[18] Hatred
Starflight and Tsunami guided the two dragonets to the badger den that they'd found earlier.
"General, I'm tired!" Complained Desiccate, dragging his talons over the dry leaves scattered on the forest floor.
"You don't want to practice your hunting skills? There's live prey," Tsunami taunted. The young dragon growled. "Okay," he decided, catching up with the rest.
"See this?" Starflight used a talon to point at a hole in the ground. "That's a badger den." Sheba looked at it with big, curious eyes.
"Can we eat it?" She asked, gazing at Starflight.
"No," he shook his head. "Try to scare them out."
"Hmm," Sheba squeezed herself to be small enough to fit into the den hole, then matched her scales with the surroundings, and went in. A few minutes later, she came out with a badger in her mouth.
"Did I do good?" She asked the two older dragons. They nodded, holding a satisfied smile on their faces. "Yes," replied Tsunami calmly. The dragonet beamed. Although we have to work on your scaring skills, not always rely on your scales to save you, Starflight thought.
Whisper was in a cage. The dark oak wood that the bars and cage was made of was holding strong. His snout was in a muzzle, so her was unable to bite, chew or burn his way out of here. He glared angrily at the trees and vines that were surrounding him. The RainWings that had captured him had placed rose bushes and spiky brambles below his cage, for it was hanging with some sturdy vines.
From afar, the thorns on the leafy plants seemed harmless, along with the roses, so it looked quite pretty actually. But in reality-bushes of thorns that wouldn't hurt a dragon's thick armour plate of scales, but would give quite a scratch. And also, his dreamvisitor was gone. Sunny took it. Sunny! She was also in a state like this-well, he thought so, anyway.
"Sunny!" he called out. But with the muzzle, it was a sound too muffled to decode. He sighed, the regretted it as the muzzle filled up with his warm breath.
A stray tear rolled down his dusty yellow scales that glimmered in the spots where sunlight entered the canopy of trees. I'm sorry, he thought to himself. I'm sorry I failed you Sunny, I'm sorry I failed to protect you-to protect us.
Just then, the leaves rippled and the forest trees shook. A dragon was just merely passing by, but he saw something else-a wall of brown muddy scales. It was a MudWing. The MudWing was in one of Sunny's stories! He had remembered her mentioning something about the 'dragonets of the prophecy', and how it had been fake, and how she had seen a MudWing in the rain forest, working for the retched Queen Glory.
He had to do whatever it took to save himself and Sunny from these evil, colour-changing dragons, along with the MudWing, SeaWing and NightWings that roamed the lands as well. I will save us, Sunny, he thought. Even if it means killing all the dragons.
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