Chapter Five: Beauty and The Beast
Lucy was comfortably warm. Heated, even.
In a matter of seconds, 'heated' quickly turned into 'flaming', and 'flaming' morphed into 'inferno'. And 'inferno' turned into- OW!
With a pained yelp, the summoning mage jolted awake; or at least, she tried. A ceramic clank and tinker made it obvious that she would not be able to sit up without some effort. And when she opened her eyes, she could see why.
"I'm a pot!" She cried out, disgusted, even as Natsu's boisterous laugh crashed into her ears. "I'm a freakin' pot!" She whirled around, ready to give Natsu a piece of her mind (for he was quite likely the one who had heated her to such an extent that she awoke, and if she hadn't waken up, then she wouldn't have seen that she was a pot), when the sight of him stopped her in her tracks.
"You're so fat," Natsu the candleholder cackled, as he bent a candle to scorch her bottom- Lucy let out an unbecoming shriek, and the two household objects proceeded to attempt to chase each other around, the teapot furiously hopping after the frivolous candelabrum.
"Will ya two just shut up?"
The two objects froze in their movements (Lucy awkwardly clattered onto her side) as Gajeel pounded down the stairs irritably, fingering his year amidst a yawn.
"You guys are always like this in the morning," the frightening man grumbled as Natsu hooked a (flaming) branch around Lucy, trying to help her up. Gajeel approached the table they were on and grabbed Lucy's handle (she squeaked), slamming her upright onto the tablecloth, and muttered irritably about getting breakfast.
"Luuuucy," Natsu hissed into her ear. "What's Gajeel doing here?"
Lucy took one look at Natsu- who beamed, his flames flaring brightly- and turned to observe their surroundings. Around the richly adorned table was a large castle, its marble tiles and velvet curtains expensive and...
Somehow, the castle was just as cold as it was vast- in more ways than one. Lucy shuddered, and Natsu took this as her being cold, holding his flame to her side again.
Lucy was attempting to douse out his candles with her tea (it was so weird, having liquid sloshing inside of you- Seriously) when Gajeel stormed back into the dining hall, a deep-set scowl on his face as he plopped into one of the dusty chairs and tore into a large chunk of bread.
Following behind the sour, dark man was a familiar, complaining object-
"GRAY!" Natsu burst into laughter in an instant. "You're an ice bucket!"
Lucy watched, bemused, as Gray and Natsu erupted into a typical fight; this time, however, a furious Gray attempted to douse Natsu's fire with his ice cubes as Natsu unsuccessfully tried to torch Gray's... metal.
"You guys," Gajeel snarled, his face mirroring that of Erza on her worst day; Natsu and Gray shrank behind Lucy's rounded surface. She tried to shrink her ceramic self into the smallest possible form as Gajeel's face grew even colder.
"M-master," Lucy gasped out, already forming a guess as to what fairy tale this was. "I-is, d-do you, I-I mean, are you p-perhaps-uhm-"
"Spit it out," Gajeel hissed, a feral undercurrent in his tone; Lucy squealed as he continued, "I haven't got all day."
"Y-you-uh... you need t-to find a way to b-b-break the curse-?"
Gajeel was silent for a moment; all three household objects paused in surprise as the silence grew heavier, matched by the tense atmosphere. After several terse moments, the tall man let out a heavy sigh.
"Don't be stupid," struggling to prevent his voice from uncharacteristically breaking, Gajeel said, "who would ever fall in love with a monster?"
Lucy suddenly understood why the castle seemed so devoid of life as Gajeel sourly dug into his food.
Uncle Jet! Uncle Droy!"
The two older boys turned to see a petite, blue-haired girl race out from a cottage, and grimaced simultaneously.
"We told you not to call us that," Droy said anxiously, running a hand through his hair. "We're cousins-"
"Well, what else would I call you?" Levy asked, beaming. Jet and Droy fumbled, unable to reply (because really, anyone who dared to even tarnish that smile would suffer eternal guilt forever).
"Anyway," Jet said awkwardly, "Levy, sweetie, I'm sorry to tell you this, but... we have bad news."
Droy uttered a sort of strangled choke, because here it came, the eternal shame and suffering.
"What's up?"
"Our last... our last business trip didn't go so well," Jet continued, voice squeaky, awaiting Levy's reaction. "At this rate, our job as high-class merchants is going to crash and burn..."
Levy blinked once, twice. Her green eyes remained unchanging.
"Oh," the girl said, and then smiled. "That's okay. I still have you guys to keep me company, so I'm alright with that." She ventured into their shared home and began to shove her favorite books into a bag. Following, the two speechless males stumbled after her.
"We'll have to move out into a smaller cottage," Droy said quietly.
"A-and, we won't be able to afford nice things anymore," Jet picked up from where Droy left off as they watched the blunette hum happily as she gathered her modest belongings.
"That's alright. I never wanted them anyway. I only took them because it'd be rude if I didn't accept them from you."
Somehow, Droy felt that despite Levy's positive reaction, he and Jet were still doomed to eternal shame and suffering.
"Surely there's something you want," he said, scratching the back of his neck. "Something we could give you before we no longer can afford the finer things...?"
Levy's small hand lingered on the surface of the coarse surface of her favorite book, a mere popular folk tale that the villagers loved to gossip about; the famed Beast and his hidden castle.
"Perhaps," she said, her lips twitching upwards. "There is one thing I want to see..."
Before she knew it, a week had passed. The dread in Lucy's gut was amplified by each passing day; how long would this fairy tale take? The previous ones hadn't taken so long...
The problem, she decided, tinkering along the table sadly as she served tea to her grouchy master, was that Gajeel seemed so resigned. Between his violent mood swings (when he would rage, crashing through the decreasing amount of non-animate household items the castle possessed) and his just as abrupt, somber silences, Gajeel had clearly given up, submitted to the curse.
And a curse it was, Lucy saw sadly. The one thing that made the iron-like-man calm and peaceful were trimming the garden's roses, which while sweet and rather comforting, worried Lucy. There was one particular rose whose appearance greatly outshone that of the others, and was the only one on its bush, which remained solemn and detached from the rest of the garden.
Despite its luster, the flower's petals were falling, one by one. Gajeel would often glare at the bush, as if to whack it to the ground in frustration, but always gave up and trimmed its edges neatly with his favorite iron tools.
Even Natsu noticed the difference. "Doesn't he seem weirder than usual, Lucy?" The candelabrum often mentioned to the teapot. "So much more moody. It's like he's PMS-ing or something-!"
"Don't talk that way about the master!" Natsu was whacked one day as he mentioned the castle owner's foul moods. The said master was out, tending the back gardens, and likely wouldn't return for a while.
Erza was, somehow appropriately, a large kitchen knife twice the size of Lucy. Often she would thwack Natsu with her handle, much to his chagrin.
"But he's so moody," Natsu whined. "He's like... like Lucy when I read her diary!"
"You read my diary?" Lucy squawked indignantly as Erza and Gray looked on, wondering exactly how a teapot would write, happily unaware to their alternate realities and selves.
As Juvia (a sizable cup that was always happily attending to a certain ice bucket) prattled her concern over Natsu and Lucy's bickering, a sudden knock that resounded throughout the entire castle froze the group.
They held their breath; the knock repeated, echoing and ricocheting against the walls like a catalyst that Lucy had been awaiting the entire time they were stuck in this chapter.
The objects quickly scurried to hide in nooks and crannies, observing as three humans walked into the front hall, unaware of the dreadful master that occupied the castle.
"It exists!" A girl's high-pitched squeal bounced around the hall. Lucy realized with a start that it was Levy.
What was she doing- wait,what if she was the one to break the curse and release her and Natsu from this chapter?
As she watched anxiously, Natsu hmmmed next to her. "Man, why's that blue-haired nerd here? I thought she practically lived in that stuffy library back in that village last chapter..."
"You saw her before?" Lucy was unable to keep her voice from rising several pitches all at once. "In the book?"
At the last word, the poor object's voice broke and screeched throughout the hall; Levy turned inquisitively as Jet and Droy attempted to hide behind the small girl.
"A-a-a ghost!" Jet squealed girlishly. Natsu laughed at the feminine tone as Lucy timidly peeked from around the corner.
"You guys don't read enough," Levy said disapprovingly. "The book said specifically that there were-"
Natsu suddenly shoved Lucy out from behind the nook; she stifled a squeal as she hit the floor with a clank. Levy stared.
"-were... people in the castle..."
The blue-haired girl looked at the teapot. Had Lucy been human, she might have turned bright red and hit Natsu, but as it was, her current form was rather... restricting. (Most pots didn't really have fists, as was common knowledge.)
"E-e-erm. Hi there?" Lucy tried, attempting to right herself. As Levy, Droy, and Jet gawked at the struggling teapot, Natsu laughed at her troubles and hopped out to help her up, his flames billowing behind him.
Levy stared even more. Jet and Droy fainted. Natsu proceeded to light their hair on fire.
Lucy tittered nervously as Erza appeared, attempting to slice the now-screaming-for-his-life-Natsu in half, and Gray approached Jet and Droy and dumped ice cubes down their shirts.
"The story was true!" Levy whispered, awed, observing the household objects as they harassed her cousins. "There really was a curse!"
"That is not the point," Erza said sternly, turning to face the newcomers. "I hate to say this, but you may want to leave. The Master will be back any time now, and he has not been in a very good mood lately-"
"Wait," Lucy hissed, cutting off Erza. She herded the knife aside, and whispered lowly so that Levy wouldn't hear, "the curse, remember? Le- er, this girl could lift it and free us from these forms!"
Erza considered, eyeing Levy warily. The girl beamed.
"Oh, don't worry. I know all about the story!" Levy brushed a lock of hair aside, clutching her favorite book to her chest. "So there's this old lady that curses the Prince of the castle, and all of the servants, and she says it won't be removed unless a girl falls in love with the Prince and everything, right?"
They all stared at her. Jet and Droy yelped as Gray began dumping ice cubes down their pants, and jolted awake in shock.
"Y-you know?" Erza asked, surprise etched onto her face. Levy's green eyes rolled playfully.
"Duh. There's books about this castle all over my village!" She waved a pale hand excitedly. "About the cursed Beast and the talking household objects and oh, I didn't think it actually existed!"
"W-well," Jet said nervously. "Now we know it exists. C-c-c-can we leave n-now?"
The girl turned quickly and gave him the ol' puppy-dog-eyes. He melted.
"You may want to be careful," Erza began to warn, but Lucy quickly cut her off.
"S-s-so, Levy!" Her voice was polished to be chipper. "Why don't you make yourself comfortable and tell us a bit about yourself!"
The two females (one a human, one a teapot) walked off into a corridor, talking animatedly, as Natsu trailed exasperatedly behind (Erza noted the last part smugly). Gray and Erza stared at Jet and Droy.
"So..." Erza shifted uncomfortably, her blade shifting to face Jet and Droy (they were suddenly feeling rather faint again). "How's... the weather?"
"Thanks so much for showing me to a room!" Levy gushed and began to go on about the fascinating castle as Lucy nodded in all the right places, not paying much attention (Natsu was uncomfortably close to her, and despite the fact that they weren't people anymore, he still radiated a passionate sort of heat- wait, what?).
"So, uh, anyways. You should meet us down in the dining hall for dinner tonight. We, uh, have good food. And stuff."
"Will the Prince be there?" Levy's eyes were shining suddenly, and Lucy got the sinking feeling that the girl was actually looking forward to seeing a big, hairy monster with fangs and horns and... stuff.
"Er, yeah," Lucy said awkwardly as Natsu began to pull her away, bored already. "Uh, try not to be too disappointed..."
Before Levy could question her any further, the spirit mage found herself in the corridor with Natsu.
"Luuucyy," he said, voice a childish whine. "What are you doing?"
"We need to get out of the book, don't we? She's perfect for this chapter!" Lucy silently decided to leave out the part where Levy gained a soul mate. No one said a little match-making wasn't allowed...
"Well, yeah, but we still haven't figured out what fairy tale this is!" Were Natsu not a candelabrum, he would be pouting. Lucy gave him a (somewhat- as much as a teapot could-) incredulous look.
"You still haven't figured it out yet? How dense can you be?"
Natsu remained happily silent.
Lucy sighed and decided that they would just hurry up and get this over with.
(She was not disappointed by the fact that she and Natsu weren't the main characters this time. No, siree. Not at all. Yeah.
The entire household had gathered around the dining hall excitedly, preparing a large feast. Gajeel had been stuck in his room for a while, and hadn't seen Levy yet, which was a relief. They all bustled around the elongated table, decorating the wood lavishly with scented candles and the best food the kitchen had. Erza was kept quite busy, chopping away happily like nobody's business.
Mirajane (a broom), Lisanna (a dresser), and Elfman (who was, oddly enough, a thistly hairbrush) huddled around and directed the directions until Lucy saw that the empty dining hall had turned into a banquet hall fit for a king.
"Now all that's left to do is to get Gajeel and Levy together," she sighed, satisfied.
Lucy froze and laughed nervously, turning to see Levy, donned in a fanciful gown that Mirajane had practically forced on the modest girl, standing over her curiously.
"Uh..." The teapot looked away quickly, and then latched onto Natsu. "See, this guy and I were just about to, uh..." She paused.
Natsu looked at her blankly, his flames flickering. "Make something up!" she hissed to the boy. His candles gave something akin to a shrug.
"We were about to go... play with each other," Natsu blurted.
Levy snorted immediately; Lucy balked. Natsu stared at the both of them for several moments before he got the second meaning behind the phrase.
"Wait! W-what the hell? I didn't mean it like that, you pervs-!"
Abruptly, heavy footsteps resounded against the marble. A deadly silence swept over the crowd of household objects, and the three awkward humans that were standing were quickly herded to the table and ordered to sit quietly.
Gajeel descended the steps and froze; Lucy stared as Gajeel glared right at her (a shiver ran down her being) and slowly trudged to his regular seat, his harsh eyes moving to Levy, whose smile had fallen off her face.
(Jet and Droy hid under the table.)
"Erza," Gajeel said, voice a deep baritone rumble; Levy gulped visibly as he continued, "what is the meaning of this?"
"Simply some passing travelers, Master," Erza said coolly, leaving out the fact that Levy had come to see him.
Levy, however, wasn't pleased. "Are you the rumored Prince of this castle?"
Gajeel twitched, his eyes tightening and his jaw drawing taut. "What of it, squirt?" She flinched.
"W-well," the blunette said bravely, chin up defiantly, "I journeyed here to see the legendary Beast, but you're not really a Beast, are you? Not much of a curse-"
Gajeel slammed his fist into the table, and the force of the blow practically split it two- as it was, a crack appeared, and Jet and Droy were revealed, though paid no heed- as the spectacular show of food tumbled to the floor.
"Care to repeat that?" He growled dangerously, and the resolve in Levy's eyes faltered slightly.
"You-you're not a Beast! You're just temperamental!" The girl spat suddenly. Lucy panicked (Not now, Levy! Don't pick this time to be stubborn!), and Gajeel's eyes flared so violently that a chill spread throughout the room.
"You two," He snarled at Jet and Droy. "Leave at once. This girl will stay and be my... slave, per se," his fangs bared in what could be both a grimace and a grin; Levy's resolve disappeared completely in an instant as Jet and Droy winced. Gajeel's sadistic expression made it clear that his intentions were far from pure and harmless.
"We- we can't just leave her!" Jet gasped out, sweat beading on his forehead.
Droy, hoping to sneak up from behind Gajeel, was rounded upon and Gajeel's large fist was slammed right into his jaw. Blood spurted out as he collapsed to the floor; Levy had frozen in the elaborate chair, eyes wide and disbelieving.
"You will leave," he said dangerously. "If you leave, I will spare your lives. If you don't, I will kill all of you."
Gajeel slammed a heavy fist into Droy's stomach; over, and over, and over...
Levy's small frame trembled, and Lucy despaired- this was not looking good at all! "J-J-Jet, Droy, g-g-go!"
"But Levy-!"
"NO!" Levy's eyes squeezed together, and her voice cracked with pain. "Leave! I-I refuse to let you guys be hurt!"
The teapot and the candelabrum watched in stunned silence as Jet and Droy were unceremoniously thrown out of the castle despite their protests; their strength was pitiful compared to the Prince's, after all; when Gajeel rounded on Levy, the blunette gave a jerk and shook so violently that pity shook all of the onlookers, even the loyal Erza.
"Perhaps," the knife said quietly, "you should retire for the night, Master. Levy, I shall direct you to your quarters."
Gajeel stood stonily in the center of the hall as Levy was shown to her room, tears streaking down her face, the prepared feast a long-forgotten mess on the floor.
"What was that, Lucy?" Natsu groaned that night. "That was terrible! How is that supposed to get us out of this chapter?"
The two animated household items dejectedly walked down an empty corridor, Natsu mourning the fact that they were stuck in the book and he couldn't even eat (normal candelabrums didn't have mouths, after all), and Lucy cursing Zekua Melon for enchanting the book in the first place (and why, why with Natsu, of all people?)
"I-I don't know!" She groaned, throwing herself against the wall in frustration (albeit carefully, to avoid any chipping). "I'm sure it'll get better somehow... we just have to get them together somehow!"
"They're like... total opposites!" Had he been his regular self, Natsu would have likely busted a wall in frustration (or at the very least, half the castle).
She gave him a sour look. "Who says opposites can't attract?"
Natsu met her gaze with his own cocky one, and Lucy suddenly felt that she and Natsu were rather, in fact, polar opposites. Where he was thick, she was smart; where he was strong, she was weak; where he was rash, she was cautious. He could come up with millions of strategies in the battlefield, where she was helpless, while she could plot like nobody's business out of battle. Total opposites, indeed, she thought bitterly.
Suddenly, the girl felt rather stupid and foolish. "You know what? Forget I said anything, Natsu. You're such an idiot!"
The girl (rather, teapot) turned heel and walked away huffily as she ignored Natsu's stammers, leaving the clueless candleholder alone, slumped in the middle of the hall.
Throughout the following week, Levy shifted between depression to fright, over and back again. Gajeel's temper tantrums did nothing to help the growing tension between them. The one time he invited her to dinner again (and that was both tentative and spurred by the collective urging of Mira, Lisanna, Erza, Juvia, and herself), she shut herself into her room and refused to see him, and she spent most of her time burrowed in the castle's vast library, alternating between reading and sobbing. Nothing Lucy said could help.
"He's worse than a monster!" Levy said one day to the teapot, who was starting to lose hope in the fairy tale. "He may not look like one, but that man is no Prince!"
"N-no!" Lucy stuttered. "Trust me, h-h-he has his moments!"
"Yeah," Levy said darkly, burying her face into a book. "Of violence."
Before Lucy could say anything in response, Natsu poked his head through the doorway and looked at her. "Hey, Lucy, why don't you come with me to-?"
"No," she said stubbornly. "Go away."
Silently, the candleholder glumly hopped off, as Levy gave him a pitying glance. "Be nice to him. I think he really likes you."
"We're completely different," Lucy huffed, feeling oddly dissatisfied. But- no, this wasn't about her and Natsu anymore, it was about Gajeel and Levy! Even so, she couldn't get the thought of Natsu denying the possibility of them out of her head...
"And- and, y'know, Gajeel isn't as bad as you make him out to be," Lucy stubbornly redirected the topic, refusing to think about Natsu. (It hurt. Why the hell did it hurt?)
Levy pursed her lips and tossed the book aside. "But I don't- I don't even know if Jet and Droy are okay." She stood up, dusting her lap, and frowned determinedly. "That's it. I have to leave this place and find them!"
Shoot! "No, you can't!" Lucy said, too quickly to avoid suspicion. Levy raised a delicate eyebrow. "I-I mean, it really wouldn't be safe, and you'd get lost, and-!"
"I don't care!" Levy hissed. "Anything to escape this prison!"
The small girl stormed out of the library, and Lucy watched her with a sinking heart.
Nothing was going right today, she sighed to herself as she turned into the halls. Levy was already gone- she huffed out in irritation. "Great. There's no way I can catch up to her," she stared down at her pot-bottom (it was really large, she thought to herself sadly). "I'll have to go tell Gajeel..."
"You finally came out!"
The teapot twitched irritably at the familiar voice; Natsu came up from behind her, without any caution or hesitation as usual. "I was waiting forever! Jeez, Lucy! You've been ignoring me for, like, forever!"
"Gee, I wonder why," she said sourly, stubbornly facing away. Natsu made a disapproving sort of noise.
"And you call me an idiot," Natsu made a sound that seemed a lot like, pfft. "You're mad at me and won't even tell me why! You're so freakin' evasive; try being more straight-forward, like me!" Pride tinted the dragonslayer's voice.
"You're right," Lucy spat suddenly, anger flaring up in her. "I'm not like you at all! In fact, I would say we're complete opposites, wouldn't you agree?"
The bolster in Natsu's demeanor seemed to diminish. "W-what's wrong with you, Lucy? Have you been feeling okay lately?"
She stared him down, and his fires seem to wane as he looked away, awkwardly, obviously unsure. Lucy refused to be swayed.
"I'm obviously not okay," she grit out. "You're so dense, you idiot! How could you not even get why I'm upset?"
"Because you won't tell me!" Natsu growled, and suddenly, his infamous temper flared back to life, as did the flames on his candles. "All I want is for you to talk to me again! I mean, seriously, one second it's all okay, and the next you're ignoring me! I've been by myself for an entire week, lonely and-!" He stopped mid-sentence, and bit down on his tongue regretfully.
Lucy looked at him, stunned, as he fumbled, "not lonely, I mean. It's just, you're the sanest person here, what with Erza being a freakin' butcher knife and Gray being his usual bastard self. And Gajeel, don't even get me started," Natsu snorted.
"Natsu?" The teapot looked at him (if she didn't know any better, she would say Natsu was almost... flustered?) "Have you really been... lonely?" It was almost as if his words were making her smile. Had he truly missed her company? Suddenly, it didn't seem all too bad for them to be opposites if he really did miss her presence...
"Of course not," Natsu replied gruffly, and her good mood dissipated in an instant, returning to a foul one. "Why would I miss the company of a weirdo like you?"
"Oh, that is it!" Lucy hissed, turning away. He was so... so cheeky! "I'm never talking to you again!"
She tripped down the corridor as quickly as her teapot form would allow, never sparing the protesting Natsu a glance. She had made it halfway to the kitchen (mentally berating herself for even considering that Natsu might be halfway intelligent enough to understand what the hell she was talking about) when she remembered-
"Oh, crap! Levy!" She would be too late, at this rate! The girl would have made it out and had at least a good fifteen minutes by now... Natsu just had to sidetrack her! Lucy mentally berated herself for caring about the stubborn dragon mage in the first place. That was so it. She wouldn't spare him any thoughts anymore! (Lie, lie, lie)-
"What about her?" Gajeel rumbled from behind her. Oh. Oh shoot, oh shoot, oh shoot, oh shoot. Where did he come from?
Lucy turned her spout so that it faced Gajeel, and laughed nervously. When had he gotten there-? "W-w-well, you see, Master..." She gulped. "She's run away."
His slanted eyes narrowed like those of an animal's. "What did you say?"
"She- she left just a while ago!" Lucy squeaked. "You need to go get her!"
Gajeel looked as if he were going to retort, but decided against it, slumping against the kitchen wall, almost resigned. He buried his face into his hands, cursing. "Augh, shit, shit, shit! Why should I?"
"She can lift the curse-!"
"Her? As if!" Gajeel looked away. "The only thing she'd be good for would be a servant, and I've got plenty of those!" He gave her a pointed look.
Lucy gave an offended start, about to speak, but was interrupted by a high-pitched scream that pierced ominously through the air. Gajeel's long dark mane whipped around at the sound.
"That's Levy!" Lucy gasped, and looked at Gajeel, ready to give some sort of life-changing speech to convince him to go after the blunette, or perhaps a good scolding-
But Gajeel had already burst towards the source of the noise.
Lucy barely suppressed a small sigh. It wasn't much, but it was a start.
Natsu stared out the window, watching the red and orange of his candles' flames flicker lightly against the glass.
What the heck was up with Lucy? He wanted to scowl and hit something, but his current form was so freakin' powerless. He couldn't use a dragonslayer spell to punch a wall (and as much as he wanted to at the moment, he would never lay a finger on Lucy), and so settled for glaring angrily out the window at the forest. The stupid blonde was so... so frustrating!
It was enough that she wouldn't leave his fucking thoughts, but she wasn't even talking to him! It was all the damned book's fault; that Sleeping Beauty chapter had messed with his head, and it seemed like this chapter was trying to do the same thing.
It was absolutely pouring outside, as if to match his mood. Natsu hated water, but-
-wait. Was that... Levy?
"W-what the-?" But it was Levy! Natsu gave a start at the sight of the small girl walking out into the forest. What was she doing?
He watched, amused, as she looked around the woods, looking as lost as a small child, when she suddenly gave a ripping shriek as a pack of wolves jumped from the wood and surrounded her.
Natsu watched, aghast as several wolves, scruffy yet packed with muscle, circled around her, closing around the girl as only a predator could to its prey. Levy opened her mouth to emit a bloodcurdling scream that made even Natsu, courageous Natsu, shudder.
However, before Natsu could do something- anything, shout her name, perhaps?- or lament the loss of his magic, a mangy wolf went flying into the air, whimpering pathetically and turning tail.
The candelabrum looked on in surprise as the Prince wheeled around, bellowing uproariously as he bat away the hounds with fists the shape of claws. In mere seconds, the hounds were sent packing
And Natsu became even more surprised with his temperamental 'Master' reached out a hand to a stock-still Levy, who very, very cautiously reached out to take it as he pulled her upright.
The two shared a long, odd look that had Natsu scratching his head (er, scratching his candles?), and began to walk back to the castle.
And all of a sudden, watching the small Beauty with the Beastly prince, Natsu finally realized what Fairy Tale it was.
Maybe Lucy was right. Perhaps he was slow, after all.
(The poor fire mage had no idea.)
"The Master has cordially invited you to dinner, milady," Erza said teasingly, bowing down a little to Levy at the threshold of her large room. Levy cracked a small grin at the sight of a large kitchen knife mock-bowing, but the tension was still quite obvious.
"I... I don't know," she murmured, pressing her face into a large pillow.
"He did save your life," Lisanna reminded cheerfully; Lucy mentally rolled her eyes. News traveled fast, apparently. "Now, sweetie," she swung a dresser door open, "this dress would look adorable on you-!"
"Thanks, Lisanna," Levy smiled reluctantly. "He's not so bad, I guess. It's just... Jet and Droy..." Her voice caught in her throat, and Lucy rushed to reassure her.
"He didn't know any better at the time," she soothed, "b-but, you know, you can change him!"
Levy shyly crept off the bed, experimentally toying with the hem of the dress Lisanna offered as Mirajane brightly whisked away, sweeping the bedroom floor eagerly. "It's, it's just... he's so..." she bit down on her lower lip, "so intimidating. The books I read told me of a charming Prince who was unlucky enough to be cursed by an evil witch, not of a temperamental... beast who was put in his place for his violent tendencies!" The words came out of her in a huge gust of breath, rushed and barely coherent.
Lucy flinched; the animate household objects shared a meaningful look with each other; Levy had no idea that the curse was reversible but hardly plausible in Gajeel's eyes, which was a large reason his mood swings were so harsh.
"Just go, what's the worst that could happen? He wouldn't hurt a hair on your head," Juvia made her presence known, peeking into the room. Levy blinked; the mug beamed in return. "Juvia has come to tell you that the Master awaits your presence in the dining hall. Please, make haste!"
With that, the mug shot off, probably eager to reunite with a certain ice bucket; Levy sighed, and pulled on the dress.
Lucy watched and prayed for a miracle to happen.
"So," Gray said awkwardly to a blue Natsu as Juvia coddled and fussed over him. "What's up with you and Lucy lately? You guys seem to be, uh, a little rocky lately."
"I don't know what you're talking about," Natsu mumbled glumly, slamming a candle against the table in frustration; a small portion of the tablecloth was lit on fire. Juvia shrieked and doused it, drenching Natsu in the process, whose spirits were further lowered. Even Gajeel raised an eyebrow, as he tapped a foot impatiently in his chair.
"Please," Gray snorted. "It was so damn obvious you two had a thing before we were turned- oh, uh..."
All the dining ware, all the cups, plates, (ice buckets, mugs, candelabrums) simultaneously froze and glanced at Gajeel, whose scowl had blackened so much it was frightening even to Natsu. Obviously, the curse was a touchy subject. (And for Natsu, Lucy was even more so. That damn exhibitionist-slash-now-an-ice-bucket-I-mean-seriously-what-the-hell-was-up-with-that just had to bring her up?)
Natsu was on the verge of lighting the food on fire in frustration (perhaps imagining that the corn was Gray would help), when a small tap turned everyone's attention.
Levy, small and graceful, timidly tip-toed down the steps, practically ran to the chair furthest from Gajeel, and avoided all eye contact, instead eyeing the food. Her dress was a forest green, with a low v-neck that plunged down softly, the fabric billowing around her legs like a gentle mist. Gajeel harrumphed and looked away, beginning to pick at the food.
Lucy and a small number of other objects trailed behind Levy, and there was a small, jostling crowd of items that watched nervously, waiting to see if the tense atmosphere between the Prince and the girl would break; and if so, would it be in the worst way possible?
Natsu made an extra effort to catch Lucy's eye; she both noticed and avoided, much to his dismay. Before Natsu could protest, Levy interrupted the silent tension.
"U-um," she spoke, voice barely over a whisper, "may I eat...?" The teapot noted that the poor girl was still practically white with fright that the 'Beast' would try something, shaking and clenching the table, knuckles turned ivory from the effort to stop trembling.
"Be our guest," Natsu purposefully quoted, hoping to catch Lucy's attention this time. It worked; she turned sharply, regarding him. He cheerfully hopped off the table as Levy and Gajeel both hesitantly dug into the food.
"You finally figured out what chapter we were in, you dunce," she said dourly, and her tone surprised him.
"Don't tell me you're still mad at me!" Natsu griped. "Isn't that what you were so upset about?" (Lucy fumed- the idiot would never understand romance, would he?)
He waved an arm wildly; Mirajane, who was nearby, suddenly caught on fire with a squeal. Elfman shouted loudly and stampeded towards Natsu as Juvia and Gray doused Mirajane. In the process, he managed to somehow knock over Erza, who was contentedly slicing a strawberry cake, and roared at the interruption.
Cana (who was rather appropriately a whiskey bottle) cackled and joined in the tousle as Natsu voiced himself self-proclaimed ruler over them all, which spurned even more objects to join in on the fray. Within seconds, the quiet mob had disintegrated into a large frenzy of fights.
Lucy watched, amused despite herself; Fairy Tail was Fairy Tail, after all, wasn't it? Gajeel himself, true to character in spite of the new presence of Levy, yelled and joined in, trying to force the objects apart. In the span of fifteen seconds, his hair managed to be caught on fire (courtesy of Natsu, of course), several ice cubes were stuffed down his pants (Gray would deny it if you ever asked), his shirt became drenched (Cana and Juvia, stuck in the middle of an epic battle that consisted of well-meant insults), and dust coated his entire body (Mirajane rather unfortunately sneezed all over him).
It was a high, pealing laughter that stopped them all; everyone at the table turned to look at Levy, who was laughing so hard that tears had sprung to her eyes. Gajeel himself looked so shock that his jaw was gaping open like that of a fish.
"You-you guys!" She chuckled and gasped for air, pounding a small fist into the table. Her fear had dissipated in seconds. "You're hilarious! Do you do this on a daily basis or something?"
"U-um, yeah?" Gajeel tried, and Lucy was quite delighted to notice his obvious discomfort with Levy's adorable smiling, laughing form.
Levy pursed her lips carefully, and looked up carefully, eyes just a smidgen less cautious now, less anticipatory of a hazard. "Perhaps I did misjudge you, after all."
As the two returned to the meal, the atmosphere much lighter than before, Lucy pulled Natsu aside and said encouragingly, "that was great! You popped their awkwardness just like that!" In the background, Levy and Gajeel had started small chatter that alleviated her mood just that much more- there really was hope of getting out of here!
"Great!" Natsu beamed. "So does that mean you're not mad anymore?"
Lucy wasted no time in replying. "I'm still mad, you dolt. You just... you just don't understand why."
"Why don't you try explaining it to me?" His voice was abruptly serious, catching her off guard. Warm, like that of honey; was this the same affectation he had used before kissing her in the Sleeping Beauty chapter?
(Lucy felt herself heat up, as if she, a teapot were blushing- how preposterous!-, and shook to clear her thoughts.)
"You won't understand," she enunciated. "We're too... different, I guess."
"What makes you say that?" His voice was so typically oblivious she had to resist the urge to go bang her head against a wall or something. "We're not so different that we share opposing viewpoints, right?"
She paused to consider. "What makes you say that?" she echoed.
Natsu laughed. "Because we're both in Fairy Tail, Lucy. That makes us closer than any normal people, silly."
Lucy watched as Levy tried to smile warmly at Gajeel, who looked away almost embarrassed, and then turned back to Natsu, who was still awaiting a reply.
She sighed. Perhaps she should forgive him, just this once.
The days flew by now; Levy and Gajeel slowly adjusted to one another's presence, and though Levy was clearly struggling with the trauma of seeing Gajeel harm her cousins, she was also making a valiant effort to befriend him.
And any one of them could see that Gajeel was changing, even if only infinitesimally. He grouched less and had even offered smiles on occasion (he even thanked Erza for cutting a piece of strawberry cake for him once; the poor kitchen knife fainted). He showed Levy around the castle, gruffly pointing out his favorite wings as she smiled patiently.
They were trying, Lucy noted, pleased. It was possible for it to work out.
Natsu was obviously still puzzling over Lucy's previous irritation at him. The befuddled candelabrum was much more careful around her, and because of that, she didn't see him around as often as usually. This concerned her; if there was one thing Natsu wasn't, it was caution.
But when one afternoon, the candleholder popped out from thin air and announced that the objects were secretly dressing the ballroom for Gajeel and Levy, she suddenly realized that he hadn't been avoiding her at all.
"Oh," she said, attempting to sound halfway intelligent in her stupor. "I see."
(A part of her sulked; so he hadn't really cared, after all, about her. Did he even...?)
"Yeah, we're doing it tonight!" He said excitedly. "You have to help us, come on! Maybe you could, like, sing or something..."
The teapot thought back to Sleeping Beauty chapter where she had attempted to sing and failed miserably, and shook her head violently. Natsu shrugged and dragged her to assist the rest of the household anyway.
"So how did you guys get this idea?" She asked, pitifully trying to make conversation. God, why did she have to be so awkward around this guy? It was like he was muddying her thoughts, making them incoherent to herself-
"I suggested it," he said, a hint of demure in his voice. "You've seemed really down, being stuck in this chapter, so I thought I would help to speed things along, y'know? D-don't take it the wrong way or anything!" He tacked on lamely at the end when Lucy laughed at him, her previous indignation gone.
He really had been thinking about her, after all.
The entire household was buzzing with anticipation; Gajeel's temper had not been piqued in a while, which was a good sign. Levy herself had become less and less hesitant, and had started being more open with the Prince. Lucy had even caught them together in the library, with Levy poring over a multitude of books in fascination as Gajeel pretended to be reading, glancing up once in a while to study her face.
(He always looked away before she looked up.)
It was getting close to the climax of the story, it had to be. They had been stuck in the fourth chapter for almost a month now, and Lucy had had enough of being a teapot.
She didn't voice these thoughts to Natsu; the spirit mage knew that he was even more irritated than she was that he was not in a human body, and more so that his powers were gone. Instead, they focused with the rest of the household objects on decorating the ballroom so lavishly that it had gone from dusty and unused to a shining splendor.
"Fitting of a Prince and his Princess," Mirajane cooed, and ran off to tell the plans to Gajeel.
They had settled that Gajeel would surprise Levy after dinner with an offer to dance (Lisanna, of course, would pick out an elegant dress). They all knew that he was not likely to agree to the idea (cussing excluded, words such as stupid and wasteful were likely. Gay was there, as well), but they had set up blackmail, courtesy of a foxy Cana, who was just as eager as the rest of them to see their Master finally open up.
('Blackmail?' Lucy had asked, wondering exactly what Gajeel could have done that would embarrass him into dancing. Cana had merely chuckled something under her breath about 'underwear', 'cherries', and 'hairspray,' along with 'lingerie' and 'tutus'. Lucy decided that was something she definitely wanted to hear someday.)
They hadn't anticipated what would actually happen.
That evening, as Gajeel cleared his throat and (rather noticeably reluctantly) began to extend the invitation, Levy suddenly burst into tears.
The castle's animated objects watched in shock as Gajeel fumbled over her, hands fluttering uselessly, as if worried that a single touch would break the girl as she wailed into her hands.
"O-oi, don't cry," he growled. "Only pathetic little wimps do that. And you better be above that by now."
(Well, Lucy lamented, it was about as close to a compliment as Gajeel could get.)
"I-I'm sorry," Levy hiccupped, wiping her tears away. Gajeel flinched back, as if afraid to be touched by the drops, like if they did he would start crying with her too or something. "I just, just m-m-miss them so much!"
"Oh." Gajeel lowered his hands dumbly. "I'm not... much company, after all. Whatever. I get it."
"No, that's not it!" She lowered her hands as well, and almost moved to take his, but stopped. "I just... I'm just worried, alright? I want to know if they're doing okay, and, and-"
Gajeel cut her off abruptly, turning from staring at her face intently to veering his back to face her. "Then go."
(The entire place became so incredibly silent that one could almost hear a pin drop. As it was, they all gasped together; it was almost comical.)
Levy gaped. "W-what?"
"You heard me," Gajeel grunted. "You can go. One week, tops. I'm giving you permission to-"
"Oh, thank you!" Levy burst, latching her small arms around the Prince in a hug (they were thin and porcelain; they didn't fit around his torso) before dashing to her room to pack. Gajeel dropped into his chair and buried his face in his hands.
"U-um," Erza stepped forward, wondering exactly what had spurred Gajeel on at that moment- they all were- "Master? What about-?"
"She was crying," Gajeel said through clenched teeth. "'S'not like I had a choice, anyway."
They all understood, even as the group retreated to glumly regard the ballroom that would go unused for the night.
That was the Gajeel equivalent of him admitting that he felt for her.
The next day, when Levy finally found her way back to her village, she actually found herself... missing him.
He wasn't exactly... the best looking of guys, sure, but there was something under that grating demeanor that was endearing to her. And who would have thought? Even though he had not been anything like those popular stories told; a charming, thoughtful Prince cursed to be ugly (and that was so romantic; she had fawned over the idea countless times before the actual encounter), he was... charming in his own way.
The blunette ambled slowly into the town, and a nearby passerby did a double take and burst into cheer.
Levy blinked, astonished, as a mess of people gathered around her, eager and loud, crowding her as well as her thoughts. If Gajeel were here, he would probably brush them all off like flies...
"You're alive-!"
"She's back! She really came back-!"
"How did you survive that monster-?"
"Was he as bad as the rumors say-?"
"I'm fine, I'm fine, really," Levy said lamely, attempting to dispel the ridiculous notions. Jet and Droy burst through the herd of people, yammering excitedly. Levy struggled to bring her thoughts away from the castle and to her cousins, who she had been so worried about only moments before, yet were far from her mind now.
"Y-you're alright. I'm so glad," she smiled weakly, throwing her arms around the two tentatively; they were still bandaged, and she felt herself grow slightly limp at the memory of how their injuries had come about.
"Of course," Droy said boldly, sticking his chest out. "We aren't so useless that we would sit around being weak."
"In fact," Jet continued, "we couldn't stand worrying about you, so we did something about it."
"Oh," Levy said absently. "Is that so?"
"That's right," Jet laughed nervously. "W-we used the rest of our savings, and sent Uncle to find that monster-"
Levy's entire body went slack, and she suddenly collapsed. The whole of the admiring villagers crowded around her, only to be waved back by her cousins.
"L-Levy, what's wrong?"
Her pupils had dilated; her entire body was drenched in a cold sweat.
"Y-you didn't," she gasped out in horror. "You w-wouldn't, not him. He's ruthless! Gajeel will be eaten a-alive!"
"What's wrong?" Droy echoed. "Y-you don't have a problem with it, do you...?"
Levy stumbled to her feet and raced back to the path she had come from.
Jet and Droy stared dumbly after Levy, wondering exactly what had changed in just a short month that could alter the book aficionado so much.
Gajeel was silent for the entire day; so silent, in fact, that they were beginning to worry. Not a single word was uttered throughout breakfast nor lunch, which Gajeel skipped. Even as dinner approached, Gajeel did nothing but sit out on the garden on the moist soil, watching the single glowing rose that had little over a couple of petals left.
Lucy was somewhat convinced that they would never make it out of the chapter. Gajeel had let Levy go, and despite the fact that Levy was an overall loyal person that had warmed up to Gajeel (as had their actual Earthland counterparts), there was no telling how different this world's Levy was. After all, the Edolas Levy was just as temperamental as Magnolia Levy was sweet.
Even as night fell and thunder cracked through the sky, Gajeel remained rooted to the spot, watching yet another petal fall forlornly to the earth.
"Master," Erza chided solemnly. "The weather grows bothersome. It is time for you to head inside."
Gajeel fingered the petal and didn't say anything, eyeing the rose bush as if he were torn between shielding the plant and ripping it to shreds. Normally, it would likely be the latter, but he seemed so dazed he didn't even bother swiping irritably at the household servants when they checked in on him.
Seeing as Gajeel was a lost cause, they began to file in to the castle. He ignored yet another crash of lightning as the crackle of light shadowed his face.
"So you exist."
Gajeel remained stock-still at the new voice, refusing to turn around. Aw, what the hell? Levy was forgotten; screw her! He stood, stonily facing the sudden intruder, pushing his thoughts away.
"Damn straight I exist. And something tells me that you shouldn't."
"Big words for someone who looks as weak as you," was the response, chuckled hoarsely. A hefty cape was thrown aside- it sank to the ground, revealing a man whose stature was just as large, if not more so, than Gajeel.
"You won't be saying that when I'm through with you," Gajeel rumbled, cracking his knuckles. Ever since Levy had come, he had been loathe to fight, if only to prevent her from being so damn scared of him; but she was gone now, and who the hell cared? He could fight all he wanted, and get as bloody damn injured as he wanted-
(-he supposed that now, there would be no one to bandage him, however.)
"What the fuck are you doing here?" He snarled, shaking the thoughts of her away. She left, and wasn't it for the best? She was unwelcome to begin with, and it should remain that way. It was just as destined as it was for him to remain a Beast, whose features had been twisted to seem animalistic, and despite the lack of hair, his piercings and demeanor were far gone. "Who are you?"
It was too late for him, anyway. He didn't know why he'd even bothered putting a shred of hope on that stupid midget.
"I am your downfall, you pathetic beast," the outsider stepped towards Gajeel, who refused to step back in response.
"I see," he said dryly. "You're a bounty hunter, looking for the 'famed' mystical creatures in the land." He sneered the words. "I suppose you're here to kill me and collect a bounty."
"It's not just that," the answer was calm and collected, and somewhat worried Gajeel; not worried, irritated Gajeel. He could probably take on this intruder, but what irked him was that the intruder didn't care. "You'll never guess who sent me."
"And I care why?" The 'Beast' snorted. "It's none of my business-"
"Levy," the man purred, and stepped out of the shadows and into the light as the lightning thundered once more. Gajeel's body locked down- Levy, Levy would do this?- and couldn't make out a proper response, even as the man drew out twin swords. His blonde hair seemed to fizz with the same energy as the thunder amongst the clouds; a jagged scar ran past one eye.
"My name is Laxus, and I'm under orders to kill you."
The Beast Prince barely managed to dodge the devastating blows that Laxus advanced with upon him, mind still reeling. Levy, naïve, tiny, innocent, happy, small Levy had ordered for him to be killed? At first, there was rage- he had fed her, clothed her, kept her safe, and this was how she repayed him?- then a jagged sense of betrayal he quickly washed down, which was replaced with a bitter sense of comeuppance.
In his mind's eye, each blow from this man- Laxus- reminded him of the aggressive assault he had dished out to Jet and Droy; he didn't regret pummeling the weaklings, but he did regret the circumstances under which he did so. They had done nothing to harm him. Why would he inflict pain onto others for the sake of just inflicting pain?
Levy's eyes, terrified and afraid, loomed in his thoughts like a dagger poised to strike. As it was, Laxus himself had his broadswords poised over his head, and Gajeel narrowly tumbled away.
He fought because he liked it, he reminded himself. Levy left, and her damned opinions didn't matter. (Besides, this was in self defense. Wasn't it justified, somehow?)
Gajeel rolled onto his side, fisted his hands, and launched a kick into Laxus's side, which was parried by one of the swords. The other came swiftly down upon his head; Gajeel, who had fought many swordfights in court before his curse, was not afraid. He deftly caught the blade in his mouth, and ignoring Laxus's struggles to remove the metal, he bit down hard and dented the metal.
(There were advantages to having enhanced strength as a Beast, after all.)
Laxus stumbled back, shock flashing through his eyes for a millisecond, but that was smoothly replaced by evident years of experience. He roared, racing forward to slash at Gajeel, who was beginning to back into the gardens.
Eyes narrowing, Gajeel spared a side glance to the enchanted rose bush. Laxus didn't miss it.
"So the little fairy tales were true, then," he grinned. "I suppose that wilting pile of shit is the rose that you're so fond of?"
"Shut up," Gajeel snarled, unconsciously angling his body to protect the rose. Laxus gauged his expression for a moment, then shrugged and threw aside the swords. Gajeel raised an eyebrow.
"I see that you're not really going to fight back, so I suppose," a sadistic smile marred Laxus' face, "that I'll just take my time."
His fists balled up. Gajeel barely had time to react before a fist rocketed into his jaw, followed by another, and another, and another...
This was stupid, he decided as Laxus proceeded to pummel him, much the same way he had Jet and Droy. Why was he still defending the rose? Levy was gone- obviously, she had sent the damn assassin-hunter-bastard after him, and was probably laughing at his foolishness right now. Why was he still hanging onto that sliver of hope that she could come back and reverse the curse? Why the fuck was he defending the rose?
From the corner of his eye, his pupils traced a quivering petal. Three more. Not much time left.
Laxus sent a kick into Gajeel's gut that, were he not so built, would have sent him sprawling. As it was, blood spurt from his mouth.
"I don't love her," Gajeel muttered stubbornly to the ground. The heavens, the damned mocking heavens were pouring down on him; the electricity in the sky howled its approval as Laxus stepped forward, a disturbing expression molding itself to his features.
"How sweet," Laxus said mockingly. "Thinking of the little maiden on your death bed, are we?"
Gajeel said nothing, even as Laxus made to strike once more.
"What's with the racket outside?" Natsu yawned. Lucy shrugged sadly, gazing out at the sky. It was raining- again. Natsu noticed her forlorn face and wisely decided to shut up. In a way, it could be seen as him being smart for once, but on the other hand, he felt as if he knew her well and read her moods properly. (Knowing his idiocy, however it was an even tie between the two.)
She gazed out the window, wondering when Levy would come back, and didn't realize she had voiced her thoughts until Natsu emitted a thoughtful, "Hrrmmm."
"That's it," she sighed. "We're doomed. Stuck in this chapter forever, eternally meant to be a teapot and a freakin' candleholder."
"No," Natsu said, freezing where he was. Lucy turned in confusion as he repeated, "no way!"
Before Lucy could question Natsu, deafening roar burst throughout the castle, and the feeling invoked such pain and misery that they, in the same breath, gasped their horror.
She should have known better than to question Natsu's superior senses, even as a candleholder.
"Natsu," she whispered, and her voice shook. "Do you remember what happens in the fairy tale?"
Wordlessly, they both raced outside.
And they were not the only ones that heard the uproar. The entire household burst outside to see Gajeel, slumped in front of the roses he tended to so strictly, and a man cackling above him.
"Laxus?" Natsu sounded confused; that quickly changed to incensed. "That bastard, he didn't-"
"But he did," Erza said fiercely, coming up to watch the fight, joining the crowd of worried objects, "and what can we do? We're nothing but a lot of helpless utensils."
"Erza," Natsu said quite seriously, as if something had suddenly dawned on him. "We have numbers."
Erza's voice turned to steel (no pun, seeing as she was a kitchen knife). "Numbers or not, there is nothing-!"
"Since when has risk stopped us before?"
The entire lot paused (it was true; they were quite a reckless bunch), and as if the Fairy Tail spirit had washed over them, Lucy found herself surrounded by a humongous group of charging objects that were alternating between screaming profanity and cheering raucously.
"What the-? Fuck, get off me!" Laxus whirled around, irritably trying to swat away at the household objects. But Natsu was indeed right; they did have the numbers, and they just kept coming.
And Lucy saw that despite the grave situation, it was almost funny how quickly the brawl had morphed into a typical Fairy Tail-esque bar fight. Mirajane was spanking Laxus with the end of her broomstick; Lisanna had whacked her doors into Laxus' face more than a few times, and Elfman himself had flung his entire being at Laxus (he bounced off harmlessly, but it was the thought that counted, after all).
Gajeel stared dumbly, and broke into a fit of laughter as Gray threw ice cubes down Laxus' pants (whose voice broke into a girly scream). Erza's violent tendencies had not been lost in this chapter; she cried out something that sounded suspiciously like 'For the cake!' and whacked at Laxus.
Laxus himself was dumbfounded (it wasn't every day that one got assaulted by a bunch of talking household objects) and clearly incensed. A vein twitched on his temple, and he wheeled to face Gajeel (as Natsu lit his pants on fire.)
"You," he hissed. "You will release these cursed pieces of shit and make them go away. Now."
"I dunno," Gajeel said sarcastically. "Seeing as how you just tried to kill me... I'll think about it."
Laxus picked up the twin swords; in response, Gajeel staggered to his feet, body tense (and cracking a toothy grin when Mirajane sneezed one of her deadly sneezes, causing Lucy to shriek in surprise and spill tea all over the seat of Laxus' pants).
"I haven't killed you yet," Laxus growled. "A mistake. I'll finish the job now-!"
Gajeel wheeled around, body still arced protectively over the rose, and his mouth floundered dumbly. He uttered an intelligent, "Guaah?"
"I told you not to call me that," Laxus' attention was averted as a small figure raced across the courtyard, panting and out of breath. "I don't want to be related to weaklings like you-"
"Levy's back!" Natsu cheered; Erza whacked him over the head (or candle) and told him to shut up and watch.
"Gajeel," Levy wheezed. "You-you're hurt!"
"No shit," he snorted. Levy gasped, offended, and he continued, "don't give me that look! You were the one who sent the damn guy after me in the first place!"
"I didn't," she groaned. "You know me, I wouldn't do that! It was Jet and Droy- Uncle! Put those down!"
Laxus sneered. "Make me." In one fluid movement, he flourished the swords and charged Levy.
The blunette cringed and held up her arms protectively, but a split second later told her she didn't have to; Gajeel had miraculously flashed in front of her, arms outstretched, protecting her. One of the swords, he caught with his bare hand; the other pierced his side, and Levy gave a little cry, porcelain hands fluttering over the wound.
Gajeel looked at the rose behind him (a single petal quivered on the edge), and at a teary Levy. He licked his cracked lips, and gave a hollow laugh. "Okay. I give up."
"Kill me," Gajeel shrugged. "It's not much of a damn life living as some weird Monster anyway."
"Don't make it so easy," Laxus snorted as Gajeel gave a sideways smirk at Erza, whose demeanor instantly changed into that of glee (Lucy regarded her with a mix of horror and anticipation).
"UNCLE!" Levy shouted. "Don't! If you do, I'll, I'll...."
Laxus' eyes twitched almost infinitesimally. "You'll what?"
"I'll do... it."
Everyone present gasped in mock horror (even though Gajeel and the rest of the household objects had no idea what the hell she was talking about). Laxus floundered like a fish for a half second.
"You wouldn't."
Levy smirked in her own little moment as Laxus faltered; the swords clattered to the ground.
"Wait, what the hell?" Gajeel stabbed the air in Laxus' direction. "This insane guy comes in, claims that he's gonna kill me, then almost kills you, and you stop him with... with three fucking words?"
"Language," Levy reprimanded, and Gajeel fell silent, much to everyone else's consternation. Gajeel opened his mouth to say something; she slapped a hand over his face, then shot Laxus a glare as he, too, started to protest. "Don't you dare. You know what will happen."
Laxus looked utterly defeated; Gajeel, pissed that he himself had no effect but this tiny little squirt could stop the madman; and Levy was contained and self-pleased.
Natsu burst into laughter.
All three swiveled to face him, distraught; it was in that instant that Laxus was off guard that Erza's voice pierced the air.
Lucy had thought this chapter was insane enough, and that it couldn't possibly get even more radical- she found herself proven wrong yet again.
The bounty hunter found himself surrounded by a group of kitchen knives with killer auras that were able to hurl themselves at him of their own will. Gajeel, the subject of his job, stood tauntingly close.
"Jet and Droy won't pay you," Levy said proudly, "if I tell them not to."
Laxus growled, but knives were knives and money was money. He wheeled out of the vicinity, cursing loudly as Gajeel watched the last rose petal quiver.
Lucy watched the scene with bated breath (after all, the rather anticlimactic climax was over), praying to the heavens that they had gotten it right and they wouldn't be stuck in the chapter.
(It had been odd enough already- how much worse could it get? Some random bounty hunter who would rather get paid than retain his honor had interrupted. Seeing as how Earthland Laxus didn't seem likely to do that, Lucy had a hard time telling what was what anymore.)
(She had to remind Natsu he had lost his magic to prevent him from chasing Laxus, screeching profanities and laughing like a madman, as well.)
(In the end, Erza dragged the arguing pair away so that the household could stalk- er, observe the scene that was going on.)
"Oh. Oh, well, fuck." Gajeel fell onto his knees hard, and crashed to the ground, inches away from the rose petal, now barely hanging on- any light gust would mean his doom. His hand jerked over his heavily bleeding side. "I guess... the curse is... irreversible by now, huh?"
"Irreversible? It could be reversed in the first place?" The blue-haired bookworm's voice was laced with confusion. "You never told me!"
"Must have slipped my mind," Gajeel evaded with a cringe. Levy tore off her jacket and ripped it to shreds, bandaging his side with the cloth tenderly, snorting at his answer.
"How? How can it be reversed?" Her glare at him slowly softened. "You know, it doesn't really seem like a curse. You're not that bad."
"It's not just me. My servants-" Gajeel groaned again, attempted to get out, and was pushed back down by Levy. "Damn. Guess I can't move. Look, it's all really stupid. Forget about it. You're back now, right?"
"Yes, I'm back," she snapped. "Lay still, and don't change the subject. How?"
He was uncharacteristically silent for a moment before laughing. "Love. Like all of those other cheesy shit stories with curses. I have to love and be loved in return."
Levy suddenly whacked Gajeel over the head without warning, and before he could protest, she very, very chastely pressed her lips to his cheek.
(Natsu almost let out a cheer here, but Lucy was caught up in the romance of it all and threatened to douse his candles with some well-placed Earl Gray. He shut up quickly.)
Gajeel's mouth dropped open as he stared wordlessly at Levy; the last rose petal fell, and Levy sighed, biting down on her lip as she tightened his bandages.
"I guess it is too late, isn't it?" She laughed, obviously trying to hide the resentment in her tone. "There's no time for you to..." her hands drew back, her fingers moving nervously. "For you to learn to... like me back, as well..."
All of a sudden, Lucy and Natsu began to glow.
"No, wait! I wanted to see what happens-" realization hit Lucy over the head. "Wait! Natsu! We're moving onto the next chapter!"
Natsu whooped loudly and then looked at the morphing teapot, puzzled. "Wait, what does that mean?"
All around Gajeel and Levy, the household objects were reverting to their human forms (Gray was, of course, naked). Lucy squealed as her already glowing form shone even brighter. The light receded to reveal the buxom blonde, stumbling to regain her balance.
Natsu fell right on top of Lucy, cackling his victory. Lucy sighed awkwardly; his face was too close for comfort.
"It means," she said, squirming, "that Gajeel isn't as hopeless as we all thought."
The guild members of Fairy Tail, household object extraordinaires, watched in confusion as Natsu and Lucy moved onto the next chapter.
They- they're all changing back," Levy said, astonished. She turned to Gajeel in confusion, who hadn't changed at all. "Wait, but, then, you..."
"The curse," he seemed mildly irritated. "It didn't go away?"
Levy paused, and then smiled shyly. "Then... at the very least, it means you're willing to meet me halfway?" Seeing the odd look he was giving her, she waved her hands, explaining in a rush. "They turned back, but you didn't, and to break the curse, the requirements were to love and be loved in return. Seeing as how half of that has been fulfilled, yet the requirements were specifically to fulfill both, that means that you, even if only a little..." She floundered. "You... er, you... me..."
She blushed a vivid scarlet, and Gajeel sported a tiny flush of his own as he muttered for her and her only to hear, "be patient, shorty."
Longest chapter ever
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