Chapter 16
(BTW, I don't own this picture but I thought this was a good cosplay. DON'T JUDGE MEEE!)
Mabel Pines had no words, remembering the promise that she had made to Gideon.
"And who's to say your beloved Star and other friends won't join Ice, huh? You never break a promise, everybody knows that.
So why don't you come with us? we'll heal you, you'll be stronger, ruling alongside us... whaddaya say, kiddo? Is it a deal or what?"
Mabel looked down at her various injuries.
"On one condition...." Mabel said.
"Anything, shooting star."
"You let Gideon join and you don't hurt my friends..."
Mabel went to shake his hand, which was now aglow with a bright blue flame.
Mabel's hand trembled as she reached for Bill's hand, Dipper watched through a crack in the door in the other room, wondering if she'd do the right thing.
He then watched as she stealthily slid her other hand behind her back and pick up what seemed to be an extra stake, sliding it into her belt.
She shook Bill's hand and she was freed.
"Welcome Mabel Pines, to our clan" Bill said.
"Shall we get started, then?"
Mabel nodded meekly, Bill allowing Dipper to come back in.
Bill then stared deep into Mabel's eyes, the teen girl unable to look away as his eyes spiraled with orange and gold colours, his whole iris now a vivid gold.
Mabel was falling under the spell, her mind repeating "no" endlessly to try and regain mental focus of her surroundings.
"You can't stop this, Shooting star, your weak attempts make me stronger" Bill purred, nearing her exposed neck.
"Not....likely" Mabel uttered, quickly thrusting her arm out; the stake in her hand embedded itself into Bill's heart.
Bill screeched like a scalded cat as vermilion blood leaked from the wound, his eyes red once again.
"You little traitor!" Bill roared.
"You could've had it all! Power, fame, fortune, immortality! HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO ME!"
Mabel and Dipper both watched in horror as Bill's body fell to the ground, turning into dust.
Dipper knelt by Bill's remains, crying hard.
"BILL! NO!" He sobbed, wiping his eyes.
Mabel was silent, amazed at what she had done.
"I...I did it....I did it!" she said triumphantly, running to Dipper.
"Dipper! the nightmare is over! he can't hurt us ever again! we're finally safe from his reign of terror" she exclaimed, hugging him.
Dipper panted; for a minute he swore he could feel a heart beat. His own heart beat.
"Wait...I'm...I'm human" he breathed.
"I'm human, but my love is gone. Mabel I don't know whether to kill you-" he went to strangle Mabel. "Or.." he kissed her on the cheek. "Kiss you."
Mabel giggled, but after a few seconds her facial expression showed guilt and remorse.
"Listen, I'm sorry, but it was the only way" she apologized, holding his hand.
"I understand... who knows? maybe he'll reincarnate or something?" he replied, the twins gathering up the ashes and scattering them in the lake, returning to the others.
Gideon ran up to Mabel, placing a passionate kiss on her lips.
"Thank God, you're ok! thank God it's over!" he stated.
Mabel looked at Gideon.
"Yeah. Thank god it's over..."
Ford and the others looked around, seemingly dazed, before looking at each other and their saviours, each one thankful this turned out ok.
"Dipper! Mabel! Gideon! You did it!" Ford said, beaming.
"Thank you so very much!"
"Aw, it was nothin' Stanford" Gideon smiled modestly, the twins hugging their elder relative.
"Well, I better get goin'. Places to go, people to see, y'know?" Gideon started to head off.
"W-Wait!" Mabel ran to him.
"Why not stay with us?"
Gideon was taken aback, blushing lightly.
"Y-Ya mean it, mah love?"
"Course I do, you fool!" Mabel said, ruffling his hair. "Come on, wouldn't you rather stay with the ones that love you than be alone?" she asked.
"That is a good point... Ok, I'll stay with ya"
Dipper smiled solemnly, Ford placed a six-fingered hand on his shoulder to comfort him.
"I know about you and Bill, my boy. I'm very sorry that happened. But, hey? as you said to Mabel earlier, he may come back."
"How did you-?" Dipper was confused.
"Let's say I had a bit of help from a friend..." Ford answered vaguely.
Dipper raised an eyebrow.
All four of them walked back to the mystery shack as the sun rose to give new hope, bringing light to the darkness.
Almost a year later the castle was closed off, the structure starting to age and decay slowly.
Dipper was up in a brightly coloured nursery, holding his children close to him; both were half vampire, half-human hybrids with red eyes. The young boy had Bill's pupils and dark brown hair like Dipper, he wore a cotton red onsie with a bat on it, the name 'Silas' sewn into the front. The baby girl was a brunette with blonde streaks and a cute smile, she wore a red and black sundress with red shoes and maroon socks, her dummy had the name 'Luna' on it.
Both children slept peacefully in Dipper's arms, when there was a knock at the door.
Dipper placed them back in the shared cot before answering the door.
"Hello, pine tree" said a soothing, familiar voice.
The boy outside resembled Bill, but his eyes were a golden brown, both were visible and he had neatly combed blonde hair. He was a little taller than Dipper and he had a triangle-shaped badge on his yellow button-down shirt as well as a clip-on bow tie, a small top hat on his head and an old fashioned Victorian coat with an eye on the back.
"Bill, is that you?" Dipper asked in confusion.
Before he could react, the boy kissed him.
"Does that answer your question?" Bill returned, a lopsided grin on his face.
Dipper wrapped his arms around Bill.
"Of course it does. I'm so glad you're back"
"Me too, pine tree. Me too."
The loving moment between them was interrupted by a cry upstairs.
"Uh oh" Dipper giggled.
"Don't worry, I got it" Bill ran up the stairs, Dipper followed close behind.
From then on, they didn't have to worry about the curse again.
The vampire curse that was on the town was gone.
As Gideon had said before, the nightmare was over.
After all, who needs immortality when you have friends and a loving family?
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