Chapter 1: Larkridge High
I'm falling. Down, a long, dark pit. Falling. I scream for help, but no sound escapes my lips. "Brittney!" I hear a distant voice call. "Brittney!" The voice is louder. "Brittney, wake up! You're going to be late for your first day of school!" My eyes jerk open. I see my mom above me.
"Shoot." I think to myself. "First day at Larkridge High, and I'm going to be late." I glance at the clock. "Twenty minutes? Stupid alarm!" I grab my phone, which was supposed to wake me up. "Out of battery? Well, isn't this the best day ever!" I shove my pencil bag and notebook into my blood red backpack. My textbooks I'll get in class. Throwing on a plain white t-shirt and jeans, start to head out the door. On a last-second thought, I grab a banana, my car keys, and my phone charger. "I'll plug it in in class." I think. Jumping in the car, I finally start to relax. "Twelve minutes to get to school, which is a five minute drive away. Now we're talking." I say to myself.
After the short drive, I arrive at Larkridge High. It's only then that I look at my schedule. It reads: 1st period: Literature, 2nd period: Algebra II, 3rd period: Advanced Biology, 4th period: Lunch, 5th period: Economics, 6th period: French, 7th period: Band. I look up and see the cutest boy I have seen in my life. Slicked back brown hair, bright blue eyes, red lips, rosy cheeks, and a purple football outfit with a dark green 27 on it. He raises his eyebrows and smiles. I try with all my might not to swoon. "All right, focus on getting to room 280." I say to no-one in particular.
"Room 280? That's where I'm going! Here, let me show you the way." Says a voice from behind me.
"What?" I say as I turn around.
"Sorry if I startled you, New Girl. I'm Sabrina." She sticks out her hand.
"Brittney." I mumble, declining her offer to shake hands.
"What? I can't hear very well. My doctor says -"
"Brittney." I say, cutting her off."I'm Brittney. I just moved here from California, and I need help getting to room 280."
"California? That's cool. Well, Colorado is great. You're gonna like it here. And as for room 280, it's not a far walk. You're going to Literature with Mr. Kerman, right? Me too. Mr. Kerman's awesome. He's super relaxed and allows phones and gum. He might be my favorite teacher. Well, other than Mrs. Landry, the Band teacher. I play the flute. I've got a solo in one of the songs we're working on. It's awesome." Sabrina continues to talk for a minute until the bell rings. "Oh! Four minutes till class starts. Follow me!" She takes off running, her backpack bouncing up and down.
"Wai-, Wait up! You're go- going to f- fast. I ca- can't keep up." I say, out breath.
"Sorry, New Girl!" She says from the top of the stairs. "It's just right here!" She points to the door next to her. "See you in a minute." She runs into the classroom.
"Brittney." I mumble, angry at her for calling me New Girl again. I run up the stairs as fast as I can, The door to the classroom closes behind me just as the second bell rings.
"Missssssss," Mr. Kerman asks me.
"Bridgeman. Brittney Bridgeman." I reply.
"Well, Miss Bridgeman. If you would please find your seat, we can get started." The only empty desk is right behind Sabrina. I slide in, and notice Football Guy in the desk next to me. Except now he isn't Football Guy. Now he's Skull Top and Ripped Jeans Guy. I remember the counselor talking to my mom on how sports practices were held in the morning, before school started. "Brittney Bridgeman?" I'm jerked back to reality when I hear my name.
"Yes?" I ask cautiously.
"I'm calling attendance. Are you here?"
"Oh! Yes, I'm here. Guess I zoned out for a moment there."
"We don't need an explanation, Miss Bridgeman. Sabrina Corfas?"
"Here." Sabrina replies instantly. Attendance goes on again and it's a while before I notice any other names.
"Jacob Zapata?" Mr. Kerman asks.
"Zapata. I know I recognize that name. But where from?"
"Here." Football Guy replies, his feet now on the desk.
"Mister Zapata, get your feet down this instant!" Mr. Kerman yells.
"Yes! Zapata! It was on the back of his jersey this morning!"
"Ok! Ok." Jacob says as he brings his feet down.
"I thought you said Mr. Kerman was awesome!" I whisper to Sabrina.
"He is! This isn't Mr. Kerman! It's a sub! Didn't you read the board?" I look at the whiteboard at the front of the room. It says Mr. Cerda, in big brown letters.
"Girls! Are you whispering in class?" Mr. Cerda yells out.
"No!" I quickly lie.
"Don't lie to me!" He snaps, loudly. He turns back to the class. "Now, Mr. Kerman has informed me that you are reading Romeo and Juliet. Please take out your books and continue where you left off. You are to be done with Act Three by the end of the class period today. I want silence, three warnings per person. Then you go work in the hall. Does everyone understand?" I raise my hand. Mr. Cerda deliberately ignores me. "Good. You may begin." Everyone else gets copies out of their bags.
"Mr. Cerda?" I ask with my hand raised. Mr. Cerda groans loudly.
"Miss Bridgeman, please get to work." He says and turns back around.
"But Mr. Cerda?" I ask again, lowering my hand slightly.
"That's two warnings, Miss Bridgeman. Now get to work."
"But Mr. Cerda, I can't work without a book." I say.
"Miss. Bridgeman, please go work in the hall!" He says, almost yelling now.
"But Mr. Cerda I don't have a book!" I snap, now standing at my desk.
"Front Office! Now!" I lift my chin and start to open my mouth. "Now!" I storm angrily out of the room, dragging my backpack behind.
"Go die in a hole." I say under my breath.
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