good childhood so, I at least want their first steps into being a teen to be something they can cherish. Holly could never hear the birds chirping or the birthday songs we sung, Briar Rose could never see how beautiful a sunset is or see what the ocean is. Which is why, I want to give them this gift so, they could never experience what I had. So, they could live their lives how they want to without being bound like I am.
FabFangedMamaRussia: Rover....😰
ŌkamiKyoKun: I...I.....😧
DeathScytheQueen: oh my gods....😱
BetaWolfGirl: Oh, Prism....
ClassyCatNiles: That was very kind of you Prism.
CrystalMoonWolf: Well, that's what my Queen's title says....Prism the Kind.
MajinBoyAlij: If that's what you want, then I'll do it. No scams, no ifs ands or buts, no catch.
CrystalMoonWolf: Thanks, Alij.
ClassyCatNiles: You're a good sister, Prism. I'm sure your father is very proud of the decision you made.
CrystalMoonWolf: Thanks, Nii-Sama.
MajinBoyAlij: Oh, this is going to scare the crap out of them when they wake up.
CrystalMoonWolf: I know, but let's keep this our secret. 😂
Prism: As certain people may know I come from a pretty big family. After all we Werewolves run in packs! According to my mom she said our family has been around since 1220 meaning my family is about 800 years old! Besides my Lycan relatives on my mom's side I do have some relatives. There's my dad's two brothers one is older and the other is younger than him. Don't worry they're not hunters, they were raised by grandma who's pretty much a pacifist and they're awesome cooks. Then there's my dad's little sister and by little I mean absolutely tiny! She's already in her early 20's and she's no taller than four feet. Don't tell her...I said that....her height is a sensitive subject.
Now, my cousins. Besides Fern who I'm related to by marriage, I think I have in total...3....add 6.....carry the 2.....24 cousins?! Wow and here I thought Niles had this problem.
Niles: In my defense, my family tree is far more complicated. At least your little sister isn't technically your aunt.
Prism: How the hell does that even work?!
Niles: A very, long, and complicated story. Speaking of stories get back to work!
Prism: *rolls eyes playfully* in total counting my human and Lycan cousins. I have 24 of them and as of now, me and Fern are technically the oldest ones next to my other human cousin. Now for my siblings, the quadruplets...from oldest to youngest it's Briar Rose, Ash, Rowan, and Holly.
Briar Rose and Holly may not have Silver magic, but they've acquired some skills that makes them pretty unique. Bri, is our little Witch in training at home, ever since she was born she was always fascinated by the dead--mainly because she could see or hear them better than most people. Despite her blindness Bri still loves to try new things. Sometimes at night, she would be heard running around the house playing with her "friends". Since, then even though she spends a lot of time with my Grandma learning Witch magic--she's still a Wolf at heart!
Nebula: They are all little dears, but annoying as hell. They can be quite a pain around new people since Aquarius raised them to be wary of others since Prism was so naïve. They'll behave however, they'd never disrespect Prism, she's like their Alpha to them. Holly does take more after Prism, she has this cute innocent little aura, but she's scared of new people, since they weren't around kids as much.
Prism: Basically they're like a bunch of sour patch kids. Sour at first to others, but sweet when you get through to them.
Nebula: Holly takes more after Prism (sadly). She has the gentle and innocent aura around her yet, she doesn't know how to interact with people. Her skill makes up for it however. Likewise where Briar Rose inherited Zia's little gift with the dead, Holly inherited Maelstrom's strategic mind. Always one step ahead of everyone and always has a backup plan. Something you don't quite see in a child who can't hear.
Prism: Yeah, Holly gift makes up for her disability. For example: NO ONE has ever beaten her in a game of minds. Chess is like the main game where the chances are beating her are 1%. Her senses are heightened since she can't hear, so whenever her opponent makes a move she's always one step ahead of them, like she predicted it would happen.
Nebula: but of course even a tactician makes some miscalculations. Sometimes when she makes a mistake, even if it's a small one, she gets so upset about it because she feels ashamed. She will literally cry for two hours about it and it's a pain to quiet her down....
Prism: But overall she's a sweetie who'll behave. For some reason though, she's always carrying a gun. Where she hides it, I'll never know. My brothers are a different story for another day....
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