Louis was three months pregnant when he started getting horrible morning sickness. He hadn't been showing many symptoms, though he was certainly pregnant, so it was a shock to wake up feeling like he was going to throw up all over himself.
He had just made it to the bathroom and Harry seemed to have heard because he was in the room two minutes later, rubbing Louis's back as he puked his guts out. Zayn came in a minute later with a glass of water and some food and Harry guided Louis was to the bed so that he could eat after cleaning up Louis's sweaty face and having him brush his teeth.
"It's natural," Zayn said with a soft smile after Louis apologized. "You're not near the need to apologize for being pregnant."
Oh, the irony.
"Yeah, sit down, Louis, and eat. You're perfectly fine. Your vitamins are on the table beside you, take one," Harry instructed and Louis immediately did as Harry said.
"Harry," Zayn beckoned, taking the man's hand. "Can I talk to you?"
Harry nodded and stepped out of the room and into the hall, closing Louis's door behind him. "What is it?"
"Maybe we shouldn't go to the shoot today. It would be better for us to take Louis to the doctor."
Anger flared in the man at the thought of Zayn taking Harry's Louis to the doctor to check on Harry's baby.
"No," Harry said, already coming up with an excuse. "Cher will be furious if you missed today. You know how she is about schedules. It's your shoot, I don't have anything to do. You go and I'll take Louis."
Zayn bit his lip, thinking over it. "I don't want you to feel obligated when I'm the one who let Louis in-"
"I don't feel obligated. Louis is basically our responsibility now and he needs help. I will be fine. You can make it up to me later. Don't worry your pretty little head, okay?" Harry said softly, pressing a kiss to Zayn's forehead. Zayn's eyelids fluttered and they closed, a small smile on his lips.
"Yeah? I'll make it up to you, I promise," Zayn said with a promising grin as he opened his eyes to meet Harry's. "I love you, Harry."
"I love you," Harry mumbled, pulling Zayn in for a hug. It was moments like these that he felt guilty. He did love Zayn, so much, but he couldn't help his desire for Louis.
Zayn grinned and placed a soft kiss to Harry's neck before they parted and Zayn stepped back into Louis's room while Harry went to schedule a doctor's appointment, calling one of the best pregnancy clinics around. Once it was confirmed, Harry went back to Louis's room to find Zayn gone and Louis stuffing his face with toast.
"You should slow down; don't need you choking," Harry teased and Louis looked up with a grin.
"We're going to the doctor together, Harry! I was so afraid that we couldn't attend any appointments together."
"Quiet down," Harry warned just in case. Act indifferent, not excited.
"Zayn left," Louis mumbled. "It's fine, Harry. We're alone."
Harry sighed, helping Louis from the bed and getting the lad dressed. They got ready for the appointment and headed out, Louis bouncing in his seat as he waited for his first official doctor's appointment.
Once they were in the waiting room, Louis tried to snuggle on Harry, but the older man quickly halted it. "Stop. No one can know that I'm the father, Louis, do you understand? I'm married. Act decent."
Louis sulked and didn't reply, looking out the window now. There were several pregnant men and women in the waiting room so Louis was happy when his name was immediately called. He stood and Harry followed, looming after the boy.
"I'm Doctor Harper," said a kind lady once the two lads entered the room. "You must be Louis," she said to the pregnant lad and he nodded. "Great! Take a seat, love. How far along are you?"
"Three months and two days," Louis replied. "Good. Let's check out a few things, see if the baby is healthy, and I'll give you your due date."
Louis nodded and Harry awkwardly sat down. "Mr. Styles, how odd to see you here. Where's your husband?"
Harry rolled his eyes. "My husband is at work. We took Louis in because he was homeless and pregnant. Zayn's rather fond of him but couldn't be here."
"You know one another?" Louis asked. He thought it was odd since this was a pregnancy Doctor.
"Yes," Doctor Harper said at the same time as Harry said, "Unfortunately."
Doctor Harper shot him a glare but he ignored it. The Doctor rolled her eyes and spread Louis's stomach with clear gel before she was waving the ultrasound wand over it.
"Ah, yes. There's a little baby right there. Very big for its age... seems to be doing fine." She turned on a small device and the baby's heartbeat filled the small room.
Louis gasped and his eyes swelled with tears. "Is that my baby?"
"It is. Such a. Strong heartbeat. Its doing very good, Mr. Tomlinson." She rolled to the computer and let Louis move the want along his own stomach, Harry watching carefully.
"Okay," Doctor Harper started, "I've sent out your prescription to the pharmacy around the block. Your expected date is October 1st."
Louis hummed and smiled softly. "Thank you, Doctor Harper."
"I'm printing off a list of good vitamins to take and also pictures of your baby. Your next appointment is May 15th, 8 a.m., but I'll write that all down on the vitamin list. Do you have any questions?"
"Are there any medicines for sickness?" Louis asked.
"Nothing to cure it but I've given you one that will calm it down. Also, you're so tiny, I'm going to need you to do some exercise to prepare yourself."
"I take yoga classes and do a little pregnancy exercises already," Louis says. "Thank you."
"You're on top of it, then," Doctor Harper says with a grin. "Good! I don't have any other notes, so let me go fetch these pictures."
She left the room and Louis grinned happily. "Wow. I'm going to be a Mummy! How wonderful."
Harry couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, you are."
"And you're gonna be-"
"A supportive friend," Harry said quickly. Louis didn't reply, just continued waving the wand over his stomach and looking at the screen. Harry bit his lip and sighed out afterwards.
Doctor Harper returned and gave Louis everything he needed. She gave Louis a towel to clean his stomach off and the lad stood and guided Harry out of the office.
They went and picked up everything they needed before they were back home. Zayn wasn't there yet but Harry wasn't going to risk anything while Zayn had an unknown return time.
Louis retreated to his room, trying not to cry as he did so. He didn't understand why Harry was so bipolar, always in a different mood about Louis and about the baby. He didn't get it. The cheating had been done so Harry might as well just make most of the time he had left with Zayn. Zayn would find out and divorce Harry.
And then Louis could have Harry all to himself, just like he deserved.
"How was your appointment?" Zayn asked as they sat at dinner that night. Louis but into his baked chicken, rather wishing it was fried, but Zayn and Harry ate rather healthy.
"It was good," Louis replied, biting his lip as he forked a pasta noodle on his fork from the pasta salad. "I'm pretty happy right now. Do you want to see the ultrasound pictures?"
"After dinner," Zayn said with a smile. "I'm sure they're beautiful pictures."
Louis giggled. "They are. My baby is going to be perfect."
Harry gimped down his chicken. Oh, what has he gotten into?
Hey OMG I know an upset.
Enjoy it please. I'm having a ton of problems right now so please bare with me. Updates should be on a regular now.
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