Chapter 19
Madara helped Naruto up and Naruto leaned heavily against him in exhaustion. "Can I borrow some chakra?" Naruto asked his boyfriend.
Madara didn't even hesitate. "Go ahead." A second later, they were in front of a large tree.
The tree looked pretty solid to Madara, who didnt understand why they were there. Naruto lurching forward caused him to lose his thoughts as he quickly caught the exhausted blonde. He watched quietly as Naruto examined it before he slammed a fist into it with the force of one of Tsunade's punches and the whole tree exploded into thousands of paper. The pair stood still as they were met with the sight of a man in a strange machine with faded red hair and a bleeding nose and blood trickling from his mouth. The pair trailed their eyes down the machine to a purple haired woman crouched in front of it with a kunai defensively.
Naruto cough and a matching trickle of blood came out of his mouth and he brought a hand up to wipe it away. Madara eyed him in concern but didn't say anything. Both Uzumakis stared at each other silently. As one, they nodded to each other. "Cousin." They said at the same time.
The purple haired woman and Madara both gasped. They each knew that both were Uzumakis and thus clansmen but they didn't know that they were cousins.
"Stand down Konan." The other Uzumaki coughed.
"But-!" The purple haired woman named Konan protested but was cut off.
"We are in no position to fight." The Uzumaki chuckled weakly. "Besides, I am sure the legendary Madara Uchiha wouldn't have to lift a finger to kill you and I will not break my promise to Yahiko."
"Indeed." Naruto chuckled back.
"But Nagato! You are defenseless at the moment!" Konan sputtered, not understanding why she couldnt at least protect him.
"Konan! It is only fair. Naruto is being supported by Madara who will not drop him just to fight. He does not have a weapon on him. It is only fair that you don't either."
Naruto was surprised at his cousin's logic. None the less, he was sad that Nagato had gone down this path. He supposed it is time for his talk no jutsu. "Nagato, everything you and this organization have worked for after your friend's death has been a lie created by Zetsu. Have you ever heard of Kaguya?"
Nagato frowned, thinking quickly through everything he had ever learned. "The Rabbit Goddess?"
"Yes. Zetsu was a manifestation of her will. The reason for collecting the bijuu is solely to release her." Naruto limped forward, leaving Madara's protective embrace as he moved to stand in front of his lost cousin. "There was a reason that the bijuu were separated and put into humans."
Konan scowled. "And you expect us to take your word for it?"
Naruto narrowed his eyes at her. "As it is, your entire organization save for a few have been killed. I do not care if you believe me. Nagato knows exactly what I am talking about."
And Nagato did. Scrolls dating from Hagoromo's time all said the same thing about the bijuu and Kaguya. Almost half an hour ago, it felt as if a fog had lifted and since it had, catching the bijuu was no longer a priority. "Indeed."
Naruto smiled quickly. "Good. I would hate to have to kill one of the last true Uzumaki's left. I recommend you leaving and going to a village somewhere and living out the rest of your lives in peace. I have a feeling you need it."
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