Chapter 16
Naruto froze as the sun warmed his face in the middle of the arena and everyone was silent. Then he felt the flicker of approaching chakra signatures.
A voice shouted from the stands as people seemed to process that the village pariah was the famous Anbu Commander. At least until denial set in. "It's the demon!"
"Snake! Weasel! Jackal! Hyena!" The four appeared in front of the blonde before he grabbed them and shunshined away to the Anbu Headquarters. "Listen. We need to hurry. I felt nine chakra signatures approaching the Village and they will be here in ten minutes. Gather everybody and be ready. I will warn the Jinchuriki."
"Hai!" They shouted and vanished.
Naruto sent the Kyuubi Chakra as a signal to any Jinchuriki in the village and watched impatiently as they arrived in front of him. Gaara, Yugito, Yagura, B, Han, Roshi, and Utukata all stood before the blonde. The only one who was missing was Fu, because her village did not participate in the Exams. "We are about to be attacked. Now, the Akatsuki like to attack in pairs so we need to pair up too. I will be taking the Uzumaki. The rest is fair game."
They nodded but Roshi added a question. "Who are we pairing up with?"
Naruto hummed before doing some mental calculations. "B and Gaara. Utukata and Yagura. Roshi and Han."
Yagura seemed to realize what Naruto was doing. "And if Fu was here, she would be with Yugito right?"
Naruto nodded. "Together you guys equal nine tails of power."
"But Fu isn't here." Yugito frowned.
"No. She isn't." Naruto chewed gently on his lip as he stared at the sky. He could send Yugito to help evacuate Konoha because this is going to be a bloodbath of the century. Or he could partner her with one of the strongest people in this Kami forsaken village to handle a pair of their own. He decided and called for her partner. Raven was next to him in an instant. "You are to work with Yugito." He looked around at them all. "Good luck." Everyone nodded and the pairs jumped off to go to their positions as Naruto headed back to the stadium.
As soon as the blonde arrived in the Kage box, A had a grave look. "It is starting isn't it." The question was more of a statement as the rest finally notices that their villages Jinchuriki were missing.
Naruto nodded. "Yes. I assigned them to pairs to defend themselves. Each pair equals nine tails except for Yugito who I gave one of my best Anbu to help. By my estimation, we have ten minutes until they get here."
Rasa seemed to know what that meant as he shouted to everyone to start evacuating. Which of course set everyone screaming and fleeing for their precious little lives.
Minato sighed in resignation. "Konoha is going to be destroyed, isn't it?"
Naruto smirked. "Not just destroyed. I have a feeling I am going to obliterate it. Besides. It's what the First Hokage wants."
Minato seemed to catch that. "Wants?"
Onoki rolled his eyes at the elder blondes idiocy. "Who the fuck do you think Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju are?"
Minato gaped. "How?" He said horrified.
Naruto also smirked when the gazes of the remaining Kages swung to him. "Because of a promise you broke with a god, I got a wish because I was the victim. I knew them because they were sealed in me as well so I wished for them to be back to life." He leaned against the wall with a hand under his chin. "Now, are you really going to worry about that, or are you going to worry about the people who are coming to attack the village?"
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