[7] Euphemia
~~In Pyrrhia~~
Something that looked like a fireball was falling - at a rapid pace - but falling. It looked more like a meteor or something, but the shape was more of an egg shape. It crashed onto the sandy grounds of the Sand Kingdom, and stayed there, a firey mess.
The egg had stayed in Space fore a rather long time. It was a black and white egg with patterns that would seem unearthly to the dragons who came across this.
A pale yellow dragon was just strolling along from her visit to Queen Thorn, when she saw the firey thing fall from the sky. She glided towards the mess, and saw pieces of broken shell scattered around where the flame was weak.
She was very worried, because she wanted to save the little dragonet - alive or not. But her scales could not whistand such temperatures, or the fire. And in the desert, water wasn't something every dragon had.
So this was what the SandWing did - she took talon after talon full of sand and scattered it on the bonfire, until the flame was reduced. Then, the brave little SandWing reached in and scooped the little dragonet up in her talons.
She went through a tunnel that led to the rainforest, where the RainWings and NightWings stayed, and the SandWing knew that she couldn't stay there, for her friends would be rather mad at her. So, she flew, in the direction of the Sea Kingdom, and landed in a moist cave facing the ocean. (You can probable guess who is this SandWing)
She cradled the little sandy dragonet to the sea and gave him a wash, to clean off the sand. The waves revealed a beautiful goldish-amber shade of dragonet, with some black scales on her back that looked like a spine.
The SandWing was shocked at what the waves revealed - she'd never seen any species of dragon have a dragonet look like that before. Starflight would know, she thought sadly, bringing up the dragonet back to the cave. He knows everything. She already missed her friends and it's only been a day.
The SandWing lay the little unknown breed of dragonet on the cold stone floor of their cave, thinking of what breed this could be.
The gamber (gold-amber) dragonet was a strange new sight for the SandWing. It had front-facing horns and spikes lining it's body. The horns were not white, like normal dragons, but rather having a gradient of amber on it. Also, this dragonet didn't have wings.
Must've been cracked too early, the wings haven't formed yet, the SandWing thought, stroking the little peculiar dragonet tenderly.
Euphemia, Sunny thought. That'll be your name.
A/n: sorry for the short chapter, i literally woke up at 3 and did my homework then wrote this and drew the pic in media. That's Euphemia, but I haven't secured a certain style yet. Hope you like :)
Ps: if you were wondering, yes I am using Area 11's song title, Euphemia.
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