Zayn pushed back his hair as he fell onto his couch, exhausted from his day. He'd done so much and even got to have the orgasm he'd been searching for, now finally out of the shower.
He picked up his phone since he'd promised to call Harry before bed.
"Hello?" Harry answered on the third ring, voice sounded far away.
"Am I on speaker?" Zayn asked, flicking on the television with the remote.
"Yeah, m'eating. Are you out of the shower already?"
"Yeah, they're quick without you," Zayn mumbled, staring at his hand. He missed Harry so much. He felt so empty.
"I'm sorry," Harry spoke, and he sounded so guilty that Zayn's heart hurt.
"It's alright, baby, I don't mind. You'll only be gone for five more days and then you'll be back home with me," Zayn spoke to brighten both his and Harry's moods.
"Alright, Zaynie. Are you sleepy?" There was a ruffing sound on Harry's end as if the speaker was covered and then it was gone as Harry spoke again, "Because you sound knackered."
"I am," Zayn breathed out. "Just got another shoot booked for L.A. in July, though. You love California so I'm excited for us to go!"
"That's about five months away," Harry chuckled and Zayn smiled at the sound of Harry's laugh. "But I'm glad you booked it. We'll go early so we can spend a little extra time there."
Zayn hummed and laid down on the couch, eyes closing. "M'tired, Haz."
"Alright, baby, I love you. Goodnight."
Zayn mumbled a goodnight and fell asleep with a content smile on his lips.
Harry stepped into the living room of the hotel around three in the afternoon to see Louis humming as he ate from a plastic bowl, watching the television.
Harry had to admit he liked the sight. It seemed as if they were in an apartment together, Harry and Louis getting ready for work in the morning.
It wasn't that Harry wanted that- No, he was too far in love with Zayn, but he could just see it this way.
He coughed to clear his mind and it earned Louis's attention. The lad turned, blushing and smiling when he saw Harry.
"Can we go out? I want to tour your city," Harry said, stepping closer to Louis.
"Sure," Louis mumbled around a mouthful of food. (Harry thinks he saw cereal.)
"Good. How is your bum?" Harry asked because he always asked Zayn. Harry had been rough the night before, rougher than he'd ever been with his husband.
"Sore," Louis admitted, "But I love it."
"I bet," Harry said with a small smirk. "Where will you take me today?"
Louis shrugged, sitting on the couch and crossing his legs, which were covered in black leggings.
"I'm not sure. I'll have to run by my school's main office to pick up my schoolwork. I called in and told them I was sick. I'm hoping they didn't check my dorm."
"So, you live on campus?" Harry asked, sitting beside Louis and watching the television screen as well. It was Tom and Jerry.
"I do," Louis replied. "I share a room with an Irish lad, Niall Horan. He studies music. He's an amazing singer and not bad looking."
Harry hummed in acknowledgement, smiling over at Louis. "I'm glad you like who you're forced to love with... I had barely completed high school and no college."
Harry stopped there, not willing to explain his story since he wasn't going to be in a deep, genuine relationship with Louis, but it didn't matter if Harry confided in Louis considering they'd never speak or talk again after Harry left.
"So, when did you start modeling?"
"I was about fifteen. Zayn found me," Harry admitted. "We fell in love. I finished schooling with a private teacher. Zayn and I got married. And I still model now, living with Zayn in New York City."
"Are you not in love anymore?" Louis asked before sipping the spare milk from the bowl.
"I am," Harry assure him. "I got a little... Bored. But Zayn is my husband. Once I'm back in New York, I'll remain loyal. I never even planned on cheating, just on getting away."
"Does he love you?"
"He does. Zayn idolizes me. I think that's why I feel awful about this-"
"Please don't make me leave," Louis said suddenly. "Spend the rest of your trip with me, please."
"I will," Harry promised. "The damage is already done so it's not as if I can do much more to ruin my marriage."
"I'm just a fuck," Louis reminded him. "A way to release all of your stress while you're here."
"That's exactly right," Harry agreed.
"I just... If you're in love, why is this so easy for you? I thought love was special," Louis mumbled. "When I fall in love, I want it to be fireworks and butterflies. I don't think I'd feel the need to cheat if I'm so in love."
"It's not that I'm in love, exactly, Harry said quietly. "It's a complicated thing, Louis. You wouldn't understand. Can we please leave? We can do a little shopping."
"I haven't any spare money," Louis said, pushing back his feathery hair. "But I can show you some of the best stores in the downtown shopping mall! You'd look amazing in some of the shirts they have at Al's Warehouse! Oh, Harry, please, can we shopping for you?"
Harry chuckled, brushing his thumb across Louis's cheekbone. "I'd love to go shopping with you."
"What reason would I have to wear a tuxedo?" Harry asked, loosening the tie Louis had put on him. It was red with tiny white polka dots.
"The tux looks nice," Louis pouted. "You can wear it when you take me out to dinner tonight," he added with a cheeky smile.
"That's fine," Harry said, "But you're responsible for my dessert."
Louis smirked, adjusting the tuxedo jacket that Harry was wearing. "That should be of no problem."
"I didn't think it would come as one," Harry mumbled, leaning down to press a kiss to Louis's lips.
The woman in the front of the store coughed and Louis blushed, pulling away with a small laugh.
"So, will you get it?" Louis asked eagerly.
"Sure, but if I'm wearing a tux, you have to wear a nice dress and heels."
Louis shrugged his petite shoulders, already being shown off in an off-the-shoulder, long sleeved tee paired with the black leggings and a red flannel around his waist.
"Let's stop by my dorm as well, then, so I can grab-"
"Oh, no, we'll buy you a brand new one," Harry argued.
"I told you, I have no spare money-" Louis tried, but Harry cut him off again.
"I make plenty of money, Louis. Buying you a few items of clothing is no problem at all," Harry assured the younger boy.
Louis shrugged, embarrassed a bit that he couldn't even afford to buy an outfit for the night, but he's been paying college dues, his cell phone bill, and food for both himself and the vacuum cleaner that goes by Niall.
"I'd much rather just wear something I already own," Louis mumbled and Harry agreed so that they wouldn't fight. He bought the tux and carried all of his bags out to the car before they did more shopping.
Eventually, they left, and Louis gave directions to his university, where he showed Harry some of the campus after picking up his work. He then led Harry to his dorm and they snogged on the bed while the room was empty.
Thankfully, they were both fully clothed as Niall had opened the door moments later, letting out a yelp of surprise.
"Jesus, Lou, I didn't know you were going to bring home a lad- And in mid-day? Scandalous!" Niall said, hand on his heart.
Harry chuckled, shaking his head and holding out a hand, Louis still straddling is lap. "I'm Harry Styles, here on vacation. And you are?"
"Niall Horan, living here in order to become a famous musician. The music department here is brilliant," Niall said, smiling brightly at Harry, who was still smiling in a charming manor.
"You must have to get back to your girlfriend," Harry said as Niall pulled on a scarf.
Niall blushed scarlet, shaking his head as he added earmuffs. "Oh, no. No one here likes me like that. I'm only the center of attention when I play the guitar."
"And sing!" Louis added. "You're brilliant! Niall prefers to be alone in that way. He loves love, but doesn't want to be tangled in it."
"If only," Harry said, hand weaving through Louis's hair.
Niall let out a sudden gasp and moved forward, grabbing Harry's hand. "No fucking way! Married!? Louis!"
Harry awkwardly pulled his hand away as Louis hid his blushing face in Harry's neck.
"I can-" Harry started, but Niall tutted.
"It's none of my business. Exactly why I'm not in a relationship. No one is committed."
With that, Niall grabbed a guitar case from the corner of the room and left.
"Well..." Harry started, trying to find words. "He's a character."
"I told you," Louis giggled, pulling away and fiddling with Harry's wedding band before leaning in to kiss the man some more.
I love you guys
What do you think so far?
I'm nervous. I want this book to be brilliant but I'm scared that I can't do that.
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