Chapter 3: ==> John: Enter.
Your name is John Egbert, and you're currently connecting yourself to Rose's server.
The familiar circle is spinning and swirling on your screen. You wait for it to load.
When it's finally done, you notice that your CHEST of magical items in now floating in the air.
You watch with slight dismay as your CHEST is placed onto your roof with a loud thud.
EB: rose! :(
TT: Sorry, John. I'm still trying to get used to these controls.
You sigh softly.
It can't be helped you guess.
Ah! Someone's pestering you.
==> John: See who the pesterer is.
-- gardenGnostic [GG] began pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at 17:00 --
GG: john! happy birthday! :)
EB: thanks, jade! :B
GG: did you get my present, john?
You pause.
How should you respond to her?
Perhaps the truth...?
EB: actually, i haven't got to it yet.
GG: aw. :(
GG: well, i hope it gets there soon!
GG: you'll love it! :)
EB: i'm excited for it. :B
GG: by the way, john. are you playing that beta game with rose right now?
Ah, yes. Jade was always the one who slept the most, causing her to be able to look into the clouds of Skaia more often.
EB: i am! how did you know?
You already knew, but you had a little act to keep up.
GG: heehee! it's a secret~! :D
EB: darn. :B
EB: well, i gotta go now. rose just placed my toilet outside of the house.
GG: sounds like fun! :)
EB: pfft, my house is being wrecked and it sounds like fun to you?
GG: yep! XD
EB: yes, destruction is the best! ;B
GG: yay! :D
GG: okay, i'll pester you when you're not too busy.
GG: bye john! :)
EB: bye jade!
-- gardenGnostic [GG] ceased pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at 17:09 --
Rose expands your room a bit, placing a few familiar devices there.
As Rose does this, you decide to get up from your seat and explore the living room downstairs.
Before you leave, you decide to take Liv Tyler and your PDA with you. Perhaps you'd need her company and your mobile device for the journey.
==> John: Captchalog the bunny and your PDA.
You do just that, taking ol' Liv Tyler with you and your PDA to communicate with your friends instead of using your computer.
You exit your room and glance over at the railing and sigh.
It seems that Rose had placed the Cruxtruder in front of the front door once again.
EB: rose! you put a giant thingy in front of my front door! D:
TT: That would be the Cruxtruder. And I had no idea your front door was there.
TT: It's quite difficult to tell from my point of view.
==> John: Head downstairs and have a moment of nostalgia.
You stand in front of the Cruxtruder, where the Kernelsprite would come out and the countdown would start.
EB: rose, what's this device for?
TT: I'm not really sure. Let me try....
Let the game begin.
==> John: Switch to a third person view.
Rose used her cursor to click on the top of the Cruxtruder.
There was a brief flash of light before the Kernelsprite popped out from the giant device and a light blue cylinder of cruxite dowel. John darted his blue eyes to the numbers that appeared on the side of the Cruxtruder.
Four minutes and thirteen seconds.
TT: Uh-oh.
EB: what's 'uh-oh'?
TT: It appears that I've activated the game and
TT: Your house will apparently be hit by meteors once that countdown is finished.
EB: what!?!
John pretends to be panicked as he glanced around the room.
TT: Don't panic, John.
EB: well your house isn't the one that's about to be hit by meteors!
In all honesty, John could shrink those meteors with Jade's Space powers.
TT: John, calm down.
TT: Take that cruxite dowel on the ground over there. It's the cylinder-shaped blue object by your feet.
John quickly captchalogged it.
EB: okaaaay.
EB: what do i do with it? :B
TT: You need to head upstairs and have it carved in the Totem Lathe.
TT: Then you need to go to your balcony where the Alchemiter is and
-- tentacleTherapist [TT] lost connection --
EB: rose!?
John studied his PDA for a bit more, waiting for thirty seconds to tick by.
When there was no response, he grinned slightly.
'I hope she can't see me right now. Time to move!'
John quickly darted out of the living room, dashing up the stairs. He flung the door to his room open and found the Totem Lathe on the expanded part of his room.
He released his cruxite dowel to have it carved. Once the cylinder was carved , John captchalogged the newly shaped cruxite and headed towards the balcony.
John felt heat. It was heavy in the air, pressing down on him. He spared a glance upwards and saw a large meteor falling from the sky.
The ravenet blinked owlishly before pulling his PDA out.
-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at 17:16 --
TG: hey
TG: just checking in
EB: sorry dave! not now!
TG: woah what
EB: meteors are raining down on my house, and i'll die if i don't create a thing with my carved cruxite.
TG: wtf
EB: pester you later!
TG: egbert
-- ectoBiologist [EB] blocked turntechGodhead [TG] at 17:17 --
John quickly placed the carved cruxite on the Alchemiter. In a few seconds, a light-blue tree grew on the Alchemiter. A similarly colored apple grew on the tree and dropped off instantly, landing on John's outstretched hand.
John lifted the apple up in front of his face, smiling fondly; the image of cruxite fruit was reflected n the lens of his glasses.
'Here we go.'
==> John: Take a bite of the apple.
John's buckteeth met the soft surface of the apple.
And he took a bite.
There was a bright flash of white light, engulfing John's entire house and himself.
When the light vanished as quickly as it came, no traces of John's house was left.
The meteor hit, shaking the Earth to its core.
==> John: Be TT
Who's TT!?
==> John: Be the girl one hour ago.
A young lady stands in her bedroom. Clothes of purple and black are scattered about her room. The weather around her place is rather unstable, including the Wi-Fi connection.
What shall we name this young lady?
No! Wrong!
Yes, correct.
Your name is ROSE LALONDE, and you're secretly excited for the new Beta game that has been recently released.
Your friend, EB, will be receiving a copy of the Beta in his mail today.
Speaking of EB, it's your friend's birthday.
Since you could not send your gift on time to him, you could at least wish him happy birthday in your own way.
==> Rose: Pester your dear friend to wish him happy birthday.
You head over to your laptop, sit down in your computer chair, and log into Pesterchum.
Oh? It seems someone has decided to pester you before you could pester John.
==> Rose: See who it is.
-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering tentacleTherapist [TT] at 16:18 --
TG: yo TT
TG b4 u start going on a sh**ty therapist role play i wanna ask about something
TG: hey
TG: yo
TG: are u ignoring me
TG: im offended
TG: ...
TG: hello
TG: hey hey hey
TG: crazy lady come on
TG: please dont be so drawn
TG: i get you like to be a spooky girl
TG: but that just aint how i whirl
TG: talk to me lalonde
TG: its about time we bond
TG: well have sh**s and giggles
TG: be up in the house like rich peoples
TG: forgive me for being so assertive
TG: i just dont want ya to be so furtive
TG: well be swapping secrets
TG: but it doesnt have to be frequent
TG: ill be honest i wont pry
TG: so lets be friends aye
TT: Is that it?
TG: there you are
TT: I was waiting patiently for my screen to be overflowed with red text.
TT: Sadly, you stopped.
TG: wow
TG: all this time you couldve talked to me
TG: ur a jerk
TT: I'm sorry that I have offended you.
TT: I shall now keep my tongue. Do carry on, David.
TG: my names not david gog d**n it
TT: Did you just say 'Gog' instead of 'God'?
TG: my finger slipped
TG: anyways
TG: important matters to discuss
TG: now
TT: I'm all ears, Oh Great One.
TG: cut the sass lalonde
TG: so egderp
TT: Oh? This is about John?
TG: hush i wasnt done talking yet
TT: Apologies. I'm 'shutting the f**k up' s you would put it.
TG: good so egbert
TG: i pestered him earlier today and
TG: egderp is acting kinda
TG: i dunno like
TG: hes not acting like
TG: himself
TT: Is that all?
TG: yes
TG: he just increased the level of his dorkiness or something
TG: he even used that bucktooth emoticon
TG: why john
TG: why would he do that
TG: he ruined our bromanship
TG: his level of dorkiness is too much for me
TT: Well, Dave, I'd say you're also increasing your 'level of dorkiness'.
TG: stfu
TG: but seriously
TG: im worried about him
TG: because
TG: well
TG: the dork always looks out for us and we havent done enough to return the favor
TT: John is indeed a person with a saint-like heart.
TT: Fine, I'll make sure to check up on him.
TT: I was going to wish him happy birthday since my present couldn't reach him in time.
TG: k
TG: dont harass him with your creepy black magic
TT: Alright, Strider. This is farewell for now.
TG: see ya lalonde
-- turntechGodhead [TG] ceased pestering tentacleTherapist [TT] at 16:25 --
You smile with fond amusement at TG's antics. He may put up an elusive front, but in truth, he was a really caring guy when it came to his friends and family.
==> Rose: Contact John.
You open up a new window and start pestering your other friend.
-- tentacleTherapist [TT] began pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at 16:26 --
TT: I understand you have recently come into possession of the beta release of "The Game of the Year, as featured in respectable periodicals such as the GameBro Magazine.
EB: that's an ugly rumor.
EB: whoever told you that is a filthy liar.
EB: and you should probably stop hitting on him all the time or whatever.
TT: I can't control myself.
TT: I must have a weakness for insufferable pr**ks.
You smile amusedly, getting the feeling that EB was laughing at your sarcasm.
==> Rose: Fulfill TG's request and check up on John for him.
TT: So, John, I have heard some interesting news from a little crow-boy that you've been acting strange lately. Care to tell me? I'm all ears.
EB: well, to be truthful, i had a little nightmare.
A nightmare?
TT: Do you wish to confide with me about it?
EB: not really.
The answer was so immediate, that you sat up slightly in your computer chair with interest.
TT: Oh?
John seems to be acting did Dave put it--'not himself'.
TT: Dave's right.
TT: You're acting a bit strange.
EB: what do you mean? :B
TT: The John that I know usually hares his thoughts with me. No matter how whacky.
Now John stopped responding for a few minutes, causing you to become a bit concerned. Ou decided to ask if our friend's presence was still on Pesterchum.
TT: John? Are you still there?
There was a slight pause before John answered. Thank goodness.
EB: bluuuuuuuuuuh!
He makes the cutest frustrated noises when he types.
EB: okay, okay. i'll tell you a few things.
You prepare yourself for anything. You hope that it's nothing too serious.
TT: Alright. Go on.
EB: so, i dreamed we had super powers and we were fighting bad guys.
'Super powers'? 'Bad guys'? And then there's 'we'......
TT: "We". As in you, Dave, Jade and me?
EB: uh.
EB: yeah.
EB: and ere attacked by a giant beast. the end.
John was being rather......vague with his answers.
TT: Oh? That was rather short.
TT: Hmm, well, can you describe what we looked like in your dream?
EB: everything was kinda fuzzy, so no. i can't really describe it.
John is definitely hiding something.
TT: I see...
TT: Perhaps this dream represents future problems.
EB: ?
TT: Possibly, your dream means, no matter how strong we get, something stronger will defeat us.
EB: no way! we're the best! >:B
You were slightly surprised by the typed outburst.
TT: You sound pretty confident.
EB: because i am. we're all the best, rose. but dave's a dork.
His words were heartwarming, and oddly.....certain. Like Dave, him, Jade and you were going to do something....unimaginable....
You decide to suppress the billions of questions in your head, settling with complimenting and cooing over John.
TT: Haha. You're so cute, John. But I do love your enthusiasm. Your words also make me happy and more confident in myself. Are you planning to be the President one day?
EB: pffffffffffft bluuuuuurgh!
EB: too much work, rose! plus, i would probably use the missile launch codes they had to destroy every single betty crocker industry.
A typical John response.
TT: Brilliant. Then the world will be free from Betty Crocker.
There's a pause, so you can only guess that John is doing something else or laughing at your little joke. You decide to be the first to text.
TT: By the way, did you receive the beta?
EB: yep! :B
TT: Are you going to install it yet?
John stops responding again. This time, he pause is longer.
EB doesn't type back for a few minutes and you're on the brink of becoming antsy.
And then John came back.
TT: John, where have you been?
With John already acting strange, you feel worried when he doesn't respond immediately.
EB: sorry! i was doing some important things.
EB: i'll download the beta now. :B
A few minutes passed by before you were able to see John in his room.
That little goofball was at his computer at the moment.
==> Rose: Test out the controls.
You move your cursor and pick up John's CHEST full of magic.
You zoom out f John's room so you can see his entire house.
You accidentally drop John's CHEST on the ravenet's roof.
EB: roooose! :(
You giggle slightly.
TT: Sorry, John. I'm still trying to get used to these controls.
You click around your screen.
You can't pick up John or anything. Nor can you leave the area of where John is, which was his house.
You start expanding John's room, glancing at another window you had open on your screen.
The GameFAQs window you opened had a few walkthroughs done by other SBURB players before you and John.
Some of the walkthroughs were cut off. You were still looking through them and writing your own.
You release the Cruxtruder in John's living room.
John's apparently talking to Jade at the moment. That's fine. You still need to release the Alchemiter. Where to put it....ah, the balcony.
You see John head out of his room. He seems exasperated about something as he stands at the top of the stairs.
EB: rose! you put a giant thingy in front of my front door! D:
Oh. That's why he's exasperated.
TT: That would be the Cruxtruder. And I had no idea your front door was there.
TT: It's quite difficult to tell from my point of view.
You look through one walkthrough for the SBURB game.
EB: rose, what's this device for?
TT: I'm not really sure. Let me try....
The writer click on the top of the Cruxtruder to officially start the game.
==> Rose: Officially start the game.
You move your cursor and click on the top of the Cruxtruder. There's a bright flash before an orb of light and a cylinder pop out of the Cruxtruder. You look back at GameFAQs to see the next step.
...Oh no...
TT: Uh-oh.
Sh**. You screwed up.
EB: what's 'uh-oh'?
TT: It appears that I've activated the game and
TT: Your house will apparently be hit by meteors once that countdown is finished.
EB: what!?!
John appears to be panicked. That's not good. He needs to have a clear, calm mind.
TT: Don't panic, John.
EB: well your house isn't the one that's about to be hit by meteors!
Very true. You sigh softly.
TT: John, calm down.
TT: Take that cruxite dowel on the ground over there. It's the cylinder-shaped blue object by your feet.
John quickly captchalogged it.
EB: okaaaay.
EB: what do i do with it? :B
TT: You need to head upstairs and have it carved in the Totem Lathe.
TT: Then you need to go to your balcony where the Alchemiter is and
-- tentacleTherapist [TT] lost connection --
Of all times....your internet had to stop working now!?
You quickly get out of your seat. If you remember correctly, John had four minutes and thirteen seconds. You need to hurry.
You peak out of your window and blink in mild surprise. You had read a bit more of the walkthrough, where it said that meteors would rain down on the player and the server player. Red balls of flames darted across the sky, but none of the meteors seemed too close at the moment.
Never mind the meteors for now. You need to save John.
==> Rose: Find a place where you can get connected with the Wi-Fi again.
You peer out of your window, rain splattering against the glass. You blink in remembrance when you see your dead cat's, Jaspers's, mausoleum. Strangely enough, Jaspers's mausoleum had one of the strongest Wi-Fi points in the area. You'll need to get outside.
==> Rose: Find better Wi-Fi.
You quickly captchalog your LAPTOP using your Tree Fetch Modus. You grab your knitting needles to place them in your Strife Specibi; you never know if you might run into your MOM. You also decide to grab some of your other knitting tools and a few balls of yarn.
==> Rose: Get going. You have a friend to save.
You exit your room. The lights were currently out at the moment. Probably another power outage.
You glance at the wizard paintings on the wall briefly before steeling your attention back to John.
==> Rose: Be careful! You're about to pass your mother's room!
You crouch down sightly, preparing to dart across the opening where a hall went towards your MOM's room.
Lightning flashes outside, and you're quite certain you saw a brief silhouette of your MOM.
When light fills the room again for a second, your MOM's silhouette is gone. You take this chance to dart across.
Nothing happens, so you take this as a sign of safety.
You head down the stairs, hoping that you'll make it in time. A minute and a half has already passed by because of your shenanigans!
You're almost at the door--!
Suddenly, there is a blur that darts in front of you.
A tall, slim woman with similar blonde hair gazes at you. Her bright, pink eyes were lit up with amusement as she took a sip of the martini glass in her hand.
Oh God, its your MOTHER!
==> Rose: STRIFE!
You pull out your knitting needles, prepared for your MOTHER's move.
She seems drunk as usual but not too tipsy.
==> Rose: Aggrieve!
You manage a few jabs at your MOTHER with your knitting needles.
Suddenly, Mom offers you a sip of her martini.
==> Rose: Abstain!
You refuse the offer, and your MOM backs up.
And then your MOM suddenly offers you a pony. When did Mom even get her--you think the pony is female--into the house?!
==> Rose: Abjure!
Your abjure was successful. However, you begrudgingly pat the snout of the pony.
==> Rose: Just go past her! You need to help John!
You grit your teeth and quickly YOUTH ROLL past Mom, turning to face her.
"Mother, I'm really busy at the moment--I don't have time for this!"
Mom seems to be surprised by this, and she falters in her attack. Her--you reluctantly admit--sweet voice comes out slightly slurred from the alcohol she previously drank.
"....We~ll, Rosey. You coulda just said so...."
You blink in surprise when your MOM immediately stopped her Ironic Attacks of Negligence and Indulgence. Mom gently pats your head as she walks around you, a small smile on her black lips.
"You take care, Rosey~....I'll be somewhere around the house."
You watch as your MOM leaves. You're a bit confused on her sudden change of behavior.
A snort is heard behind yourself, and you quickly turn to see that the pony your MOM offered you before was still there.
This brought you back to what you were doing in the first place!
==> Rose: Finally go to Jaspers's mausoleum!
You open your front door and dash through the rain, raising your arms slightly above your head to shield it from the cool drops.
Finally, you're under the small roof of Jaspers's mausoleum. You see your pet cat's casket and open it, having a moment of silence for your cat....
==> Rose: Defile tomb.
....before pushing the casket off of the stone slab it was on.
"Sorry, Jaspers," You murmur to yourself. "I have to make space for the laptop. Besides, your final resting place is already a mockery. You should have decomposed years ago under a bed of petunias like a normal cat...."
You shake your head and sigh softly, taking your LAPTOP out of your Tree Fetch Modus. This, however, caused everything in your system to fall out and collapse.
D**n it!
Oh well, you pick everything up again and put it back in your Fetch system before turning your attention back to your LAPTOP. You quickly open it and chew on your bottom lip with slight worry.
You've been gone for five minutes.
Did John make it? He didn't have directions!
God....please don't let him be dead....
Your screen loaded and you were....back at John's house?
You were surprised and relieved to see that John's house was there. But not only that--John's house was on a rather precarious pillar of rock, surrounded by an inky darkness.
But where was John?
You checked each room of the house with worry while opening up a Pesterchum window.
-- tentacleTherapist [TT] began pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at 17:22 --
TT: John? Where are you?
EB: oh, hey rose!
Thank God...
TT: Where are you John?
EB: oh...well....
TT: Are you hurt?
EB: i'm kinda in my dad's
You immediately search for the said room. You're going to ask him how he was able to get into the Medium without your hel--
John is seen...curled up on Mr. Egbert's bed. You see John's expression.....and it makes your heart clench slightly with worry.
TT: John...?
TT: Are you alright?
John's expression looks sad--like he remembered something terrible.
John seems to shake out of his musings and puts on a smile. A smile which you thought seemed a bit strained. You watch as he texts back on his PDA.
EB: i'm fine, rose! :B
TT: Your expression before said otherwise.
EB: ...
John chews on his bottom lip.
TT: John....
EB:'s gone.
EB: and i don't know where he is at the moment.
You furrow your eyebrow and zoom out of Mr. Egbert's room, searching the rest of the house.
Mr. Egbert was nowhere in sight. Although...there were black stains littering the area....
You head back over to John, who decided to sit up this time, swinging his legs gently over the edge of the bed.
==> Rose: Study your friend.
...Since when did John...look so....lonely...?
Before, John would always be happy when his father's presence wasn't there in the house. But now....he looks as if someone.....
....As if someone had died.
EB: but i'm sure he's okay. :)
You watch with slight surprise as a warm, fond smile spreads across John's lips on the screen.
EB: if he meets any bad guys, he'll blast them away with his cake and punches! :B
You smile slightly. John was always the one to be optimistic.
You'll question him later about how he got in on his own.
TT: John.
EB: yes?
TT: Where's the Kernelsprite that came out of the Cruxtruder?
EB: mean that bright orb of light?
TT: Yes.
EB: oh....well, the kernelsprite thingy touched the harlequin my dad got me for my birthday, and then....well, he happened.
You watch with some amusement at the new sprite that had been prototyped once so far. You recognize the familiar face of the harlequin doll that was sitting in John's room before.
The Harlequinsprite darted around the room, making soft, giggling noises.
TT: John, make sure not to touch it. It needs to be prototyped a second time before you can make any physical contact with it.
EB: gotcha. so what do we prototype it with next?
TT: Perhaps with one of your large books?
EB: alright. i'll try to gain the sprite's attention, and then you can prototype it!
TT: Okay. Here it goes...
John makes exaggerated gestures to gain the Harlequinsprite's attention.
You move your cursor to pick up John's large Colonel Sassacre book and try to make it touch the sprite.
But the Harlequinsprite was apparently mischievous and dodged John's and your attempts to prototype it again. The sprite cackled and darted out of the room.
John seems to grin and chase after the sprite, exiting his DAD's room.
You zoom out quickly to follow the Harlequinsprite too. You watch with surprise when John took a rather risky leap off of the railing to catch up to the sprite, bouncing on the couch before tumbling onto the living room floor.
TT: Goodness gracious, John, be careful.
EB: haha! sorry, but the couch broke my fall anyways. :B
John had the sprite backed up by the fireplace.
Suddenly, the house on your screen shook violently. You watch as the urn above the fireplace spills out onto the Harlequinsprite. Looks like the second prototype is set in stone already. What's going to happen....?
John looks at the transforming sprite with a wide he expected this to happen.
You watch as the Harlequinsprite took on a new form....before the sprite vanished from sight.
EB: did it go? :(
TT: The sprite shouldn't be far away. It'll return soon enough.
TT: For now, let's build up your house.
EB: build it up?
TT: There's a gate above the house that you need to get to. I need to work on expanding things.
TT: Also...
TT: You can alchemize things with the Alchemiter on your balcony.
TT: Just captchalog some of the items around your house. You can make something with them.
TT: And I believe you need some more cruxite from the Cruxtruder.
EB: okay! and i think i might know how to carve the cruxite stuff!
TT: Oh? Do tell.
EB: i noticed that there were these codes on the back of the cards of my captchalog deck.
EB: i think i'm supposed to put that code into the totem lathe thingy.
TT: I see.
TT: Well, have fun alchemizing. Make sure to be safe.
TT: I feel concerned about those strange black stains everywhere.
EB: okay! i'll pester you later rose!
-- tentacleTherapist [TT] ceased pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at 17:31 --
==> Rose: Be John.
You are now John.
And right have mixed feelings about what's happening.
Your DAD is, once again, gone, and you're disliking the separation. You hope that you'll be able to save him--you mean, OF COURSE YOU'LL SAVE HIM!
You're not going to let anyone die this time!
==> John: Create awesome sh** for your journey.
You head to the Cruxtruder and eject a few more cylinders of light-blue cruxite. You captchalog them and head back up stairs to your room.
You open the door an--
....Blue goop from a bucket just spilled over your head.
Well, irritation aside, you've missed your ol' Nanna.
"Hoo, hoo, hoo~! I got you~!"
You can't help but smile as you try to take out the goop from your hair. When you look up, you see the familiar face of your NANNA, her bucktoothed smile, glasses and cheery was just the same as you remembered it to be.
Nanna tilted her head, causing her harlequin hat to flop slightly.
"Hoo, hoo~hello, John!"
You act confused.
"Yes, it's me, John! And my, have you grown so much!"
She reaches her ghostly arm out and playfully pinches your cheek. Before, you would've been irritated at the gesture, but her touch is warm and comforting.
You missed Nanna.
"I'm surprised you're alive again...."
Nanna let's go of your cheek and giggles again.
"You did prototype me after all. But now, John, I see that you have important things to do. Perhaps I'll make cookies for you while you work?"
It's been a
You smile and nod.
"Cookies sound great, Nanna. Thank you."
Nanna's smile seems to dim for a moment before it returns to its usual brightness. She giggles and nods.
"Okay~I'll have a fresh batch ready for you, hoo, hoo~!"
Nanna floats out of the room, leaving you to your own thoughts.
You drop the cruxite off by the Totem Lathe before exiting your room.
You silently head over to the door to the balcony. You open the door and take a step outside. The air is a bit chilly, crisp air fills your nose when you inhale softly.
You stand by the railing, placing your hands on the bar. When you look up, you see the familiar cloudy sky with a few fireflies lazily making their way across the expanse. You then bring your gaze to the ground below, where you can see a land filled with light-blue, glowing mushrooms, black, oil rivers and blue, stone paths.
You smile softly.
"I'll do my best, guys."
A young man no longer stands in his bedroom.
Your name is John Egbert, and you are now in the Land of Wind and Shade.
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