Chapter 2: ==> John: Adjust.
==> John: Process the situation--and put your shirt back on!
Your name is John Egbert. And you've just recently went back in time.
Judging by Dave's reactions with you...he has no memory of what had happened before you went back...
You wipe your eyes to get rid of the tears.
You're alone....but this is a mission you're determined to complete successfully!
You then perk up when you hear a car move in.
==> John: Check your window.
You find a white car pulling in.
It's your DAD....
Sh**! Right when you managed to stop crying, the tears are coming back!
F***, you seriously want to jump out of your window and hug him!
==> John: Jump out of your window and hug your dad!
He** no!
As much as you'd want to, you'd probably freak him out!
==> John: Settle with heading downstairs in a slight hurry.
Okay, you can do that.
You hurry out of your room and skip a few steps on your way down the stairs.
Watch out for those stairs!
Finally, you made it to your front door.
You open the door and immediately greet your DAD with a hug, wrapping your arms around his neck.
Your DAD seems stunned, but he catches you and returns the hug.
His deep voice, roughed from the tobacco he smoked, was soothing to your ears.
Oh how you've missed him.
Jane's DAD was similar....but he was never the same as your own DAD.
You lift your head from your DAD's shoulder a send a goofy bucktoothed grin at him.
"Hiya, Dad! I missed you. How was work?"
Dad merely blinks his cobalt eyes in surprise before smiling softly at you.
"Just fine, son. I hope you've enjoyed your presents so far..."
You nod vigorously.
"Yup! But I still have to open yours!"
You think back to the giant harlequin you still have to unwrap; you cringe slightly.
You still have slight nightmares from them....
Bluh, whatever!
You release your hold on Dad and move to the side to let him in before remembering the Beta.
"Sorry Dad, I gotta get something in the mail."
Your DAD raises an eyebrow before pulling the Beta into view.
"You mean this?"
You blink in surprise before grinning.
"Ah! That's it!"
Dad let a flicker of worry cross his face; you nearly widen your eyes at that.
He knows. And you never noticed before....
" this a safe game? There's not too much graphic violence?"
You hesitate slightly.
Should you...not play the game?
It all seems so confusing...
If you don' avoid destroying the world.
If you do'll get to meet all of your amazing friends.
F*** the world.
You'll make a new one, and you'll make sure to save your friends this time.
You settle with smiling sheepishly.
"There's gonna be some...but I'll make sure I see nothing too bad."
Dad lifts an eyebrow in slight surprise.
The man glances off to the side before lightly tapping your head with the envelope; he smiles with slight sadness.
"Be careful with what you watch now, son."
You nod and give one of your famous, bucktoothed grins.
You gently take the Beta from your DAD's fingertips. You thank him before running back to your living room, hefting the giant box he left for you. You flash him a wide smile.
"I'll open this upstairs! See you at dinner."
Dad watches you go with a fond smile on his lips.
When you're out of your DAD's view, you set your present and Beta down to spy on him for a bit.
You see how your DAD sighs tiredly as he enters the kitchen. Dad pauses by your NANA's picture and urn.
"Mom....I'm scared for him. over him."
Dad then goes into the kitchen.
You feel a little stunned at that single moment.
Dad knew from the beginning....
Your thoughts swim for a moment before you shake your head and sigh.
==> John: Head back to your room.
You pick up your present and the Beta.
Balancing the present in one hand, you opened your door.
Once inside, you set your things down before closing the door behind yourself.
You look at the note left on the outside.
You can do anything if you put your mind to it.
I believe in you.
You honestly can't help but chuckle sadly.
The words mean a lot more than what they did back then...
You quickly open up your present.
You smile wryly at the harlequin doll in your hands before setting it on the bed.
You then glance at the cake that was still on your nightstand.
You ended up rummaging through your prank chest and pulled out your fake arms and stuck them in the cake.
Yeah, it still looked funny.
Oh, if you remember correctly, that must be Rose this time.
==> John: Check Pesterchum.
-- tentacleTherapist [TT] began pestering ectoBiologist at 16:26 --
TT: I understand you have recently come into possession of the beta release of "The Game of the Year", as featured in respectable periodicals such as GameBro Magazine.
You snicker slightly before responding.
EB: that's an ugly rumor.
EB: whoever told you that is a filthy liar.
EB: and you should probably stop hitting on him all the time or whatever.
TT: I can't control myself.
TT: I must have a weakness for insufferable pr**ks.
You can't help but laugh.
You could practically hear Rose's sarcastic drawl....
Gosh, you miss them all...
You shake your head of your depressing thoug--WAIT!
Jade's present!
Should you go get it?
Judging by the way you got li'l Liv Tyler.....
Maybe you should just leave it in your DAD's car.
After all, Peregrine Mendicant (PM) ends up mailing it to you. Perhaps you can get on better terms with her in your first meeting...
You relax and look back at your Pesterchum.
TT: So, John, I have heard some interesting news from a little crow-boy that you've been acting strange lately. Care to tell me? I'm all ears.
EB: well, to be truthful, i had a little nightmare.
TT: Do you wish to confide with me about it?
EB: not really.
TT: Oh?
TT: Dave's right.
TT: You're acting a bit strange.
EB: what do you mean? :B
TT: The John I know usually shares his thoughts with me. No matter how whacky.
You pause and chew on your bottom lip.
Your thoughts are kind of in a jumble.
Should you tell Rose....?
TT: John? Are you still there?
You run a hand over your face before sighing.
Maybe you can settle for half truths.
EB: bluuuuuuuuuuh!
EB: okay, okay. i'll tell you a few things.
TT: Alright. Go on.
EB: so, i dreamed we had super powers and we were fighting bad guys.
TT: "We". As in you, Dave, Jade and me?
EB: uh.
EB: yeah.
EB: and were attacked by a giant beast. the end.
TT: Oh? That was rather short.
TT: Hmm, well, can you describe what we looked like in your dream?
EB: everything was kinda fuzzy, so no. i can't really describe it.
TT: I see...
TT: Perhaps this dream represents future problems.
EB: ?
TT: Possibly, your dream means, no matter how strong we get, something stronger will defeat us.
EB: no way! we're the best! >:B
TT: You sound pretty confident.
EB: because i am. we're all the best, rose. but dave's a dork.
TT: Haha. You're so cute, John. But I do love your enthusiasm. Your words also make me happy and more confident in myself. Are you planning to be the President one day?
EB: pffffffffffft bluuuuuurgh!
EB: too much work, rose! plus, i would probably use the missile launch codes they had to destroy every single betty crocker industry.
TT: Brilliant. Then the world will be free from Betty Crocker.
You laugh brightly.
You've missed these conversations with Rose. She helps drain the stress from you with just words alone...
TT: By the way, did you receive the beta?
EB: yep! :B
TT: Are you going to install it yet?
You look back at your room.
You still had Dave's present to open.
You need to stick you fake arms onto the armless harlequin.
==> John: Make the harlequin funnier.
Hehehehe, it's as funny as the first time you did it.
Now to open your present from Dave.
Thankfully, your fetch modus isn't as complicated as it was in the beginning.
You take out an old razor you've held onto throughout the journey as a...'piece' of your DAD to remember him.
You use the razor to open Dave's present open.
You smile fondly at the stinky rabbit in there.
Dave's your best bro.
Speaking of bros......
You think back to what Dave had said to you once about his own brother.
His big brother.
All you know about him was the fact that he died fighting Jack Noir with Davesprite.
But you've also heard.....that Bro wasn't the best caretaker.
Dave wasn't actually happy with Bro.
Maybe you could....?
Wait, it's too dangerous to use your current Chumhandle; Bro would probably know who you are.
Let's try and make another account.
-- windybreathHeir [WH] began pestering timeausTestified [TT] at 16:34 --
WH: hey! :B
TT: Who the f*** is this? How did you get my Chumhandle?
WH: just call me heir.
WH: and i just want to talk about your little brother.
TT: What?
TT: Why? Who the f*** are you?
TT: Are you trying to hurt him?
Oh. Bro's actually a momma bear.
You don't exactly understand what made Bro so abusive.
WH: do you love your little brother?
TT: What kind of question is that?
TT: I love the li'l man. He's a noob, but he'll grow up.
WH: what if i killed him?
TT: Then you're f***ing dead, you little piece of sh**.
Wow. That response was fast.
WH: really? i heard you abuse him yourself.
TT: ...
WH: silence?
WH: wow.
TT: Just who the f*** are you?
You place a hand to your forehead and shut your eyes briefly.
==> John: Practice using the small amount of Seer powers you have.
A few images flash behind your eyelids, but you see Bro in one of them.
D***, he looks pissed. And looks a lot more like Dirk when his hat is off.
Technically, they're both the same person. Wow, you feel dumb.
Anyways, Bro looks pretty pissed, frustrated.....and maybe worried?
It doesn't look like he's worried for himself though.
Maybe he's worried for Dave.
You open your eyes.
WH: so? you abuse him then?
TT: Okay, I don't know who the f*** you are, but get this.
TT: Dave's gonna kick your a** before you kick his.
TT: I may have abused him, and he'll hate me.
TT: But I don't give a d**n. That way he can just forget about me if I die. And he'll be a bada** motherf***er.
That was just....thrown out there.
WH: okay. bye. :P
WH: and dave actually loves you and respects you as his big brother.
WH: you should try and return the love. even if you were to die, you'll make him happy.
TT: Wha
-- windybreathHeir [WH] blocked timeausTestified [TT] at 16:41 --
Bro wasn't bad after all.
Should you tell Dave about this?
Maybe you can hint at it...
Oops! You haven't responded to Rose for a while.
==> John: Respond to Rose.
TT: John, where have you been?
EB: sorry! i was doing some important things.
EB: i'll download the beta now. :B
You look at the Beta envelope on your bed.
You reach your left hand toward it.
There's a brief glow of green around your fingertips and the envelope before the disc suddenly appeared in his hand.
You blink in surprise and grin slightly.
Jade's powers are so f***ing awesome.
You set up the Beta and wait for your computer to load.
In the meantime, you decide to pester Dave.
-- ectoBiologist began pestering turntechGodhead [TG] at 16:46 --
EB: daaaaaaaaaavvveeeee!
TG: woah egbert
EB: the bunny is so awesome! i love it! :B
TG: glad you do
TG: i nearly had to sell my soul for it
TG: you better appreciate the sh** out of that bunny
You grin to yourself.....before biting your lip into a grimace.
EB: hey...can i ask you something?
TG: you already are egbutt
EB: so. your bro. what's he like?
You press you fingers to your forehead again to see if you can catch Dave's reaction.
The ash-blonde seems shocked.
You open your eyes to see his response.
TG: hes cool
TG: like hes all bada** and all that sh**
TG: he can kick my a** in all of our strifes
EB: do you love him in a brotherly way?
TG: dude what brought this on
TG: why are you being so weird lately
EB: can't a bro be concerned for his bro?
TG: dude everythings fine seriously
TG: oh hold on for a sec
Dave stops responding to you.
You try and use your Seer powers aga--
Oh what the he**!?
Bro's in Dave's room.
You can barely hear their voices....but....
Dave looks surprised and then....
....Bro ruffles his hair.
"Just so you know, li'l man, I'm always proud of you, 'kay?"
You yourself is also stunned.
You never thought Bro would take your...advice or anything.
Bro quickly absconds Dave's room and you stop using your Seer powers.
Dave responds to you after a few seconds of stunned silence.
TG: john you f***er
EB: what?
TG: are you some sort of psychic
TG: bro just did a weird thing and gtfo of my room
EB: what weird thing?
TG: he ruffled my hair
EB: so? he's your brother, right? big bros do those kinds of things.
TG: but hes supposed to be a cold a**hole
TG: like wtf
TG: usually hed throw a smuppet at me and abscond
TG: but a ruffle to the head
TG: my brain just f***in imploded
You scratch your head this and chuckle amusedly before typing a response.
EB: maybe he's trying to reach out to you.
TG: but why now
TG: he never did those kinds of thing when i was little
TG: he** he threw me like a football when i was a god d**n infant
EB: ....
EB: you can at least try though.
EB: i'm trying to reach out to my own guardian too.
TG: your dad
TG: hes already cool but my bros an a**
TG: i just
TG: ugh
TG: john
TG: bro is just this elusive dude i cant understand
TG: i dont know about this
EB: are you scared?
TG: no im not
EB: i won't tease you for it. i'm just saying it's alright. i'm pretty scared and i feel awkward about talking to dad.
EB: but it's best to make connections now than later. or you might regret it.
Dave stops responding for two minutes.
EB: dave?
TG: you sound like rose
TG: like seriously is there some sort of rose virus i dont know about
EB: dave! you're my best bro and i'm worried about you! >:B
EB: i worry about everyone too, so i'm not pitying you!
TG: woah john chill
EB: sorry.
TG: no prob but i guess ill try it your way
TG: ill try this sappy sh**
TG: im doin this man
TG: im making it happen
EB: yay! :B
TG: now you sound like GG
TG: are you secretly them and you change forms or something
Beep, beep!
You blink in surprise and look at your screen.
The Beta has finished loading.
Alright, you guess it's time to get this show on the road.
EB: sorry, dave! the game's loaded and ready to go. i'll pester you later once i see how it goes so far.
TG: fine egderp
TG: have fun
-- ectoBiologist [EB] ceased pestering turntechGodhead [TG] at 16:59 --
You look at your screen and take a deep breath.
You move your mouse to click on the SBURB icon.
You grimace slightly in the memory of what's to come in battle.
But then you smile at the memory of your new friends.
It's show time.
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