32. Thadbastian
A/N: Happy Pride month everyone :) and in honour of pride here are some Warbler one shots..
Some Thadbastian love to grace your wattpads, and this Thadbastian one shot is dedicated to: ShannonCataldi
Thad was in the Warbler room. It was Warbler practice. The Warblers had made it to Nationals. Yes by cheating but no-one except them knew although he, Nick, Jeff and Trent suspect that Sam Evans and Blaine from the New Directions suspect something is going on considering Trent didn't perform with the group. Thad also thinks that Sebastian suspects Blaine and Sam is getting suspicious too. At the thought of Sebastian, Thad mentally sighed, and was then brought to the reality that Sebastian was standing in front of the team talking about song ideas which Hunter of course declined because they weren't his own but at the same time he saw how smitten Hunter was with Sebastian suggesting song ideas, and listening to him talk and smile which was Thad's favourite thing to see, but he started to feel sick with the way Hunter was looking at Sebastian. His Sebastian even if he isn't officially his yet but in Thad's mind Sebastian was his.
Thad watched and day dreamed about Sebastian the whole Warbler practice even while Hunter got them to line up to take the steroid needle. As Thad went to line up because he had to have it if he wanted to perform, when he was pulled away from the group altogether. He was confused with what was happening. Thad looked at who pulled him away and it was Sebastian.
"Dude, what's going on, where are you taking me Smythe?" Sebastian just smiled and shrugged his shoulders and said
"Don't worry about it Harwood." Thad was a little frustrated and said
"Smythe, you know we have to take that otherwise we don't perform at Nationals. It's Clarington's ruling you know." Sebastian turned to face Thad as he dragged him to wherever Sebastian wanted to go with him and said
"I know that. But trust me." Thad rolled his eyes and said
"And not perform at Nationals with the group, yeah no thanks." Sebastian shook his head smirking
"You worry too much Harwood." Sebastian quickly decided that they would go to dance studio to be away from Hunter and the other Warblers.
When they reached the dance studio, Thad shrugged off Sebastian's hand no matter how much he liked Sebastian holding his arm, and he said
"Smythe why are we here, and not in the Warbler room. Clarington's going to kill us if we aren't there, especially you since you're his co captain and he can't take his eyes off you." Sebastian smirked as he looked at Thad and said
"like I care." Thad went to leave and spoke as he was turned to leave
"Well you should otherwise he will demote you, and you and I won't perform at Nationals, as it is Trent's not performing with us. I don't want that being us." Sebastian didn't want Thad to leave, truthfully Sebastian didn't want to see Thad putting those drugs in his beautiful body that Sebastian sees every night in the dorm since he knows Thad sleeps shirtless as they cuddle each other every night especially when it rains and there's thunder because Thad is scared of thunder and Sebastian's warm embrace helps Thad feel safe and content.
Sebastian took a few steps and took Thad's hand to stop him from leaving the dance studio, both boys blushed at the hand holding, and Sebastian quickly retreated his hand and said
"That's not what I meant when I said that." Thad still blushing said
"What did you mean?" Sebastian softly spoke
"I meant that I don't care that Clarington can't take his eyes off me and I don't care that I'm his co captain." Thad slowly turned to face his friend
"But you won't perform at Nationals, you know Clarington." Sebastian nervously shoved his hands in his trouser pockets and said
"I don't care about that." Thad was shocked. No-one loved the Warblers as much as Sebastian did and no-one cared about the Warblers as much as Sebastian did.
"But you care about the Warblers." Sebastian slowly shook his head and said
"Not as much as I care about you." Thad was speechless at what Sebastian said, and replayed Sebastian saying he cared about him over and over in his head. Sebastian continued
"You shouldn't be putting those drugs in your body Thad. Don't let Clarington hurt you like that. You have a beautiful and a beautiful physique don't let him destroy that, not when you have your beloved Lacrosse too. So what you won't perform at Nationals, but you would have saved yourself Harwood, saved yourself from the likes of Clarinigton." Thad's heart raced rapidly and he nervously asked
"Why do you care so much about me?" Sebastian stepped forward placed his hand on the shorter boy's face and said
"Because." Before Thad could say anything, Sebastian had leaned forward and placed his lips on his and kissed him. Thad was shocked that Sebastian, his crush was kissing him. Thad had kissed him back, and Sebastian had carefully walked them to the mirrors and trapped Thad between him and the mirror and continued kissing him passionately and full of love, pouring every emotion into the kiss. They pulled apart the kiss for oxygen, they were both breathing heavily and staring at each other.
Sebastian looked at Thad intently and full of love and said
"I love you. That's why I care so much about you Harwood, and why i don't care about nationals, co captaincy and Hunter staring at me. Because Hunter isn't you Thaddeus." All Thad could do was stand on his toes and kiss Sebastian on the lips, and when he pulled away he said
"I love you too Sebastian. Always have since the summer camp back in France." Sebastian chuckled softly, pecked Thad's lips and said
"Of course you remember how we first met, you adorable dork." Thad blushed bright red, and Sebastian then looked at Thad, gave him a sweet smile and said
"Be my boyfriend Harwood?" Thad smiled up at the taller boy and said
"Of course. And yes we can cuddle tonight as an official couple in my bed like we always do Sebastian." Sebastian pecked Thad's lips and said
"I wouldn't have it any other way babe."
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